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1119 lines
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%include "macros.mac"
section .data
;; Reader macro strings
static quote_symbol_string, db "quote"
static quasiquote_symbol_string, db "quasiquote"
static unquote_symbol_string, db "unquote"
static splice_unquote_symbol_string, db "splice-unquote"
static deref_symbol_string, db "deref"
static with_meta_symbol_string, db "with-meta"
;; Error message strings
static error_string_unexpected_end, db "Error: Unexpected end of input (EOF). Could be a missing ) or ]", 10
static error_string_bracket_not_brace, db "Error: Expecting '}' but got ')'"
;; Symbols for comparison
static_symbol nil_symbol, 'nil'
static_symbol true_symbol, 'true'
static_symbol false_symbol, 'false'
section .text
;; Read a string into memory as a form (nested lists and atoms)
;; Note: In this implementation the tokenizer is not done separately
;; Input: Address of string (char array) in RSI
;; Output: Address of object in RAX
;; Uses registers:
;; R12 Address of the start of the current list (starts 0)
;; R13 Address of the current list tail
;; R14 Stack pointer at start. Used for unwinding on error
;; R15 Address of first list. Used for unwinding on error
;; In addition, the tokenizer uses
;; RAX (object return)
;; RBX
;; RCX (character return in CL)
;; RDX
;; R8 ** State must be preserved
;; R9 **
;; R10 **
;; R12
;; R13
;; R14 Original stack pointer on call
;; R15 Top-level list, so all can be released on error
; Initialise tokenizer
call tokenizer_init
; Set current list to zero
mov r12, 0
; Set first list to zero
mov r15, 0
; Save stack pointer for unwinding
mov r14, rsp
call tokenizer_next
cmp cl, 0
jne .got_token
; Unexpected end of tokens
mov rdx, error_string_unexpected_end.len
mov rsi, error_string_unexpected_end
jmp .error
cmp cl, 'i' ; An integer. Cons object in RAX
je .finished
cmp cl, '"' ; A string. Array object in RAX
je .finished
cmp cl, 's' ; A symbol
je .symbol
cmp cl, '('
je .list_start
cmp cl, ')'
je .return_nil ; Note: if reading a list, cl will be tested in the list reader
cmp cl, '{'
je .map_start
cmp cl, '}' ; cl tested in map reader
je .return_nil
cmp cl, '['
je .vector_start
cmp cl, ']' ; cl tested in vector reader
je .return_nil
cmp cl, 39 ; quote '
je .handle_quote
cmp cl, '`'
je .handle_quasiquote
cmp cl, '~'
je .handle_unquote
cmp cl, 1
je .handle_splice_unquote
cmp cl, '@'
je .handle_deref
cmp cl, '^'
je .handle_with_meta
; Unknown
jmp .return_nil
; --------------------------------
; Get the first value
; Note that we call rather than jmp because the first
; value needs to be treated differently. There's nothing
; to append to yet...
call .read_loop
; rax now contains the first object
cmp cl, ')' ; Check if it was end of list
jne .list_has_contents
mov cl, 0 ; so ')' doesn't propagate to nested lists
; Set list to empty
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
ret ; Returns 'nil' given "()"
; If this is a Cons then use it
; If not, then need to allocate a Cons
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .list_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new list
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a list
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov r12, rax ; Start of current list
mov r13, rax ; Set current list
cmp r15, 0 ; Test if first list
jne .list_read_loop
mov r15, rax ; Save the first, for unwinding
; Repeatedly get the next value in the list
; (which may be other lists)
; until we get a ')' token
push r12
push r13
call .read_loop ; object in rax
pop r13
pop r12
cmp cl, ')' ; Check if it was end of list
je .list_done ; Have nil object in rax
; Test if this is a Cons value
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .list_loop_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new list
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a list
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl
; Append to r13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax ; Set current list
jmp .list_read_loop
; Release nil object in rax
mov rsi, rax
call release_cons
; Terminate the list
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
mov QWORD [r13 + Cons.cdr], QWORD 0
mov rax, r12 ; Start of current list
; --------------------------------
; Get the first value
; Note that we call rather than jmp because the first
; value needs to be treated differently. There's nothing
; to append to yet...
