mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 02:27:10 +03:00
Ben Dudson 0a96ee8abe All tests pass
Some modifications needed to earlier steps
so they compile with the new core functions.

Need to disable double free error checks
in types, because step2 fails otherwise.
2017-12-27 17:32:01 +00:00

1961 lines
51 KiB

;; Data structures
;; ===============
;; Memory management is done by having two fixed-size datatypes,
;; Cons and Array.
;; Both Cons and Array have the following in common:
;; a type field at the start, a reference count, followed by data
;; [ type (8) | (8) | refs (16) | data ]
;; Type bit fields
;; ---------------
;; The 8-bit type fields describe the Block, Container and Content type.
;; The Block type is used for memory management, to determine the kind of memory block
;; The Container type indicates the data structure that the Cons or Array block is being used to represent
;; The Content type indicates the raw type of the data in the content
;; Block type [1 bit]:
;; 0 0 - Cons memory block
;; 1 1 - Array memory block
;; Container type [3 bits]:
;; 0 0 - Value (single boxed value for Cons blocks, multiple values for Array blocks).
;; 2 1 - List (value followed by pointer). Only for Cons blocks
;; 4 2 - Symbol (special char array). Only for Array blocks
;; 6 3 - Keyword. Only for Array blocks
;; 8 4 - Map
;; 10 5 - Function
;; 12 6 - Atom
;; 14 7 - Vector
;; Content type [4 bits]:
;; 0 0 - Nil
;; 16 1 - True
;; 32 2 - Char
;; 48 3 - Int
;; 64 4 - Float
;; 80 5 - Pointer (memory address)
;; 96 6 - Function (instruction address)
;; 112 7 - Empty (distinct from Nil)
;; 208 8 - False
;; 224 9 - Macro
;; These represent MAL data types as follows:
;; MAL type Block Container Content
;; --------- | -------- | ---------- | ---------
;; integer Cons Value Int
;; symbol Array Symbol Char
;; list Cons List Any
;; vector Cons Vector Any
;; nil Cons Value Nil
;; true Cons Value True
;; false Cons Value False
;; string Array Value Char
;; keyword Array Keyword Char
;; hash-map Cons Map Alternate key, values
;; atom Cons Atom Pointer
%include "macros.mac"
;; Cons type.
;; Used to store either a single value with type information
;; or a pair of (value, Pointer or Nil) to represent a list
.typecar: RESB 1 ; Type information for car (8 bit)
.typecdr: RESB 1 ; Type information for cdr (8 bits)
.refcount: RESW 1 ; Number of references to this Cons (16 bit)
.car: RESQ 1 ; First value (64 bit)
.cdr: RESQ 1 ; Second value (64 bit)
.size: ; Total size of struc
%define array_chunk_len 32 ; Number of 64-bit values which can be stored in a single chunk
.type: RESB 1 ; Type information (8 bits)
.control: RESB 1 ; Control data (8 bits)
.refcount: RESW 1 ; Number of references to this Array (16 bit)
.length: RESD 1 ; Number of elements in this part of the array (32 bit)
.next RESQ 1 ; Pointer to the next chunk (64 bit)
.data: RESQ array_chunk_len ; Data storage
.size: ; Total size of struc
;; Type information
%define block_mask 1 ; LSB for block type
%define container_mask 2 + 4 + 8 ; Next three bits for container type
%define content_mask 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 ; Four bits for content type
;; Block types
%define block_cons 0 ; Note: This must be zero
%define block_array 1
;; Container types
%define container_value 0 ; Note: This must be zero
%define container_list 2
%define container_symbol 4
%define container_keyword 6
%define container_map 8
%define container_function 10
%define container_atom 12
%define container_vector 14
;; Content type
%define content_nil 0
%define content_true 16
%define content_char 32
%define content_int 48
%define content_float 64
%define content_pointer 80 ; Memory pointer (to Cons or Array)
%define content_function 96 ; Function pointer
%define content_empty 112
%define content_false 208
%define content_macro 224
;; Common combinations for MAL types
%define maltype_integer (block_cons + container_value + content_int)
%define maltype_string (block_array + container_value + content_char)
%define maltype_symbol (block_array + container_symbol + content_char)
%define maltype_nil (block_cons + container_value + content_nil)
%define maltype_empty_list (block_cons + container_list + content_empty)
%define maltype_empty_map (block_cons + container_map + content_empty)
%define maltype_empty_vector (block_cons + container_vector + content_empty)
%define maltype_function (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
%define maltype_macro (block_cons + container_function + content_macro)
%define maltype_true (block_cons + container_value + content_true)
%define maltype_false (block_cons + container_value + content_false)
%define maltype_atom (block_cons + container_atom + content_pointer)
;; ------------------------------------------
section .data
;; Fixed strings for printing
static error_msg_print_string, db "Error in print string",10
static error_array_memory_limit, db "Error: Run out of memory for Array objects. Increase heap_array_limit.",10
static error_cons_memory_limit, db "Error: Run out of memory for Cons objects. Increase heap_cons_limit.",10
static error_cons_double_free, db "Error: double free error releasing Cons"
static error_array_double_free, db "Error: double free error releasing Array"
;; ------------------------------------------
;; Memory management
;; For each object (Cons or Array), there is a block of memory (in BSS).
