mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00
2021-12-11 09:52:02 -06:00

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with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Eval_Callback;
with Reader;
with Smart_Pointers;
with Types;
with Types.Hash_Map;
with Types.Vector;
package body Core is
use Types;
-- primitive functions on Smart_Pointer,
function "+" is new Arith_Op ("+", "+");
function "-" is new Arith_Op ("-", "-");
function "*" is new Arith_Op ("*", "*");
function "/" is new Arith_Op ("/", "/");
function "<" is new Rel_Op ("<", "<");
function "<=" is new Rel_Op ("<=", "<=");
function ">" is new Rel_Op (">", ">");
function ">=" is new Rel_Op (">=", ">=");
function Eval_As_Boolean (MH : Types.Mal_Handle) return Boolean is
use Types;
Res : Boolean;
case Deref (MH).Sym_Type is
when Bool =>
Res := Deref_Bool (MH).Get_Bool;
when Nil =>
Res := False;
-- when List =>
-- declare
-- L : List_Mal_Type;
-- begin
-- L := Deref_List (MH).all;
-- Res := not Is_Null (L);
-- end;
when others => -- Everything else
Res := True;
end case;
return Res;
end Eval_As_Boolean;
function Throw (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Types.Mal_Exception_Value := First_Param;
raise Mal_Exception;
return First_Param; -- Keep the compiler happy.
end Throw;
function Is_True (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Bool and then
Deref_Bool (First_Param).Get_Bool);
end Is_True;
function Is_False (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Bool and then
not Deref_Bool (First_Param).Get_Bool);
end Is_False;
function Is_Nil (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Nil);
end Is_Nil;
function Meta (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return Deref (First_Param).Get_Meta;
end Meta;
function With_Meta (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Meta_Param, Res : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
Meta_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Res := Copy (First_Param);
Deref (Res).Set_Meta (Meta_Param);
return Res;
end With_Meta;
function New_Atom (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Atom_Mal_Type (First_Param);
end New_Atom;
function Is_Atom (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Atom);
end Is_Atom;
function Deref_Atm (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return Deref_Atom (First_Param).Get_Atom;
end Deref_Atm;
function Reset (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Atom_Param, New_Val : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Atom_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
New_Val := Car (Rest_List);
Deref_Atom (Atom_Param).Set_Atom (New_Val);
return New_Val;
end Reset;
function Swap (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Atom_Param, Atom_Val, New_Val : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List_Class : Types.List_Class_Ptr;
Func_Param, Param_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Atom_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
Func_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Param_List := Cdr (Rest_List);
Rest_List_Class := Deref_List_Class (Param_List);
Param_List := Rest_List_Class.Duplicate;
Atom_Val := Deref_Atom (Atom_Param).Get_Atom;
Param_List := Prepend (Atom_Val, Deref_List (Param_List).all);
case Deref (Func_Param).Sym_Type is
when Lambda =>
New_Val := Deref_Lambda (Func_Param).Apply (Param_List);
when Func =>
New_Val := Deref_Func (Func_Param).Call_Func (Param_List);
when others => raise Runtime_Exception with "Swap with bad func";
end case;
Deref_Atom (Atom_Param).Set_Atom (New_Val);
return New_Val;
end Swap;
function Is_List (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type = List_List);
end Is_List;
function Is_Vector (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type = Vector_List);
end Is_Vector;
function Is_Map (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type = Hashed_List);
end Is_Map;
function Is_Sequential (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type /= Hashed_List);
end Is_Sequential;
function Is_Empty (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
List : List_Class_Ptr;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
List := Deref_List_Class (First_Param);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Is_Null (List.all));
end Is_Empty;
function Eval_As_List (MH : Types.Mal_Handle) return List_Mal_Type is
case Deref (MH).Sym_Type is
when List => return Deref_List (MH).all;
when Nil => return Null_List (List_List);
when others => null;
end case;
raise Runtime_Exception with "Expecting a List";
return Null_List (List_List);
end Eval_As_List;
function Count (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Evaled_List : Mal_Handle;
L : List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
N : Natural;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type = Vector_List then
N := Deref_List_Class (First_Param).Length;
L := Eval_As_List (First_Param);
N := L.Length;
end if;
return New_Int_Mal_Type (N);
end Count;
function Cons (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_Param, List_Handle : Mal_Handle;
List : List_Mal_Type;
List_Class : List_Class_Ptr;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
List_Handle := Cdr (Rest_List);
List := Deref_List (List_Handle).all;
List_Handle := Car (List);
List_Class := Deref_List_Class (List_Handle);
return Prepend (First_Param, List_Class.all);
end Cons;
function Concat (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
return Types.Concat (Rest_List);
end Concat;
function First (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_List : Types.List_Class_Ptr;
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Nil then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
end if;
First_List := Deref_List_Class (First_Param);
if Is_Null (First_List.all) then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
return Types.Car (First_List.all);
end if;
end First;
function Rest (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_Param, Container : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Nil then
return New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
end if;
Container := Deref_List_Class (First_Param).Cdr;
return Deref_List_Class (Container).Duplicate;
end Rest;
function Nth (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
-- Rest_List, First_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_List : Types.List_Class_Ptr;
First_Param, List_Handle, Num_Handle : Mal_Handle;
List : List_Mal_Type;
Index : Types.Int_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
First_List := Deref_List_Class (First_Param);
List_Handle := Cdr (Rest_List);
List := Deref_List (List_Handle).all;
Num_Handle := Car (List);
Index := Deref_Int (Num_Handle).all;
return Types.Nth (First_List.all, Natural (Index.Get_Int_Val));
end Nth;
function Apply (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Results_Handle, First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Results_List : List_Ptr;
-- The rest of the line.
