mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 033892777a Merge eval-ast and macro expansion into EVAL, add DEBUG-EVAL
See issue #587.
* Merge eval-ast and eval into a single conditional.
* Expand macros during the apply phase, removing lots of duplicate
  tests, and increasing the overall consistency by allowing the macro
  to be computed instead of referenced by name (`((defmacro! cond
  (...)))` is currently illegal for example).
* Print "EVAL: $ast" at the top of EVAL if DEBUG-EVAL exists in the
  MAL environment.
* Remove macroexpand and quasiquoteexpand special forms.
* Use pattern-matching style in process/step*.txt.

Unresolved issues:
c.2: unable to reproduce with gcc 11.12.0.
elm: the directory is unchanged.
groovy: sometimes fail, but not on each rebuild.
nasm: fails some new soft tests, but the issue is unreproducible when
  running the interpreter manually.
objpascal: unreproducible with fpc 3.2.2.
ocaml: unreproducible with 4.11.1.
perl6: unreproducible with rakudo 2021.09.

Unrelated changes:
Reduce diff betweens steps.
Prevent defmacro! from mutating functions: c forth logo miniMAL vb.
dart: fix recent errors and warnings
ocaml: remove metadata from symbols.

Improve the logo implementation.
Encapsulate all representation in types.lg and env.lg, unwrap numbers.
Replace some manual iterations with logo control structures.
Reduce the diff between steps.
Use native iteration in env_get and env_map
Rewrite the reader with less temporary strings.
Reduce the number of temporary lists (for example, reverse iteration
with butlast requires O(n^2) allocations).
It seems possible to remove a few exceptions: GC settings
(Dockerfile), NO_SELF_HOSTING (IMPLS.yml) and step5_EXCLUDES
(Makefile.impls) .
2024-08-05 11:40:49 -05:00

1128 lines
31 KiB

with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Envs;
with Eval_Callback;
with Smart_Pointers;
with Types.Vector;
with Types.Hash_Map;
package body Types is
package ACL renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
function Nodes_Equal (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Boolean;
function "=" (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
return New_Bool_Mal_Type (A = B);
end "=";
function Compare_List_And_Vector (A : List_Mal_Type; B : List_Mal_Type'Class)
return Boolean is
First_Node, First_Index : Mal_Handle;
I : Natural := 0;
First_Node := A.The_List;
if not Is_Null (First_Node) and I < B.Length then
First_Index := B.Nth (I);
if not "=" (Deref_Node (First_Node).Data, First_Index) then
return False;
end if;
First_Node := Deref_Node (First_Node).Next;
I := I + 1;
return Is_Null (First_Node) and I = B.Length;
end if;
end loop;
end Compare_List_And_Vector;
function "=" (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Boolean is
use Types.Vector;
use Types.Hash_Map;
if (not Is_Null (A) and not Is_Null (B)) and then
Deref (A).Sym_Type = Deref (B).Sym_Type then
case Deref (A).Sym_Type is
when Nil =>
return True; -- Both nil.
when Int =>
return (Deref_Int (A).Get_Int_Val = Deref_Int (B).Get_Int_Val);
when Floating =>
return (Deref_Float (A).Get_Float_Val = Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val);
when Bool =>
return (Deref_Bool (A).Get_Bool = Deref_Bool (B).Get_Bool);
when List =>
-- When Types.Vector was added, the choice was:
-- 1) use interfaces (because you need a class hierachy for the containers
-- and a corresponding hierarchy for the cursors and Ada is single dispatch
-- + interfaces.
-- 2) map out the combinations here and use nth to access vector items.
