0; } function quasiquote($ast) { if (!is_pair($ast)) { return new_list(new_symbol("quote"), $ast); } elseif (symbol_Q($ast[0]) && $ast[0]->value === 'unquote') { return $ast[1]; } elseif (is_pair($ast[0]) && symbol_Q($ast[0][0]) && $ast[0][0]->value === 'splice-unquote') { return new_list(new_symbol("concat"), $ast[0][1], quasiquote($ast->slice(1))); } else { return new_list(new_symbol("cons"), quasiquote($ast[0]), quasiquote($ast->slice(1))); } } function is_macro_call($ast, $env) { return is_pair($ast) && symbol_Q($ast[0]) && $env->find($ast[0]->value) && $env->get($ast[0]->value)->ismacro; } function macroexpand($ast, $env) { while (is_macro_call($ast, $env)) { $mac = $env->get($ast[0]->value); $args = array_slice($ast->getArrayCopy(),1); $ast = $mac->apply($args); } return $ast; } function eval_ast($ast, $env) { if (symbol_Q($ast)) { return $env->get($ast->value); } elseif (list_Q($ast) || vector_Q($ast)) { if (list_Q($ast)) { $el = new_list(); } else { $el = new_vector(); } foreach ($ast as $a) { $el[] = MAL_EVAL($a, $env); } return $el; } elseif (hash_map_Q($ast)) { $new_hm = new_hash_map(); foreach (array_keys($ast->getArrayCopy()) as $key) { $new_hm[$key] = MAL_EVAL($ast[$key], $env); } return $new_hm; } else { return $ast; } } function MAL_EVAL($ast, $env) { while (true) { #echo "MAL_EVAL: " . _pr_str($ast) . "\n"; if (!list_Q($ast)) { return eval_ast($ast, $env); } // apply list $ast = macroexpand($ast, $env); if (!list_Q($ast)) { return $ast; } $a0 = $ast[0]; $a0v = (symbol_Q($a0) ? $a0->value : $a0); switch ($a0v) { case "def!": $res = MAL_EVAL($ast[2], $env); return $env->set($ast[1]->value, $res); case "let*": $a1 = $ast[1]; $let_env = new Env($env); for ($i=0; $i < count($a1); $i+=2) { $let_env->set($a1[$i]->value, MAL_EVAL($a1[$i+1], $let_env)); } return MAL_EVAL($ast[2], $let_env); case "quote": return $ast[1]; case "quasiquote": return MAL_EVAL(quasiquote($ast[1]), $env); case "defmacro!": $func = MAL_EVAL($ast[2], $env); $func->ismacro = true; return $env->set($ast[1]->value, $func); case "macroexpand": return macroexpand($ast[1], $env); case "php*": return eval($ast[1]); case "try*": $a1 = $ast[1]; $a2 = $ast[2]; if ($a2[0]->value === "catch*") { try { return MAL_EVAL($a1, $env); } catch (Error $e) { $catch_env = new Env($env, array($a2[1]), array($e->obj)); return MAL_EVAL($a2[2], $catch_env); } catch (Exception $e) { $catch_env = new Env($env, array($a2[1]), array($e->getMessage())); return MAL_EVAL($a2[2], $catch_env); } } else { return MAL_EVAL($a1, $env); } case "do": eval_ast($ast->slice(1, -1), $env); $ast = $ast[count($ast)-1]; break; case "if": $cond = MAL_EVAL($ast[1], $env); if ($cond === NULL || $cond === false) { if (count($ast) === 4) { $ast = $ast[3]; } else { $ast = NULL; } } else { $ast = $ast[2]; } break; case "fn*": return new_function('MAL_EVAL', 'native', new_hash_map('exp', $ast[2], 'env', $env, 'params', $ast[1])); default: $el = eval_ast($ast, $env); $f = $el[0]; $args = array_slice($el->getArrayCopy(), 1); if ($f->type === 'native') { $ast = $f->meta['exp']; $env = new Env($f->meta['env'], $f->meta['params'], $args); } else { return $f->apply($args); } } } } // print function MAL_PRINT($exp) { return _pr_str($exp, True) . "\n"; } // repl $repl_env = new Env(NULL); function rep($str) { global $repl_env; return MAL_PRINT(MAL_EVAL(READ($str), $repl_env)); } function _ref($k, $v) { global $repl_env; $repl_env->set($k, new_function($v)); } // Import types functions foreach ($types_ns as $k=>$v) { _ref($k, $v); } _ref('readline', 'mal_readline'); _ref('read-string', 'read_str'); _ref('eval', function($ast) { global $repl_env; return MAL_EVAL($ast, $repl_env); }); _ref('slurp', function($f) { return file_get_contents($f); }); _ref('slurp-do', function($f) { return "(do " . file_get_contents($f) . ")"; }); // Defined using the language itself rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"); rep("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))"); rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (slurp-do f)))))"); if (count($argv) > 1) { for ($i=1; $i < count($argv); $i++) { rep('(load-file "' . $argv[$i] . '")'); } } else { do { try { $line = mal_readline("user> "); if ($line === NULL) { break; } if ($line !== "") { print(rep($line)); } } catch (BlankException $e) { continue; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n"; } } while (true); } ?>