;; When an object is requested it is first taken from the free list
;; If the free list is empty (address 0) then the next object in the block
;; is used, and the heap_x_number counter is incremented. When an object
;; is free'd it is pushed onto the heap_x_free list.
%define heap_cons_limit 5000 ; Number of cons objects which can be created
heap_cons_next: dq heap_cons_store ; Address of next cons in memory
heap_cons_free: dq 0 ; Address of start of free list
%define heap_array_limit 2000 ; Number of array objects which can be created
heap_array_next: dq heap_array_store
heap_array_free: dq 0
section .bss
;; Reserve space to store Cons and Array objects
heap_cons_store: resb heap_cons_limit * Cons.size
.end: ; Address of end of the store
heap_array_store: resb heap_array_limit * Array.size
section .text
;; ------------------------------------------
;; Array alloc_array()
;; Returns the address of an Array object in RAX
;; Working registers: rbx
; Get the address of a free array
mov rax, [heap_array_free] ; Address of the array
; Check if it's null
cmp rax, 0
je .create_array
mov rbx, [rax + Array.next] ; Get the address of the next array in the linked list
mov [heap_array_free], rbx ; Put this address at the front of the list
jmp .initialise_array
; Get the address of the next Array
mov rax, [heap_array_next]
; Check if we've reached the end
cmp rax, heap_array_store.end
je .out_of_memory
mov rbx, rax
add rbx, Array.size ; Address of the next array
mov [heap_array_next], rbx ; for next time
; Address of Array now in rax
mov BYTE [rax + Array.type], block_array
mov WORD [rax + Array.refcount], 1 ; Only one reference
mov DWORD [rax + Array.length], 0
mov QWORD [rax + Array.next], 0 ; null next address
mov rsi, error_array_memory_limit
mov rdx, error_array_memory_limit.len
call print_rawstring
jmp quit_error
;; -------------------------------------------
;; Decrements the reference count of the array in RSI
;; If the count reaches zero then push the array
;; onto the free list
mov ax, WORD [rsi + Array.refcount]
; Check if reference count is already zero
test ax,ax
jz .double_free
dec ax
mov WORD [rsi + Array.refcount], ax
jz .free ; If the count reaches zero then put on free list
; Get the next field
mov rbx, [rsi + Array.next]
mov rax, [heap_array_free] ; Get the current head
mov [rsi + Array.next], rax ; Put current head into the "next" field
mov [heap_array_free], rsi ; Push Array onto free list
cmp rbx, 0
jne .release_next ; If there is another array, then need to release it
; release the next array
mov rsi, rbx
call release_array
load_static error_cons_double_free
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; ------------------------------------------
;; Cons alloc_cons()
;; Returns the address of a Cons object in RAX
;; Modifies:
;; RBX
; Get the address of a free cons
mov rax, [heap_cons_free] ; Address of the cons
; Check if it's null
cmp rax, 0
je .create_cons
mov rbx, [rax + Cons.cdr] ; Get the address of the next cons in the linked list
mov [heap_cons_free], rbx ; Put this address at the front of the list
jmp .initialise_cons
; Get the address of the next Cons
mov rax, [heap_cons_next]
; Check if we've reached the end
cmp rax, heap_cons_store.end
je .out_of_memory
mov rbx, rax
add rbx, Cons.size ; Address of the next cons
mov [heap_cons_next], rbx ; for next time
; Address of Cons now in rax
mov BYTE [rax + Cons.typecar], 0
mov BYTE [rax + Cons.typecdr], 0
mov WORD [rax + Cons.refcount], 1 ; Only one reference
mov QWORD [rax + Cons.car], 0
mov QWORD [rax + Cons.cdr], 0
mov rsi, error_cons_memory_limit
mov rdx, error_cons_memory_limit.len
call print_rawstring
jmp quit_error
;; -------------------------------------------
;; Decrements the reference count of the cons in RSI
;; If the count reaches zero then push the cons
;; onto the free list
;; Modifies registers:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
mov ax, WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount]
; Check if already released
test ax,ax
jz .double_free
dec ax
mov WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount], ax
