import Compat; import types.Types.MalType; import types.Types.*; import types.MalException; import reader.*; import printer.*; import env.*; import core.*; class Step6_file { // READ static function READ(str:String):MalType { return Reader.read_str(str); } // EVAL static function eval_ast(ast:MalType, env:Env) { return switch (ast) { case MalSymbol(s): env.get(ast); case MalList(l): MalList( { return EVAL(x, env); })); case MalVector(l): MalVector( { return EVAL(x, env); })); case MalHashMap(m): var new_map = new Map(); for (k in m.keys()) { new_map[k] = EVAL(m[k], env); } MalHashMap(new_map); case _: ast; } } static function EVAL(ast:MalType, env:Env):MalType { while (true) { if (!list_Q(ast)) { return eval_ast(ast, env); } // apply var alst = _list(ast); if (alst.length == 0) { return ast; } switch (alst[0]) { case MalSymbol("def!"): return env.set(alst[1], EVAL(alst[2], env)); case MalSymbol("let*"): var let_env = new Env(env); switch (alst[1]) { case MalList(l) | MalVector(l): for (i in 0...l.length) { if ((i%2) > 0) { continue; } let_env.set(l[i], EVAL(l[i+1], let_env)); } case _: throw "Invalid let*"; } ast = alst[2]; env = let_env; continue; // TCO case MalSymbol("do"): var el = eval_ast(MalList(alst.slice(1, alst.length-1)), env); ast = last(ast); continue; // TCO case MalSymbol("if"): var cond = EVAL(alst[1], env); if (cond != MalFalse && cond != MalNil) { ast = alst[2]; } else if (alst.length > 3) { ast = alst[3]; } else { return MalNil; } continue; // TCO case MalSymbol("fn*"): return MalFunc(function (args) { return EVAL(alst[2], new Env(env, _list(alst[1]), args)); },alst[2],env,alst[1],false,nil); case _: var el = eval_ast(ast, env); var lst = _list(el); switch (first(el)) { case MalFunc(f,a,e,params,_,_): var args = _list(el).slice(1); if (a != null) { ast = a; env = new Env(e, _list(params), args); continue; // TCO } else { return f(args); } case _: throw "Call of non-function"; } } } } // PRINT static function PRINT(exp:MalType):String { return Printer.pr_str(exp, true); } // repl static var repl_env = new Env(null); static function rep(line:String):String { return PRINT(EVAL(READ(line), repl_env)); } public static function main() { // core.EXT: defined using Haxe for (k in Core.ns.keys()) { repl_env.set(MalSymbol(k), MalFunc(Core.ns[k],null,null,null,false,nil)); } var evalfn = MalFunc(function(args) { return EVAL(args[0], repl_env); },null,null,null,false,nil); repl_env.set(MalSymbol("eval"), evalfn); var cmdargs = Compat.cmdline_args(); var argarray = { return MalString(a); }); repl_env.set(MalSymbol("*ARGV*"), MalList(argarray.slice(1))); // core.mal: defined using the language itself rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"); if (cmdargs.length > 0) { rep('(load-file "${cmdargs[0]}")'); Compat.exit(0); } while (true) { try { var line = Compat.readline("user> "); if (line == "") { continue; } Compat.println(rep(line)); } catch (exc:BlankLine) { continue; } catch ( { Compat.exit(0); } catch (exc:Dynamic) { if (Type.getClass(exc) == MalException) { Compat.println("Error: " + Printer.pr_str(exc.obj, true)); } else { Compat.println("Error: " + exc); }; } } } }