mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 0ee1a51777 New SWI-prolog implementation
with, in stepA_mal.mal, a new way to pass all test and break
self-hosting nevertheless.
2021-04-19 09:53:22 -05:00

47 lines
1.3 KiB

% -*- mode: prolog; -*- select prolog mode in the emacs text editor
% Convenient shortcuts, especially during steps 1 to 6.
% Similar to "assert", but raise an non-fatal error.
check(Condition, _, _) :- call(Condition), !.
check(_, Format, Arguments) :- throwf(Format, Arguments).
throwf(Format, Arguments) :-
format(string(Message), Format, Arguments),
% Convenient shortcut: unbox(+Sequence, -List).
unbox_seq(Sequence, Forms) :- list(Forms, Sequence).
unbox_seq(Sequence, Forms) :- vector(Forms, Sequence).
% Abstract some loops.
% foldr(Goal, Vn, [X1, X2,...,Xn], V0) :-
% Goal(Xn, Vn, Vn-1),
% ...
% Goal(X2, V2, V1),
% Goal(X1, V1, V0),
foldr(_, Vn, [], Vn).
foldr(Goal, Vn, [X|Xs], V0) :-
foldr(Goal, Vn, Xs, V1),
call(Goal, X, V1, V0).
% foldl_keyvals(Goal, Init, [K1, V1, K2, V2, K3, V3], Acc3) :-
% Goal(Init, K1, V1, Acc1),
% Goal(Acc1, K2, V2, Acc2),
% Goal(Acc2, K3, V3, Acc3).
foldl_keyvals(_, Init, [], Init).
foldl_keyvals(Goal, Init, [K, V | KVs], Res) :-
call(Goal, Init, K, V, Acc),
foldl_keyvals(Goal, Acc, KVs, Res).
% map_keyvals(Goal, [K1, V1, K2, V2, K3, V3]) :-
% Goal(K1, V1),
% Goal(K2, V2),
% Goal(K3, V3).
map_keyvals(_, []).
map_keyvals(Goal, [K, V | KVs]) :-
call(Goal, K, V),
map_keyvals(Goal, KVs).