case Deref_List (A).Get_List_Type is
when List_List =>
case Deref_List (B).Get_List_Type is
when List_List =>
return Nodes_Equal (Deref_List (A).The_List, Deref_List (B).The_List);
when Vector_List =>
return Compare_List_And_Vector
(Deref_List (A).all, Deref_List_Class (B).all);
when Hashed_List => return False; -- Comparing a list and a hash
end case;
when Vector_List =>
case Deref_List (B).Get_List_Type is
when List_List =>
return Compare_List_And_Vector
(Deref_List (B).all, Deref_List_Class (A).all);
when Vector_List =>
return Vector."=" (Deref_Vector (A).all, Deref_Vector (B).all);
when Hashed_List => return False; -- Comparing a vector and a hash
end case;
when Hashed_List =>
case Deref_List (B).Get_List_Type is
when List_List => return False; -- Comparing a list and a hash
when Vector_List => return False; -- Comparing a vector and a hash
when Hashed_List =>
return Hash_Map."=" (Deref_Hash (A).all, Deref_Hash (B).all);
end case;
end case;
when Str =>
return (Deref_String (A).Get_String = Deref_String (B).Get_String);
when Sym =>
return (Deref_Sym (A).Get_Sym = Deref_Sym (B).Get_Sym);
when Atom =>
return (Deref_Atom (A).Get_Atom = Deref_Atom (B).Get_Atom);
when Func =>
return (Deref_Func (A).Get_Func_Name = Deref_Func (B).Get_Func_Name);
when Node =>
return (Deref_Int(A).Get_Int_Val = Deref_Int(B).Get_Int_Val);
when Lambda =>
return (Deref_Int(A).Get_Int_Val = Deref_Int(B).Get_Int_Val);
when Error =>
return (Deref_Int(A).Get_Int_Val = Deref_Int(B).Get_Int_Val);
end case;
elsif Is_Null (A) and Is_Null (B) then
return True;
else -- either one of the args is null or the sym_types don't match
return False;
end if;
end "=";
function Get_Meta (T : Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
if T.Meta = Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer then
return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
return T.Meta;
end if;
end Get_Meta;
procedure Set_Meta (T : in out Mal_Type'Class; SP : Mal_Handle) is
T.Meta := SP;
end Set_Meta;
function Copy (M : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Mal_Type'Class'(Deref (M).all));
end Copy;
function To_String (T : Mal_Type'Class; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return To_Str (T, Print_Readably);
end To_String;
-- A helper function that just view converts the smart pointer.
function Deref (S : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Ptr is
return Mal_Ptr (Smart_Pointers.Deref (S));
end Deref;
-- A helper function to detect null smart pointers.
function Is_Null (S : Mal_Handle) return Boolean is
use Smart_Pointers;
return Smart_Pointers."="(S, Null_Smart_Pointer);
end Is_Null;
-- To_Str on the abstract type...
function To_Str (T : Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
raise Constraint_Error; -- Tha'll teach 'ee
return ""; -- Keeps the compiler happy.
end To_Str;
function New_Nil_Mal_Type return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Nil_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with null record));
end New_Nil_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Nil_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Nil;
end Sym_Type;
overriding function To_Str (T : Nil_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return "nil";
end To_Str;
function New_Int_Mal_Type (Int : Mal_Integer) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Int_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with Int_Val => Int));
end New_Int_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Int_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Int;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Int_Val (T : Int_Mal_Type) return Mal_Integer is
return T.Int_Val;
end Get_Int_Val;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Int_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
Res : Mal_String := Mal_Integer'Image (T.Int_Val);
return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Res, Ada.Strings.Left);
end To_Str;
function Deref_Int (SP : Mal_Handle) return Int_Ptr is
return Int_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_Int;
function New_Float_Mal_Type (Floating : Mal_Float) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Float_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with Float_Val => Floating));
end New_Float_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Float_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Floating;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Float_Val (T : Float_Mal_Type) return Mal_Float is
return T.Float_Val;
end Get_Float_Val;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Float_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
Res : Mal_String := Mal_Float'Image (T.Float_Val);
return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Res, Ada.Strings.Left);
end To_Str;
function Deref_Float (SP : Mal_Handle) return Float_Ptr is
return Float_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_Float;
function New_Bool_Mal_Type (Bool : Boolean) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Bool_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with Bool_Val => Bool));
end New_Bool_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Bool_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Bool;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Bool (T : Bool_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
return T.Bool_Val;
end Get_Bool;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Bool_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
Res : Mal_String := Boolean'Image (T.Bool_Val);
return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Translate
