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synced 2024-11-11 00:52:44 +03:00
Some modifications needed to earlier steps so they compile with the new core functions. Need to disable double free error checks in types, because step2 fails otherwise.
1575 lines
42 KiB
1575 lines
42 KiB
;; nasm -felf64 step5_tco.asm && ld step5_tco.o && ./a.out
;; Calling convention: Address of input is in RSI
;; Address of return value is in RAX
global _start
%include "types.asm" ; Data types, memory
%include "env.asm" ; Environment type
%include "system.asm" ; System calls
%include "reader.asm" ; String -> Data structures
%include "core.asm" ; Core functions
%include "printer.asm" ; Data structures -> String
%include "exceptions.asm" ; Error handling
section .bss
;; Top-level (REPL) environment
repl_env:resq 1
section .data
;; ------------------------------------------
;; Fixed strings for printing
static prompt_string, db 10,"user> " ; The string to print at the prompt
static error_string, db 27,'[31m',"Error",27,'[0m',": "
static not_found_string, db " not found.",10
static def_missing_arg_string, db "missing argument to def!",10
static def_expecting_symbol_string, db "expecting symbol as first argument to def!",10
static let_missing_bindings_string, db "let* missing bindings",10
static let_bindings_list_string, db "let* expected a list or vector of bindings",10
static let_bind_symbol_string, db "let* expected a symbol in bindings list",10
static let_bind_value_string, db "let* missing value in bindings list",10
static let_missing_body_string, db "let* missing body",10
static eval_list_not_function, db "list does not begin with a function",10
static if_missing_condition_string, db "missing condition in if expression",10
;; Symbols used for comparison
static_symbol def_symbol, 'def!'
static_symbol let_symbol, 'let*'
static_symbol do_symbol, 'do'
static_symbol if_symbol, 'if'
static_symbol fn_symbol, 'fn*'
;; Startup string. This is evaluated on startup
static mal_startup_string, db "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
section .text
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Evaluates a form
;; Inputs: RSI Form to evaluate
;; RDI Environment
mov r15, rdi ; Save Env in r15
; Check the type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
; Check if this is a list
mov ah, al
and ah, container_mask
cmp ah, container_list
je .list
cmp ah, container_map
je .map
cmp ah, container_vector
je .vector
; Not a list, map or vector
cmp ah, container_symbol
je .symbol
; Not a symbol, list, map or vector
call incref_object ; Increment reference count
mov rax, rsi
; Check if first character of symbol is ':'
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Array.data]
cmp al, ':'
je .keyword
; look in environment
push rsi
xchg rsi, rdi
; symbol is the key in rdi
; Environment in rsi
call env_get
pop rsi
je .done ; result in RAX
; Not found, throw an error
push rsi
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rsi
push rsi
mov edx, [rsi + Array.length]
add rsi, Array.data
call print_rawstring ; print symbol
print_str_mac not_found_string ; print ' not found'
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
; ------------------------------
; Just return keywords unaltered
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
; ------------------------------
; Evaluate each element of the list
xor r8, r8 ; The list to return
; r9 contains head of list
mov al, BYTE [rsi] ; Check type
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .list_pointer
; A value in RSI, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_list)
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
; Result in RAX
jmp .list_append
; List element is a pointer to something
push rsi
push r8
push r9
push r15 ; Env
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; Env in RDI, AST in RSI
call incref_object ; AST increment refs
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r9
pop r8
pop rsi
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
je .list_eval_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .list_append
; Got value in RAX, so copy
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Copy in RAX
pop rbx ; Value to copy in RBX
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
and cl, content_mask
or cl, (block_cons + container_list)
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; set type
mov rcx, [rbx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; copy value
; Release the value in RBX
push rsi
push rax
mov rsi, rbx
call release_cons
pop rax
pop rsi
; Fall through to .list_append
; In RAX
cmp r8, 0 ; Check if this is the first
je .list_first
; append to r9
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r9, rax
jmp .list_next
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; fall through to .list_next
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .list_done ; finished list
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; next in list
jmp .list_loop
mov rax, r8 ; Return the list
; ---------------------
; Create a new map, evaluating all the values
; Check if the map is empty
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
jne .map_not_empty
; map empty. Just return it
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
mov r10, rsi ; input in R10
xor r12, r12 ; New map in r12
; Now loop through each key-value pair
; NOTE: This method relies on the implementation
; of map as a list
; Copy the key