call .read_loop
; rax now contains the first object
cmp cl, '}' ; Check if it was end of map
jne .map_has_contents
mov cl, 0 ; so '}' doesn't propagate to nested maps
; Set map to empty
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_map
ret ; Returns 'nil' given "()"
; If this is a Cons then use it
; If not, then need to allocate a Cons
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .map_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new map
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a map
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_map
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov r12, rax ; Start of current map
mov r13, rax ; Set current map
cmp r15, 0 ; Test if first map
jne .map_read_loop
mov r15, rax ; Save the first, for unwinding
; Repeatedly get the next value in the map
; (which may be other maps)
; until we get a '}' token
push r12
push r13
call .read_loop ; object in rax
pop r13
pop r12
cmp cl, '}' ; Check if it was end of map
je .map_done ; Have nil object in rax
; Test if this is a Cons value
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .map_loop_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new map
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a map
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_map
mov [rax], BYTE cl
; Append to r13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax ; Set current map
jmp .map_read_loop
; Release nil object in rax
mov rsi, rax
call release_cons
; Terminate the map
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
mov QWORD [r13 + Cons.cdr], QWORD 0
mov rax, r12 ; Start of current map
; --------------------------------
; Get the first value
; Note that we call rather than jmp because the first
; value needs to be treated differently. There's nothing
; to append to yet...
call .read_loop
; rax now contains the first object
cmp cl, ']' ; Check if it was end of vector
jne .vector_has_contents
mov cl, 0 ; so ']' doesn't propagate to nested vectors
; Set vector to empty
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_vector
ret ; Returns 'nil' given "()"
; If this is a Cons then use it
; If not, then need to allocate a Cons
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .vector_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new vector
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_vector + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a vector
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_vector
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov r12, rax ; Start of current vector
mov r13, rax ; Set current vector
cmp r15, 0 ; Test if first vector
jne .vector_read_loop
mov r15, rax ; Save the first, for unwinding
; Repeatedly get the next value in the vector
; (which may be other vectors)
; until we get a ']' token
push r12
push r13
call .read_loop ; object in rax
pop r13
pop r12
cmp cl, ']' ; Check if it was end of vector
je .vector_done ; Have nil object in rax
; Test if this is a Cons value
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
mov ch, cl
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask) ; Tests block and container type
jz .vector_loop_is_value
; If here then not a simple value, so need to allocate
; a Cons object
; Start new vector
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_vector + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Now have Cons in RAX, containing pointer to object as car
; Cons in RAX
; Make sure it's marked as a vector
mov cl, BYTE [rax]
or cl, container_vector
mov [rax], BYTE cl
; Append to r13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax ; Set current vector
jmp .vector_read_loop
; Release nil object in rax
mov rsi, rax
call release_cons
; Terminate the vector
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
mov QWORD [r13 + Cons.cdr], QWORD 0
mov rax, r12 ; Start of current vector
; --------------------------------
; Turn 'a into (quote a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "quote"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, quote_symbol_string
mov edx, quote_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_symbol
mov [r12], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [r12 + Cons.car], rax
; Get the next object
push r12
call .read_loop ; object in rax
pop r12
mov r13, rax ; Put object to be quoted in r13
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r13
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; Cons object in rax. Append to object in r12
mov [r12 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r12 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rax, r12
; --------------------------------
; Turn `a into (quasiquote a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "quasiquote"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, quasiquote_symbol_string
mov edx, quasiquote_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
jmp .wrap_next_object ; From there the same as handle_quote
; --------------------------------
; Turn ~a into (unquote a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "unquote"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, unquote_symbol_string
mov edx, unquote_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
jmp .wrap_next_object ; From there the same as handle_quote
; --------------------------------