(Res, Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants.Lower_Case_Map);
end To_Str;
function Deref_Bool (SP : Mal_Handle) return Bool_Ptr is
return Bool_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_Bool;
function New_String_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new String_Mal_Type' (Mal_Type with The_String =>
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Str)));
end New_String_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : String_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Str;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_String (T : String_Mal_Type) return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.The_String);
end Get_String;
function Deref_String (SP : Mal_Handle) return String_Ptr is
return String_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_String;
overriding function To_Str
(T : String_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
I : Positive := 1;
Str_Len : Natural;
Res : Unbounded_String;
Ch : Character;
if Print_Readably then
Append (Res, '"');
Str_Len := Length (T.The_String);
while I <= Str_Len loop
Ch := Element (T.The_String, I);
if Ch = '"' then
Append (Res, "\""");
elsif Ch = '\' then
Append (Res, "\\");
elsif Ch = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF then
Append (Res, "\n");
Append (Res, Ch);
end if;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
Append (Res, '"');
return To_String (Res);
return To_String (T.The_String);
end if;
end To_Str;
function New_Symbol_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Symbol_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with The_Symbol =>
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Str)));
end New_Symbol_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Symbol_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Sym;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Sym (T : Symbol_Mal_Type) return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.The_Symbol);
end Get_Sym;
function Deref_Sym (S : Mal_Handle) return Sym_Ptr is
return Sym_Ptr (Deref (S));
end Deref_Sym;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Symbol_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.The_Symbol);
end To_Str;
function New_Atom_Mal_Type (MH : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Atom_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with The_Atom => MH));
end New_Atom_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Atom_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Atom;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Atom (T : Atom_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
return T.The_Atom;
end Get_Atom;
procedure Set_Atom (T : in out Atom_Mal_Type; New_Val : Mal_Handle) is
T.The_Atom := New_Val;
end Set_Atom;
function Deref_Atom (S : Mal_Handle) return Atom_Ptr is
return Atom_Ptr (Deref (S));
end Deref_Atom;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Atom_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return "(atom " & To_String (Deref (T.The_Atom).all) & ')';
end To_Str;
function New_Func_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String; F : Builtin_Func)
return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Func_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with
Func_Name => Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Str),
Func_P => F));
end New_Func_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Func_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Func;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Func_Name (T : Func_Mal_Type) return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.Func_Name);
end Get_Func_Name;
function Call_Func
(FMT : Func_Mal_Type; Rest_List : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle is
return FMT.Func_P (Rest_List);
end Call_Func;
function Deref_Func (S : Mal_Handle) return Func_Ptr is
return Func_Ptr (Deref (S));
end Deref_Func;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Func_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.Func_Name);
end To_Str;
function New_Error_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Error_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with Error_Msg =>
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Str)));
end New_Error_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Error_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Error;
end Sym_Type;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Error_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.Error_Msg);
end To_Str;
function Nodes_Equal (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Boolean is
if (not Is_Null (A) and not Is_Null (B)) and then
Deref (A).Sym_Type = Deref (B).Sym_Type then
if Deref (A).Sym_Type = Node then
Nodes_Equal (Deref_Node (A).Data, Deref_Node (B).Data) and then
Nodes_Equal (Deref_Node (A).Next, Deref_Node (B).Next);
return A = B;
end if;
elsif Is_Null (A) and Is_Null (B) then
return True;
else -- either one of the args is null or the sym_types don't match
return False;
end if;
end Nodes_Equal;
function New_Node_Mal_Type
(Data : Mal_Handle;
Next : Mal_Handle := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer)
return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Node_Mal_Type'
(Mal_Type with Data => Data, Next => Next));
end New_Node_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Node_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Node;
end Sym_Type;
-- Get the first item in the list:
function Car (L : List_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
