with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Core; with Envs; with Eval_Callback; with Printer; with Reader; with Smart_Pointers; with Types; procedure Step9_Try is use Types; function Eval (AParam : Types.Mal_Handle; AnEnv : Envs.Env_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle; Debug : Boolean := False; function Read (Param : String) return Types.Mal_Handle is begin return Reader.Read_Str (Param); end Read; function Def_Fn (Args : List_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is Name, Fn_Body, Res : Mal_Handle; begin Name := Car (Args); pragma Assert (Deref (Name).Sym_Type = Sym, "Def_Fn: expected atom as name"); Fn_Body := Nth (Args, 1); Res := Eval (Fn_Body, Env); Envs.Set (Env, Deref_Sym (Name).Get_Sym, Res); return Res; end Def_Fn; function Def_Macro (Args : List_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is Name, Fn_Body, Res : Mal_Handle; Lambda_P : Lambda_Ptr; begin Name := Car (Args); pragma Assert (Deref (Name).Sym_Type = Sym, "Def_Macro: expected atom as name"); Fn_Body := Car (Deref_List (Cdr (Args)).all); Res := Eval (Fn_Body, Env); Lambda_P := Deref_Lambda (Res); Lambda_P.Set_Is_Macro (True); Envs.Set (Env, Deref_Sym (Name).Get_Sym, Res); return Res; end Def_Macro; function Macro_Expand (Ast : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is Res : Mal_Handle; E : Envs.Env_Handle; LMT : List_Mal_Type; LP : Lambda_Ptr; begin Res := Ast; E := Env; loop if Deref (Res).Sym_Type /= List then exit; end if; LMT := Deref_List (Res).all; -- Get the macro in the list from the env -- or return null if not applicable. LP := Get_Macro (Res, E); exit when LP = null or else not LP.Get_Is_Macro; declare Fn_List : Mal_Handle := Cdr (LMT); Params : List_Mal_Type; begin E := Envs.New_Env (E); Params := Deref_List (LP.Get_Params).all; if Envs.Bind (E, Params, Deref_List (Fn_List).all) then Res := Eval (LP.Get_Expr, E); end if; end; end loop; return Res; end Macro_Expand; function Eval_As_Boolean (MH : Mal_Handle) return Boolean is Res : Boolean; begin case Deref (MH).Sym_Type is when Bool => Res := Deref_Bool (MH).Get_Bool; when Nil => return False; -- when List => -- declare -- L : List_Mal_Type; -- begin -- L := Deref_List (MH).all; -- Res := not Is_Null (L); -- end; when others => -- Everything else Res := True; end case; return Res; end Eval_As_Boolean; function Eval_Ast (Ast : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is function Call_Eval (A : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is begin return Eval (A, Env); end Call_Eval; begin case Deref (Ast).Sym_Type is when Sym => declare Sym : Mal_String := Deref_Sym (Ast).Get_Sym; begin -- if keyword, return it. Otherwise look it up in the environment. if Sym(1) = ':' then return Ast; else return Envs.Get (Env, Sym); end if; exception when Envs.Not_Found => raise Envs.Not_Found with ("'" & Sym & "' not found"); end; when List => return Map (Call_Eval'Unrestricted_Access, Deref_List_Class (Ast).all); when others => return Ast; end case; end Eval_Ast; function Quasi_Quote_Processing (Param : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is Res, First_Elem, FE_0 : Mal_Handle; L : List_Ptr; D_Ptr, Ast_P : List_Class_Ptr; begin if Debug then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QuasiQt " & Deref (Param).To_String); end if; -- Create a New List for the result... Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List); L := Deref_List (Res); -- This is the equivalent of Is_Pair if Deref (Param).Sym_Type /= List or else Is_Null (Deref_List_Class (Param).all) then -- return a new list containing: a symbol named "quote" and ast. L.Append (New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("quote")); L.Append (Param); return Res; end if; -- Ast is a non-empty list at this point. Ast_P := Deref_List_Class (Param); First_Elem := Car (Ast_P.all); -- if the first element of ast is a symbol named "unquote": if Deref (First_Elem).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Elem).Get_Sym = "unquote" then -- return the second element of ast.` D_Ptr := Deref_List_Class (Cdr (Ast_P.all)); return Car (D_Ptr.all); end if; -- if the first element of first element of `ast` (`ast[0][0]`) -- is a symbol named "splice-unquote" if Deref (First_Elem).Sym_Type = List and then not Is_Null (Deref_List_Class (First_Elem).all) then D_Ptr := Deref_List_Class (First_Elem); FE_0 := Car (D_Ptr.all); if Deref (FE_0).