mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 10708752f6 elm: update to elm 0.19.1
Most changes are variable renamings because elm does not allow masking
a visible name anymore.

Deal with changes in the standard library, especially in the Parser

Source files must now start with a capital letter.

Dockerfile: remove unneeded dependencies, install nodejs from debs.

Remove the redundant Maybe from the return value of readstring.

Stop embedding the colon in keyword represenation.
2024-08-06 08:23:54 -05:00

737 lines
21 KiB

module StepA_mal exposing (..)
import Array
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue, errorToString)
import Types exposing (..)
import Reader exposing (readString)
import Printer exposing (printString)
import Utils exposing (maybeToList, zip, last, justValues, makeCall)
import Env
import Core
import Eval
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions =
\model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> (\x -> case x of
Err e -> Err (errorToString e)
Ok a -> Ok a
) >> Input)
type alias Args =
List String
type alias Flags =
{ args : Args
type Model
= InitIO Args Env (IO -> Eval MalExpr)
| ScriptIO Env (IO -> Eval MalExpr)
| ReplActive Env
| ReplIO Env (IO -> Eval MalExpr)
| Stopped
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init { args } =
makeFn =
CoreFunc >> MalFunction
initEnv =
|> Env.set "eval" (makeFn malEval)
|> Env.set "*ARGV*" (MalList (args |> List.map MalString))
|> Env.set "*host-language*" (MalString "elm")
evalMalInit =
|> List.map rep
|> List.foldl
(\b a -> a |> Eval.andThen (\_ -> b))
(Eval.succeed MalNil)
runInit args initEnv evalMalInit
malInit : List String
malInit =
[ """(def! not
(fn* (a)
(if a false true)))"""
, """(def! load-file
(fn* (f)
(eval (read-string
(str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))"""
, """(defmacro! cond
(fn* (& xs)
(if (> (count xs) 0)
(list 'if (first xs)
(if (> (count xs) 1)
(nth xs 1)
(throw "odd number of forms to cond"))
(cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"""
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case model of
Stopped ->
( model, Cmd.none )
InitIO args env cont ->
case msg of
Input (Ok io) ->
runInit args env (cont io)
Input (Err msg2) ->
Debug.todo msg2
ScriptIO env cont ->
case msg of
Input (Ok io) ->
runScriptLoop env (cont io)
Input (Err msg2) ->
Debug.todo msg2
ReplActive env ->
case msg of
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
run env (rep line)
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
-- Ctrl+D = The End.
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Ok io) ->
Debug.todo "unexpected IO received: " io
Input (Err msg2) ->
Debug.todo msg2
ReplIO env cont ->
case msg of
Input (Ok io) ->
run env (cont io)
Input (Err msg2) ->
Debug.todo msg2 ( model, Cmd.none )
runInit : Args -> Env -> Eval MalExpr -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
runInit args env0 expr0 =
case Eval.run env0 expr0 of
( env, EvalOk expr ) ->
-- Init went okay.
case args of
-- If we got no args: start REPL.
[] ->
( ReplActive env, readLine prompt )
-- Run the script in the first argument.
-- Put the rest of the arguments as *ARGV*.
filename :: argv ->
runScript filename argv env
( env, EvalErr msg ) ->
-- Init failed, don't start REPL.
( Stopped, writeLine (printError env msg) )
( env, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
-- IO in init.
( InitIO args env cont, cmd )
runScript : String -> List String -> Env -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
runScript filename argv env =
malArgv =
MalList (List.map MalString argv)
newEnv =
env |> Env.set "*ARGV*" malArgv
program =
[ MalSymbol "load-file"
, MalString filename
runScriptLoop newEnv (eval program)
runScriptLoop : Env -> Eval MalExpr -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
runScriptLoop env0 expr0 =
case Eval.run env0 expr0 of
( env, EvalOk expr ) ->
( Stopped, Cmd.none )
( env, EvalErr msg ) ->
( Stopped, writeLine (printError env msg) )
( env, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
( ScriptIO env cont, cmd )
run : Env -> Eval MalExpr -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
run env0 expr0 =
case Eval.run env0 expr0 of
( env, EvalOk expr ) ->
( ReplActive env, writeLine (print env expr) )
( env, EvalErr msg ) ->
( ReplActive env, writeLine (printError env msg) )
( env, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
( ReplIO env cont, cmd )
prompt : String
prompt =
"user> "
{-| read can return three things:
Ok (Just expr) -> parsed okay