if Is_Null (L.The_List) then
return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
return Deref_Node (L.The_List).Data;
end if;
end Car;
-- Get the rest of the list (second item onwards)
function Cdr (L : List_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
Res : Mal_Handle;
LP : List_Ptr;
Res := New_List_Mal_Type (L.List_Type);
if Is_Null (L.The_List) or else
Is_Null (Deref_Node (L.The_List).Next) then
return Res;
LP := Deref_List (Res);
LP.The_List := Deref_Node (L.The_List).Next;
LP.Last_Elem := L.Last_Elem;
return Res;
end if;
end Cdr;
function Length (L : List_Mal_Type) return Natural is
Res : Natural;
NP : Node_Ptr;
Res := 0;
NP := Deref_Node (L.The_List);
while NP /= null loop
Res := Res + 1;
NP := Deref_Node (NP.Next);
end loop;
return Res;
end Length;
function Is_Null (L : List_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
use Smart_Pointers;
return Smart_Pointers."="(L.The_List, Null_Smart_Pointer);
end Is_Null;
function Null_List (L : List_Types) return List_Mal_Type is
return (Mal_Type with List_Type => L,
The_List => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
Last_Elem => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer);
end Null_List;
function Map
(Func_Ptr : Func_Access;
L : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle is
Res, Old_List, First_New_Node, New_List : Mal_Handle;
LP : List_Ptr;
Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_Type => L.Get_List_Type);
Old_List := L.The_List;
if Is_Null (Old_List) then
return Res;
end if;
First_New_Node := New_Node_Mal_Type (Func_Ptr.all (Deref_Node (Old_List).Data));
New_List := First_New_Node;
Old_List := Deref_Node (Old_List).Next;
while not Is_Null (Old_List) loop
Deref_Node (New_List).Next :=
New_Node_Mal_Type (Func_Ptr.all (Deref_Node (Old_List).Data));
New_List := Deref_Node (New_List).Next;
Old_List := Deref_Node (Old_List).Next;
end loop;
LP := Deref_List (Res);
LP.The_List := First_New_Node;
LP.Last_Elem := New_List;
return Res;
end Map;
function Reduce
(Func_Ptr : Binary_Func_Access;
L : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle is
C_Node : Node_Ptr;
Res : Mal_Handle;
use Smart_Pointers;
C_Node := Deref_Node (L.The_List);
if C_Node = null then
return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
end if;
Res := C_Node.Data;
while not Is_Null (C_Node.Next) loop
C_Node := Deref_Node (C_Node.Next);
Res := Func_Ptr (Res, C_Node.Data);
end loop;
return Res;
end Reduce;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Node_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
if Is_Null (T.Data) then
-- Left is null and by implication so is right.
return "";
elsif Is_Null (T.Next) then
-- Left is not null but right is.
return To_Str (Deref (T.Data).all, Print_Readably);
-- Left and right are both not null.
return To_Str (Deref (T.Data).all, Print_Readably) &
" " &
To_Str (Deref (T.Next).all, Print_Readably);
end if;
end To_Str;
function Cat_Str (T : Node_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
if Is_Null (T.Data) then
-- Left is null and by implication so is right.
return "";
elsif Is_Null (T.Next) then
-- Left is not null but right is.
return To_Str (Deref (T.Data).all, Print_Readably);
-- Left and right are both not null.
return To_Str (Deref (T.Data).all, Print_Readably) &
Cat_Str (Deref_Node (T.Next).all, Print_Readably);
end if;
end Cat_Str;
function Deref_Node (SP : Mal_Handle) return Node_Ptr is
return Node_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_Node;
function "=" (A, B : List_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
return Nodes_Equal (A.The_List, B.The_List);
end "=";
function New_List_Mal_Type
(The_List : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new List_Mal_Type'(Mal_Type with
List_Type => The_List.List_Type,
The_List => The_List.The_List,
Last_Elem => The_List.Last_Elem));
end New_List_Mal_Type;
function New_List_Mal_Type
(List_Type : List_Types;
The_First_Node : Mal_Handle := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer)
return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new List_Mal_Type'
(Mal_Type with
List_Type => List_Type,
The_List => The_First_Node,
Last_Elem => The_First_Node));
end New_List_Mal_Type;
function Make_New_List (Handle_List : Handle_Lists) return Mal_Handle is
List_SP : Mal_Handle;
List_P : List_Ptr;
List_SP := New_List_Mal_Type (List_Type => List_List);
List_P := Deref_List (List_SP);
for I in Handle_List'Range loop
Append (List_P.all, Handle_List (I));
end loop;
return List_SP;
end Make_New_List;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : List_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return List;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_List_Type (L : List_Mal_Type) return List_Types is
return L.List_Type;
end Get_List_Type;
function Prepend (Op : Mal_Handle; To_List : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle is
return New_List_Mal_Type
New_Node_Mal_Type (Op, To_List.The_List));
end Prepend;
procedure Append (To_List : in out List_Mal_Type; Op : Mal_Handle) is
if Is_Null (Op) then
return; -- Say what
end if;
-- If the list is null just insert the new element
-- else use the last_elem pointer to insert it and then update it.
if Is_Null (To_List.The_List) then
To_List.The_List := New_Node_Mal_Type (Op);
To_List.Last_Elem := To_List.The_List;
Deref_Node (To_List.Last_Elem).Next := New_Node_Mal_Type (Op);
To_List.Last_Elem := Deref_Node (To_List.Last_Elem).Next;
end if;
end Append;
-- Duplicate copies the list (logically). This is to allow concatenation,
-- The result is always a List_List.