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (FE_0).Get_Sym = "splice-unquote" then -- return a new list containing: a symbol named "concat", L.Append (New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("concat")); -- the second element of first element of ast (ast[0][1]), D_Ptr := Deref_List_Class (Cdr (D_Ptr.all)); L.Append (Car (D_Ptr.all)); -- and the result of calling quasiquote with -- the second through last element of ast. L.Append (Quasi_Quote_Processing (Cdr (Ast_P.all))); return Res; end if; end if; -- otherwise: return a new list containing: a symbol named "cons", L.Append (New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("cons")); -- the result of calling quasiquote on first element of ast (ast[0]), L.Append (Quasi_Quote_Processing (Car (Ast_P.all))); -- and result of calling quasiquote with the second through last element of ast. L.Append (Quasi_Quote_Processing (Cdr (Ast_P.all))); return Res; end Quasi_Quote_Processing; function Catch_Processing (Try_Line : Mal_Handle; ExStr : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is L, CL, CL2, CL3 : List_Mal_Type; C : Mal_Handle; New_Env : Envs.Env_Handle; begin L := Deref_List (Try_Line).all; C := Car (L); -- CL is the list with the catch in. CL := Deref_List (C).all; CL2 := Deref_List (Cdr (CL)).all; New_Env := Envs.New_Env (Env); Envs.Set (New_Env, Deref_Sym (Car (CL2)).Get_Sym, ExStr); CL3 := Deref_List (Cdr (CL2)).all; return Eval (Car (CL3), New_Env); end Catch_Processing; function Eval (AParam : Mal_Handle; AnEnv : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle is Param : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle; First_Param, Rest_Params : Mal_Handle; Rest_List, Param_List : List_Mal_Type; begin Param := AParam; Env := AnEnv; <> if Debug then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Evaling " & Deref (Param).To_String); end if; Param := Macro_Expand (Param, Env); if Debug then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("After expansion " & Deref (Param).To_String); end if; if Deref (Param).Sym_Type = List and then Deref_List (Param).Get_List_Type = List_List then Param_List := Deref_List (Param).all; -- Deal with empty list.. if Param_List.Length = 0 then return Param; end if; First_Param := Car (Param_List); Rest_Params := Cdr (Param_List); Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Params).all; if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "def!" then return Def_Fn (Rest_List, Env); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "defmacro!" then return Def_Macro (Rest_List, Env); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "macroexpand" then return Macro_Expand (Car (Rest_List), Env); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "let*" then declare Defs, Expr, Res : Mal_Handle; E : Envs.Env_Handle; begin E := Envs.New_Env (Env); Defs := Car (Rest_List); Deref_List_Class (Defs).Add_Defs (E); Expr := Car (Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all); Param := Expr; Env := E; goto Tail_Call_Opt; -- was: -- Res := Eval (Expr, E); -- return Res; end; elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "do" then declare D : List_Mal_Type; E : Mal_Handle; begin if Debug then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Do-ing " & To_String (Rest_List)); end if; if Is_Null (Rest_List) then return Rest_Params; end if; -- Loop processes Evals all but last entry D := Rest_List; loop E := Car (D); D := Deref_List (Cdr (D)).all; exit when Is_Null (D); E := Eval (E, Env); end loop; Param := E; goto Tail_Call_Opt; end; elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "if" then declare Args : List_Mal_Type := Rest_List; Cond, True_Part, False_Part : Mal_Handle; Cond_Bool : Boolean; pragma Assert (Length (Args) = 2 or Length (Args) = 3, "If_Processing: not 2 or 3 parameters"); L : List_Mal_Type; begin Cond := Eval (Car (Args), Env); Cond_Bool := Eval_As_Boolean (Cond); if Cond_Bool then L := Deref_List (Cdr (Args)).all; Param := Car (L); goto Tail_Call_Opt; -- was: return Eval (Car (L), Env); else if Length (Args) = 3 then L := Deref_List (Cdr (Args)).all; L := Deref_List (Cdr (L)).all; Param := Car (L); goto Tail_Call_Opt; -- was: return Eval (Car (L), Env); else return New_Nil_Mal_Type; end if; end if; end; elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "fn*" then return New_Lambda_Mal_Type (Params => Car (Rest_List), Expr => Nth (Rest_List, 1), Env => Env); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "quote" then return Car (Rest_List); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "quasiquote" then Param := Quasi_Quote_Processing (Car (Rest_List)); goto Tail_Call_Opt; elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Sym and then Deref_Sym (First_Param).Get_Sym = "try*" then declare Res : Mal_Handle; begin return Eval (Car (Rest_List), Env); exception when Mal_Exception => Res := Catch_Processing (Cdr (Rest_List), Types.Mal_Exception_Value, Env); Types.Mal_Exception_Value := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer; return Res; when E : others => return Catch_Processing (Cdr (Rest_List), New_String_Mal_Type (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message (E)), Env); end; else -- The APPLY section. declare Evaled_H : Mal_Handle; begin Evaled_H := Eval_Ast (Param, Env); Param_List := Deref_List (Evaled_H).all; First_Param := Car (Param_List); Rest_Params := Cdr (Param_List); Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Params).all; if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Func then return Call_Func (Deref_Func (First_Param).all, Rest_Params); elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Lambda then declare L : Lambda_Mal_Type; E : Envs.Env_Handle; Param_Names : List_Mal_Type; Res : Mal_Handle; begin L := Deref_Lambda (First_Param).all; E := Envs.New_Env (L.Get_Env); Param_Names := Deref_List (L.Get_Params).all; if Envs.Bind (E, Param_Names, Deref_List (Rest_Params).all) then Param := L.Get_Expr; Env := E; goto Tail_Call_Opt; -- was: return Eval (L.Get_Expr, E); else raise Mal_Exception with "Bind failed in Apply"; end if; end; else -- neither a Lambda or a Func raise Mal_Exception; end if; end; end if; else -- not a List_List return Eval_Ast (Param, Env); end if; end Eval; function Print (Param : Types.Mal_Handle) return String is begin return Printer.Pr_Str (Param); end Print; function Rep (Param : String; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return String is AST, Evaluated_AST : Types.Mal_Handle; begin AST := Read (Param); if Types.Is_Null (AST) then return ""; else Evaluated_AST := Eval (AST, Env); return Print (Evaluated_AST); end if; end Rep; Repl_Env : Envs.Env_Handle; -- These two ops use Repl_Env directly. procedure RE (Str : Mal_String) is Discarded : Mal_Handle; begin Discarded := Eval (Read (Str), Repl_Env); end RE; function Do_Eval (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle is First_Param : Mal_Handle; Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type; begin Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all; First_Param := Car (Rest_List); return Eval_Callback.Eval.all (First_Param, Repl_Env); end Do_Eval; S : String (1..Reader.Max_Line_Len); Last : Natural; Cmd_Args, File_Param : Natural; Command_Args : Types.Mal_Handle; Command_List : Types.List_Ptr; File_Processed : Boolean := False; begin -- Save a function pointer back to the Eval function. -- Can't use 'Access here because of Ada rules but 'Unrestricted_Access is OK -- as we know Eval will be in scope for the lifetime of the program. Eval_Callback.Eval := Eval'Unrestricted_Access; Repl_Env := Envs.New_Env; -- Core init also creates the first environment. -- This is needed for the def!'s below. Core.Init (Repl_Env); -- Register the eval command. This needs to be done here rather than Core.Init -- as it requires direct access to Repl_Env. Envs.Set (Repl_Env, "eval", New_Func_Mal_Type ("eval", Do_Eval'Unrestricted_Access)); RE ("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); RE ("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str ""(do "" (slurp f) "")"")))))"); RE ("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw ""odd number of forms to cond"")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"); RE ("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))"); Cmd_Args := 0; Command_Args := Types.New_List_Mal_Type (Types.List_List); Command_List := Types.Deref_List (Command_Args); while Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > Cmd_Args loop Cmd_Args := Cmd_Args + 1; if Ada.Command_Line.Argument (Cmd_Args) = "-d" then Debug := True; elsif Ada.Command_Line.Argument (Cmd_Args) = "-e" then Envs.Debug := True; elsif not File_Processed then File_Param := Cmd_Args; File_Processed := True; else Command_List.Append (Types.New_String_Mal_Type (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (Cmd_Args))); end if; end loop; Envs.Set (Repl_Env, "*ARGV*", Command_Args); if File_Processed then RE ("(load-file """ & Ada.Command_Line.Argument (File_Param) & """)"); else loop begin Ada.Text_IO.Put ("user> "); Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (S, Last); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Rep (S (1..Last), Repl_Env)); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => raise; when E : others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Text_IO.Standard_Error, Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); end; end loop; end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => null; -- i.e. exit without textual output end Step9_Try;