; Turn ~@a into (unquote a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "unquote"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, splice_unquote_symbol_string
mov edx, splice_unquote_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
jmp .wrap_next_object ; From there the same as handle_quote
; --------------------------------
; Turn @a into (deref a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "deref"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, deref_symbol_string
mov edx, deref_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
jmp .wrap_next_object ; From there the same as handle_quote
; --------------------------------
; Turn ^ a b into (with-meta b a)
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov r12, rax
; Get a symbol "with-meta"
push r8
push r9
mov rsi, with_meta_symbol_string
mov edx, with_meta_symbol_string.len
call raw_to_string ; Address in rax
pop r9
pop r8
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_symbol
mov [r12], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [r12 + Cons.car], rax
; Get the next two objects
push r12
call .read_loop ; object in rax
pop r12
push rax
push r12
call .read_loop ; in RAX
pop r12
mov r13, rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r13
; Cons object in rax. Append to object in r12
mov [r12 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r12 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
call alloc_cons ; Address in rax
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
pop rdi ; First object
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdi
; Append to object in R13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rax, r12
; --------------------------------
; symbol is in RAX
; Some symbols are have their own type
; - nil, true, false
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, nil_symbol
push rsi
call compare_char_array
pop rsi
cmp rax, 0
je .symbol_nil
mov rdi, true_symbol
push rsi
call compare_char_array
pop rsi
cmp rax, 0
je .symbol_true
mov rdi, false_symbol
push rsi
call compare_char_array
pop rsi
cmp rax, 0
je .symbol_false
; not a special symbol, so return
mov rax, rsi
; symbol in rsi not needed
call release_array
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil ; a nil type
call release_array
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
call release_array
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
; --------------------------------
; Jump here on error with raw string in RSI
; and string length in rdx
push r14
push r15
call print_rawstring
pop r15
pop r14
; fall through to unwind
; Jump to here cleans up
mov rsp, r14 ; Rewind stack pointer
cmp r15, 0 ; Check if there is a list
je .return_nil
mov rsi, r15
call release_cons ; releases everything recursively
; fall through to return_nil
; Allocates a new Cons object with nil and returns
; Cleanup should happen before jumping here
push rcx
call alloc_cons
pop rcx
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
;; Initialise the tokenizer
;; Input: Address of string in RSI
;; NOTE: This uses RSI, RAX and RBX, and expects these to be preserved
;; between calls to tokenizer_next_char
;; R9 Address of string
;; R10 Position in data array
;; R11 End of data array
; Save string to r9
mov r9, rsi
; Put start of data array into r10
mov r10, rsi
add r10, Array.data
; Put end of data array into r11
mov r11d, [rsi + Array.length] ; Length of array, zero-extended
add r11, r10
;; Move onto the next chunk of the array
;; This is needed because strings are not stored in one
;; contiguous block of memory, but may use multiple Array
;; objects in a linked list
;; If no chunks are left, then R10 = R11
mov r10, [r9 + Array.next]
cmp r10, 0
je .no_more
; More chunks left
push rsi ; Because symbol reading uses RSI (tokenizer_next.handle_symbol)
mov rsi, r10
call tokenizer_init
pop rsi
; No more chunks left. R10 is zero
mov r11, r10
;; Moves the next char into CL
;; If no more, puts 0 into CL
; Check if we have reached the end of this chunk
cmp r10, r11
jne .chars_remain
; Hit the end. See if there is another chunk
call tokenizer_next_chunk
cmp r10, r11
jne .chars_remain ; Success, got another
; No more chunks
mov cl, 0 ; Null char signals end
mov cl, BYTE [r10]
inc r10 ; point to next byte
;; Get the next token
;; Token code is in CL register. Could be:
;; - 0 : Nil, finished
;; - Characters ()[]()'`~^@
;; - Pair '~@', represented by code 1
;; - A string: " in CL, and address in RAX
;; - An integer: 'i' in CL
;; - A symbol: 's' in CL, address in RAX
;; Address of object in RAX
;; May use registers:
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
; Fetch the next char into CL
call tokenizer_next_char
cmp cl, 0
je .found ; End, no more tokens
; Here expect to have:
; - The current character in CL
; - Address of next data in r10
; - Address of data end in r11
; Skip whitespace or commas
cmp cl, ' ' ; Space
je .next_char
cmp cl, ',' ; Comma
je .next_char
cmp cl, 9 ; Tab
je .next_char
cmp cl, 10 ; Line Feed
je .next_char
cmp cl, 13 ; Carriage Return
je .next_char
; Special characters. These are returned in CL as-is
cmp cl, '('
je .found
cmp cl, ')'
je .found
cmp cl, '['
je .found
cmp cl, ']'
je .found
cmp cl, '{'
je .found
cmp cl, '}'
je .found
cmp cl, 39 ; character '
je .found
cmp cl, 96 ; character `
je .found
cmp cl, '^'
je .found
cmp cl, '@'
je .found