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
Results_Handle := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
Results_List := Deref_List (Results_Handle);
-- The last item is a list or a vector which gets flattened so that
-- (apply f (A B) C (D E)) becomes (f (A B) C D E)
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
Part_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Part_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
-- Is Part_Handle the last item in the list?
if Is_Null (Rest_List) then
The_List : List_Class_Ptr;
List_Item : Mal_Handle;
Next_List : Mal_Handle;
The_List := Deref_List_Class (Part_Handle);
while not Is_Null (The_List.all) loop
List_Item := Car (The_List.all);
Append (Results_List.all, List_Item);
Next_List := Cdr (The_List.all);
The_List := Deref_List_Class (Next_List);
end loop;
Append (Results_List.all, Part_Handle);
end if;
end loop;
-- The apply part...
if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Func then
return Call_Func (Deref_Func (First_Param).all, Results_Handle);
elsif Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Lambda then
L : Lambda_Mal_Type;
E : Envs.Env_Handle;
Param_Names : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Mal_Handle;
L := Deref_Lambda (First_Param).all;
E := Envs.New_Env (L.Get_Env);
Param_Names := Deref_List (L.Get_Params).all;
if Envs.Bind (E, Param_Names, Results_List.all) then
return Eval_Callback.Eval.all (L.Get_Expr, E);
raise Runtime_Exception with "Bind failed in Apply";
end if;
else -- neither a Lambda or a Func
raise Runtime_Exception with "Deref called on non-Func/Lambda";
end if;
end Apply;
function Map (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List, Results_List : List_Mal_Type;
Func_Handle, List_Handle, Results_Handle : Mal_Handle;
-- The rest of the line.
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Func_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
List_Handle := Nth (Rest_List, 1);
Results_Handle := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
Results_List := Deref_List (Results_Handle).all;
while not Is_Null (Deref_List_Class (List_Handle).all) loop
Parts_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Parts_Handle :=
((1 => Func_Handle,
2 => Make_New_List
((1 => Car (Deref_List_Class (List_Handle).all)))));
List_Handle := Cdr (Deref_List_Class (List_Handle).all);
Apply (Parts_Handle));
end loop;
return New_List_Mal_Type (Results_List);
end Map;
function Symbol (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Sym_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
-- The rest of the line.
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Sym_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Symbol_Mal_Type (Deref_String (Sym_Handle).Get_String);
end Symbol;
function Is_Symbol (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Sym_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Boolean;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Sym_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
if Deref (Sym_Handle).Sym_Type = Sym then
Res := Deref_Sym (Sym_Handle).Get_Sym (1) /= ':';
Res := False;
end if;
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Res);
end Is_Symbol;
function Is_String (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Str);
end Is_String;
function Keyword (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Sym_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
-- The rest of the line.