jz .free ; If the count reaches zero then put on free list
; Get and push cdr onto stack
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
push rcx ; Content of CDR
push rsi ; Original Cons object being released
mov rax, [heap_cons_free] ; Get the current head
mov [rsi + Cons.cdr], rax ; Put current head into the "cdr" field
mov [heap_cons_free], rsi ; Push Cons onto free list
; Check if the CAR needs to be released
mov al, BYTE [rsi+Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask ; Test content type
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .free_cdr ; Jump if CAR not pointer
; CAR is a pointer to either a Cons or Array
; Get the address stored in CAR
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call release_object
pop rcx ; This was rsi, the original Cons
pop rsi ; This was rcx, the original Cons.cdr
; Get the type from the original Cons
mov al, BYTE [rcx+Cons.typecdr]
and al, content_mask ; Test content type
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
call release_object
.double_free: ; Already released
load_static error_cons_double_free
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Releases either a Cons or Array
;; Address of object in RSI
;; May modify:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
mov al, BYTE [rsi] ; Get first byte
and al, block_mask ; Test block type
cmp al, block_array ; Test if it's an array
je release_array
jmp release_cons
;; Increment reference count of Cons or Array
;; Address of object in RSI
;; This code makes use of the fact that the reference
;; count is in the same place in Cons and Array types
;; Modifies
;; RAX
mov ax, WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount] ; Same for Array
inc ax
; Check for overflow?
mov [rsi + Cons.refcount], WORD ax
;; -------------------------------------------
;; Copying lists/vectors
;; This does a shallow copy, copying only the
;; top level of objects. Any objects pointed to are not copied
;; Input: RSI - address of list/vector
;; Returns: New list/vector in RAX, last Cons in RBX
;; Modifies:
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
;; R8
;; R9
;; R10
push rsi ; Restored at the end
mov r8, rsi ; Input in R8
xor r9, r9 ; Head of list in R9, start in R10
; Check the type
mov cl, BYTE [r8]
mov ch, cl
and ch, block_mask
jnz .not_seq ; Not a Cons object
call alloc_cons
mov rdx, rax ; New Cons in RDX
mov [rdx], BYTE cl ; Copy type in RCX
mov rbx, [r8 + Cons.car] ; Value in RBX
mov [rdx + Cons.car], rbx ; Copy value
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
jne .copied
; A pointer, so increment the reference count
mov rsi, rbx
call incref_object
; Check if this is the first
test r9,r9
jnz .append
; First Cons
mov r9, rdx
mov r10, rdx ; Start of the list, will be returned
jmp .next
; Appending to last Cons
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rdx
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Replace
mov r9, rdx
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done ; No more
; Got another
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
pop rsi ; Restore input
mov rax, r10 ; Output list
mov rbx, r9 ; Last Cons
xor rsi,rsi
jmp error_throw
;; -------------------------------------------
;; String type
;; Create a new string, address in RAX
;; Modifies registers
;; RBX
call alloc_array
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_string
mov DWORD [rax + Array.length], 0
mov QWORD [rax + Array.next], 0
;; Convert a raw string to a String type
;; Input: Address of raw string in RSI, length in EDX
;; Output: Address of string in RAX
;; Modifies registers: R8,R9,RCX
; Save registers to restore at the end
push r10
push r11
push rsi
push rdx
call string_new ; String now in RAX
pop rdx
pop rsi
mov r8, rax
add r8, Array.data ; Address of string data
mov r10, rax
add r10, Array.size ; End of the destination data
mov r11, rax ; First Array to return
mov r9, rsi ; Address of raw data
mov ecx, edx ; Count
test ecx, ecx ; Check if count is zero
jz .done
; Copy one byte
mov bl, BYTE [r9]
mov [r8], BYTE bl
