mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
Keith Rollin 425305df78 Update for Xcode 7.0

* In Environment, skip checking unused local slots if we’ve switched
  over to the general map.
* Mark as much as possible with “final” and “private”, and build with
  -whole-module-optimization, per
* Refactor to include alternate types.swift with an implementation based
  on “enum”. Add Makefile variable allowing us to switch between the two
  so that we can compare the results. (At the time of this writing,
  using the class-based implementation is better in terms of both size
  and speed.)

Swift 1.2:

* Use the form of “if-let-as” that allows us to unwrap multiple
  optionals at once.
* Use Swift’s as? rather than our own predicates after determining that
  the former did not incur a performance hit.

Swift 2.0:

* Remove some Array conversions where Foundation/Cocoa is now declared
  to return arrays of the desired type.
* println -> print.
* print() -> print("")
* Remove some NSError* parameters; changed to do/try/catch.
* Use Swift exception handling rather than tunneling that information in
* Use `guard` statements where it makes sense. Especially `guard let a =
  b as? c` statements in order to reduce subsequent forced unwrapping.
* Changed count(str) -> str.characters.count.
* Changed Swift.reduce(coll, ...) -> coll.reduce(...).
* Changed reverse(coll) -> coll.reverse().
* Changed use of .allZeros -> default OptionSet c'tor.
* Changed Printable -> CustomStringConvertible.
* Changed Sequence.extend -> Sequence.appendContentsOf
* Changed String.join -> Sequence.joinWithSeparator
* Changed advance(index, delta) -> index.advancedBy(delta)
* Addressed change in function parameter name requirements.
* Added and used substring(s, begin, end).
* Changed “for ch in str” to “for ch in str.characters”
* Changed some switch/case statements to briefer if/case statements.
* Slices are no longer necessarily 0-based.
* Sprinkle in some @noescapes.
* Search for the most recent swiftc compiler to use if Xcode and
  Xcode-beta are both installed.

* Delete debugger symbols in `make clean`.
* Rebuild if Makefile is changed.
2015-09-21 18:26:47 -07:00

