;; Testing cons function (cons 1 (list)) ;=>(1) (cons 1 (list 2)) ;=>(1 2) (cons 1 (list 2 3)) ;=>(1 2 3) (cons (list 1) (list 2 3)) ;=>((1) 2 3) ;; Testing concat function (concat) ;=>() (concat (list 1 2)) ;=>(1 2) (concat (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) ;=>(1 2 3 4) (concat (list 1 2) (list 3 4) (list 5 6)) ;=>(1 2 3 4 5 6) (concat (concat)) ;=>() ;; Testing regular quote (quote 7) ;=>7 '7 ;=>7 (quote (1 2 3)) ;=>(1 2 3) '(1 2 3) ;=>(1 2 3) (quote (1 2 (3 4))) ;=>(1 2 (3 4)) '(1 2 (3 4)) ;=>(1 2 (3 4)) ;; Testing simple quasiquote (quasiquote 7) ;=>7 `7 ;=>7 (quasiquote (1 2 3)) ;=>(1 2 3) `(1 2 3) ;=>(1 2 3) (quasiquote (1 2 (3 4))) ;=>(1 2 (3 4)) `(1 2 (3 4)) ;=>(1 2 (3 4)) ;; Testing unquote `~7 ;=>7 (def! a 8) ;=>8 `a ;=>a `~a ;=>8 `(1 a 3) ;=>(1 a 3) `(1 ~a 3) ;=>(1 8 3) (def! b '(1 "b" "d")) ;=>(1 "b" "d") `(1 b 3) ;=>(1 b 3) `(1 ~b 3) ;=>(1 (1 "b" "d") 3) ;; Testing splice-unquote (def! c '(1 "b" "d")) ;=>(1 "b" "d") `(1 c 3) ;=>(1 c 3) `(1 ~@c 3) ;=>(1 1 "b" "d" 3) ;; Testing symbol equality (= 'abc 'abc) ;=>true (= 'abc 'abcd) ;=>false (= 'abc "abc") ;=>false (= "abc" 'abc) ;=>false ;;;;; Test quine ;;; TODO: needs expect line length fix ;;;((fn* [q] (quasiquote ((unquote q) (quote (unquote q))))) (quote (fn* [q] (quasiquote ((unquote q) (quote (unquote q))))))) ;;;=>((fn* [q] (quasiquote ((unquote q) (quote (unquote q))))) (quote (fn* [q] (quasiquote ((unquote q) (quote (unquote q))))))) ;; ;; -------- Optional Functionality -------- ;; Testing cons, concat, first, rest with vectors (cons [1] [2 3]) ;=>([1] 2 3) (cons 1 [2 3]) ;=>(1 2 3) (concat [1 2] (list 3 4) [5 6]) ;=>(1 2 3 4 5 6) ;; Testing unquote with vectors (def! a 8) ;=>8 `[1 a 3] ;=>(1 a 3) ;;; TODO: fix this ;;;;=>[1 a 3] ;; Testing splice-unquote with vectors (def! c '(1 "b" "d")) ;=>(1 "b" "d") `[1 ~@c 3] ;=>(1 1 "b" "d" 3) ;;; TODO: fix this ;;;;=>[1 1 "b" "d" 3]