# Step 1 - What if I don't have an OOP language? - types.qx could be more promently mentioned... - A table with all types and suggested object names would be hugely useful - Same for a list of all errors and their messages - Mention return types and argument types consistently - More on int/float and their grammar (int is mentioned implicitly in the ASCII art, nothing on signs or bases or their lack of) - Note that a string must be parsed for the `print_readably` thing to work and mention how one could do that (like, by using a `read` or `eval`-like thing or alternatively, chopping off the surrounding quotes and doing the inverse transformation of the printing) - How is an atom printed? # Step 2 - What if my language doesn't support lambdas, let alone passing around named functions? Ideally write something about implementing/using functors/delegates or replacing that namespace with a big switch as with VHDL. Another problem is that if you choose a different solution in step 4, step 2 could end up no longer functional... - What kind of error (read: what message?) is raised when no value can be looked up for the symbol? Is it arbitrary? Do I need to extend my error handling to allow for format strings? - It would be worth a mention that you should extend the printer to handle "native" functions (or in oldtimey terms, subrs) # Step 3 - You should modify both eval_ast *and* EVAL - Suggest the trick with destructuring the AST into `a0`, `a1`, etc. variables for easier access. Perhaps this can be used to clear up the general language used with AST manipulation (like, first parameter and second list element)? - What does def! return? Emacs Lisp for instance returns the symbol whereas the tests suggest the value should be returned instead... # Step 4 - "Implement the strings functions" - The "no closures" paragraph isn't quite clear. Asides from that, do native functions don't really need to be wrapped the same way as the `fn*` objects, just introduce another type (like, a Subr and a Func type) and do a check before applying the arguments to it - Why does the guide say that the first argument of `count` can be treated as list, yet there's a test performing `(count nil)` and expecting zero as result? - Does it make sense to compare, say, atoms in `=`? # Step 5 - "This is especially important in Lisp languages because they tend to prefer using recursion instead of iteration for control structures." <- I'd argue it's less of a lisp thing (see everything else related to CL) and more a thing functional programming proponents have considered more elegant than introducing iteration constructs (see haskell, ocaml, erlang) - It's not really clear that the TCO change for `let*` involves the form you'd normally pass to `EVAL` to become the new `ast`. I had to reread this a few more times to understand that the "second `ast`" is actually its third argument... - Where did the check for `do` not being broken by TCO go? - What's the deal with the `quux/tests/step5_tco.qx` file? # Step 6 - "The closure calls the your EVAL function […]." - I still don't have any closures. How the heck do I implement `eval`? What about `swap!`? - It would be useful to mention that `swap!` sort of requires implementing `apply` first... # Step 7 - Why the scare quotes for splicing? - "Before implementing the quoting forms, you will need to implement some supporting functions in the core namespace:" should be one list item - "this function takes a list as its second parameter and returns a new list that has the first argument prepended to it." reads backwards - The quasiquote paragraph is hard to read - It's rather confusing to refer to the argument of `ast` and to an `ast` parameter, perhaps name the latter a form? - What could also help would be a visualization of the four conditionals: - \`42, \`() - \`~foo - \`(~@foo) and more - \`(42 ~@foo) and everything else - Mal/mal is inconsistently capitalized - "Expand the conditional with reader `read_form` function to add the following four cases" is again weird, better refer to the `read_form` function in reader.qx - "concat should support concatenation of lists, vectors, or a mix or both." <- "or a mix or both" is redundant # Step 8 - "In the previous step, quoting enabled some simple manipulation [of] data structures" - The macroexpand function step refers to call/apply, it's unclear how to proceed if you don't have such a thing - How should the exception for invalid `nth` access look like? Also, why is it an exception and not an error like with the reader? - How can `first` take a list (or vector), but work on `nil`? - The description of `rest` is inconsistent with the tests - "In the main program, use the rep function to define two new control structures macros." - Why does the definition of `cond` use `throw` although it's only introduced in the next chapter? # Step 9 - It's not really clear that you really just have a `try*` special form, with `catch*` merely existing inside it... - Another thing to clarify is that the exception value is a string containing the message you'd see (unless you're using `throw`) - Generally, it would be better to explain the general exception handling mechanism (with some examples), then showing how one implements it for both languages with and without exceptions - Another way than using a global variable is introducing an error type next to the other MAL types and checking whether something a function returned is one, although the hint about returning one at each use of `EVAL` still stands... - Shouldn't either trick be mentioned at the beginning, simply because you'll need it in a language without exceptions to do error handling? - Why this bizarre treatment for `keyword`? Why is there no test for it? - Is there a test for whether hash maps deduplicate identical keys when using `hash-map` or `assoc`? - What exactly are keys the specification for `dissoc`, `get` and `contains?` are speaking of? Can I assume these are either strings or keywords? - Why is it not documented that `get` may take `nil` instead of a map? - Perhaps it's worth adding more tests involving symbols to ensure that functions using apply internally don't evaluate their args?