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Sym_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
case Deref (Sym_Handle).Sym_Type is
when Str =>
return New_Symbol_Mal_Type (':' & Deref_String (Sym_Handle).Get_String);
when Sym =>
if Deref_Sym (Sym_Handle).Get_Sym (1) = ':' then
return Sym_Handle;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
raise Runtime_Exception with "keyword: expects a keyword or string";
end Keyword;
function Is_Keyword (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Sym_Handle : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Boolean;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Sym_Handle := Car (Rest_List);
if Deref (Sym_Handle).Sym_Type = Sym then
Res := Deref_Sym (Sym_Handle).Get_Sym (1) = ':';
Res := False;
end if;
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Res);
end Is_Keyword;
function Is_Number (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Int);
end Is_Number;
function Is_Fn (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Res : Boolean;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
case Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type is
when Func =>
Res := True;
when Lambda =>
Res := not Deref_Lambda (First_Param).Get_Is_Macro;
when others =>
Res := False;
end case;
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Res);
end Is_Fn;
function Is_Macro (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle) return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type = Lambda and then Deref_Lambda (First_Param).Get_Is_Macro);
end Is_Macro;
function New_List (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
return New_List_Mal_Type (The_List => Rest_List);
end New_List;
function New_Vector (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Mal_Handle;
use Types.Vector;
Res := New_Vector_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
Deref_Vector (Res).Append (Car (Rest_List));
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
end loop;
return Res;
end New_Vector;
function Vec (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
if Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type /= List then
raise Runtime_Exception with "Expecting a sequence";
end if;
case Deref_List_Class (First_Param).Get_List_Type is
when Hashed_List =>
raise Runtime_Exception with "Expecting a sequence";
when Vector_List =>
return First_Param;
when List_List =>
return New_Vector (First_Param);
end case;
end Vec;
function New_Map (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Mal_Handle;
Res := Hash_Map.New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Res).Append (Car (Rest_List));
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
end loop;
return Res;
end New_Map;
function Assoc (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Mal_Handle;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Rest_Handle;
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Deref_List (Rest_List).all)).all;
Rest_List := Cdr (Deref_List (Rest_List).all);
return Hash_Map.Assoc (Map, Rest_List);
end Assoc;
function Dis_Assoc (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Mal_Handle;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Rest_Handle;
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Deref_List (Rest_List).all)).all;
Rest_List := Cdr (Deref_List (Rest_List).all);
return Hash_Map.Dis_Assoc (Map, Rest_List);
end Dis_Assoc;
function Get_Key (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Map_Param, Key : Mal_Handle;
The_Sym : Sym_Types;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Map_Param := Car (Rest_List);
The_Sym := Deref (Map_Param).Sym_Type;
if The_Sym = Sym or The_Sym = Nil then
-- Either its nil or its some other atom
-- which makes no sense!
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
end if;
-- Assume a map from here on in.
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Rest_List)).all;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
Key := Car (Rest_List);
return Map.Get (Key);
end Get_Key;
function Contains_Key (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Key : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Rest_List)).all;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
Key := Car (Rest_List);
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (Hash_Map.Contains (Map, Key));
end Contains_Key;
function All_Keys (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Rest_List)).all;
return Hash_Map.All_Keys (Map);
end All_Keys;
function All_Values (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
Map : Hash_Map.Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
Map := Hash_Map.Deref_Hash (Car (Rest_List)).all;
return Hash_Map.All_Values (Map);
end All_Values;
-- Take a list with two parameters and produce a single result
-- using the Op access-to-function parameter.
function Reduce2
(Op : Binary_Func_Access; LH : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle is
Left, Right : Mal_Handle;
L, Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
L := Deref_List (LH).all;
Left := Car (L);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (L)).all;
Right := Car (Rest_List);
return Op (Left, Right);
end Reduce2;
function Plus (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("+"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end Plus;
function Minus (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("-"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end Minus;
function Mult (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("*"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end Mult;
function Divide (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("/"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end Divide;
function LT (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("<"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end LT;
function LTE (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 ("<="'Access, Rest_Handle);
end LTE;
function GT (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 (">"'Access, Rest_Handle);
end GT;
function GTE (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 (">="'Access, Rest_Handle);
end GTE;
function EQ (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return Reduce2 (Types."="'Access, Rest_Handle);
end EQ;
function Pr_Str (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return New_String_Mal_Type (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).Pr_Str);
end Pr_Str;
function Prn (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).Pr_Str);
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
end Prn;
function Println (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).Pr_Str (False));
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
end Println;
function Str (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
return New_String_Mal_Type (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).Cat_Str (False));
end Str;
function Read_String (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
return Reader.Read_Str (Deref_String (First_Param).Get_String);
end Read_String;
function Read_Line (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
-- Output the prompt.