cmp cl, '~' ; Could be followed by '@'
je .handle_tilde
cmp cl, ';' ; Start of a comment
je .comment
cmp cl, 34 ; Opening string quotes
je .handle_string
; Could be number or symbol
cmp cl, '-' ; Minus sign
je .handle_minus
mov ch, 0
; Check for a character 0-9
cmp cl, '0'
jl .handle_symbol
cmp cl, '9'
jg .handle_symbol
; Here an integer
jmp .handle_integer
; Start of a comment. Keep reading until a new line or end
; Fetch the next char into CL
call tokenizer_next_char
cmp cl, 0
je .found ; End, no more tokens
cmp cl, 10
je .next_char ; Next line, start reading again
jmp .comment
; Push current state of the tokenizer
push r9
push r10
push r11
; Get the next character
call tokenizer_next_char
; Check if it is a number
cmp cl, '0'
jl .minus_not_number
cmp cl, '9'
jg .minus_not_number
; Here is a number
mov ch, '-' ; Put '-' in ch for later
; Discard old state by moving stack pointer
add rsp, 24 ; 3 * 8 bytes
jmp .handle_integer
; Restore state
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
mov cl, '-' ; Put back
jmp .handle_symbol
; Start integer
; accumulate in EDX
xor edx, edx
; Here have a char 0-9 in CL
sub cl, '0' ; Convert to number between 0 and 9
movzx ebx, cl
add edx, ebx
; Push current state of the tokenizer
push r9
push r10
push r11
; Peek at next character
call tokenizer_next_char ; Next char in CL
cmp cl, '0'
jl .integer_finished
cmp cl, '9'
jg .integer_finished
; Discard old state by moving stack pointer
add rsp, 24 ; 3 * 8 bytes
imul edx, 10
jmp .integer_loop
; Next char not an int
; Restore state of the tokenizer
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
push rdx ; Save the integer
; Get a Cons object to put the result into
call alloc_cons
pop rdx ; Restore integer
; Check if the number should be negative
cmp ch, '-'
jne .integer_store
neg rdx
; Address of Cons now in RAX
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_integer
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdx
mov cl, 'i' ; Mark as an integer
; -------------------------------------------
; Read characters until reaching whitespace, special character or end
call string_new
mov rsi, rax ; Output string in rsi
; Put the current character into the array
call string_append_char
; Push current state of the tokenizer
push r9
push r10
push r11
call tokenizer_next_char
cmp cl, 0 ; End of characters
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, ' ' ; Space
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, ',' ; Comma
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 9 ; Tab
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 10 ; Line Feed
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 13 ; Carriage Return
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '('
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, ')'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '['
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, ']'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '{'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '}'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 39 ; character '
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 96 ; character `
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '^'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '@'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, '~'
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, ';' ; Start of a comment
je .symbol_finished
cmp cl, 34 ; Opening string quotes
je .symbol_finished
; Keeping current character
; Discard old state by moving stack pointer
add rsp, 24 ; 3 * 8 bytes
jmp .symbol_loop ; Append to array
; Not keeping current character
; Restore state of the tokenizer
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
mov rax, rsi
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_symbol ; Mark as a symbol
mov cl, 's' ; used by read_str
; --------------------------------------------
; Get an array to put the string into
call string_new ; Array in RAX
; Put start of data array into rbx
mov rbx, rax
add rbx, Array.data
; Put end of data array into rdx
mov edx, DWORD [rax + Array.length] ; Length of array, zero-extended
add rdx, rbx
; Now read chars from input string and push into output
call tokenizer_next_char
cmp cl, 0 ; End of characters
je .error
cmp cl, 34 ; Finishing '"'
je .string_done ; Leave '"' in CL
cmp cl, 92 ; Escape '\'
jne .end_string_escape
; Current character is a '\'
call tokenizer_next_char
cmp cl, 0 ; End of characters
je .error
cmp cl, 'n' ; \n, newline
je .insert_newline
; Whatever is in cl is now put into string
; including '"'
jmp .end_string_escape
mov cl, 10
jmp .end_string_escape
; Put CL onto result array
; NOTE: this doesn't handle long strings (multiple memory blocks)
mov [rbx], cl
inc rbx
jmp .string_loop
; Calculate the length from rbx
sub rbx, Array.data
sub rbx, rax
mov [rax+Array.length], DWORD ebx
; ---------------------------------
; Could have '~' or '~@'. Need to peek at the next char
; Push current state of the tokenizer
push r9
push r10
push r11
call tokenizer_next_char ; Next char in CL
cmp cl, '@'
jne .tilde_no_amp ; Just '~', not '~@'
; Got '~@'
mov cl, 1 ; Signals '~@'
; Discard old state by moving stack pointer
add rsp, 24 ; 3 * 8 bytes
mov cl, '~'
; Restore state of the tokenizer
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
; fall through to .found