GOTO MAIN REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: '' REM READ(A$) -> R MAL_READ: GOSUB READ_STR RETURN REM EVAL_AST(A, E) -> R SUB EVAL_AST REM push A and E on the stack X=X+2:X%(X-1)=E:X%(X)=A IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_RETURN GOSUB DEREF_A T=Z%(A,0)AND 31 IF T=5 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_SYMBOL IF T>=6 AND T<=8 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_SEQ REM scalar: deref to actual value and inc ref cnt R=A:GOSUB DEREF_R Z%(R,0)=Z%(R,0)+32 GOTO EVAL_AST_RETURN EVAL_AST_SYMBOL: K=A:GOTO ENV_GET ENV_GET_RETURN: GOTO EVAL_AST_RETURN EVAL_AST_SEQ: REM allocate the first entry (T already set above) L=0:N=0:GOSUB ALLOC REM make space on the stack X=X+4 REM push type of sequence X%(X-3)=T REM push sequence index X%(X-2)=-1 REM push future return value (new sequence) X%(X-1)=R REM push previous new sequence entry X%(X)=R EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP: REM update index X%(X-2)=X%(X-2)+1 REM check if we are done evaluating the source sequence IF Z%(A,1)=0 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP_DONE REM if we are returning to DO, then skip last element IF X%(X-6)=2 AND Z%(Z%(A,1),1)=0 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP_DONE REM if hashmap, skip eval of even entries (keys) IF (X%(X-3)=8) AND ((X%(X-2)AND 1)=0) THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_DO_REF GOTO EVAL_AST_DO_EVAL EVAL_AST_DO_REF: R=A+1:GOSUB DEREF_R: REM deref to target of referred entry Z%(R,0)=Z%(R,0)+32: REM inc ref cnt of referred value GOTO EVAL_AST_ADD_VALUE EVAL_AST_DO_EVAL: REM call EVAL for each entry A=A+1:CALL EVAL A=A-1 GOSUB DEREF_R: REM deref to target of evaluated entry EVAL_AST_ADD_VALUE: REM update previous value pointer to evaluated entry Z%(X%(X)+1,1)=R IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP_DONE REM allocate the next entry REM same new sequence entry type T=X%(X-3):L=0:N=0:GOSUB ALLOC REM update previous sequence entry value to point to new entry Z%(X%(X),1)=R REM update previous ptr to current entry X%(X)=R REM process the next sequence entry from source list A=Z%(A,1) GOTO EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP EVAL_AST_SEQ_LOOP_DONE: REM if no error, get return value (new seq) IF ER=-2 THEN R=X%(X-1) REM otherwise, free the return value and return nil IF ER<>-2 THEN R=0:AY=X%(X-1):GOSUB RELEASE REM pop previous, return, index and type X=X-4 GOTO EVAL_AST_RETURN EVAL_AST_RETURN: REM pop A and E off the stack E=X%(X-1):A=X%(X):X=X-2 END SUB REM EVAL(A, E) -> R SUB EVAL LV=LV+1: REM track basic return stack level REM push A and E on the stack X=X+2:X%(X-1)=E:X%(X)=A REM PRINT "EVAL A:"+STR$(A)+",X:"+STR$(X)+",LV:"+STR$(LV)+",FRE:"+STR$(FRE(0)) EVAL_TCO_RECUR: IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_RETURN REM AZ=A:B=1:GOSUB PR_STR REM PRINT "EVAL: "+R$+" [A:"+STR$(A)+", LV:"+STR$(LV)+"]" GOSUB DEREF_A GOSUB LIST_Q IF R THEN GOTO APPLY_LIST REM ELSE CALL EVAL_AST GOTO EVAL_RETURN APPLY_LIST: GOSUB EMPTY_Q IF R THEN R=A:Z%(R,0)=Z%(R,0)+32:GOTO EVAL_RETURN A0=A+1 R=A0:GOSUB DEREF_R:A0=R REM get symbol in A$ IF (Z%(A0,0)AND 31)<>5 THEN A$="" IF (Z%(A0,0)AND 31)=5 THEN A$=S$(Z%(A0,1)) IF A$="def!" THEN GOTO EVAL_DEF IF A$="let*" THEN GOTO EVAL_LET IF A$="do" THEN GOTO EVAL_DO IF