(module $core ;; it would be nice to have this in types.wam but it uses ;; ENV_NEW_BINDS which is not available until step3 but types is ;; used in step1 (func $APPLY (param $f i32) (param $args i32) (result i32) (local $res i32 $env i32 $ftype i32 $a i32) (local.set $f ($DEREF_META $f)) (local.set $ftype ($TYPE $f)) (if (i32.eq $ftype (global.get $FUNCTION_T)) (then ;; Must be kept in sync with EVAL's FUNCTION_T evaluation (if (i32.eq ($VAL0 $f) 0) ;; eval (then (local.set $res ($EVAL ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) (global.get $repl_env)))) (else (local.set $res (call_indirect (type $fnT) $args ($VAL0 $f)))))) (else (if (OR (i32.eq $ftype (global.get $MALFUNC_T)) (i32.eq $ftype (global.get $MACRO_T))) (then ;; create new environment using env and params stored in function (local.set $env ($ENV_NEW_BINDS ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $f) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $f) $args)) ;; claim the AST before releasing the list containing it (local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $f)) (drop ($INC_REF $a)) (local.set $res ($EVAL $a $env)) ($RELEASE $env) ($RELEASE $a)) (else ($THROW_STR_1 "APPLY of non-function type: %d\n" $ftype) (local.set $res 0))))) $res ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; core functions (type $fnT (func (param i32) (result i32))) (func $equal_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE ($EQUAL_Q ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))) (func $throw (param $args i32) (result i32) (global.set $error_type 2) (global.set $error_val ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) 0 ) (func $nil_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $NIL_T)))) (func $true_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $BOOLEAN_T)) (i32.eq ($VAL0 $ast) 1))) ) (func $false_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $BOOLEAN_T)) (i32.eq ($VAL0 $ast) 0))) ) (func $number_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $INTEGER_T)))) (func $string_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $mv ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $mv) (global.get $STRING_T)) (i32.ne (i32.load8_u ($to_String $mv)) (CHR "\x7f")))) ) (func $keyword (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $str ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (if (result i32) (i32.eq (i32.load8_u $str) (CHR "\x7f")) (then ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (else (drop ($sprintf_1 (global.get $printf_buf) "\x7f%s" $str)) ($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) (global.get $printf_buf)))) ) (func $keyword_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $STRING_T)) (i32.eq (i32.load8_u ($to_String $ast)) (CHR "\x7f")))) ) (func $fn_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $type ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) ($TRUE_FALSE (OR (i32.eq $type (global.get $FUNCTION_T)) (i32.eq $type (global.get $MALFUNC_T))))) (func $macro_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $MACRO_T)))) (func $symbol (param $args i32) (result i32) ($STRING (global.get $SYMBOL_T) ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (func $symbol_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $SYMBOL_T)))) (func $core_pr_str (param $args i32) (result i32) ($pr_str_seq $args 1 " ")) (func $str (param $args i32) (result i32) ($pr_str_seq $args 0 "")) (func $prn (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $res ($pr_str_seq $args 1 " ")) ($printf_1 "%s\n" ($to_String $res)) ($RELEASE $res) ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)) ) (func $println (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $res ($pr_str_seq $args 0 " ")) ($printf_1 "%s\n" ($to_String $res)) ($RELEASE $res) ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)) ) (func $core_readline (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $line (STATIC_ARRAY 201) $mv 0) (if (i32.eqz ($readline ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) $line)) (return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)))) (local.set $mv ($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) $line)) $mv ) (func $read_string (param $args i32) (result i32) ($read_str ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (func $slurp (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $mv ($STRING_INIT (global.get $STRING_T)) $size ($read_file ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($to_String $mv))) (if (i32.eqz $size) (then ($THROW_STR_1 "failed to read file '%s'" ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))))) (local.set $mv ($STRING_FINALIZE $mv $size)) $mv ) (func $lt (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.lt_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $lte (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.le_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $gt (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.gt_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $gte (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.ge_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $add (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.add ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $subtract (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.sub ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $multiply (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.mul ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $divide (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER (i32.div_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))) (func $time_ms (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER ($get_time_ms))) ;;; (func $list (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INC_REF $args)) (func $list_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (global.get $LIST_T)))) (func $vector (param $args i32) (result i32) ($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $VECTOR_T) $args)) (func $vector_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (global.get $VECTOR_T)))) (func $hash_map (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $type (global.get $HASHMAP_T) $res ($MAP_LOOP_START $type) $val2 0 $val3 0 $c 0 ;; push MAP_LOOP stack $ret $res $current $res $empty $res) ;; READ_SEQ_LOOP (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $args))) (local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (local.set $val3 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))) ;; skip two (local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) ;; update the return sequence structure ;; MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE $type $empty $current $val2 $val3)) (if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)) ;; if first element, set return to new element (local.set $ret $res)) ;; update current to point to new element (local.set $current $res) (br $loop) ) ) ;; MAP_LOOP_DONE $ret ) (func $hash_map_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (global.get $HASHMAP_T)))) (func $assoc (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $key 0) (local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) (drop ($INC_REF $hm)) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (OR (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $args)) (i32.eqz ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))) (local.set $hm ($ASSOC1 $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))) (local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) (br $loop) ) ) $hm ) (func $get (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $key ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) (if (result i32) (i32.eq $hm (global.get $NIL)) (then ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))) (else ($INC_REF (i32.wrap_i64 ($HASHMAP_GET $hm $key))))) ) (func $contains_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $key ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) ($TRUE_FALSE (if (result i32) (i32.eq $hm (global.get $NIL)) (then 0) (else (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.shr_u ($HASHMAP_GET $hm $key) (i64.const 32)))))) ) (func $keys_or_vals (param $hm i32 $keys i32) (result i32) (LET $res ($MAP_LOOP_START (global.get $LIST_T)) $val2 0 ;; MAP_LOOP stack $ret $res $current $res $empty $res) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $hm))) (if $keys (then (local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $hm)))) (else (local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $hm))))) ;; next element (local.set $hm ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $hm)) ;; update the return sequence structure ;; do not release val2 since we are pulling it from the ;; arguments and not creating it here ;; MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (global.get $LIST_T) $empty $current $val2 0)) (if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)) ;; if first element, set return to new element (local.set $ret $res)) ;; update current to point to new element (local.set $current $res) (br $loop) ) ) ;; MAP_LOOP_DONE $ret ) (func $keys (param $args i32) (result i32) ($keys_or_vals ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) 1)) (func $vals (param $args i32) (result i32) ($keys_or_vals ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) 0)) (func $sequential_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (OR (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $LIST_T)) (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $VECTOR_T))))) (func $cons (param $args i32) (result i32) ($LIST ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (func $concat (param $args i32) (result i32) (local $last_sl i64) (LET $res ($INC_REF (global.get $EMPTY_LIST)) $current $res $sl 0 $last 0 $arg 0) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (i32.le_u $args (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))) (local.set $arg ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) ;; skip empty elements (if (i32.le_s $arg (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)) (then (local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) (br $loop))) (local.set $last_sl ($SLICE $arg 0 -1)) (local.set $sl (i32.wrap_i64 $last_sl)) (local.set $last (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.shr_u $last_sl (i64.const 32)))) (if (i32.eq $res (global.get $EMPTY_LIST)) (then ;; if this is the first element, set the return to the slice (local.set $res $sl)) (else ;; otherwise attach current to sliced (i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $current) ($IDX $sl)))) ;; update current to end of sliced list (local.set $current $last) ;; release empty since no longer part of the slice ($RELEASE (global.get $EMPTY_LIST)) (local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) (br $loop) ) ) $res ) (func $vec (param $args i32) (result i32) ($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $VECTOR_T) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))) (func $nth (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $idx ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) $i 0) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (OR (i32.ge_s $i $idx) (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $a)))) (local.set $i (i32.add $i 