mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 0ee1a51777 New SWI-prolog implementation
with, in stepA_mal.mal, a new way to pass all test and break
self-hosting nevertheless.
2021-04-19 09:53:22 -05:00

182 lines
5.1 KiB

% -*- mode: prolog; -*- select prolog mode in the emacs text editor
:- discontiguous mal_equal/2.
:- discontiguous 'with-meta'/2.
:- discontiguous meta/2.
:- discontiguous valid_mal/1.
% A MAL number is represented by a Prolog integer.
% A MAL symbol is represented by a Prolog atom,
% including `false`, `nil` and `true`.
% A MAL string is represented by a Prolog string.
% A MAL keyword is represented as mal_kwd(String), and there is no
% reason to encapsulate this information.
% The remaining representations are encapsulated because they may have
% to evolve, and interfer directly with metadata.
mal_equal(X, X) :- atomic(X), !.
mal_equal(mal_kwd(S), mal_kwd(S)) :- !.
valid_mal(X) :- integer(X), !.
valid_mal(X) :- atom(X), !.
valid_mal(X) :- string(X), !.
valid_mal(mal_kwd(S)) :- !, string(S).
% Sequences
% list(?Forms, ?List)
% Bi-directional conversion between a list of MAL forms and a MAL list.
% At least one of the two arguments must be instantiated.
% Fails if the second argument is instantiated but not a MAL list.
% vector(?Forms, ?Vector)
% Similar for MAL vectors.
list(Forms, mal_list(Forms)) :- !.
list(Forms, mal_list(Forms, _Meta)) :- !.
vector(Forms, mal_vector(Forms)) :- !.
vector(Forms, mal_vector(Forms, _Meta)) :- !.
mal_equal(S1, S2) :-
unbox_seq(S1, L1), !,
unbox_seq(S2, L2),
maplist(mal_equal, L1, L2).
'with-meta'([X, Meta], mal_list( Forms, Meta)) :- list( Forms, X), !.
'with-meta'([X, Meta], mal_vector(Forms, Meta)) :- vector(Forms, X), !.
meta([mal_list(_, Meta)], Meta) :- !.
meta([mal_vector(_, Meta)], Meta) :- !.
valid_mal(mal_list(F)) :- !, maplist(valid_mal, F).
valid_mal(mal_list(F, M)) :- !, maplist(valid_mal, F), valid_mal(M).
valid_mal(mal_vector(F)) :- !, maplist(valid_mal, F).
valid_mal(mal_vector(F, M)) :- !, maplist(valid_mal, F), valid_mal(M).
% Maps
% Other files should not directly depend on Assoc, as there may be
% good reasons to change the map representation.
'hash-map'(Key_Value_List, mal_map(Res)) :-
check(foldl_keyvals(assoc, Assoc, Key_Value_List, Res),
"hash-map: odd count of key and values in ~L", [Key_Value_List]).
is_map(mal_map(_Assoc)) :- !.
is_map(mal_map(_Assoc, _Meta)) :- !.
is_key(Key) :- string(Key), !.
is_key(mal_kwd(_)) :- !.
unbox_map(mal_map(Assoc), Assoc) :- !.
unbox_map(mal_map(Assoc, _Meta), Assoc) :- !.
get(Map, Key, Res) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
get_assoc(Key, Assoc, Res).
assoc([Map | Key_Value_List], mal_map(Res)) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
check(foldl_keyvals(assoc, Assoc, Key_Value_List, Res),
"assoc: odd count of key and values in [~L]", [Key_Value_List]).
assoc(Assoc, Key, Value, Res) :-
check(is_key(Key), "map keys must be strings or symbol, not ~F", [Key]),
put_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value, Res).
% This order of parameter is convenient with foldl.
dissoc(Key, Map, mal_map(Res)) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
% del_assoc fails if the key did previously exist,
% and we do not want to search twice.
(del_assoc(Key, Assoc, _Value, Res) -> true ; Res = Assoc).
map_map(Goal, Map, mal_map(Res)) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
map_assoc(Goal, Assoc, Res).
keys([Map], Res) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
assoc_to_keys(Assoc, Keys),
list(Keys, Res).
vals([Map], Res) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
assoc_to_values(Assoc, Vals),
list(Vals, Res).
% MAL map -> key/value Prolog list
% Fail if the form is not a map.
map_to_key_value_list(Map, Forms) :-
unbox_map(Map, Assoc),
assoc_to_list(Assoc, Pairs),
foldr(convert_pair, [], Pairs, Forms).
convert_pair(Key - Value, Acc, [Key, Value | Acc]).
mal_equal(Map1, Map2) :-
unbox_map(Map1, Assoc1), !,
unbox_map(Map2, Assoc2),
% map_assoc(mal_equal) does not work here because its result
% depends on the internal structure.
assoc_to_list(Assoc1, Pairs1),
assoc_to_list(Assoc2, Pairs2),
maplist(map_pair_equal, Pairs1, Pairs2).
map_pair_equal(K1 - V1, K2 - V2) :- K1 = K2, mal_equal(V1, V2).
'with-meta'([X, Meta], mal_map(Assoc, Meta)) :- unbox_map(X, Assoc), !.
meta([mal_map(_, Meta)], Meta) :- !.
valid_mal(mal_map(Assoc)) :- !,
assoc_to_list(Assoc, Pairs),
maplist(valid_mal_pair, Pairs).
valid_mal(mal_map(Assoc, Meta)) :- !,
assoc_to_list(Assoc, Pairs),
maplist(valid_mal_pair, Pairs),
valid_mal_pair(K - V) :- is_key(K), valid_mal(V).
% Functions
% Goal is called with call(Goal, [Arg1, Arg2..], Res).
% It should never fail, and use mal_error/1 to report problems.
mal_fn(Goal, mal_fn(Goal)) :- !.
mal_fn(Goal, mal_fn(Goal, _Meta)) :- !.
'with-meta'([mal_fn(Goal), Meta], mal_fn(Goal, Meta)) :- !.
'with-meta'([mal_fn(Goal, _Meta), Meta], mal_fn(Goal, Meta)) :- !.
meta([mal_fn(_,Meta)], Meta) :- !.
valid_mal(mal_fn(_)) :- !.
valid_mal(mal_fn(_, Meta)) :- !, valid_mal(Meta).
% Macros
mal_macro(Fn, mal_macro(Fn)).
% Atoms
mal_atom(Value, mal_atom(Value)).
set_mal_atom_value(Atom, Value) :- setarg(1, Atom, Value).
valid_mal(mal_atom(Value)) :- !, valid_mal(Value).
% Catch-all clause for objects without metadata.
meta([_], nil) :- !.