A$="if" THEN GOTO EVAL_IF IF A$="fn*" THEN GOTO EVAL_FN GOTO EVAL_INVOKE EVAL_GET_A3: A3=Z%(Z%(Z%(A,1),1),1)+1 R=A3:GOSUB DEREF_R:A3=R EVAL_GET_A2: A2=Z%(Z%(A,1),1)+1 R=A2:GOSUB DEREF_R:A2=R EVAL_GET_A1: A1=Z%(A,1)+1 R=A1:GOSUB DEREF_R:A1=R RETURN EVAL_DEF: REM PRINT "def!" GOSUB EVAL_GET_A2: REM set A1 and A2 X=X+1:X%(X)=A1: REM push A1 A=A2:CALL EVAL: REM eval a2 A1=X%(X):X=X-1: REM pop A1 IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_RETURN REM set a1 in env to a2 K=A1:C=R:GOSUB ENV_SET GOTO EVAL_RETURN EVAL_LET: REM PRINT "let*" GOSUB EVAL_GET_A2: REM set A1 and A2 X=X+1:X%(X)=A2: REM push/save A2 X=X+1:X%(X)=E: REM push env for for later release REM create new environment with outer as current environment C=E:GOSUB ENV_NEW E=R EVAL_LET_LOOP: IF Z%(A1,1)=0 THEN GOTO EVAL_LET_LOOP_DONE X=X+1:X%(X)=A1: REM push A1 REM eval current A1 odd element A=Z%(A1,1)+1:CALL EVAL A1=X%(X):X=X-1: REM pop A1 IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_LET_LOOP_DONE REM set environment: even A1 key to odd A1 eval'd above K=A1+1:C=R:GOSUB ENV_SET AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE: REM release our use, ENV_SET took ownership REM skip to the next pair of A1 elements A1=Z%(Z%(A1,1),1) GOTO EVAL_LET_LOOP EVAL_LET_LOOP_DONE: E4=X%(X):X=X-1: REM pop previous env REM release previous environment if not the current EVAL env IF E4<>X%(X-2) THEN AY=E4:GOSUB RELEASE A2=X%(X):X=X-1: REM pop A2 A=A2:GOTO EVAL_TCO_RECUR: REM TCO loop EVAL_DO: A=Z%(A,1): REM rest X=X+1:X%(X)=A: REM push/save A CALL EVAL_AST REM cleanup AY=R: REM get eval'd list for release A=X%(X):X=X-1: REM pop/restore original A for LAST GOSUB LAST: REM get last element for return A=R: REM new recur AST REM cleanup GOSUB RELEASE: REM release eval'd list AY=A:GOSUB RELEASE: REM release LAST value (not sure why) GOTO EVAL_TCO_RECUR: REM TCO loop EVAL_IF: GOSUB EVAL_GET_A1: REM set A1 REM push A X=X+1:X%(X)=A A=A1:CALL EVAL REM pop A A=X%(X):X=X-1 IF (R=0) OR (R=1) THEN GOTO EVAL_IF_FALSE EVAL_IF_TRUE: AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE GOSUB EVAL_GET_A2: REM set A1 and A2 after EVAL A=A2:GOTO EVAL_TCO_RECUR: REM TCO loop EVAL_IF_FALSE: AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE REM if no false case (A3), return nil B=A:GOSUB COUNT IF R<4 THEN R=0:GOTO EVAL_RETURN GOSUB EVAL_GET_A3: REM set A1 - A3 after EVAL A=A3:GOTO EVAL_TCO_RECUR: REM TCO loop EVAL_FN: GOSUB EVAL_GET_A2: REM set A1 and A2 A=A2:B=A1:GOSUB MAL_FUNCTION GOTO EVAL_RETURN EVAL_INVOKE: CALL EVAL_AST REM if error, return f/args for release by caller IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO EVAL_RETURN REM push f/args for release after call X=X+1:X%(X)=R F=R+1 AR=Z%(R,1): REM rest R=F:GOSUB DEREF_R:F=R REM if metadata, get the actual object IF (Z%(F,0)AND 31)>=16 THEN F=Z%(F,1) IF (Z%(F,0)AND 31)=9 THEN GOTO EVAL_DO_FUNCTION IF (Z%(F,0)AND 31)=10 THEN GOTO EVAL_DO_MAL_FUNCTION REM if error, pop and return f/args for release by caller R=X%(X):X=X-1 ER=-1:E$="apply of non-function":GOTO EVAL_RETURN EVAL_DO_FUNCTION: REM regular function IF Z%(F,1)<60 THEN GOSUB DO_FUNCTION:GOTO EVAL_DO_FUNCTION_SKIP REM for recur functions (apply, map, swap!), use GOTO IF Z%(F,1)>60 THEN CALL DO_TCO_FUNCTION EVAL_DO_FUNCTION_SKIP: REM pop and release f/args AY=X%(X):X=X-1:GOSUB RELEASE GOTO