722 lines
24 KiB

// MAL - core
import Foundation
// This is a simple type distinct from all MalVal types so that we can pass a
// sequence to a function and be able to distinguish between those functions
// that want a sequence as a parameter and those that want a sequence that holds
// the rest of the function parameters.
final class MalVarArgs {
init(_ value: MalSequence) { self.value = value }
init(_ value: MalVal) { self.value = as_sequence(value) }
let value: MalSequence
private func fn_eq(obj1: MalVal, obj2: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return obj1 == obj2
private func fn_throw(exception: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
try throw_error(exception)
private func fn_nilQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_nil(obj)
private func fn_trueQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_true(obj)
private func fn_falseQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_false(obj)
private func fn_symbol(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
return make_symbol(s)
private func fn_symbolQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_symbol(obj)
private func fn_keyword(s: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if is_keyword(s) {
return s
if is_string(s) {
return make_keyword(as_string(s))
try throw_error("expected string or keyword")
private func fn_keywordQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_keyword(obj)
private func fn_prstr(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> String {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, true) }
return args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_str(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> String {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, false) }
return args_str_array.joinWithSeparator("")
private func fn_prn(args: MalVarArgs) {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, true) }
let args_str = args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_println(args: MalVarArgs) {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, false) }
let args_str = args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_readstring(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
return try read_str(s)
private func fn_readline(s: String) throws -> String? {
return _readline(s)
private func fn_slurp(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
do {
let result = try String(contentsOfFile: s, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
return make_string(result)
} catch let error as NSError {
try throw_error("unknown error reading file \(error)")
private func fn_lt(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 < arg2
private func fn_lte(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 <= arg2
private func fn_gt(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 > arg2
private func fn_gte(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 >= arg2
private func fn_add(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 + arg2
private func fn_subtract(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 - arg2
private func fn_multiply(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 * arg2
private func fn_divide(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 / arg2
private func fn_timems() throws -> MalIntType {
var time = timeval(tv_sec: 0, tv_usec: 0)
let res = gettimeofday(&time, nil)
if res == 0 {
return (MalIntType(time.tv_sec) * 1_000_000 + MalIntType(time.tv_usec)) / 1000
return -1
private func fn_list(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_list(args.value)
private func fn_listQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_list(obj)
private func fn_vector(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_vector(args.value)
private func fn_vectorQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_vector(obj)
private func fn_hashmap(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_hashmap(args.value)
private func fn_hashmapQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_hashmap(obj)
private func fn_assoc(hash: MalHashMap, args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.value.count % 2 == 0 else {
try throw_error("expected even number of elements, got \(args.value.count)")
var new_dictionary = hash.hash
for var index: MalIntType = 0; index < args.value.count; index += 2 {
new_dictionary[try! args.value.nth(index)] = try! args.value.nth(index + 1)
return make_hashmap(new_dictionary)
private func fn_dissoc(hash: MalHashMap, args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var new_dictionary = hash.hash
for value in args.value {
return make_hashmap(new_dictionary)
private func fn_get(obj: MalVal, key: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let as_vec = as_vectorQ(obj) {
guard let index = as_integerQ(key) else {
try throw_error("expected integer key for get(vector), got \(key)")
let n = as_inttype(index)
guard n >= as_vec.count else { try throw_error("index out of range: \(n) >= \(as_vec.count)") }
return try! as_vec.nth(n)
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
if let value = as_hash.value_for(key) { return value }
return make_nil()
if is_nil(obj) {
return obj
try throw_error("get called on unsupported type: \(obj)")
private func fn_containsQ(obj: MalVal, key: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let as_vec = as_vectorQ(obj) {
guard let index = as_integerQ(key) else {
try throw_error("expected integer key for contains(vector), got \(key)")
let n = as_inttype(index)
return n < as_vec.count ? make_true() : make_false()
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
return as_hash.value_for(key) != nil ? make_true() : make_false()
try throw_error("contains? called on unsupported type: \(obj)")
private func fn_keys(hash: MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal {
return hash.keys
private func fn_values(hash: MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal {
return hash.values
private func fn_sequentialQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_sequence(obj)
private func fn_cons(first: MalVal, rest: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
return rest.cons(first)
private func fn_concat(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var result = make_list()
for arg in args.value {
guard let arg_as_seq = as_sequenceQ(arg) else {
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg)")
result = try! as_sequence(result).concat(arg_as_seq)
return result
private func fn_nth(list: MalSequence, index: MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try list.nth(index)
private func fn_first(arg: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if is_nil(arg) {
return arg
if let list = as_sequenceQ(arg) {
return list.first()
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg)")
private func fn_rest(list: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
return list.rest()
private func fn_emptyQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
if let list = as_sequenceQ(obj) {
return list.isEmpty
return true
private func fn_count(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalIntType {
if is_nil(obj) {
return 0
if let as_seq = as_sequenceQ(obj) {
return as_seq.count
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
return as_hash.count
if let as_str = as_stringQ(obj) {
return MalIntType(as_stringtype(as_str).characters.count)
return 0
private func fn_apply(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.value.count >= 2 else {
try throw_error("expected at least 2 arguments to apply, got \(args.value.count)")
let first = args.value.first()
let middle = args.value.range_from(1, to: args.value.count - 1)
let last = args.value.last()
guard let fn = as_functionQ(first) else {
try throw_error("expected function for first argument to apply, got \(first)")
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(last) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence for last argument to apply, got \(last)")
let exprs = try! as_sequence(middle).concat(seq)
return try fn.apply(as_sequence(exprs))
private func fn_map(fn: MalFunction, list: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
var result = [MalVal]()
for var index: MalIntType = 0; index < list.count; ++index {
let apply_res = try fn.apply(as_sequence(make_list_from(try! list.nth(index))))
return make_list(result)
private func fn_conj(first: MalSequence, rest: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return try first.conj(rest.value)
private func fn_meta(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let meta = get_meta(obj) {
return meta
return make_nil()
private func fn_withmeta(form: MalVal, meta: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return with_meta(form, meta)
private func fn_atom(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return make_atom(obj)
private func fn_atomQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_atom(obj)
private func fn_deref(atom: MalAtom) throws -> MalVal {
return atom.object
private func fn_resetBang(atom: MalAtom, obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return atom.set_object(obj)
private func fn_swapBang(let atom: MalAtom, fn: MalFunction, rest: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var new_args = make_list_from(atom.object)
new_args = try as_sequence(new_args).concat(rest.value)
let result = try fn.apply(as_sequence(new_args))
return atom.set_object(result)
// The facility for invoking built-in functions makes use of a name ->
// function-pointer table (defined down below). The function-pointers accept a
// sequence of MalVals and return a MalVal as a result. Each built-in function
// that does actual work, on the other hand, may expect a different set of
