mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
Dov Murik 4eb88ef295 Logo implementation
Tested on UCBLogo 6.0 with some minor tweaks (for performance and adding
a `timems` function).  The tweaks are performed during Docker image
creation (see Dockerfile).

Tests of step 5 are skipped because UCBLogo is too slow.

Interop is available via `(logo-eval "logo code to run")`.

The `examples` directory contains a Mal example of drawing a tree using
turtle graphics.
2016-06-17 16:36:09 -04:00

229 lines
5.9 KiB

load "../logo/readline.lg
load "../logo/reader.lg
load "../logo/printer.lg
load "../logo/types.lg
load "../logo/env.lg
load "../logo/core.lg
to _read :str
output read_str :str
to pairp :obj
output and sequentialp :obj ((_count :obj) > 0)
to quasiquote :ast
if not pairp :ast [output (mal_list symbol_new "quote :ast)]
localmake "a0 nth :ast 0
if symbolnamedp "unquote :a0 [output nth :ast 1]
if pairp :a0 [
localmake "a00 nth :a0 0
if symbolnamedp "splice-unquote :a00 [
localmake "a01 nth :a0 1
output (mal_list symbol_new "concat :a01 (mal_list symbol_new "quasiquote rest :ast))
output (mal_list symbol_new "cons (mal_list symbol_new "quasiquote :a0) (mal_list symbol_new "quasiquote rest :ast))
to macrocallp :ast :env
if (obj_type :ast) = "list [
if (_count :ast) > 0 [
localmake "a0 nth :ast 0
if (obj_type :a0) = "symbol [
if not emptyp env_find :env :a0 [
localmake "f env_get :env :a0
if (obj_type :f) = "fn [
output fn_is_macro :f
output "false
to _macroexpand :ast :env
if not macrocallp :ast :env [output :ast]
localmake "a0 nth :ast 0
localmake "f env_get :env :a0
output _macroexpand invoke_fn :f rest :ast :env
to eval_ast :ast :env
output case (obj_type :ast) [
[[symbol] env_get :env :ast]
[[list] obj_new "list map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast]
[[vector] obj_new "vector map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast]
[[hashmap] obj_new "hashmap map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast]
[else :ast]
to _eval :a_ast :a_env
localmake "ast :a_ast
localmake "env :a_env
forever [
if (obj_type :ast) <> "list [output eval_ast :ast :env]
make "ast _macroexpand :ast :env
if (obj_type :ast) <> "list [output eval_ast :ast :env]
if emptyp obj_val :ast [output :ast]
localmake "a0 nth :ast 0
case list obj_type :a0 obj_val :a0 [
[[[symbol def!]]
localmake "a1 nth :ast 1
localmake "a2 nth :ast 2
output env_set :env :a1 _eval :a2 :env ]
[[[symbol let*]]
localmake "a1 nth :ast 1
localmake "letenv env_new :env [] []
localmake "i 0
while [:i < _count :a1] [
ignore env_set :letenv nth :a1 :i _eval nth :a1 (:i + 1) :letenv
make "i (:i + 2)
make "env :letenv
make "ast nth :ast 2 ] ; TCO
[[[symbol quote]]
output nth :ast 1 ]
[[[symbol quasiquote]]
make "ast quasiquote nth :ast 1 ] ; TCO
[[[symbol defmacro!]]
localmake "a1 nth :ast 1
localmake "a2 nth :ast 2
localmake "macro_fn _eval :a2 :env
fn_set_macro :macro_fn
output env_set :env :a1 :macro_fn ]
[[[symbol macroexpand]]
output _macroexpand nth :ast 1 :env ]
[[[symbol try*]]
localmake "result nil_new
catch "error [make "result _eval nth :ast 1 :env]
localmake "exception error
ifelse or emptyp :exception ((_count :ast) < 3) [
output :result
] [
localmake "e first butfirst :exception
localmake "exception_obj ifelse :e = "_mal_exception_ [:global_exception] [obj_new "string :e]
localmake "a2 nth :ast 2
localmake "catchenv env_new :env [] []
ignore env_set :catchenv nth :a2 1 :exception_obj
output _eval nth :a2 2 :catchenv
] ]
[[[symbol do]]
localmake "i 1
while [:i < ((_count :ast) - 1)] [
ignore _eval nth :ast :i :env
make "i (:i + 1)
make "ast last obj_val :ast ] ; TCO
[[[symbol if]]
localmake "a1 nth :ast 1
localmake "cond _eval :a1 :env
case obj_type :cond [
[[nil false] ifelse (_count :ast) > 3 [
make "ast nth :ast 3 ; TCO
] [
output nil_new
[else make "ast nth :ast 2] ; TCO
[[[symbol fn*]]
output fn_new nth :ast 1 :env nth :ast 2 ]
localmake "el eval_ast :ast :env
localmake "f nth :el 0
case obj_type :f [
output apply obj_val :f butfirst obj_val :el ]
make "env env_new fn_env :f fn_args :f rest :el
make "ast fn_body :f ] ; TCO
(throw "error [Wrong type for apply])]
] ]
to _print :exp
output pr_str :exp "true
to re :str
output _eval _read :str :repl_env
to rep :str
output _print re :str
to print_exception :exception
if not emptyp :exception [
localmake "e first butfirst :exception
ifelse :e = "_mal_exception_ [
(print "Error: pr_str :global_exception "false)
] [
(print "Error: :e)
to repl
localmake "running "true
while [:running] [
localmake "line readline word "user> :space_char
ifelse :line=[] [
print "
make "running "false
] [
if not emptyp :line [
catch "error [print rep :line]
print_exception error
to mal_eval :a
output _eval :a :repl_env
to argv_list
localmake "argv ifelse emptyp :command.line [[]] [butfirst :command.line]
output obj_new "list map [obj_new "string ?] :argv
make "repl_env env_new [] [] []
foreach :core_ns [
ignore env_set :repl_env first ? first butfirst ?
ignore env_set :repl_env [symbol eval] [nativefn mal_eval]
ignore env_set :repl_env [symbol *ARGV*] argv_list
; core.mal: defined using the language itself
ignore re "|(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))|
ignore re "|(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))|
ignore re "|(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))|
ignore re "|(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))|
if not emptyp :command.line [
catch "error [ignore re (word "\(load-file :space_char "\" first :command.line "\"\) )]
print_exception error