mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-19 09:38:28 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez e6d41de4d5 load-file: accept empty file or final comment, return nil
Let `load-file` append a new line in case last line contains a

Also append `nil` so that the return value is predictible. Remove the
existing explicit `nil` from existing sources.

Adapt documentation and tests.
2019-07-28 13:08:05 +02:00

213 lines
7.3 KiB

import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM, foldrM)
import Readline (addHistory, readline, load_history)
import Types
import Reader (read_str)
import Printer (_pr_str)
import Env (env_new, env_bind, env_get, env_set)
import Core (ns)
-- read
mal_read :: String -> IOThrows MalVal
mal_read = read_str
-- eval
-- starts-with is replaced with pattern matching.
qqIter :: Env -> MalVal -> [MalVal] -> IOThrows [MalVal]
qqIter env (MalSeq _ (Vect False) [MalSymbol "splice-unquote", x]) acc = do
evaluated <- eval env x
case evaluated of
MalSeq _ (Vect False) xs -> return $ xs ++ acc
_ -> throwStr "invalid splice-unquote argument"
qqIter _ (MalSeq _ (Vect False) (MalSymbol "splice-unquote" : _)) _ = throwStr "invalid splice-unquote"
qqIter env x acc = (: acc) <$> quasiquote x env
quasiquote :: MalVal -> Env -> IOThrows MalVal
quasiquote (MalSeq _ (Vect False) [MalSymbol "unquote", x]) env = eval env x
-- FIXME This line
quasiquote (MalSeq m _ ys) env = MalSeq m (Vect False) <$> foldrM (qqIter env) [] ys
-- is adapted to broken tests. It should be:
-- quasiquote (MalSeq m v ys) env = MalSeq m v <$> foldrM (qqIter env) [] ys
quasiquote ast _ = return ast
-- is-macro-call is replaced with pattern matching.
macroexpand :: Env -> MalVal -> IOThrows MalVal
macroexpand env ast@(MalSeq _ (Vect False) (MalSymbol a0 : args)) = do
maybeMacro <- liftIO $ env_get env a0
case maybeMacro of
Just (MalFunction {fn=f, macro=True}) -> macroexpand env =<< f args
_ -> return ast
macroexpand _ ast = return ast
-- eval_ast is replaced with pattern matching.
let_bind :: Env -> [MalVal] -> IOThrows ()
let_bind _ [] = return ()
let_bind env (MalSymbol b : e : xs) = do
liftIO . env_set env b =<< eval env e
let_bind env xs
let_bind _ _ = throwStr "invalid let*"
unWrapSymbol :: MalVal -> IOThrows String
unWrapSymbol (MalSymbol s) = return s
unWrapSymbol _ = throwStr "fn* parameter must be symbols"
newFunction :: MalVal -> Env -> [String] -> MalVal
newFunction a env p = MalFunction {f_ast=a, f_params=p, macro=False, meta=Nil,
fn=(\args -> do
fn_env <- liftIO $ env_new env
ok <- liftIO $ env_bind fn_env p args
case ok of
True -> eval fn_env a
False -> throwStr $ "actual parameters do not match signature " ++ show p)}
apply_ast :: [MalVal] -> Env -> IOThrows MalVal
apply_ast [] _ = return $ toList []
apply_ast [MalSymbol "def!", MalSymbol a1, a2] env = do
evd <- eval env a2
liftIO $ env_set env a1 evd
return evd
apply_ast (MalSymbol "def!" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid def!"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "let*", MalSeq _ _ params, a2] env = do
let_env <- liftIO $ env_new env
let_bind let_env params
eval let_env a2
apply_ast (MalSymbol "let*" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid let*"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "quote", a1] _ = return a1
apply_ast (MalSymbol "quote" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid quote"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "quasiquote", a1] env = quasiquote a1 env
