mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 033892777a Merge eval-ast and macro expansion into EVAL, add DEBUG-EVAL
See issue #587.
* Merge eval-ast and eval into a single conditional.
* Expand macros during the apply phase, removing lots of duplicate
  tests, and increasing the overall consistency by allowing the macro
  to be computed instead of referenced by name (`((defmacro! cond
  (...)))` is currently illegal for example).
* Print "EVAL: $ast" at the top of EVAL if DEBUG-EVAL exists in the
  MAL environment.
* Remove macroexpand and quasiquoteexpand special forms.
* Use pattern-matching style in process/step*.txt.

Unresolved issues:
c.2: unable to reproduce with gcc 11.12.0.
elm: the directory is unchanged.
groovy: sometimes fail, but not on each rebuild.
nasm: fails some new soft tests, but the issue is unreproducible when
  running the interpreter manually.
objpascal: unreproducible with fpc 3.2.2.
ocaml: unreproducible with 4.11.1.
perl6: unreproducible with rakudo 2021.09.

Unrelated changes:
Reduce diff betweens steps.
Prevent defmacro! from mutating functions: c forth logo miniMAL vb.
dart: fix recent errors and warnings
ocaml: remove metadata from symbols.

Improve the logo implementation.
Encapsulate all representation in types.lg and env.lg, unwrap numbers.
Replace some manual iterations with logo control structures.
Reduce the diff between steps.
Use native iteration in env_get and env_map
Rewrite the reader with less temporary strings.
Reduce the number of temporary lists (for example, reverse iteration
with butlast requires O(n^2) allocations).
It seems possible to remove a few exceptions: GC settings
(Dockerfile), NO_SELF_HOSTING (IMPLS.yml) and step5_EXCLUDES
(Makefile.impls) .
2024-08-05 11:40:49 -05:00

129 lines
4.9 KiB

;; Copyright (C) 2015
;; "Mu Lei" known as "NalaGinrut" <NalaGinrut@gmail.com>
;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(import (readline) (reader) (printer) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-43)
(srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 receive) (env) (core) (types))
(define *toplevel*
(receive (b e) (unzip2 core.ns)
(make-Env #:binds b #:exprs (map make-func e))))
(define (READ str)
(read_str str))
(define (eval_seq ast env)
((null? ast) nil)
((null? (cdr ast)) (EVAL (car ast) env))
(EVAL (car ast) env)
(eval_seq (cdr ast) env))))
(define (EVAL ast env)
(define (%unzip2 kvs)
(let lp((next kvs) (k '()) (v '()))
;; NOTE: reverse is very important here!
((null? next) (values (reverse k) (reverse v)))
((null? (cdr next))
(throw 'mal-error (format #f "let*: Invalid binding form '~a'" kvs)))
(else (lp (cddr next) (cons (car next) k) (cons (cadr next) v))))))
;; NOTE: I wish I can use (while #t ...) for that, but this is not Lispy, which means
;; it'll bring some trouble in control flow. We have to use continuations to return
;; and use non-standard `break' feature. In a word, not elegant at all.
;; The named let loop is natural for Scheme, but it looks a bit cheating. But NO!
;; Such kind of loop is actually `while loop' in Scheme, I don't take advantage of
;; TCO in Scheme to implement TCO, but it's the same principle with normal loop.
;; If you're Lispy enough, there's no recursive at all while you saw named let loop.
(let tco-loop((ast ast) (env env))
(when (cond-true? (env-check 'DEBUG-EVAL env))
(format #t "EVAL: ~a~%" (pr_str ast #t)))
(match ast
((? symbol? sym) (env-has sym env))
((? vector? vec) (vector-map (lambda (i x) (EVAL x env)) vec))
((? hash-table? ht)
(define new-ht (make-hash-table))
(hash-for-each (lambda (k v) (hash-set! new-ht k (EVAL v env))) ht)
((? non-list?) ast)
(() ast)
(('def! k v) ((env 'set) k (EVAL v env)))
(('let* kvs body)
(let* ((new-env (make-Env #:outer env))
(setter (lambda (k v) ((new-env 'set) k (EVAL v new-env)))))
(receive (keys vals) (%unzip2 (->list kvs))
(for-each setter keys vals))
(tco-loop body new-env)))
(('do rest ...)
((null? rest)
(throw 'mal-error (format #f "do: Invalid form! '~a'" rest)))
((= 1 (length rest)) (tco-loop (car rest) env))
(let ((mexpr (take rest (1- (length rest))))
(tail-call (car (take-right rest 1))))
(eval_seq mexpr env)
(tco-loop tail-call env)))))
(('if cnd thn els ...)
((and (not (null? els)) (not (null? (cdr els))))
;; Invalid `if' form
(throw 'mal-error
(format #f "if: failed to match any pattern in form '~a'" ast)))
((cond-true? (EVAL cnd env)) (tco-loop thn env))
(else (if (null? els) nil (tco-loop (car els) env)))))
(('fn* params body ...) ; function definition
(lambda args
(let ((nenv (make-Env #:outer env #:binds (->list params) #:exprs args)))
((null? body)
(throw 'mal-error (format #f "fn*: bad lambda in form '~a'" ast)))
((= 1 (length body)) (tco-loop (car body) nenv))
(let ((mexpr (take body (1- (length body))))
(tail-call (car (take-right body 1))))
(eval_seq mexpr nenv)
(tco-loop tail-call nenv))))))))
(let ((el (map (lambda (x) (EVAL x env)) ast)))
(callable-apply (car el) (cdr el)))))))
(define (EVAL-string str)
(EVAL (read_str str) *toplevel*))
(define (PRINT exp)
(and (not (eof-object? exp))
(format #t "~a~%" (pr_str exp #t))))
(define (LOOP continue?)
(and continue? (REPL)))
(define (REPL)
(let ((line (_readline "user> ")))
((eof-object? line) #f)
((string=? line "") #t)
(catch 'mal-error
(lambda () (PRINT (EVAL (READ line) *toplevel*)))
(lambda (k . e)
(format #t "Error: ~a~%" (pr_str (car e) #t)))))))))
(EVAL-string "(def! not (fn* (x) (if x false true)))")