; Move the destination
inc r8
cmp r8, r10
jne .dest_ok
; Hit the end. Set the length of the array
mov [rax + Array.length], DWORD (array_chunk_len * 8)
push rax ; Last Array
push rsi
push rdx
call string_new ; String now in RAX
pop rdx
pop rsi
pop rbx ; Last Array
mov [rbx + Array.next], rax ; Point to new Array
mov r8, rax
add r8, Array.data ; Address of string data
mov r10, rax
add r10, Array.size ; End of the destination data
inc r9
dec ecx
jmp .copy_loop
; Set the length of the destination array
sub r8, Array.data
sub r8, rax
mov [rax + Array.length], DWORD r8d
; Move first Array into RAX
mov rax, r11
; Restore registers
pop r11
pop r10
;; Convert a raw string to a symbol
;; Input: Address of raw string in RSI, length in EDX
;; Output: Address of string in RAX
;; Modifies registers: R8,R9,RCX
call raw_to_string
; set the content type
mov [rax], BYTE (block_array + container_symbol + content_char)
;; Convert a NUL terminated C string to string
;; Input: RSI - Address of string
;; Returns: String in RAX
;; Modifies:
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
push rsi
call string_new ; in RAX
pop rsi
mov rbx, rax
add rbx, Array.data ; Start of output
mov rcx, rax
add rcx, Array.size ; End of output
mov dl, BYTE [rsi]
test dl, dl ; Check if NUL (0)
jz .done
mov [rbx], BYTE dl
inc rbx
inc rsi
jmp .loop
sub rbx, rax
sub rbx, Array.data
; rbx now contains the length
mov [rax + Array.length], DWORD ebx
;; Appends a character to a string
;; Input: Address of string in RSI, character in CL
;; Modifies
;; RAX
push rsi
; Get the end of the string
mov rax, [rsi + Array.next]
test rax, rax
jz .got_dest_end
mov rsi, rax
jmp .get_end
; Check if this chunk is full
mov eax, DWORD [rsi + Array.length]
cmp eax, (array_chunk_len*8)
jne .append
; full, need to allocate another
call alloc_array
mov [rsi + Array.next], rax
mov rsi, rax
xor eax, eax ; Set length to zero
inc eax
mov DWORD [rsi + Array.length], eax
dec eax
add rax, rsi
add rax, Array.data ; End of data
mov [rax], BYTE cl
pop rsi ; Restore original value
;; Appends a string to the end of a string
;; Input: String to be modified in RSI
;; String to be copied in RDX
;; Output: Modified string in RSI
;; Working registers:
;; rax Array chunk for output (copied to)
;; rbx Array chunk for input (copied from)
;; cl Character being copied
;; r8 Address of destination
;; r9 Destination end address
;; r10 Address of source
;; r11 Source end address
; copy source Array address to rbx
mov rbx, rdx
; source data address in r10
mov r10, rbx
add r10, Array.data ; Start of the data
; source data end address in r11
mov r11, r10
mov r8d, DWORD [rbx + Array.length]
add r11, r8
test r8d, r8d
jz .return ; Appending zero-size array
; Find the end of the string in RSI
; and put the address of the Array object into rax
mov rax, rsi
mov r8, QWORD [rax + Array.next]
test r8, r8 ; Next chunk is 0
je .got_dest_end ; so reached end
mov rax, r8 ; Go to next chunk
jmp .find_string_end
; destination data address into r8
mov r8, rax
add r8, Array.data
add r8d, DWORD [rax + Array.length]
; destination data end into r9
mov r9, rax
add r9, Array.size
; Check if we are at the end of the destination
cmp r8, r9
je .alloc_dest
; Copy one byte from source to destination
mov cl, BYTE [r10]
mov BYTE [r8], cl
; move source to next byte
inc r10
; Check if we've reached the end of this Array
cmp r10, r11
jne .source_ok
; have reached the end of the source Array
mov rbx, QWORD [rbx + Array.next] ; Get the next Array address
test rbx, rbx ; Test if it's null
je .finished ; No more, so we're done
; Move on to next Array object
; Get source address into r10
mov r10, rbx
add r10, Array.data ; Start of the data
; Source end address
mov r11d, DWORD [rbx + Array.length] ; Length of the array
add r11, r10
; Move destination to next byte
inc r8
; Check if we've reached end of the Array
cmp r8, r9
jne .copy_loop ; Next byte
; Reached the end of the destination
; Need to allocate another Array
push rax
push rbx
call alloc_array ; New Array in rax
mov r8, rax ; copy to r8
pop rbx
pop rax
; Previous Array in rax.