1)) (local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a)) (br $loop) ) ) (if (i32.eq ($VAL0 $a) 0) (then ($THROW_STR_0 "nth: index out of range") (return 0))) ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $a)) ) (func $first (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $res (global.get $NIL) $a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (if (AND (i32.ne $a (global.get $NIL)) (i32.ne ($VAL0 $a) 0)) (local.set $res ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $a))) ($INC_REF $res) ) (func $rest (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (if (i32.eq $a (global.get $NIL)) (return ($INC_REF (global.get $EMPTY_LIST)))) (if (i32.ne ($VAL0 $a) 0) (local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a))) ($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $LIST_T) $a) ) ;;; (func $empty_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE ($EMPTY_Q ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (func $count (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INTEGER ($COUNT ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (func $apply (param $args i32) (result i32) (local $last_sl i64) (LET $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $f_args 0 $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args) $rest_count ($COUNT $rest_args) $last 0 $res 0) (if (i32.le_s $rest_count 1) (then ;; no intermediate args (if (i32.ne ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args)) (global.get $LIST_T)) (then ;; not a list, so convert it first (local.set $f_args ($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $LIST_T) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args)))) (else ;; inc ref since we will release after APPLY (local.set $f_args ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args)))))) (else ;; 1 or more intermediate args (local.set $last_sl ($SLICE $rest_args 0 (i32.sub $rest_count 1))) (local.set $f_args (i32.wrap_i64 $last_sl)) (local.set $last (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.shr_u $last_sl (i64.const 32)))) ;; release the terminator of the new list (we skip over it) ;; we already checked for an empty list above, so $last is ;; a real non-empty list ($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $last)) ;; attach end of slice to final args element (i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $last) ($IDX ($LAST $rest_args))) )) (local.set $res ($APPLY $f $f_args)) ;; release new args ($RELEASE $f_args) $res ) (func $map (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $rest_args ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) $f_args 0 $res ($MAP_LOOP_START (global.get $LIST_T)) ;; push MAP_LOOP stack $ret $res $current $res $empty $res) (block $done (loop $loop (br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $rest_args))) ;; create argument list for apply (local.set $f_args ($ALLOC (global.get $LIST_T) (global.get $EMPTY_LIST) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args) 0)) (local.set $res ($APPLY $f $f_args)) ($RELEASE $f_args) ;; go to the next element (local.set $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $rest_args)) (if (global.get $error_type) (then ;; if error, release the unattached element ($RELEASE $res) (br $done))) ;; update the return sequence structure ;; MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (global.get $LIST_T) $empty $current $res 0)) (if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)) ;; if first element, set return to new element (local.set $ret $res)) ;; update current to point to new element (local.set $current $res) (br $loop) ) ) ;; MAP_LOOP_DONE $ret ) ;;; (func $with_meta (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $mv ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $meta ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) ;; remove existing metadata first ($ALLOC (global.get $METADATA_T) ($DEREF_META $mv) $meta 0) ) (func $meta (param $args i32) (result i32) (if (result i32) (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $METADATA_T)) (then ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (else ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))))) (func $atom (param $args i32) (result i32) ($ALLOC_SCALAR (global.get $ATOM_T) ($VAL1 $args))) (func $atom_Q (param $args i32) (result i32) ($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $ATOM_T)))) (func $deref (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))) (func $_reset_BANG (param $atom i32 $val i32) (result i32) ;; release current value since we are about to overwrite it ($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $atom)) ;; inc ref by 2 for atom ownership and since we are returning it (drop ($INC_REF ($INC_REF $val))) ;; update the value (i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $atom) ($IDX $val)) $val ) (func $reset_BANG (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $atom ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $val ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))) ($_reset_BANG $atom $val) ) (func $swap_BANG (param $args i32) (result i32) (LET $atom ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) $f_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args) $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $f_args) ;; add atom value to front of the args list $s_args ($LIST $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $atom)) ;; cons $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $f_args) $res ($APPLY $f $s_args)) ;; release args ($RELEASE $s_args) ;; use reset to update the value (drop ($_reset_BANG $atom $res)) ;; but decrease the ref cnt of return by 1 (not sure why) ($RELEASE $res) $res ) ;;; (func $pr_memory_summary (param $args i32) (result i32) ($PR_MEMORY_SUMMARY_SMALL) ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)) ) (func $nop (param $args i32) (result i32) ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))) (table funcref (elem $nop ;; placeholder for eval which will use 0 $equal_Q $throw $nil_Q $true_Q $false_Q $number_Q $string_Q $symbol $symbol_Q $keyword $keyword_Q $fn_Q $macro_Q ;; 14 $core_pr_str $str $prn $println $core_readline $read_string $slurp $lt $lte $gt $gte $add $subtract $multiply $divide $time_ms ;; 30 $list $list_Q $vector $vector_Q $hash_map $hash_map_Q $assoc $nop ;; $dissoc $get $contains_Q $keys $vals ;; 42 $sequential_Q $cons $concat $nth $first $rest $empty_Q $count $apply $map $nop ;; $conj $nop ;; $seq ;; 54 $with_meta $meta $atom $atom_Q $deref $reset_BANG $swap_BANG $pr_memory_summary $vec ) ) (func $add_core_ns (param $env i32) ;;(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "eval" ($FUNCTION 0))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "=" ($FUNCTION 1))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "throw" ($FUNCTION 2))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "nil?" ($FUNCTION 3))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "true?" ($FUNCTION 4))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "false?" ($FUNCTION 5))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "number?" ($FUNCTION 6))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "string?" ($FUNCTION 7))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "symbol" ($FUNCTION 8))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "symbol?" ($FUNCTION 9))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keyword" ($FUNCTION 10))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keyword?" ($FUNCTION 11))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "fn?" ($FUNCTION 12))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "macro?" ($FUNCTION 13))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "pr-str" ($FUNCTION 14))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "str" ($FUNCTION 15))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "prn" ($FUNCTION 16))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "println" ($FUNCTION 17))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "readline" ($FUNCTION 18))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "read-string" ($FUNCTION 19))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "slurp" ($FUNCTION 20))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "<" ($FUNCTION 21))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "<=" ($FUNCTION 22))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env ">" ($FUNCTION 23))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env ">=" ($FUNCTION 24))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "+" ($FUNCTION 25))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "-" ($FUNCTION 26))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "*" ($FUNCTION 27))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "/" ($FUNCTION 28))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "time-ms" ($FUNCTION 29))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "list" ($FUNCTION 30))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "list?" ($FUNCTION 31))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vector" ($FUNCTION 32))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vector?" ($FUNCTION 33))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "hash-map" ($FUNCTION 34))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "map?" ($FUNCTION 35))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "assoc" ($FUNCTION 36))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "dissoc" ($FUNCTION 37))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "get" ($FUNCTION 38))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "contains?" ($FUNCTION 39))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keys" ($FUNCTION 40))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vals" ($FUNCTION 41))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "sequential?" ($FUNCTION 42))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "cons" ($FUNCTION 43))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "concat" ($FUNCTION 44))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "nth" ($FUNCTION 45))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "first" ($FUNCTION 46))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "rest" ($FUNCTION 47))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "empty?" ($FUNCTION 48))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "count" ($FUNCTION 49))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "apply" ($FUNCTION 50))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "map" ($FUNCTION 51))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "conj" ($FUNCTION 52))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "seq" ($FUNCTION 53))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "with-meta" ($FUNCTION 54))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "meta" ($FUNCTION 55))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "atom" ($FUNCTION 56))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "atom?" ($FUNCTION 57))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "deref" ($FUNCTION 58))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "reset!" ($FUNCTION 59))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "swap!" ($FUNCTION 60))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "pr-memory-summary" ($FUNCTION 61))) (drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vec" ($FUNCTION 62))) ) )