call alloc_cons ; New Cons in RAX
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car] ; Value in RCX
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check the type of the key
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .map_got_key ; a value
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
cmp r12,0
jne .append_key
; First key
mov r12, rax
mov r13, rax
jmp .map_value
; Appending to previous value in r13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
; Check that we have a value
mov al, BYTE [r10 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .map_error_missing_value
mov r10, [r10 + Cons.cdr]
; Now got value in r10
; Check the type of the value
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .map_value_pointer
; Not a pointer, so make a copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar]
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
jmp .map_got_value
; A pointer, so need to evaluate
push r10 ; Input
push r12 ; start of result
push r13 ; Current head of result
push r15 ; Env
mov rsi, [r10 + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r13
pop r12
pop r10
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
jne .map_eval_pointer
; A value, so just change the type to a map
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_map)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
jmp .map_got_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Append RAX to list in R13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
; Check if there's another key
mov al, BYTE [r10 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .map_done ; finished map
mov r10, [r10 + Cons.cdr] ; next in map
jmp .map_loop
mov rax, r12
mov rax, r12
; ------------------------------
; Evaluate each element of the vector
xor r8, r8 ; The vector to return
; r9 contains head of vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi] ; Check type
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .vector_pointer
; A value, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_vector)
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
; Result in RAX
jmp .vector_append
; Vector element is a pointer to something
push rsi
push r8
push r9
push r15 ; Env
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r9
pop r8
pop rsi
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
je .vector_eval_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_vector + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .vector_append
; Got value in RAX, so copy
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Copy in RAX
pop rbx ; Value to copy in RBX
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
and cl, content_mask
or cl, (block_cons + container_vector)
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; set type
mov rcx, [rbx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; copy value
; Release the value in RBX
push rsi
push rax
mov rsi, rbx
call release_cons
pop rax
pop rsi
; In RAX
cmp r8, 0 ; Check if this is the first
je .vector_first
; append to r9
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r9, rax
jmp .vector_next
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; fall through to .vector_next
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .vector_done ; finished vector
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; next in vector
jmp .vector_loop
mov rax, r8 ; Return the vector
; ---------------------
;; Comparison of symbols for eval function
;; Compares the symbol in RSI with specified symbol
;; Preserves RSI and RBX
;; Modifies RDI
%macro eval_cmp_symbol 1
push rsi
push rbx
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, %1
call compare_char_array
pop rbx
pop rsi
test rax, rax ; ZF set if rax = 0 (equal)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
;; Evaluates a form
;; Input: RSI AST to evaluate [ Released ]
;; RDI Environment [ Released ]
;; Returns: Result in RAX
;; Note: Both the form and environment will have their reference count
;; reduced by one (released). This is for tail call optimisation (Env),
;; quasiquote and macroexpand (AST)
mov r15, rdi ; Env
push rsi ; AST pushed, must be popped before return
; Check type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_empty_list
je .return_nil
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
je .list
; Not a list. Evaluate and return
call eval_ast
jmp .return ; Releases Env
; --------------------
; A list
; Check if the first element is a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .list_eval
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rbx]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .list_eval
; Is a symbol, address in RBX
; Compare against special form symbols
eval_cmp_symbol def_symbol ; def!
je .def_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol let_symbol ; let*
je .let_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol do_symbol ; do
je .do_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol if_symbol ; if
je .if_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol fn_symbol ; fn
je .fn_symbol
; Unrecognised
jmp .list_eval
; Define a new symbol in current environment
; Next item should be a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_missing_arg
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Now should have a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_expecting_symbol
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Symbol (?)