; Add a reference to the new array and set length
mov QWORD [rax + Array.next], r8
mov DWORD [rax + Array.length], (Array.size - Array.data)
mov rax, r8 ; new array
add r8, Array.data ; Start of data
mov r9, rax
add r9, Array.size
jmp .copy_loop
; Compare r8 (destination) with data start
; to get length of string
sub r8, rax
sub r8, Array.data
inc r8
; r8 now contains length
mov DWORD [rax + Array.length], r8d
;; ------------------------------------------
;; void print_string(char array)
;; Address of the char Array should be in RSI
; Push registers we're going to use
push rax
push rdi
push rdx
push rsi
; Check that we have a char array
mov al, [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .error
; write(1, string, length)
push rsi
mov edx, [rsi + Array.length] ; number of bytes
add rsi, Array.data ; address of raw string to output
call print_rawstring
pop rsi
; Check if this is the end
mov rsi, QWORD [rsi + Array.next]
cmp rsi, 0
jne .print_chunk ; next chunk
; Restore registers
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rdi
pop rax
; An error occurred
mov rdx, error_msg_print_string.len ; number of bytes
mov rsi, error_msg_print_string ; address of raw string to output
call print_rawstring
; exit
jmp quit_error
;; Copy a string
;; Input: RSI - String to copy
;; Output: New string in RAX
;; Modifies:
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
;; RSI
call string_new ; new string in RAX
push rsi
push rax
; Get lengths
mov ebx, DWORD [rsi + Array.length]
mov [rax + Array.length], ebx
; Copy the whole block of data
; Not sure if this is quicker than copying byte-by-byte
; Could divide ebx by 8 (rounded up) to get the number
; of blocks needed
add rsi, Array.data ; Start of input data
add rax, Array.data ; Start of output data
mov ecx, array_chunk_len ; Number of 64-bit chunks
mov rbx, QWORD [rsi]
mov [rax], QWORD rbx
add rsi, 8
add rax, 8
dec ecx
jnz .loop
pop rax
pop rsi
; Now check if there's another block
mov rsi, [rsi + Array.next]
cmp rsi, 0
jz .done ; Result in RAX
; Another array chunk
push rax ; Save output
call string_copy ; Copy next chunk
mov rbx, rax ; The copy in RBX
pop rax
; append
mov [rax + Array.next], rbx
;; ------------------------------------------
;; String itostring(Integer number)
;; Converts an integer to a string (array of chars)
;; Input in RAX
;; Return string address in RAX
; Save registers to restore afterwards
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov rcx, 0 ; counter of how many bytes we need to print in the end
mov rbx, rax ; Original input
; Check if the number is negative
cmp rax, 0
jge .divideLoop
; a negative number. To get the '-' sign
; at the front the test is done again at the end
; using the value stored in rbx
neg rax ; Make it positive
inc rcx ; count each byte to print - number of characters
xor rdx, rdx
mov rsi, 10
idiv rsi ; divide rax by rsi
add rdx, 48 ; convert rdx to it's ascii representation - rdx holds the remainder after a divide instruction
; Character is now in DL
dec rsp
mov BYTE [rsp], dl ; Put onto stack
cmp rax, 0 ; can the integer be divided anymore?
jnz .divideLoop ; jump if not zero to the label divideLoop
; Check if the value was negative (in rbx)
cmp rbx, 0
jge .create_string
; a negative number
dec rsp
mov BYTE [rsp], '-'
inc rcx
; Get an Array object to put the string into
call string_new ; Address in RAX
; put length into string
mov [rax + Array.length], ecx
; copy data from stack into string
; Note: Currently this does not handle long strings
mov rdi, rax
add rdi, Array.data ; Address where raw string will go
mov BYTE dl, [rsp] ; Copy one byte at a time. Could be more efficient
mov [rdi], BYTE dl
inc rsp
inc rdi
dec rcx
cmp rcx, 0
jnz .copyLoop
; Restore registers
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Object comparison
;; These comparison functions take two objects
;; in RSI and RDI
;; and return a code (not an object) in RAX
;; RAX = 0 Objects are equal
;; 1 RSI object is greater than RDI
;; 2 RSI object is less than RDI
;; -1 Different object types, or no ordering
;; Note that the ordering of objects depends on the type
;; strings - Alphabetical
;; Given an object in RSI, follows pointers
;; to return the value object in RAX
;; Modifies registers:
;; RCX
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
mov ch, cl
and ch, block_mask
jnz .nop ; Got an Array
; Here got Cons
mov ch, cl
and ch, content_mask
cmp ch, content_pointer
jne .nop ; Not a pointer
; Got a pointer, so follow and return
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov rax, rsi
;; Compare two objects in RSI and RDI.