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Deref_String (First_Param).Get_String);
-- Get the text.
return New_String_Mal_Type (Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);
end Read_Line;
function Slurp (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
First_Param : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Unquoted_Str : String := Deref_String (First_Param).Get_String;
use Ada.Text_IO;
Fn : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
File_Str : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String :=
I : Natural := 0;
Ada.Text_IO.Open (Fn, In_File, Unquoted_Str);
while not End_Of_File (Fn) loop
Line_Str : constant String := Get_Line (Fn);
if Line_Str'Length > 0 then
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (File_Str, Line_Str);
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (File_Str, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF);
end if;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Close (Fn);
return New_String_Mal_Type (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (File_Str));
end Slurp;
function Conj (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
First_Param, Res : Mal_Handle;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all;
First_Param := Car (Rest_List);
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
-- Is this a List or a Vector?
case Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type is
when List_List =>
Res := Copy (First_Param);
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
Res := Prepend (To_List => Deref_List (Res).all, Op => Car (Rest_List));
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
end loop;
return Res;
when Vector_List =>
Res := Copy (First_Param);
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
Vector.Append (Vector.Deref_Vector (Res).all, Car (Rest_List));
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
end loop;
return Res;
when Hashed_List => raise Runtime_Exception with "Conj on Hashed_Map";
end case;
end Conj;
function Seq (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
First_Param, Res : Mal_Handle;
First_Param := Car (Deref_List (Rest_Handle).all);
case Deref (First_Param).Sym_Type is
when Nil => return First_Param;
when List =>
case Deref_List (First_Param).Get_List_Type is
when List_List =>
if Is_Null (Deref_List (First_Param).all) then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
return First_Param;
end if;
when Vector_List =>
if Vector.Is_Null (Vector.Deref_Vector (First_Param).all) then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
return Vector.Duplicate (Vector.Deref_Vector (First_Param).all);
end if;
when others => raise Runtime_Exception;
end case;
when Str =>
Param_Str : String := Deref_String (First_Param).Get_String;
String1 : String (1 .. 1);
L_Ptr : List_Ptr;
if Param_Str'Length = 0 then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type; -- ""
Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
L_Ptr := Deref_List (Res);
for I in Param_Str'First .. Param_Str'Last loop
String1 (1) := Param_Str (I);
Append (L_Ptr.all, New_String_Mal_Type (String1));
end loop;
return Res;
end if;
when others => raise Runtime_Exception;
end case;
end Seq;
Start_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
function Time_Ms (Rest_Handle : Mal_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
D : Duration;
use Ada.Calendar;
D := Clock - Start_Time; -- seconds
D := D * 1000.0; -- milli-seconds
return New_Int_Mal_Type (Integer (D)); -- ms rounded to the nearest one
end Time_Ms;
procedure Init (Repl_Env : Envs.Env_Handle) is
Envs.Set (Repl_Env, "*host-language*", Types.New_String_Mal_Type ("Ada"));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("true?", Is_True'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("false?", Is_False'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("meta", Meta'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("with-meta", With_Meta'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("nil?", Is_Nil'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("throw", Throw'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("atom", New_Atom'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("atom?", Is_Atom'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("deref", Deref_Atm'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("reset!", Reset'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("swap!", Swap'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("list", New_List'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("list?", Is_List'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("vec", Vec'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("vector", New_Vector'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("vector?", Is_Vector'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("hash-map", New_Map'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("assoc", Assoc'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("dissoc", Dis_Assoc'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("get", Get_Key'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("keys", All_Keys'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("vals", All_Values'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("map?", Is_Map'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("contains?", Contains_Key'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("sequential?", Is_Sequential'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("empty?", Is_Empty'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("count", Count'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("cons", Cons'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("concat", Concat'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("first", First'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("rest", Rest'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("nth", Nth'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("map", Map'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("apply", Apply'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("symbol", Symbol'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("symbol?", Is_Symbol'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("string?", Is_String'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("keyword", Keyword'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("keyword?", Is_Keyword'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("number?", Is_Number'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("fn?", Is_Fn'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("macro?", Is_Macro'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("pr-str", Pr_Str'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("str", Str'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("prn", Prn'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("println", Println'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("read-string", Read_String'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("readline", Read_Line'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("slurp", Slurp'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("conj", Conj'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("seq", Seq'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("time-ms", Time_Ms'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("+", Plus'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("-", Minus'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("*", Mult'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("/", Divide'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("<", LT'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("<=", LTE'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type (">", GT'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type (">=", GTE'access));
Envs.Set (Repl_Env,
New_Func_Mal_Type ("=", EQ'access));
end Init;
end Core;