Ok Nothing -> empty string (only whitespace and/or comments)
Err msg -> parse error
read : String -> Result String MalExpr
read =
debug : String -> (Env -> a) -> Eval b -> Eval b
debug msg f e =
(\env ->
Env.debug env msg (f env)
|> always e
eval : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
eval ast =
apply expr env =
case expr of
MalApply app ->
(debug "evalApply"
(\env2 -> printString env2 True expr)
(evalApply app)
_ ->
Right expr
evalNoApply ast
|> Eval.andThen (Eval.runLoop apply)
|> Eval.gcPass
malEval : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
malEval args =
case args of
[ expr ] ->
Eval.inGlobal (eval expr)
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
evalApply : ApplyRec -> Eval MalExpr
evalApply { frameId, bound, body } =
(\env ->
Eval.modifyEnv (Env.enter frameId bound)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> evalNoApply body)
|> Eval.finally Env.leave
|> Eval.gcPass
evalNoApply : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalNoApply ast0 =
go ast =
case ast of
MalList [] ->
Eval.succeed ast
MalList ((MalSymbol "def!") :: args) ->
evalDef args
MalList ((MalSymbol "let*") :: args) ->
evalLet args
MalList ((MalSymbol "do") :: args) ->
evalDo args
MalList ((MalSymbol "if") :: args) ->
evalIf args
MalList ((MalSymbol "fn*") :: args) ->
evalFn args
MalList ((MalSymbol "quote") :: args) ->
evalQuote args
MalList [MalSymbol "quasiquoteexpand", expr] ->
Eval.succeed <| evalQuasiQuote expr
MalList (MalSymbol "quasiquoteexpand" :: _) ->
Eval.fail "quasiquoteexpand: arg count"
MalList ((MalSymbol "quasiquote") :: args) ->
case args of
[ expr ] ->
-- TCO.
evalNoApply (evalQuasiQuote expr)
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
MalList ((MalSymbol "defmacro!") :: args) ->
evalDefMacro args
MalList ((MalSymbol "macroexpand") :: args) ->
case args of
[ expr ] ->
macroexpand expr
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
MalList ((MalSymbol "try*") :: args) ->
evalTry args
MalList list ->
evalList list
|> Eval.andThen
(\newList ->
case newList of
[] ->
Eval.fail "can't happen"
(MalFunction (CoreFunc fn)) :: args ->
fn args
(MalFunction (UserFunc { lazyFn })) :: args ->
lazyFn args
fn :: _ ->
(\env ->
Eval.fail ((printString env True fn) ++ " is not a function")
_ ->
evalAst ast
macroexpand ast0
|> Eval.andThen go
|> Eval.andThen
(\res ->
debug "evalNoApply"
(\env -> (printString env True ast0) ++ " = " ++ (printString env True res))
(Eval.succeed res)
evalAst : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalAst ast =
case ast of
MalSymbol sym ->
-- Lookup symbol in env and return value or raise error if not found.
Eval.withEnv (Env.get sym >> Eval.fromResult)
MalList list ->
-- Return new list that is result of calling eval on each element of list.
evalList list
|> Eval.map MalList
MalVector vec ->
evalList (Array.toList vec)
|> Eval.map (Array.fromList >> MalVector)
MalMap map ->
evalList (Dict.values map)
|> Eval.map
(zip (Dict.keys map)
>> Dict.fromList
>> MalMap
_ ->
Eval.succeed ast
evalList : List MalExpr -> Eval (List MalExpr)
evalList list =
go lst acc =
case lst of
[] ->
Eval.succeed (List.reverse acc)
x :: rest ->
eval x
|> Eval.andThen
(\val ->
Eval.pushRef val <| go rest (val :: acc)
Eval.withStack <| go list []
evalDef : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDef args =
case args of
[ MalSymbol name, uneValue ] ->
eval uneValue
|> Eval.andThen
(\value ->
Eval.modifyEnv (Env.set name value)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> Eval.succeed value)
_ ->
Eval.fail "def! expected two args: name and value"
evalDefMacro : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDefMacro args =
case args of
[ MalSymbol name, uneValue ] ->
eval uneValue
|> Eval.andThen
(\value ->
case value of
MalFunction (UserFunc fn) ->
macroFn =
MalFunction (UserFunc { fn | isMacro = True })
Eval.modifyEnv (Env.set name macroFn)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> Eval.succeed macroFn)
_ ->
Eval.fail "defmacro! is only supported on a user function"
_ ->
Eval.fail "defmacro! expected two args: name and value"
evalLet : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalLet args =
evalBinds binds =
case binds of
(MalSymbol name) :: expr :: rest ->
eval expr
|> Eval.andThen
(\value ->
Eval.modifyEnv (Env.set name value)
|> Eval.andThen
(\_ ->
if List.isEmpty rest then
Eval.succeed ()
evalBinds rest
_ ->
Eval.fail "let* expected an even number of binds (symbol expr ..)"
go binds body =
Eval.modifyEnv Env.push
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> evalBinds binds)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> evalNoApply body)