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .def_error_expecting_symbol
; R8 now contains a symbol
; expecting a value or pointer next
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_missing_arg
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .def_pointer
; A value, so copy
push rax
call alloc_cons
pop rbx ; BL now contains type
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_value)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
mov rsi, rax
jmp .def_got_value
; A pointer, so evaluate
; This may throw an error, so define a handler
push r8 ; the symbol
push r15 ; Env
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Pointer
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; since it will be decremented by eval
call incref_object ; AST increment refs
call eval
mov rsi, rax
pop r15
pop r8
; Symbol in R8, value in RSI
mov rdi, r8 ; key (symbol)
mov rcx, rsi ; Value
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment
call env_set
mov rax, rcx
jmp .return
mov rsi, def_missing_arg_string
mov rdx, def_missing_arg_string.len
jmp .def_handle_error
mov rsi, def_expecting_symbol_string
mov rdx, def_expecting_symbol_string.len
jmp .def_handle_error
push rsi
push rdx
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
call print_rawstring ; print message
xor rsi, rsi ; no object to throw
jmp error_throw ; No return
; -----------------------------
; Create a new environment
mov r11, rsi ; Let form in R11
mov rsi, r15 ; Outer env
call env_new ; Increments R15's ref count
mov r14, rax ; New environment in R14
mov rsi, r15
call release_object ; Decrement R15 ref count
; Second element should be the bindings
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_missing_bindings
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bindings_list
mov r12, [r11 + Cons.car] ; should be bindings list
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
; Can be either a list or vector
cmp al, block_cons + container_list
je .let_bind_loop
cmp al, block_cons + container_vector
je .let_bind_loop
; Not a list or vector
jmp .let_error_bindings_list
; R12 now contains a list with an even number of items
; The first should be a symbol, then a value to evaluate
; Get the symbol
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bind_symbol
mov r13, [r12 + Cons.car] ; Symbol (?)
mov al, BYTE [r13]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .let_error_bind_symbol
; R13 now contains a symbol to bind
; The next item in the bindings list (R12)
; should be a value or expression to evaluate
mov al, BYTE [r12 + Cons.typecdr]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bind_value
mov r12, [r12 + Cons.cdr]
; got value in R12
; Check the type of the value
mov bl, [r12 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .let_value_pointer
; Not a pointer, so make a copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r12 + Cons.typecar]
and bl, content_mask
;or bl, (block_cons + container_value) ; 0
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r12 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
jmp .let_got_value
; A pointer, so need to evaluate
push r11 ; let* form list
push r12 ; Position in bindings list
push r13 ; symbol to bind
push r14 ; new environment
mov rsi, r14
call incref_object
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r12 + Cons.car] ; Get the address
call incref_object ; Increment ref count of AST
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop r11
mov rsi, r14 ; Env
mov rdi, r13 ; key
mov rcx, rax ; value
call env_set
; Release the value
mov rsi, rcx ; The value
call release_object
; Check if there are more bindings
mov al, BYTE [r12 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_done_binding
mov r12, [r12 + Cons.cdr] ; Next
jmp .let_bind_loop
; Done bindings.
; Evaluate next item in let* form in new environment
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_missing_body
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Now contains value to evaluate
; Check type of the value
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .body_pointer
; Just a value, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
jmp .let_done
; Evaluate using new environment
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Object pointed to
call incref_object ; will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi ; save new AST
pop rsi ; Old AST
call release_object
mov rsi, r11 ; New AST
mov rdi, r14 ; New environment
jmp eval ; Tail call
; Note: eval will release the new environment on return
; Release the new environment
push rax
mov rsi, r14
call release_object
pop rax
; Release the AST
pop rsi
push rax
call release_object
pop rax
ret ; already released env
mov rsi, let_missing_bindings_string
mov rdx, let_missing_bindings_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bindings_list: ; expected a list or vector, got something else
mov rsi, let_bindings_list_string
mov rdx, let_bindings_list_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bind_symbol: ; expected a symbol, got something else
mov rsi, let_bind_symbol_string
mov rdx, let_bind_symbol_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bind_value: ; Missing value in binding list
mov rsi, let_bind_value_string
mov rdx, let_bind_value_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_missing_body: ; Missing body to evaluate
mov rsi, let_missing_body_string
mov rdx, let_missing_body_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
push r11 ; For printing later
push rsi
push rdx
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
call print_rawstring ; print message
pop rsi ; let* form
jmp error_throw ; No return
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; do form in RSI
; Environment in R15
; Check if there is a body
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_no_body ; error
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Body in R11
; Need to test if this is the last form
; so we can handle tail call
mov bl, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .do_body_last ; Last expression
; not the last expression
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_next ; A value, so skip
; A pointer, so evaluate
push r15
push r11
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Increase Env reference
; since eval will release Env
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Increment ref count since eval will release
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval ; Result in RAX
; Another form after this.
