Global Unique: Z% : boxed memory values Z1 : Z% size Z2 : S$ size Z3 : stack start address (cbm) or X% size (qbasic) Z4 : release stack start address (cbm) or Y% size (qbasic) ZI : start of unused memory (index into Z%) ZK : start of free list (index into Z%) ZT : top of memory after repl env allocations S$ : string memory storage S : next free index in S$ X% : logic/call stack (Z% indexes) X : top element of X% stack Y% : pending release stack [index into Z%, eval level] Y : top element of Y% stack D : root repl environment BT : begin time (TI) ER : error type (-2: none, -1: string, >=0: object) E$ : error string (ER=-1) EZ : READLINE EOF return, READ_FILE EOF temp LV : EVAL stack call level/depth RI : reader current string position RJ : READ_TOKEN current character index Calling arguments/temporaries: A : common call argument (especially EVAL, EVAL_AST) A$ : common call argument (READLINE, reader, string temp, key value) B : common call argument B$ : STRING arg (HASHMAP_GET temp), PR_STR_SEQ separator : INIT_CORE_SET_FUNCTION, ENV_SET_S, ASSOC1_S C : common call argument, DO_TCO_FUNCTION temp in DO_APPLY E : environment (EVAL, EVAL_AST) F : function H : hash map K : hash map key (Z% index) L : ALLOC* Z%(R,1) default M : ALLOC* Z%(R+1,0) default N : ALLOC* Z%(R+1,1) default R : common return value R$ : common string return value T : type arg, common temp Q : PUSH*, POP*, PEEK* return value (and PEEK_Q_Q call arg) AR : APPLY, DO_*_FUNCTION arg list AY : RELEASE/FREE arg AZ : PR_STR arg P1 : PR_MEMORY*, PR_OBJECT, CHECK_FREE_LIST start P2 : PR_MEMORY*, PR_OBJECT, CHECK_FREE_LIST end P3 : PR_OBJECT, PR_MEMORY_VALUE R1 : REP, RE - MAL_READ result temp R2 : REP, RE - EVAL result temp R3 : HASHMAP_GET, DO_HASH_MAP, DO_KEYS_VALS temp and return value R4 : ENV_FIND temp and return value R6 : SLICE return value (last element) SZ : size argument to ALLOC S1$ : REPLACE needle S2$ : REPLACE replacement Other temporaries: A0 : EVAL ast elements A1 : EVAL ast elements, DO_FUNCTION temp A2 : EVAL ast elements, DO_FUNCTION temp A3 : EVAL ast elements B1 : DO_FUNCTION temp CZ : DO_CONCAT stack position ED : EQUAL_Q recursion depth counter RD : PR_OBJECT recursion depth SD : READ_STR sequence read recursion depth C$ : READ_TOKEN, SKIP_SPACES, SKIP_TO_EOL current character D$ : READ_TOKEN/READ_FILE_CHAR temp G : function value ON GOTO switch flag, EVAL_AST changed flag I : STRING, REPLACE, SLICE, PR_MEMORY, PR_OBJECT, PR_MEMORY_VALUE J : REPLACE, PR_MEMORY_VALUE U : ALLOC, RELEASE, PR_STR temp V : RELEASE, PR_STR_SEQ temp W : SLICE, LAST, QUASIQUOTE, DO_HASH_MAP, DO_KEYS_VALS, step2-3 EVAL temp P : PR_MEMORY_SUMMARY_SMALL RC : RELEASE remaining number of elements to release RF : reader reading from file flag S1 : READ_TOKEN in a string? S2 : READ_TOKEN escaped? T$ : READ_* current token string T1 : EQUAL_Q, PR_STR, DO_KEYS_VALS temp T2 : EQUAL_Q, DO_KEY_VALS, HASH_MAP_GET T3$ : REPLACE temp Unused: O Counting number of times each variable is assigned: sed 's/:/\n /g' | grep "[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*[%$]*=" | sed 's/.*[^A-Z]\([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*[%$]*\)=.*/\1/g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n