;; Note that this does not compare lists
;; but will just compare the first element
;; Modifies registers
; Get the value that RSI points to
call compare_get_value
mov rbx, rax ; Save in RBX
; Get the value that RDI points to
mov rsi, rdi
call compare_get_value
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rbx
; now get types
mov cl, BYTE [rsi] ; Type of RSI
mov bl, BYTE [rdi] ; Type of RDI
mov ch, cl
mov bh, bl
; Don't care about container type
and cl, block_mask + content_mask
and bl, block_mask + content_mask
cmp bl, cl ; compare block and content
jne .different_types
; Here the same block, content type
; May be different container (value/list, string/symbol)
; Need to distinguish between map and vector/list
and ch, (block_mask + container_mask)
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp ch, bh
je .same_container
; if either is a map, then different types
cmp ch, container_map
je .different_types
cmp bh, container_map
je .different_types
cmp bl, block_cons + content_nil
je .objects_equal ; nil
cmp bl, block_array + content_char
je compare_char_array ; strings, symbols
cmp bl, block_cons + content_int
je .integers
; Unknown
jmp .different_types
; two Cons objects, both containing integers
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
cmp rbx, [rdi + Cons.car]
je .objects_equal
jl .rdi_greater
jmp .rsi_greater
mov rax, 0
.rsi_greater: ; rsi > rdi
mov rax, 1
.rdi_greater: ; rdi > rsi
mov rax, 2
mov rax, -1
;; Recursively check objects, including lists
;; Inputs: Objects in RSI and RDI
;; Sets ZF if equal, clears flag otherwise
; Compare rsi and rdi objects
; Check type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov bl, BYTE [rdi]
mov ah, al
mov bh, bl
; Don't distinguish between [] and ()
and ah, (block_mask + content_mask)
and bh, (block_mask + content_mask)
cmp ah, bh
jne .false
; Need to distinguish between map and vector/list
mov ah, al
mov bh, bl
and ah, (block_mask + container_mask)
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp ah, bh
je .same_container
; if either is a map, then different types
cmp ah, container_map
je .false
cmp bh, container_map
je .false
; Check the container type
and bh, block_mask
jnz .array
; Check if a pointer to something
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .pointer
; Get the values
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov rcx, [rdi + Cons.car]
cmp rbx, rcx
jne .false
; Value is the same, so get next
jmp .next
; Comparing arrays
; Container type (symbol/string) does matter
cmp al, bl
jne .false
call compare_char_array
cmp rax, 0
ret ; Array has no next
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov rcx, [rdi + Cons.car]
cmp rbx, rcx
je .next ; Equal pointers
push rsi
push rdi
; Put the addresses to compare into RSI and RDI
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, rcx
call compare_objects_rec
pop rdi
pop rsi
jne .false
; fall through to .next
; Check if both have a 'cdr' pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov bl, BYTE [rdi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
je .rsi_has_next
; No next pointer in RSI
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .false ; RDI has a next pointer
; Neither have a next pointer, so done
jmp .true
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .false ; RDI has no next pointer
; Both have a next pointer, so keep going
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov rdi, [rdi + Cons.cdr]
jmp compare_objects_rec
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
lahf ; flags in AH
or ah, 64 ; set zero flag
;; Char array objects (strings, symbols, keywords) in RSI and RDI
;; Return code in RAX
;; Modifies registers:
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
; Check length
mov eax, DWORD [rsi + Array.length]
mov ebx, DWORD [rdi + Array.length]
cmp eax, ebx
jne .different
; same length
cmp eax, 0
je .equal ; Both zero length
mov rbx, rsi
add rbx, Array.data
mov rcx, rdi
add rcx, Array.data
; get next character
mov dl, BYTE [rbx]
cmp dl, BYTE [rcx]
jl .rdi_greater
jg .rsi_greater
; this character is equal
inc rbx
inc rcx
dec eax
jnz .compare_loop ; Next character
mov rax, 0
.rsi_greater: ; rsi > rdi
mov rax, 1
.rdi_greater: ; rdi > rsi
mov rax, 2
mov rax, -1
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Map type
;; This uses a list (Cons type) to represent key-value pairs in
;; a single chain. The only map which consists of an odd number of Cons
;; objects is the empty map, created by map_new
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_empty)
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
;; Copy map
;; Input: RSI - map
;; Returns: new map in RAX
;; Modifies:
;; RAX, RBX, RCX, R13, R14, R15
mov r14, rsi
call alloc_cons
mov r15, rax ; start of new map
xor r13, r13
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; copy type
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; copy value
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .set_cdr
; A pointer in CAR. Increase reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
test r13,r13
jz .next
; R13 contains last Cons
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
; Check if there's another Cons
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done ; no more
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; next
call alloc_cons
jmp .loop
mov rax, r15
mov rsi, r14
;; Add to map. Input is a list with an even number of values
;; as (key, value, key, value, ...)