|> Eval.finally Env.pop
case args of
[ MalList binds, body ] ->
go binds body
[ MalVector bindsVec, body ] ->
go (Array.toList bindsVec) body
_ ->
Eval.fail "let* expected two args: binds and a body"
evalDo : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDo args =
case List.reverse args of
last :: rest ->
evalList (List.reverse rest)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> evalNoApply last)
[] ->
Eval.fail "do expected at least one arg"
evalIf : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalIf args =
isThruthy expr =
expr /= MalNil && expr /= (MalBool False)
go condition trueExpr falseExpr =
eval condition
|> Eval.map isThruthy
|> Eval.andThen
(\cond ->
(if cond then
case args of
[ condition, trueExpr ] ->
go condition trueExpr MalNil
[ condition, trueExpr, falseExpr ] ->
go condition trueExpr falseExpr
_ ->
Eval.fail "if expected at least two args"
evalFn : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalFn parms =
{- Extract symbols from the binds list and verify their uniqueness -}
extractSymbols acc list =
case list of
[] ->
Ok (List.reverse acc)
(MalSymbol name) :: rest ->
if List.member name acc then
Err "all binds must have unique names"
extractSymbols (name :: acc) rest
_ ->
Err "all binds in fn* must be a symbol"
parseBinds list =
case List.reverse list of
var :: "&" :: rest ->
Ok <| bindVarArgs (List.reverse rest) var
_ ->
if List.member "&" list then
Err "varargs separator '&' is used incorrectly"
Ok <| bindArgs list
extractAndParse =
extractSymbols [] >> Result.andThen parseBinds
bindArgs binds args =
numBinds =
List.length binds
if List.length args /= numBinds then
Err <|
"function expected "
++ (String.fromInt numBinds)
++ " arguments"
Ok <| zip binds args
bindVarArgs binds var args =
minArgs =
List.length binds
varArgs =
MalList (List.drop minArgs args)
if List.length args < minArgs then
Err <|
"function expected at least "
++ (String.fromInt minArgs)
++ " arguments"
Ok <| zip binds args ++ [ ( var, varArgs ) ]
makeFn frameId binder body =
MalFunction <|
lazyFn =
>> Eval.fromResult
>> Eval.map
(\bound ->
{ frameId = frameId
, bound = bound
, body = body
{ frameId = frameId
, lazyFn = lazyFn
, eagerFn = lazyFn >> Eval.andThen eval
, isMacro = False
, meta = Nothing
go bindsList body =
extractAndParse bindsList
|> Eval.fromResult
-- reference the current frame.
|> Eval.ignore (Eval.modifyEnv Env.ref)
|> Eval.andThen
(\binder ->
(\env ->
(makeFn env.currentFrameId binder body)
case parms of
[ MalList bindsList, body ] ->
go bindsList body
[ MalVector bindsVec, body ] ->
go (Array.toList bindsVec) body
_ ->
Eval.fail "fn* expected two args: binds list and body"
evalQuote : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalQuote args =
case args of
[ expr ] ->
Eval.succeed expr
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
evalQuasiQuote : MalExpr -> MalExpr
evalQuasiQuote expr =
qq_loop : MalExpr -> MalExpr -> MalExpr
qq_loop elt acc =
case elt of
(MalList [MalSymbol "splice-unquote", form]) ->
MalList <| [MalSymbol "concat", form, acc ]
_ ->
MalList <| [MalSymbol "cons", evalQuasiQuote elt, acc ]
case expr of
(MalList [MalSymbol "unquote", form]) ->
(MalList xs) ->
List.foldr qq_loop (MalList []) xs
(MalVector xs) ->
MalList <| (\x -> [MalSymbol "vec", x]) <| Array.foldr qq_loop (MalList []) xs
(MalSymbol _) ->
MalList <| [MalSymbol "quote", expr]
(MalMap _) ->
MalList <| [MalSymbol "quote", expr]
_ ->
macroexpand : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
macroexpand =
expand expr env =
case expr of
MalList ((MalSymbol name) :: args) ->
case Env.get name env of
Ok (MalFunction (UserFunc fn)) ->
if fn.isMacro then
Left <| fn.eagerFn args
Right expr
_ ->
Right expr
_ ->
Right expr
Eval.runLoop expand
evalTry : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalTry args =
case args of
[ body ] ->
eval body
[ body, MalList [ MalSymbol "catch*", MalSymbol sym, handler ] ] ->
eval body
|> Eval.catchError
(\ex ->
Eval.modifyEnv Env.push
|> Eval.andThen
(\_ ->
Eval.modifyEnv (Env.set sym ex)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> eval handler)
|> Eval.finally Env.pop
_ ->
Eval.fail "try* expected a body a catch block"
print : Env -> MalExpr -> String
print env =
printString env True
printError : Env -> MalExpr -> String
printError env expr =
"Error: " ++ (printString env False expr)
{-| Read-Eval-Print.
Doesn't actually run the Eval but returns the monad.
rep : String -> Eval MalExpr
rep input =
case readString input of
Err msg ->
Eval.fail msg
Ok ast ->
eval ast