require str.fs require types.fs \ === printer protocol and implementations === / def-protocol-method pr-buf ( readably? str-addr str-len this -- str-addr str-len ) def-protocol-method pr-seq-buf ( readably? str-addr str-len this -- str-addr str-len ) : pr-str { obj } true new-str obj pr-buf rot drop ; \ Examples of extending existing protocol methods to existing type MalDefault extend pr-buf { this } s" #<" str-append this mal-type @ type-name str-append a-space this int>str str-append s" >" str-append ;; drop MalNil extend pr-buf drop s" nil" str-append ;; drop MalTrue extend pr-buf drop s" true" str-append ;; drop MalFalse extend pr-buf drop s" false" str-append ;; drop MalList extend pr-buf -rot s" (" str-append ( list str-addr str-len ) rot pr-seq-buf s" )" str-append ;; extend pr-seq-buf { list } list MalList/count @ 0 > if list MalList/start @ { start } start @ pr-buf list MalList/count @ 1 ?do a-space start i cells + @ pr-buf loop endif ;; drop MalVector extend pr-buf MalVector/list @ -rot s" [" str-append ( list str-addr str-len ) rot pr-seq-buf s" ]" str-append ;; drop MalMap extend pr-buf MalMap/list @ -rot s" {" str-append ( list str-addr str-len ) rot { list } list MalList/count @ { count } count 0 > if list MalList/start @ { start } start @ pr-buf a-space start cell+ @ pr-buf count 2 / 1 ?do s" , " str-append start i 2 * cells + @ pr-buf a-space start i 2 * 1+ cells + @ pr-buf loop endif s" }" str-append ;; drop MalInt extend pr-buf MalInt/int @ int>str str-append ;; drop MalSymbol extend pr-buf unpack-sym str-append ;; drop MalKeyword extend pr-buf { kw } s" :" str-append kw unpack-keyword str-append ;; drop : escape-str { addr len } s\" \"" str-append addr len + addr ?do i c@ case [char] " of s\" \\\"" str-append endof [char] \ of s\" \\\\" str-append endof 10 of s\" \\n" str-append endof 13 of s\" \\r" str-append endof -rot i 1 str-append rot endcase loop s\" \"" str-append ; MalString extend pr-buf dup MalString/str-addr @ swap MalString/str-len @ 4 pick if escape-str else str-append endif ;; drop Atom extend pr-buf { this } s" (atom " str-append this Atom/val @ pr-buf s" )" str-append ;; drop