mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
2024-08-15 09:15:44 -05:00

141 lines
3.4 KiB

Include "reader.vbs"
Include "printer.vbs"
function add(args)
set add = new MalType
add.type_ = "number"
'msgbox typename(args)
add.value_ = args.value_.item(1).value_ + args.value_.item(2).value_
end function
function subtract(args)
set subtract = new MalType
subtract.type_ = "number"
subtract.value_ = args.value_.item(1).value_ - args.value_.item(2).value_
end function
function multiply(args)
set multiply = new MalType
multiply.type_ = "number"
multiply.value_ = args.value_.item(1).value_ * args.value_.item(2).value_
end function
function divide(args)
set divide = new MalType
divide.type_ = "number"
divide.value_ = args.value_.item(1).value_ / args.value_.item(2).value_
end function
function donothing(args)
set donothing = new MalType
donothing.type_ = "nil"
donothing.value_ = ""
end function
class enviroment
public env
private sub Class_Initialize()
set env = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
env.add "+",getref("add")
env.add "-",getref("subtract")
env.add "*",getref("multiply")
env.add "/",getref("divide")
env.add "donothing", getref("donothing")
end sub
end class
Function READ(str)
set READ = read_str(str)
End Function
Function EVAL(oMal,env)
'msgbox typename(oMal)
if TypeName(oMal) = "Nothing" then
'msgbox "nothing"
set EVAL = donothing("")
exit function
end if
select case oMal.type_
case "list()"
if oMal.value_.count = 0 then
set EVAL = oMal
'wsh.echo oMal.value_.item(0).value_
'wsh.echo typename(env.env)
'msgbox eval_ast(oMal.value_.item(1),env).value_
'msgbox typename(env.env.item("+")(oMal))
'if not isempty(oMal.value_.item(0)) then
set EVAL = env.env.item(eval_ast(oMal.value_.item(0),env).value_)(eval_ast(oMal,env))
'end if
end if
case else
set EVAL = eval_ast(oMal,env)
end select
End Function
function eval_ast(ast,env)
select case ast.type_
case "list()"
for i = 0 to ast.value_.count - 1
set ast.value_.item(i) = EVAL(ast.value_.item(i),env)
set eval_ast = ast
case "symbol"
if env.env.Exists(ast.value_) then
set eval_ast = ast
'err.raise vbObjectError, "eval_ast", "undefined symbol: " & ast.value_
wsh.echo "undefined symbol: " & ast.value_
ast.value_ = "donothing"
set eval_ast = ast
end if
case "list[]"
for i = 0 to ast.value_.count - 1
set ast.value_.item(i) = EVAL(ast.value_.item(i),env)
set eval_ast = ast
case "hash-map"
For i = 0 To ast.value_.Count -1 ' 迭代数组。
' wsh.echo ast.value_.keys()(i).value_
' wsh.echo ast.value_.item(ast.value_.keys()(i)).value_
set ast.value_.item(ast.value_.keys()(i)) = EVAL(ast.value_.item(ast.value_.keys()(i)),env)
set eval_ast = ast
case else
set eval_ast = ast
end select
end function
Function PRINT(oMal)
PRINT = pr_str(oMal,true)
End Function
Function rep(str,env)
'on error resume next
rep = PRINT(EVAL(READ(str),env))
'msgbox 2
if err.number <> 0 then rep = err.description
on error goto 0
End Function
While True
WScript.StdOut.Write("user> ")
code = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
set env = new enviroment
Sub Include(sInstFile)
Dim oFSO, f, s
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sInstFile = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(oFSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)) & "\" & sInstFile
Set f = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInstFile)
s = f.ReadAll
Set f = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing
ExecuteGlobal s
End Sub