require types.fs require printer.fs \ Drop a char off the front of string by advancing the addr and \ decrementing the length, and fetch next char : adv-str ( str-addr str-len -- str-addr str-len char ) swap 1+ swap 1- dup 0= if 0 ( eof ) else over c@ endif ; : mal-digit? ( char -- flag ) dup [char] 9 <= if [char] 0 >= else drop 0 endif ; : char-in-str? ( char str-addr str-len ) rot { needle } false -rot over + swap ?do i c@ needle = if drop true leave endif loop ; : sym-char? ( char -- flag ) s\" \n\r\t\000[]{}()'\"`,; " char-in-str? 0= ; : skip-spaces ( str-addr str-len char -- str-addr str-len non-space-char ) begin begin dup s\" \n\r\t, " char-in-str? while ( str-addr str-len space-char ) drop adv-str repeat dup [char] ; = if drop begin adv-str s\" \n\r\000" char-in-str? until adv-str false else true endif until ; defer read-form ( str-addr str-len -- str-addr str-len mal-obj ) : read-int ( str-addr str-len digit-char -- str-addr str-len non-digit-char mal-int ) 0 { int } 0 { neg } dup [char] - = if drop adv-str 1 to neg endif begin ( str-addr str-len digit-char ) [char] 0 - int 10 * + to int ( str-addr str-len ) adv-str dup mal-digit? 0= ( str-addr str-len digit-char ) until neg if 0 int - to int endif int MalInt. ; : read-symbol-str ( str-addr str-len sym-char -- str-addr str-len char sym-addr sym-len ) new-str { sym-addr sym-len } begin ( str-addr str-len sym-char ) sym-addr sym-len rot str-append-char to sym-len to sym-addr adv-str dup sym-char? 0= until sym-addr sym-len ; : read-string-literal ( in-addr in-len quote-char -- in-addr in-len mal-string ) new-str { out-addr out-len } drop \ drop leading quote begin ( in-addr in-len ) adv-str over 0= if 2drop 0 0 s\" expected '\"', got EOF" ...throw-str endif dup [char] " <> while dup [char] \ = if drop adv-str dup [char] n = if drop 10 endif dup [char] r = if drop 13 endif endif out-addr out-len rot str-append-char to out-len to out-addr repeat drop adv-str \ skip trailing quote out-addr out-len MalString. ; : read-list ( str-addr str-len open-paren-char close-paren-char -- str-addr str-len non-paren-char mal-list ) here { close-char old-here } drop adv-str begin ( str-addr str-len char ) skip-spaces ( str-addr str-len non-space-char ) over 0= if drop 2drop 0 0 s" ', got EOF" close-char pad ! pad 1 s" expected '" ...throw-str endif dup close-char <> while ( str-addr str-len non-space-non-paren-char ) read-form , repeat drop adv-str old-here here>MalList ; s" deref" MalSymbol. constant deref-sym s" quote" MalSymbol. constant quote-sym s" quasiquote" MalSymbol. constant quasiquote-sym s" splice-unquote" MalSymbol. constant splice-unquote-sym s" unquote" MalSymbol. constant unquote-sym : read-wrapped ( buf-addr buf-len quote-char sym-addr sym-len -- buf-addr buf-len char mal-list ) here { old-here } , ( buf-addr buf-len char ) read-form , ( buf-addr buf-len char ) old-here here>MalList ; : read-form2 ( str-addr str-len char -- str-addr str-len char mal-obj ) skip-spaces dup [char] - = 3 pick 1 + c@ mal-digit? and if read-int else dup mal-digit? if read-int else dup [char] ( = if [char] ) read-list else dup [char] [ = if [char] ] read-list MalVector new tuck MalVector/list ! else dup [char] { = if [char] } read-list MalMap new tuck MalMap/list ! else dup [char] " = if read-string-literal else dup [char] : = if drop adv-str read-symbol-str MalKeyword. else dup [char] @ = if drop adv-str deref-sym read-wrapped else dup [char] ' = if drop adv-str quote-sym read-wrapped else dup [char] ` = if drop adv-str quasiquote-sym read-wrapped else dup [char] ~ = if drop adv-str dup [char] @ = if drop adv-str splice-unquote-sym read-wrapped else unquote-sym read-wrapped endif else dup [char] ^ = if drop adv-str read-form { meta } read-form { obj } meta mal-nil conj obj swap conj s" with-meta" MalSymbol. swap conj else read-symbol-str 2dup s" true" str= if 2drop mal-true else 2dup s" false" str= if 2drop mal-false else 2dup s" nil" str= if 2drop mal-nil else MalSymbol. endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif ; ' read-form2 is read-form : read-str ( str-addr str-len - mal-obj ) over c@ read-form { obj } drop 2drop obj ;