All: - Finish - test that *ARGV* gets set properly - test to make sure slurp captures final newline - Give runtest knowledge of optional tests and report as non-fatal - regular expression matching in runtest - add re (use in rep) everywhere and use that (to avoid printing) - per impl tests for step5_tco, or at least a better way of enabling/disabling/tweaking per implementation - fix stepA failures: lua matlab miniMAL perl racket Other ideas for All: - propagate/print errors when self-hosted - redefine (defmacro!) as (def! (macro*)) - Fix/implement interop in more implementations - metadata on symbols (as per Clojure) - metadata as a map only. ^ merges metadata in the reader itself. Line numbers in metadata from reader. - protocols! - - - namespaces - environments first class: *ENV*, *outer* defined by env-new - namespaces is *namespaces* map in environment which maps namespace names to other environments. - def! become an alias for (env-set! *ENV* 'sym value) - Namespace lookup: go up the environment hierarchy until a *namespaces* map is found with the namespace name being looked up. Then the symbol would be looked up starting in the namespace environment. Need protocols first probably. - Fix quasiquoting of vectors - multi-line REPL read - loop/recur ? - gensym reader inside quasiquote --------------------------------------------- Bash: - explore using ${!prefix*} syntax (more like make impl) - GC C: - come up with better way to do 20 vararg code - GC: use - fix mal/clojurewest2014.mal C#: - fix command line arg processing (doesn't run file specified) - accumulates line breaks with mal/clojurewest2014.mal - step9_interop: Clojure: - make indent consistent across steps (e.g. step5, step8) - fix mal/clojurewest2014.mal CoffeeScript: - make target to compile to JS - fix "user> " prompt with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Go: - consider variable arguments in places where it makes sense Haskell: - TCO using seq/bang patterns: - immediately exits mal/clojurewest2014.mal Java: - Use gradle instead of mvn - MAL formatting is a bit off with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Javascript: - interop: adopt techniques from miniMAL - fix "user> " prompt with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Lua: - time-ms should get actual milliseconds Make: - allow '_' in make variable names - hash-map with space in key string - Fix: make -f ../mal/step6_file.mal (slurp "../tests/incA.mal") (read-string "(+ 2 3)") - errors should propagate up from within load-file - GC: expore using "undefined" directive in Make 3.82 Mal: - line numbers in errors - step5_tco miniMAL: - figure out why {} literals are "static"/persistent Perl: - fix metadata on native functions - implement conj PHP: - formatting messed up with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Postscript: - add negative numbers - fix blank line after comments - fix command line arg processing (doesn't run file specified) - formatting messed up with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Python: - error: python ../python/ ../mal/stepA_mal.mal ../mal/stepA_mal.mal - interop tests R: - tracebacks in errors - fix running from different directory - formatting messed up with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Racket - metadata on collections Ruby: Rust: - use built-in regex once fixed: - fix 'make all' invocation of cargo build - formatting messed up with mal/clojurewest2014.mal Scala - readline - fix exception when finished running something on command line VB.Net - convert readline.cs to readline.vb