mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Joel Martin 8a19f60386 Move implementations into impls/ dir
- Reorder README to have implementation list after "learning tool"

- This also moves tests/ and libs/ into impls. It would be preferrable
  to have these directories at the top level.  However, this causes
  difficulties with the wasm implementations which need pre-open
  directories and have trouble with paths starting with "../../". So
  in lieu of that, symlink those directories to the top-level.

- Move the run_argv_test.sh script into the tests directory for
  general hygiene.
2020-02-10 23:50:16 -06:00

124 lines
3.4 KiB

Env = require("./env.coffee").Env
E = exports
# General functions
E._obj_type = _obj_type = (obj) ->
if _symbol_Q(obj) then 'symbol'
else if _list_Q(obj) then 'list'
else if _vector_Q(obj) then 'vector'
else if _hash_map_Q(obj) then 'hash-map'
else if _nil_Q(obj) then 'nil'
else if _true_Q(obj) then 'true'
else if _false_Q(obj) then 'false'
else if _atom_Q(obj) then 'atom'
switch typeof obj
when 'number' then 'number'
when 'function' then 'function'
when 'string'
if obj[0] == '\u029e' then 'keyword' else 'string'
else throw new Error "Unknown type '" + typeof(obj) + "'"
E._sequential_Q = _sequential_Q = (o) -> _list_Q(o) or _vector_Q(o)
E._equal_Q = _equal_Q = (a,b) ->
[ota, otb] = [_obj_type(a), _obj_type(b)]
if !(ota == otb or (_sequential_Q(a) && _sequential_Q(b)))
return false
switch (ota)
when 'symbol' then a.name == b.name
when 'list', 'vector'
return false if a.length != b.length
for av,i in a
return false if !_equal_Q(av, b[i])
when 'hash-map'
akeys = (key for key of a)
bkeys = (key for key of b)
return false if akeys.length != bkeys.length
for akey,i in akeys
return false if !_equal_Q(a[akey], b[akey])
else a == b
E._clone = _clone = (obj) ->
switch _obj_type(obj)
when 'list' then obj[0..-1]
when 'vector' then _vector(obj[0..-1]...)
when 'hash-map'
new_obj = {}
new_obj[k] = v for k,v of obj
when 'function'
new_obj = (args...) -> obj(args...)
new_obj[k] = v for k,v of obj
else throw new Error "clone called on non-collection" + _obj_type(obj)
# Scalars
E._nil_Q = _nil_Q = (o) -> o == null
E._true_Q = _true_Q = (o) -> o == true
E._false_Q = _false_Q = (o) -> o == false
E._string_Q = _string_Q = (o) -> _obj_type(o) == 'string'
# Symbols
class Symbol
constructor: (@name) ->
E._symbol = (str) -> new Symbol str
E._symbol_Q = _symbol_Q = (o) -> o instanceof Symbol
# Keywords
E._keyword = _keyword = (o) ->
_keyword_Q(o) && o || ("\u029e" + o)
E._keyword_Q = _keyword_Q = (o) ->
typeof o == 'string' && o[0] == "\u029e"
# Functions
E._function = (evalfn, ast, env, params) ->
fn = (args...) -> evalfn(ast, new Env(env, params, args))
fn.__ast__ = ast
fn.__gen_env__ = (args) -> new Env(env, params, args)
fn.__ismacro__ = false
E._function_Q = _function_Q = (o) -> !!o.__ast__
E._macro_Q = _macro_Q = (o) -> _function_Q(o) and o.__ismacro__
# Lists
E._list_Q = _list_Q = (o) -> Array.isArray(o) && !o.__isvector__
# Vectors
E._vector = _vector = (args...) ->
v = args
v.__isvector__ = true
E._vector_Q = _vector_Q = (o) -> Array.isArray(o) && !!o.__isvector__
# Hash Maps
E._hash_map = (args...) ->
args = [{}].concat args
E._assoc_BANG = _assoc_BANG = (hm, args...) ->
if args.length %% 2 == 1
throw new Error "Odd number of hash map arguments"
hm[k] = args[i+1] for k, i in args when i %% 2 == 0
E._dissoc_BANG = (hm, args...) ->
delete hm[k] for k, i in args
E._hash_map_Q = _hash_map_Q = (o) ->
typeof o == "object" && !Array.isArray(o) &&
!(o == null) &&
!(o instanceof Symbol) &&
!(o instanceof Atom)
# Atoms
class Atom
constructor: (@val) ->
E._atom = (val) -> new Atom val
E._atom_Q = _atom_Q = (o) -> o instanceof Atom
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