apply_ast (MalSymbol "quasiquote" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid quasiquote"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "defmacro!", MalSymbol a1, a2] env = do
func <- eval env a2
case func of
MalFunction {macro=False} -> do
let m = func {macro=True}
liftIO $ env_set env a1 m
return m
_ -> throwStr "defmacro! on non-function"
apply_ast (MalSymbol "defmacro!" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid defmacro!"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "macroexpand", a1] env = macroexpand env a1
apply_ast (MalSymbol "macroexpand" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid macroexpand"
apply_ast (MalSymbol "do" : args) env = foldlM (const $ eval env) Nil args
apply_ast [MalSymbol "if", a1, a2, a3] env = do
cond <- eval env a1
eval env $ case cond of
Nil -> a3
MalBoolean False -> a3
_ -> a2
apply_ast [MalSymbol "if", a1, a2] env = do
cond <- eval env a1
case cond of
Nil -> return Nil
MalBoolean False -> return Nil
_ -> eval env a2
apply_ast (MalSymbol "if" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid if"
apply_ast [MalSymbol "fn*", MalSeq _ _ params, ast] env = newFunction ast env <$> mapM unWrapSymbol params
apply_ast (MalSymbol "fn*" : _) _ = throwStr "invalid fn*"
apply_ast ast env = do
evd <- mapM (eval env) ast
case evd of
MalFunction {fn=f, macro=False} : args -> f args
_ -> throwStr . (++) "invalid apply: " =<< liftIO (Printer._pr_str True (toList ast))
eval :: Env -> MalVal -> IOThrows MalVal
eval env ast = do
newAst <- macroexpand env ast
case newAst of
MalSymbol sym -> do
maybeVal <- liftIO $ env_get env sym
case maybeVal of
Nothing -> throwStr $ "'" ++ sym ++ "' not found"
Just val -> return val
MalSeq _ (Vect False) xs -> apply_ast xs env
MalSeq m (Vect True) xs -> MalSeq m (Vect True) <$> mapM (eval env) xs
MalHashMap m xs -> MalHashMap m <$> mapM (eval env) xs
_ -> return newAst
-- print
mal_print :: MalVal -> IOThrows String
mal_print = liftIO. Printer._pr_str True
-- repl
rep :: Env -> String -> IOThrows String
rep env = mal_print <=< eval env <=< mal_read
repl_loop :: Env -> IO ()
repl_loop env = do
line <- readline "user> "
case line of
Nothing -> return ()
Just "" -> repl_loop env
Just str -> do
addHistory str
res <- runExceptT $ rep env str
out <- case res of
Left mv -> (++) "Error: " <$> liftIO (Printer._pr_str True mv)
Right val -> return val
putStrLn out
hFlush stdout
repl_loop env
-- Read and evaluate a line. Ignore successful results, but crash in
-- case of error. This is intended for the startup procedure.
re :: Env -> String -> IO ()
re repl_env line = do
res <- runExceptT $ eval repl_env =<< mal_read line
case res of
Left mv -> error . (++) "Startup failed: " <$> Printer._pr_str True mv
Right _ -> return ()
defBuiltIn :: Env -> (String, Fn) -> IO ()
defBuiltIn env (sym, f) =
env_set env sym $ MalFunction {fn=f, f_ast=Nil, f_params=[], macro=False, meta=Nil}
evalFn :: Env -> Fn
evalFn env [ast] = eval env ast
evalFn _ _ = throwStr "illegal call of eval"
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
repl_env <- env_new []
-- core.hs: defined using Haskell
mapM_ (defBuiltIn repl_env) Core.ns
defBuiltIn repl_env ("eval", evalFn repl_env)
-- core.mal: defined using the language itself
re repl_env "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
re repl_env "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"
re repl_env "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"
case args of
script : scriptArgs -> do
env_set repl_env "*ARGV*" $ toList $ MalString <$> scriptArgs
re repl_env $ "(load-file \"" ++ script ++ "\")"
[] -> do
env_set repl_env "*ARGV*" $ toList []
repl_loop repl_env