// parameters of different types, and may naturally return a result of any type.
// In order to convert between these two types of interfaces, we have these
// unwrap_args functions. These functions implement the (MalSequence) -> MalVal
// interface expected by EVAL, and convert that information into Ints, Strings,
// etc. expected by the built-in functions.
private func with_one_parameter(args: MalSequence, @noescape fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.count >= 1 else { try throw_error("expected at least 1 parameter, got \(args.count)") }
let arg1 = try! args.nth(0)
return try fn(arg1)
private func with_two_parameters(args: MalSequence, @noescape fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.count >= 2 else { try throw_error("expected at least 2 parameter, got \(args.count)") }
let arg1 = try! args.nth(0)
let arg2 = try! args.nth(1)
return try fn(arg1, arg2)
// ========== 0-parameter functions ==========
// () -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: () throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return make_integer(try fn())
// () -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: () throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try fn()
// ========== 1-parameter functions ==========
// (MalAtom) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(atom)
// (MalHashMap) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let hash = as_hashmapQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected hashmap, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(hash)
// (MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(seq)
// (MalVal) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalVal) -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return make_integer(try fn(arg1))
// (MalVal) -> MalVal
func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1)
// (String) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(as_stringtype(str))
// (String) -> MalVal?
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> MalVal?) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
let res = try fn(as_stringtype(str))
return res != nil ? res! : make_nil()
// (String) -> String
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> String) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
return make_string(try fn(as_stringtype(str)))
// (String) -> String?
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> String?) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
let res = try fn(as_stringtype(str))
return res != nil ? make_string(res!) : make_nil()
// ========== 2-parameter functions ==========
// (MalIntType, MalIntType) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalIntType, MalIntType) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let int1 = as_integerQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg1)")
guard let int2 = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(as_inttype(int1), as_inttype(int2)) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalIntType, MalIntType) -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalIntType, MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let int1 = as_integerQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg1)")
guard let int2 = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return make_integer(try fn(as_inttype(int1), as_inttype(int2)))
// (MalAtom, MalVal) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(atom, arg2)
// (MalFunction, MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalFunction, MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let fn1 = as_functionQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected function, got \(arg1)")
guard let seq2 = as_sequenceQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(fn1, seq2)
// (MalSequence, MalIntType) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence, MalIntType) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg1)")
guard let int = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(seq, as_inttype(int))
// (MalVal, MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(arg1, seq)
// (MalVal, MalVal) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1, arg2) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalVal, MalVal) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1, arg2)
// ========== Variadic functions ==========
// (MalVarArgs) -> ()
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> ()) throws -> MalVal {
try fn(MalVarArgs(args))
return make_nil()
// (MalVarArgs) -> String
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> String) throws -> MalVal {
return make_string(try fn(MalVarArgs(args)))
// (MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try fn(MalVarArgs(args))
// (MalAtom, MalFunction, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom, MalFunction, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
guard let fn2 = as_functionQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected function, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(atom, fn2, MalVarArgs(as_sequence(args.rest()).rest()))
// (MalHashMap, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalHashMap, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let hash = as_hashmapQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected hashmap, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(hash, MalVarArgs(args.rest()))
// (MalSequence, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(seq, MalVarArgs(args.rest()))
// *o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*
let ns: [String: MalBuiltin.Signature] = [
"=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_eq) },
"throw": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_throw) },
"nil?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_nilQ) },
"true?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_trueQ) },
"false?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_falseQ) },
"symbol": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_symbol) },
"symbol?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_symbolQ) },
"keyword": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keyword) },
"keyword?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keywordQ) },
"pr-str": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_prstr) },
"str": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_str) },
"prn": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_prn) },
"println": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_println) },
"read-string": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_readstring) },
"readline": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_readline) },
"slurp": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_slurp) },
"<": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_lt) },
"<=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_lte) },
">": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_gt) },
">=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_gte) },
"+": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_add) },
"-": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_subtract) },
"*": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_multiply) },
"/": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_divide) },
"time-ms": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_timems) },
"list": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_list) },
"list?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_listQ) },
"vector": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_vector) },
"vector?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_vectorQ) },
"hash-map": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_hashmap) },
"map?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_hashmapQ) },
"assoc": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_assoc) },
"dissoc": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_dissoc) },
"get": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_get) },
"contains?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_containsQ) },
"keys": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keys) },
"vals": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_values) },
"sequential?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_sequentialQ) },
"cons": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_cons) },
"concat": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_concat) },
"nth": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_nth) },
"first": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_first) },
"rest": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_rest) },
"empty?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_emptyQ) },
"count": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_count) },
"apply": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_apply) },
"map": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_map) },
"conj": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_conj) },
"meta": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_meta) },
"with-meta": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_withmeta) },
"atom": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_atom) },
"atom?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_atomQ) },
"deref": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_deref) },
"reset!": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_resetBang) },
"swap!": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_swapBang) },
func load_builtins(env: Environment) {
for (name, fn) in ns {
env.set(as_symbol(make_symbol(name)), make_builtin(fn))