mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
Keith Rollin 425305df78 Update for Xcode 7.0

* In Environment, skip checking unused local slots if we’ve switched
  over to the general map.
* Mark as much as possible with “final” and “private”, and build with
  -whole-module-optimization, per
* Refactor to include alternate types.swift with an implementation based
  on “enum”. Add Makefile variable allowing us to switch between the two
  so that we can compare the results. (At the time of this writing,
  using the class-based implementation is better in terms of both size
  and speed.)

Swift 1.2:

* Use the form of “if-let-as” that allows us to unwrap multiple
  optionals at once.
* Use Swift’s as? rather than our own predicates after determining that
  the former did not incur a performance hit.

Swift 2.0:

* Remove some Array conversions where Foundation/Cocoa is now declared
  to return arrays of the desired type.
* println -> print.
* print() -> print("")
* Remove some NSError* parameters; changed to do/try/catch.
* Use Swift exception handling rather than tunneling that information in
* Use `guard` statements where it makes sense. Especially `guard let a =
  b as? c` statements in order to reduce subsequent forced unwrapping.
* Changed count(str) -> str.characters.count.
* Changed Swift.reduce(coll, ...) -> coll.reduce(...).
* Changed reverse(coll) -> coll.reverse().
* Changed use of .allZeros -> default OptionSet c'tor.
* Changed Printable -> CustomStringConvertible.
* Changed Sequence.extend -> Sequence.appendContentsOf
* Changed String.join -> Sequence.joinWithSeparator
* Changed advance(index, delta) -> index.advancedBy(delta)
* Addressed change in function parameter name requirements.
* Added and used substring(s, begin, end).
* Changed “for ch in str” to “for ch in str.characters”
* Changed some switch/case statements to briefer if/case statements.
* Slices are no longer necessarily 0-based.
* Sprinkle in some @noescapes.
* Search for the most recent swiftc compiler to use if Xcode and
  Xcode-beta are both installed.

* Delete debugger symbols in `make clean`.
* Rebuild if Makefile is changed.
2015-09-21 18:26:47 -07:00

200 lines
6.7 KiB

// MAL - reader
import Foundation
private let kSymbolWithMeta = make_symbol("with-meta")
private let kSymbolDeref = make_symbol("deref")
private let token_pattern =
"[[:space:],]*" + // Skip whitespace: a sequence of zero or more commas or [:space:]'s
"(" +
"~@" + // Literal "~@"
"|" +
"[\\[\\]{}()`'~^@]" + // Punctuation: Any one of []{}()`'~^@
"|" +
"\"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*\"" + // Quoted string: characters other than \ or ", or any escaped characters
"|" +
";.*" + // Comment: semicolon followed by anything
"|" +
"[^[:space:]\\[\\]{}()`'\",;]*" + // Symbol, keyword, number, nil, true, false: any sequence of chars but [:space:] or []{}()`'",;
private let atom_pattern =
"(^;.*$)" + // Comment
"|" +
"(^-?[0-9]+$)" + // Integer
"|" +
"(^-?[0-9][0-9.]*$)" + // Float
"|" +
"(^nil$)" + // nil
"|" +
"(^true$)" + // true
"|" +
"(^false$)" + // false
"|" +
"(^\".*\"$)" + // String
"|" +
"(:.*)" + // Keyword
"|" +
"(^[^\"]*$)" // Symbol
private var token_regex: NSRegularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: token_pattern, options: NSRegularExpressionOptions())
private var atom_regex: NSRegularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: atom_pattern, options: NSRegularExpressionOptions())
private final class Reader {
init(_ tokens: [String]) {
self.tokens = tokens
self.index = 0
func next() -> String? {
let token = peek()
return token
func peek() -> String? {
if index < tokens.count {
return tokens[index]
return nil
private func increment() {
private let tokens: [String]
private var index: Int
private func tokenizer(s: String) -> [String] {
var tokens = [String]()
let range = NSMakeRange(0, s.characters.count)
let matches = token_regex.matchesInString(s, options: NSMatchingOptions(), range: range)
for match in matches {
if match.range.length > 0 {
let token = (s as NSString).substringWithRange(match.rangeAtIndex(1))
return tokens
private func have_match(match: NSTextCheckingResult, at_index index: Int) -> Bool {
return Int64(match.rangeAtIndex(index).location) < LLONG_MAX
private func read_atom(token: String) throws -> MalVal {
let range = NSMakeRange(0, token.characters.count)
let matches = atom_regex.matchesInString(token, options: NSMatchingOptions(), range: range)
for match in matches {
if have_match(match, at_index: 1) { // Comment
return make_comment()
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 2) { // Integer
guard let value = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(token)?.longLongValue else {
try throw_error("invalid integer: \(token)")
return make_integer(value)
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 3) { // Float
guard let value = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(token)?.doubleValue else {
try throw_error("invalid float: \(token)")
return make_float(value)
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 4) { // nil
return make_nil()
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 5) { // true
return make_true()
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 6) { // false
return make_false()
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 7) { // String
return make_string(unescape(token))
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 8) { // Keyword
return make_keyword(token[token.startIndex.successor() ..< token.endIndex])
} else if have_match(match, at_index: 9) { // Symbol
return make_symbol(token)
try throw_error("Unknown token=\(token)")
private func read_elements(r: Reader, _ open: String, _ close: String) throws -> [MalVal] {
var list = [MalVal]()
while let token = r.peek() {
if token == close {
r.increment() // Consume the closing paren
return list
} else {
let item = try read_form(r)
if !is_comment(item) {
try throw_error("ran out of tokens -- possibly unbalanced ()'s")
private func read_list(r: Reader) throws -> MalVal {
return make_list(try read_elements(r, "(", ")"))
private func read_vector(r: Reader) throws -> MalVal {
return make_vector(try read_elements(r, "[", "]"))
private func read_hashmap(r: Reader) throws -> MalVal {
return make_hashmap(try read_elements(r, "{", "}"))
private func common_quote(r: Reader, _ symbol: String) throws -> MalVal {
let next = try read_form(r)
return make_list_from(make_symbol(symbol), next)
private func read_form(r: Reader) throws -> MalVal {
if let token = r.next() {
switch token {
case "(":
return try read_list(r)
case ")":
try throw_error("unexpected \")\"")
case "[":
return try read_vector(r)
case "]":
try throw_error("unexpected \"]\"")
case "{":
return try read_hashmap(r)
case "}":
try throw_error("unexpected \"}\"")
case "`":
return try common_quote(r, "quasiquote")
case "'":
return try common_quote(r, "quote")
case "~":
return try common_quote(r, "unquote")
case "~@":
return try common_quote(r, "splice-unquote")
case "^":
let meta = try read_form(r)
let form = try read_form(r)
return make_list_from(kSymbolWithMeta, form, meta)
case "@":
let form = try read_form(r)
return make_list_from(kSymbolDeref, form)
return try read_atom(token)
try throw_error("ran out of tokens -- possibly unbalanced ()'s")
func read_str(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
let tokens = tokenizer(s)
let reader = Reader(tokens)
let obj = try read_form(reader)
return obj