;; Inputs:
;; RSI - Map to append to. This is not modified
;; RDI - List to add to the map
;; Outputs:
;; RAX - New map
;; Modifies:
;; RCX
; Check type of input
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
mov cl, ch
and ch, block_mask + container_mask
cmp ch, block_cons + container_map
jne .error
mov cl, BYTE [rdi]
and cl, block_mask + container_mask
cmp cl, block_cons + container_list
jne .error
xor r8, r8 ; Zero r8
; Copy input list, changing container type
call alloc_cons
mov cl, BYTE [rdi]
and cl, content_mask ; Keep the content
add cl, block_cons + container_map
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rcx, [rdi+Cons.car] ; Copy data
mov [rax+Cons.car], rcx
cmp cl, (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
jne .copy_not_pointer
; Copying a pointer to data
; so need to increase the reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount] ; Same offset for Array
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Check if this is the first object
cmp r8, 0
jnz .copy_not_first
mov r8, rax ; Save start of map to R8
mov r9, rax ; Last cons in R9
jmp .copy_next
; Append to R9
mov [r9+Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r9+Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Put new Cons in R9 as the latest in the list
mov r9, rax
; Check if we've reached the end
mov cl, BYTE [rdi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_nil
je .copy_finished
; Not yet. Get next Cons and keep going
mov rdi, [rdi + Cons.cdr]
jmp .copy_input
; Start of map in r8, end in r9
; Check if the original map is empty
mov cl, [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_empty
je .return
; Put old map on the end of the new map
; For now this avoids the need to overwrite
; values in the map, since a search will find
; the new values first.
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rsi
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rsi + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
mov rax, r8
; Return nil
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
;; Find a key in a map
;; Inputs: RSI - map [ Modified ]
;; RDI - key [ Modified ]
;; Outputs: RAX - Cons object containing value in CAR
;; Modifies registers:
;; RBX [compare_objects, alloc_cons]
;; RCX [compare_objects]
;; If value is found then the Zero Flag is set
;; Examples:
;; {a 1 b 2} find a -> {1 b 2}
;; {1 2 3 4} find a -> {4}
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
je .not_found
; compare RSI and RDI, ignoring differences in container
push rsi
push rdi
call compare_objects
pop rdi
pop rsi
; rax is now zero if objects are equal
cmp rax, 0
je .found
; Move along two cons to the next key
mov al, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .error ; Expecting value after key
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Get value
mov al, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_found
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Get next key
jmp .map_loop ; Test next key
lahf ; flags in AH
or ah, 64 ; set zero flag
; key in rsi. Get next value
mov al, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .error ; Expecting value after key
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; ; increment reference count
; mov ax, WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount]
; inc ax
; mov [rsi + Cons.refcount], WORD ax
; Put address in rax
mov rax, rsi
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
; last cons in rsi
; increment reference count
; mov ax, WORD [rsi + Cons.refcount]
; inc ax
; mov [rsi + Cons.refcount], WORD ax
; Put address in rax
mov rax, rsi
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
; return nil
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
;; Map set
;; Sets a key-value pair in a map
;; Inputs: RSI - map [not modified]
;; RDI - key [not modified]
;; RCX - value [not modified]
;; If references are added to key or value,
;; then reference counts are incremented.
