module main; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import env; import mal_core; import readline; import reader; import printer; import types; MalType READ(string str) { return read_str(str); } MalType eval_ast(MalType ast, Env env) { if (typeid(ast) == typeid(MalSymbol)) { auto sym = verify_cast!MalSymbol(ast); return env.get(sym); } else if (typeid(ast) == typeid(MalList)) { auto lst = verify_cast!MalList(ast); auto el = array(!(e => EVAL(e, env))); return new MalList(el); } else if (typeid(ast) == typeid(MalVector)) { auto lst = verify_cast!MalVector(ast); auto el = array(!(e => EVAL(e, env))); return new MalVector(el); } else if (typeid(ast) == typeid(MalHashmap)) { auto hm = verify_cast!MalHashmap(ast); typeof( new_data; foreach (string k, MalType v; { new_data[k] = EVAL(v, env); } return new MalHashmap(new_data); } else { return ast; } } MalType EVAL(MalType ast, Env env) { for (;;) { MalList ast_list = cast(MalList) ast; if (ast_list is null) { return eval_ast(ast, env); } auto aste = ast_list.elements; if (aste.length == 0) { return ast; } auto a0_sym = cast(MalSymbol) aste[0]; auto sym_name = a0_sym is null ? "" :; switch (sym_name) { case "def!": auto a1 = verify_cast!MalSymbol(aste[1]); return env.set(a1, EVAL(aste[2], env)); case "let*": auto a1 = verify_cast!MalSequential(aste[1]); auto let_env = new Env(env); foreach (kv; chunks(a1.elements, 2)) { if (kv.length < 2) throw new Exception("let* requires even number of elements"); auto var_name = verify_cast!MalSymbol(kv[0]); let_env.set(var_name, EVAL(kv[1], let_env)); } ast = aste[2]; env = let_env; continue; // TCO case "do": auto all_but_last = new MalList(aste[1..$-1]); eval_ast(all_but_last, env); ast = aste[$-1]; continue; // TCO case "if": auto cond = EVAL(aste[1], env); if (cond.is_truthy()) { ast = aste[2]; continue; // TCO } else if (aste.length > 3) { ast = aste[3]; continue; // TCO } else { return mal_nil; } case "fn*": auto args_list = verify_cast!MalSequential(aste[1]); return new MalFunc(args_list.elements, aste[2], env); default: auto el = verify_cast!MalList(eval_ast(ast, env)); if (el.elements.length == 0) { throw new Exception("Expected a non-empty list"); } auto first = el.elements[0]; auto rest = el.elements[1..$]; if (typeid(first) == typeid(MalFunc)) { auto funcobj = verify_cast!MalFunc(first); auto callenv = new Env(funcobj.def_env, funcobj.arg_names, rest); ast = funcobj.func_body; env = callenv; continue; // TCO } else if (typeid(first) == typeid(MalBuiltinFunc)) { auto builtinfuncobj = verify_cast!MalBuiltinFunc(first); return builtinfuncobj.fn(rest); } else { throw new Exception("Expected a function"); } } } } string PRINT(MalType ast) { return pr_str(ast); } MalType re(string str, Env env) { return EVAL(READ(str), env); } string rep(string str, Env env) { return PRINT(re(str, env)); } void main() { auto repl_env = new Env(null); foreach (string sym_name, BuiltinStaticFuncType f; core_ns) { repl_env.set(new MalSymbol(sym_name), new MalBuiltinFunc(f, sym_name)); } // core.mal: defined using the language itself re("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env); for (;;) { string line = _readline("user> "); if (line is null) break; if (line.length == 0) continue; try { writeln(rep(line, repl_env)); } catch (Exception e) { writeln("Error: ", e.msg); } } writeln(""); }