function Duplicate (The_List : List_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
Res, Old_List, First_New_Node, New_List : Mal_Handle;
LP : List_Ptr;
Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
Old_List := The_List.The_List;
if Is_Null (Old_List) then
return Res;
end if;
First_New_Node := New_Node_Mal_Type (Deref_Node (Old_List).Data);
New_List := First_New_Node;
Old_List := Deref_Node (Old_List).Next;
while not Is_Null (Old_List) loop
Deref_Node (New_List).Next := New_Node_Mal_Type (Deref_Node (Old_List).Data);
New_List := Deref_Node (New_List).Next;
Old_List := Deref_Node (Old_List).Next;
end loop;
LP := Deref_List (Res);
LP.The_List := First_New_Node;
LP.Last_Elem := New_List;
return Res;
end Duplicate;
function Nth (L : List_Mal_Type; N : Natural) return Mal_Handle is
C : Natural;
Next : Mal_Handle;
C := 0;
Next := L.The_List;
while not Is_Null (Next) loop
if C >= N then
return Deref_Node (Next).Data;
end if;
C := C + 1;
Next := Deref_Node (Next).Next;
end loop;
raise Runtime_Exception with "Nth (list): Index out of range";
end Nth;
function Concat (Rest_Handle : List_Mal_Type)
return Types.Mal_Handle is
Rest_List : Types.List_Mal_Type;
List : Types.List_Class_Ptr;
Res_List_Handle, Dup_List : Mal_Handle;
Last_Node_P : Mal_Handle := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
Rest_List := Rest_Handle;
-- Set the result to the null list.
Res_List_Handle := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
-- Find the next list in the list...
List := Deref_List_Class (Car (Rest_List));
-- Duplicate nodes to its contents.
Dup_List := Duplicate (List.all);
-- If we haven't inserted a list yet, then take the duplicated list whole.
if Is_Null (Last_Node_P) then
Res_List_Handle := Dup_List;
-- Note that the first inserted list may have been the null list
-- and so may the newly duplicated one...
Deref_Node (Last_Node_P).Next := Deref_List (Dup_List).The_List;
if Is_Null (Deref_List (Res_List_Handle).The_List) then
Deref_List (Res_list_Handle).The_List :=
Deref_List (Dup_List).The_List;
end if;
if not Is_Null (Deref_List (Dup_List).Last_Elem) then
Deref_List (Res_List_Handle).Last_Elem :=
Deref_List (Dup_List).Last_Elem;
end if;
end if;
Last_Node_P := Deref_List (Dup_List).Last_Elem;
Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
end loop;
return Res_List_Handle;
end Concat;
procedure Add_Defs (Defs : List_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) is
D, L : List_Mal_Type;
D := Defs;
while not Is_Null (D) loop
L := Deref_List (Cdr (D)).all;
Deref_Sym (Car (D)).Get_Sym,
Eval_Callback.Eval.all (Car (L), Env));
D := Deref_List (Cdr(L)).all;
end loop;
end Add_Defs;
function Deref_List (SP : Mal_Handle) return List_Ptr is
return List_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_List;
function Deref_List_Class (SP : Mal_Handle) return List_Class_Ptr is
return List_Class_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_List_Class;
overriding function To_Str
(T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
if Is_Null (T.The_List) then
return Opening (T.List_Type) &
Closing (T.List_Type);
return Opening (T.List_Type) &
To_String (Deref (T.The_List).all, Print_Readably) &
Closing (T.List_Type);
end if;
end To_Str;
function Pr_Str (T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
if Is_Null (T.The_List) then
return "";
return To_String (Deref_Node (T.The_List).all, Print_Readably);
end if;
end Pr_Str;
function Cat_Str (T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
if Is_Null (T.The_List) then
return "";
return Cat_Str (Deref_Node (T.The_List).all, Print_Readably);
end if;
end Cat_Str;
function Opening (LT : List_Types) return Character is
Res : Character;
case LT is
when List_List =>
Res := '(';
when Vector_List =>
Res := '[';
when Hashed_List =>
Res := '{';
end case;
return Res;
end Opening;
function Closing (LT : List_Types) return Character is
Res : Character;
case LT is
when List_List =>
Res := ')';
when Vector_List =>
Res := ']';
when Hashed_List =>
Res := '}';
end case;
return Res;
end Closing;
function New_Lambda_Mal_Type
(Params : Mal_Handle; Expr : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle)
return Mal_Handle is
return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
(new Lambda_Mal_Type'
(Mal_Type with
Params => Params,
Expr => Expr,
Env => Env,
Is_Macro => False));
end New_Lambda_Mal_Type;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is
return Lambda;
end Sym_Type;
function Get_Env (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Envs.Env_Handle is
return L.Env;
end Get_Env;
procedure Set_Env (L : in out Lambda_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) is
L.Env := Env;
end Set_Env;
function Get_Params (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
if Deref (L.Params).Sym_Type = List and then
Deref_List (L.Params).Get_List_Type = Vector_List then
-- Its a vector and we need a list...