;; Modifies registers:
;; R8
;; R9
;; R10
; Save inputs in less volatile registers
mov r8, rsi ; map
mov r9, rdi ; key
mov r10, rcx ; value
; Find the key, to see if it already exists in the map
call map_find ; Cons object in RAX
je .found_key
; Key not in map. RAX should be address of the last
; value in the map, or empty
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
cmp bl, maltype_empty_map
je .set_key
; Append key
push rax
call alloc_cons ; New Cons in rax
pop rbx ; Last Cons in map
; append rax to rbx
mov [rbx + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rbx + Cons.cdr], rax
jmp .set_key ; Put key into rax
; Key already in map, so replace value
; address in RAX
; check type of value already there
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .set_value ; Not a pointer, just overwrite
; A pointer, so need to release
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Address of object
push rax
call release_object
pop rax
jmp .set_value ; put value into Cons
; Put key (R9) in RAX
; Check the type of object
mov bl, BYTE [r9]
mov bh, bl
and bh, block_mask
jnz .set_key_pointer ; Array, so point to it
; Here a Cons object
mov bh, bl
and bh, container_mask
cmp bh, container_value
jne .set_key_pointer ; Not a simple value, so point to it
; A value, so copy
mov rcx, [r9 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Set the type
and bl, content_mask
or bl, (block_cons + container_map)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
jmp .set_key_done
; The key is a pointer
mov [rax + Cons.car], r9
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
; Increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [r9 + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [r9 + Cons.refcount], bx
; fall through to .set_key_done
; Key in RAX. allocate and append a Cons for the value
push rax
call alloc_cons ; value Cons in rax
pop rbx ; key Cons
; append rax to rbx
mov [rbx + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rbx + Cons.cdr], rax
; fall through to .set_value
; --------------------------------
; Set the value into the Cons at [rax]
; Check the type of object
mov bl, BYTE [r10]
mov bh, bl
and bh, block_mask
jnz .set_value_pointer ; Array, so point to it
; Here a Cons object
mov bh, bl
and bh, container_mask
cmp bh, container_value
jne .set_value_pointer ; Not a simple value, so point to it
; A value, so copy
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Set the type
and bl, content_mask
or bl, (block_cons + container_map)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
jmp .finished
mov [rax + Cons.car], r10 ; Put address into CAR
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer) ; Mark as a pointer
; Increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [r10 + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [r10 + Cons.refcount], bx
; fall through to .finished
; Restore inputs
mov rsi, r8
mov rdi, r9
mov rcx, r10
;; Get a value from a map, incrementing the reference count
;; of the object returned
;; Inputs: RSI - map
;; RDI - key
;; Returns: If found, Zero Flag is set and address in RAX
;; If not found, Zero Flag cleared
;; Modifies registers:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; R8
;; R9
; Save inputs
mov r8, rsi ; map
mov r9, rdi ; key
call map_find ; Cons object in RAX
je .found_key
; Not found
mov rsi, r8
mov rdi, r9
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
; ---------------
; Check if the object in RAX is a value or pointer
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .got_pointer
; A value, so copy
push rax
push rbx
call alloc_cons ; cons in rax
pop rbx ; content type in bl
pop rcx ; Object to copy
add bl, block_cons + container_value
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; Copy value
mov rbx, [rcx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .finished_found
; A pointer, so get the address
mov rax, [rax + Cons.car]
; increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rax + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rax + Cons.refcount], bx
; Fall through to .finished_found
mov rsi, r8
mov rdi, r9
mov rbx, rax
lahf ; flags in AH
or ah, 64 ; set zero flag
mov rax, rbx
;; Get a list of keys
;; Input: Map in RSI
;; Returns: List in RAX
;; Modifies registers:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; R8
;; R9
; check type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
je .empty_map
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_map
jne .empty_map ; error
xor r8, r8 ; Return list
; Take the current value
; Create a new Cons for this key
call alloc_cons
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
add cl, block_cons + container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Set value
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
jne .append
; A pointer, so increment reference count
mov cx, WORD [rbx + Cons.refcount]
inc cx
mov [rbx + Cons.refcount], WORD cx
cmp r8, 0
je .first
; appending
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r9, rax
jmp .next
; First key, so put into r8
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; First get the value
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done ; error. Should be a value
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Get the next key
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
; Finished, return the list
mov rax, r8
; return empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
;; Get a list of values
;; Input: Map in RSI
;; Returns: List in RAX
;; Modifies registers:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; R8
;; R9
; check type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
je .empty_map
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_map
jne .empty_map ; error
xor r8, r8 ; Return list
; Here should have a key in RSI
; First get the value
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done ; error. Should be a value
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Now have value in RSI
; Create a new Cons for this value
call alloc_cons
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
add cl, block_cons + container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Set value
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
jne .append
; A pointer, so increment reference count
mov cx, WORD [rbx + Cons.refcount]
inc cx
mov [rbx + Cons.refcount], WORD cx
cmp r8, 0
je .first
; appending
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r9, rax
jmp .next
; First key, so put into r8
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; Get the next key
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
; Finished, return the list
mov rax, r8
; return empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Function type
;; Functions are consist of a list
;; - First car is the function address to call
;; - Second is the Meta data (nil by default)
;; - Third is the environment
;; - Fourth is the binds list
;; - Fifth is the body of the function
;; ( addr meta env binds body )
;; Address of native function in RSI
;; returns Function object in RAX
call alloc_cons ; for meta
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
push rax
call alloc_cons ; For function address
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rsi
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
pop rbx ; meta
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rbx