import { readline } from "./node_readline"; import { Node, MalType, MalString, MalNil, MalList, MalVector, MalHashMap, MalSymbol, MalFunction, isAST, isSeq } from "./types"; import { Env } from "./env"; import * as core from "./core"; import { readStr } from "./reader"; import { prStr } from "./printer"; // READ function read(str: string): MalType { return readStr(str); } function starts_with(lst: MalType[], sym: string): boolean { if (lst.length == 2) { let a0 = lst[0] switch (a0.type) { case Node.Symbol: return a0.v === sym; } } return false; } function qq_loop(elt: MalType, acc: MalList): MalList { if (elt.type == Node.List && starts_with(elt.list, "splice-unquote")) { return new MalList([MalSymbol.get("concat"), elt.list[1], acc]); } else { return new MalList([MalSymbol.get("cons"), quasiquote(elt), acc]); } } function qq_foldr(xs : MalType[]): MalList { let acc = new MalList([]) for (let i=xs.length-1; 0<=i; i-=1) { acc = qq_loop(xs[i], acc) } return acc; } function quasiquote(ast: MalType): MalType { switch (ast.type) { case Node.Symbol: return new MalList([MalSymbol.get("quote"), ast]); case Node.HashMap: return new MalList([MalSymbol.get("quote"), ast]); case Node.List: if (starts_with(ast.list, "unquote")) { return ast.list[1]; } else { return qq_foldr(ast.list); } case Node.Vector: return new MalList([MalSymbol.get("vec"), qq_foldr(ast.list)]); default: return ast; } } function isMacro(ast: MalType, env: Env): boolean { if (!isSeq(ast)) { return false; } const s = ast.list[0]; if (s.type !== Node.Symbol) { return false; } const foundEnv = env.find(s); if (!foundEnv) { return false; } const f = foundEnv.get(s); if (f.type !== Node.Function) { return false; } return f.isMacro; } function macroexpand(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType { while (isMacro(ast, env)) { if (!isSeq(ast)) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${ast.type}, expected: list or vector`); } const s = ast.list[0]; if (s.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${s.type}, expected: symbol`); } const f = env.get(s); if (f.type !== Node.Function) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${f.type}, expected: function`); } ast = f.func(...ast.list.slice(1)); } return ast; } function evalAST(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType { switch (ast.type) { case Node.Symbol: const f = env.get(ast); if (!f) { throw new Error(`unknown symbol: ${ast.v}`); } return f; case Node.List: return new MalList( => evalMal(ast, env))); case Node.Vector: return new MalVector( => evalMal(ast, env))); case Node.HashMap: const list: MalType[] = []; for (const [key, value] of ast.entries()) { list.push(key); list.push(evalMal(value, env)); } return new MalHashMap(list); default: return ast; } } // EVAL function evalMal(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType { loop: while (true) { if (ast.type !== Node.List) { return evalAST(ast, env); } if (ast.list.length === 0) { return ast; } ast = macroexpand(ast, env); if (!isSeq(ast)) { return evalAST(ast, env); } if (ast.list.length === 0) { return ast; } const first = ast.list[0]; switch (first.type) { case Node.Symbol: switch (first.v) { case "def!": { const [, key, value] = ast.list; if (key.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${key.type}, expected: symbol`); } if (!value) { throw new Error(`unexpected syntax`); } return env.set(key, evalMal(value, env)); } case "let*": { env = new Env(env); const pairs = ast.list[1]; if (!isSeq(pairs)) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${pairs.type}, expected: list or vector`); } for (let i = 0; i < pairs.list.length; i += 2) { const key = pairs.list[i]; const value = pairs.list[i + 1]; if (key.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${key.type}, expected: symbol`); } if (!key || !value) { throw new Error(`unexpected syntax`); } env.set(key, evalMal(value, env)); } ast = ast.list[2]; continue loop; } case "quote": { return ast.list[1]; } case "quasiquoteexpand": { return quasiquote(ast.list[1]); } case "quasiquote": { ast = quasiquote(ast.list[1]); continue loop; } case "defmacro!": { const [, key, value] = ast.list; if (key.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${key.type}, expected: symbol`); } if (!value) { throw new Error(`unexpected syntax`); } const f = evalMal(value, env); if (f.type !== Node.Function) { throw new Error(`unexpected token type: ${f.type}, expected: function`); } f.isMacro = true; return env.set(key, f); } case "macroexpand": { return macroexpand(ast.list[1], env); } case "try*": { try { return evalMal(ast.list[1], env); } catch (e) { if (ast.list.length < 3) { throw e; } const catchBody = ast.list[2]; if (!isSeq(catchBody)) { throw new Error(`unexpected return type: ${catchBody.type}, expected: list or vector`); } const catchSymbol = catchBody.list[0]; if (catchSymbol.type === Node.Symbol && catchSymbol.v === "catch*") { const errorSymbol = catchBody.list[1]; if (errorSymbol.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected return type: ${errorSymbol.type}, expected: symbol`); } if (!isAST(e)) { e = new MalString((e as Error).message); } return evalMal(catchBody.list[2], new Env(env, [errorSymbol], [e])); } throw e; } } case "do": { const list = ast.list.slice(1, -1); evalAST(new MalList(list), env); ast = ast.list[ast.list.length - 1]; continue loop; } case "if": { const [, cond, thenExpr, elseExrp] = ast.list; const ret = evalMal(cond, env); let b = true; if (ret.type === Node.Boolean && !ret.v) { b = false; } else if (ret.type === Node.Nil) { b = false; } if (b) { ast = thenExpr; } else if (elseExrp) { ast = elseExrp; } else { ast = MalNil.instance; } continue loop; } case "fn*": { const [, params, bodyAst] = ast.list; if (!isSeq(params)) { throw new Error(`unexpected return type: ${params.type}, expected: list or vector`); } const symbols = => { if (param.type !== Node.Symbol) { throw new Error(`unexpected return type: ${param.type}, expected: symbol`); } return param; }); return MalFunction.fromLisp(evalMal, env, symbols, bodyAst); } } } const result = evalAST(ast, env); if (!isSeq(result)) { throw new Error(`unexpected return type: ${result.type}, expected: list or vector`); } const [f, ...args] = result.list; if (f.type !== Node.Function) { throw new Error(`unexpected token: ${f.type}, expected: function`); } if (f.ast) { ast = f.ast; env = f.newEnv(args); continue loop; } return f.func(...args); } } // PRINT function print(exp: MalType): string { return prStr(exp); } const replEnv = new Env(); function rep(str: string): string { return print(evalMal(read(str), replEnv)); } // core.EXT: defined using Racket core.ns.forEach((value, key) => { replEnv.set(key, value); }); replEnv.set(MalSymbol.get("eval"), MalFunction.fromBootstrap(ast => { if (!ast) { throw new Error(`undefined argument`); } return evalMal(ast, replEnv); })); replEnv.set(MalSymbol.get("*ARGV*"), new MalList([])); // core.mal: defined using the language itself rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep(`(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))`); rep(`(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))`); if (typeof process !== "undefined" && 2 < process.argv.length) { replEnv.set(MalSymbol.get("*ARGV*"), new MalList(process.argv.slice(3).map(s => new MalString(s)))); rep(`(load-file "${process.argv[2]}")`); process.exit(0); } while (true) { const line = readline("user> "); if (line == null) { break; } if (line === "") { continue; } try { console.log(rep(line)); } catch (e) { if (isAST(e)) { console.error("Error:", prStr(e)); } else { const err: Error = e; console.error("Error:", err.message); } } }