return Deref_List_Class (L.Params).Duplicate;
return L.Params;
end if;
end Get_Params;
function Get_Expr (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
return L.Expr;
end Get_Expr;
function Get_Is_Macro (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
return L.Is_Macro;
end Get_Is_Macro;
procedure Set_Is_Macro (L : in out Lambda_Mal_Type; B : Boolean) is
L.Is_Macro := B;
end Set_Is_Macro;
function Apply
(L : Lambda_Mal_Type;
Param_List : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle is
E : Envs.Env_Handle;
Param_Names : List_Mal_Type;
Res : Mal_Handle;
E := Envs.New_Env (L.Env);
Param_Names := Deref_List (L.Get_Params).all;
if Envs.Bind (E, Param_Names, Deref_List (Param_List).all) then
Res := Eval_Callback.Eval.all (L.Get_Expr, E);
raise Runtime_Exception with "Bind failed in Apply";
end if;
return Res;
end Apply;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Lambda_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String is
-- return "(lambda " & Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (T.Rep) & ")";
return "#<function>";
end To_Str;
function Deref_Lambda (SP : Mal_Handle) return Lambda_Ptr is
return Lambda_Ptr (Deref (SP));
end Deref_Lambda;
function Arith_Op (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
use Types;
A_Sym_Type : Sym_Types;
B_Sym_Type : Sym_Types;
if Is_Null (A) then
if Is_Null (B) then
-- both null, gotta be zero.
return New_Int_Mal_Type (0);
else -- A is null but B is not.
return Arith_Op (New_Int_Mal_Type (0), B);
end if;
elsif Is_Null (B) then
-- A is not null but B is.
return Arith_Op (A, New_Int_Mal_Type (0));
end if;
-- else both A and B and not null.:wq
A_Sym_Type := Deref (A).Sym_Type;
B_Sym_Type := Deref (B).Sym_Type;
if A_Sym_Type = Int and B_Sym_Type = Int then
return New_Int_Mal_Type
(Int_Op (Deref_Int (A).Get_Int_Val, Deref_Int (B).Get_Int_Val));
elsif A_Sym_Type = Int and B_Sym_Type = Floating then
return New_Float_Mal_Type
(Float_Op (Mal_Float (Deref_Int (A).Get_Int_Val),
Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val));
elsif A_Sym_Type = Floating and B_Sym_Type = Int then
return New_Float_Mal_Type
(Float_Op (Deref_Float (A).Get_Float_Val,
Mal_Float (Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val)));
elsif A_Sym_Type = Floating and B_Sym_Type = Floating then
return New_Float_Mal_Type
(Float_Op (Deref_Float (A).Get_Float_Val,
Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val));
if A_Sym_Type = Error then
return A;
elsif B_Sym_Type = Error then
return B;
return New_Error_Mal_Type ("Invalid operands");
end if;
end if;
end Arith_Op;
function Rel_Op (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
use Types;
A_Sym_Type : Sym_Types := Deref (A).Sym_Type;
B_Sym_Type : Sym_Types := Deref (B).Sym_Type;
if A_Sym_Type = Int and B_Sym_Type = Int then
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Int_Rel_Op (Deref_Int (A).Get_Int_Val, Deref_Int (B).Get_Int_Val));
elsif A_Sym_Type = Int and B_Sym_Type = Floating then
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Float_Rel_Op (Mal_Float (Deref_Int (A).Get_Int_Val),
Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val));
elsif A_Sym_Type = Floating and B_Sym_Type = Int then
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Float_Rel_Op (Deref_Float (A).Get_Float_Val,
Mal_Float (Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val)));
return New_Bool_Mal_Type
(Float_Rel_Op (Deref_Float (A).Get_Float_Val,
Deref_Float (B).Get_Float_Val));
end if;
end Rel_Op;
end Types;