EVAL_RETURN EVAL_DO_MAL_FUNCTION: E4=E: REM save the current environment for release REM create new environ using env stored with function C=Z%(F+1,1):A=Z%(F+1,0):B=AR:GOSUB ENV_NEW_BINDS REM release previous env if it is not the top one on the REM stack (X%(X-2)) because our new env refers to it and REM we no longer need to track it (since we are TCO recurring) IF E4<>X%(X-2) THEN AY=E4:GOSUB RELEASE REM claim the AST before releasing the list containing it A=Z%(F,1):Z%(A,0)=Z%(A,0)+32 REM add AST to pending release queue to free as soon as EVAL REM actually returns (LV+1) Y=Y+1:Y%(Y,0)=A:Y%(Y,1)=LV+1 REM pop and release f/args AY=X%(X):X=X-1:GOSUB RELEASE REM A set above E=R:GOTO EVAL_TCO_RECUR: REM TCO loop EVAL_RETURN: REM AZ=R: B=1: GOSUB PR_STR REM PRINT "EVAL_RETURN R: ["+R$+"] ("+STR$(R)+"), LV:"+STR$(LV)+",ER:"+STR$(ER) REM release environment if not the top one on the stack IF E<>X%(X-1) THEN AY=E:GOSUB RELEASE LV=LV-1: REM track basic return stack level REM release everything we couldn't release earlier GOSUB RELEASE_PEND REM trigger GC #cbm T=FRE(0) #qbasic T=0 REM pop A and E off the stack E=X%(X-1):A=X%(X):X=X-2 END SUB REM PRINT(A) -> R$ MAL_PRINT: AZ=A:B=1:GOSUB PR_STR RETURN REM RE(A$) -> R REM Assume D has repl_env REM caller must release result RE: R1=0 GOSUB MAL_READ R1=R IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO RE_DONE A=R:E=D:CALL EVAL RE_DONE: REM Release memory from MAL_READ IF R1<>0 THEN AY=R1:GOSUB RELEASE RETURN: REM caller must release result of EVAL REM REP(A$) -> R$ REM Assume D has repl_env SUB REP R1=0:R2=0 GOSUB MAL_READ R1=R IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO REP_DONE A=R:E=D:CALL EVAL R2=R IF ER<>-2 THEN GOTO REP_DONE A=R:GOSUB MAL_PRINT RT$=R$ REP_DONE: REM Release memory from MAL_READ and EVAL IF R2<>0 THEN AY=R2:GOSUB RELEASE IF R1<>0 THEN AY=R1:GOSUB RELEASE R$=RT$ END SUB REM MAIN program MAIN: GOSUB INIT_MEMORY LV=0 REM create repl_env C=-1:GOSUB ENV_NEW:D=R REM core.EXT: defined in Basic E=D:GOSUB INIT_CORE_NS: REM set core functions in repl_env ZT=ZI: REM top of memory after base repl_env REM core.mal: defined using the language itself A$="(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" GOSUB RE:AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE A$="(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-file f))))" GOSUB RE:AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE REM load the args file A$="(def! -*ARGS*- (load-file "+CHR$(34)+".args.mal"+CHR$(34)+"))" GOSUB RE:AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE REM set the argument list A$="(def! *ARGV* (rest -*ARGS*-))" GOSUB RE:AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE REM get the first argument A$="(first -*ARGS*-)" GOSUB RE REM if there is an argument, then run it as a program IF R<>0 THEN AY=R:GOSUB RELEASE:GOTO RUN_PROG REM no arguments, start REPL loop IF R=0 THEN GOTO REPL_LOOP RUN_PROG: REM run a single mal program and exit A$="(load-file (first -*ARGS*-))" GOSUB RE IF ER<>-2 THEN GOSUB PRINT_ERROR GOTO QUIT REPL_LOOP: A$="user> ":GOSUB READLINE: REM call input parser IF EZ=1 THEN GOTO QUIT A$=R$:CALL REP: REM call REP IF ER<>-2 THEN GOSUB PRINT_ERROR:GOTO REPL_LOOP PRINT R$ GOTO REPL_LOOP QUIT: REM GOSUB PR_MEMORY_SUMMARY END PRINT_ERROR: PRINT "Error: "+E$ ER=-2:E$="" RETURN