; Discard the result of the last eval
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
pop r11
pop r15
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Next in list
jmp .do_symbol_loop
; The last form is in R11, which will be returned
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_body_value_return
jmp .do_body_expr_return
; Got a value as last form (in R11).
; Copy and return
push rax ; Type of value to return
; release Env
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Allocate a Cons object to hold value
call alloc_cons
pop rbx ; type in BL
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; release the AST
pop rsi
mov r15, rax ; not modified by release
call release_object
mov rax, r15
; An expression to evaluate as the last form
; Tail call optimise, jumping to eval
; Don't increment Env reference count
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; new AST form
call incref_object ; This will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi ; Save new AST
pop rsi ; Remove old AST from stack
call release_object
mov rsi, r11
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
jmp eval ; Tail call
; No expressions to evaluate. Return nil
mov rsi, r15
call release_object ; Release Env
; release the AST
pop rsi
call release_object
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; if form in R11
; Environment in R15
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_no_condition
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Should be a condition
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_cond_value
; A pointer, so evaluate
push r15
push r11
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Increase Env reference
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Increase Form/AST ref count
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval ; Result in RAX
pop r11
pop r15
; Get type of result
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
; release value
push rbx
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
pop rbx
; Check type
cmp bl, maltype_nil
je .if_false
cmp bl, maltype_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; A value
cmp al, content_nil
je .if_false
cmp al, content_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; Skip the next item
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Get the next item in the list and evaluate it
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; Nothing to return
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .if_got_pointer
; copy value in r11
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .return
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi
pop rsi
call release_object ; Release old AST
mov rsi, r11 ; New AST
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
jmp eval ; Tail call
.if_no_condition: ; just (if) without a condition
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac if_missing_condition_string
; Release environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
xor rsi, rsi ; No object to throw
jmp error_throw
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; Release environment
mov rsi, r15
mov r15, rax ; Save RAX (return value)
call release_object
; Release the AST
pop rsi ; Pushed at start of eval
call release_object
mov rax, r15 ; return value
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; fn form in R11
; Environment in R15
; Get the binds and body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_empty
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_binds_not_list
mov r12, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Should be binds list
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list)
je .fn_got_binds ; Can be list
cmp al, (block_cons + container_vector)
je .fn_got_binds ; or vector
jmp .fn_binds_not_list
; Next get the body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_no_body
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_is_value ; Body in r11
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.car]
jmp .fn_got_body
; Body is just a value, no expression
mov [r11], BYTE al ; Mark as value, not list
; Now put into function type
; Addr is "apply_fn", the address to call
; Env in R15
; Binds in R12
; Body in R11
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
mov rbx, apply_fn
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Address of apply function
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r13, rax ; Return list in R13
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r15 ; Environment
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object
pop rax
; Binds
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r12 ; Binds list
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r12
call incref_object
pop rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r11 ; Body of function
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rsi, r11
call incref_object
mov rax, r13
jmp .return
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
jmp .return
; -----------------------------
push rsi
mov rdi, r15 ; Environment
push r15
call eval_ast ; List of evaluated forms in RAX
pop r15
pop rsi
; This point can be called to run a function
; used by swap!
; Inputs: RAX - List with function as first element
; NOTE: This list is released
; Check that the first element of the return is a function
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .list_not_function
mov rbx, [rax + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
cmp cl, maltype_function
jne .list_not_function
; Check the rest of the args
mov cl, BYTE [rax + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .list_got_args
; No arguments
push rbx
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
pop rbx
mov rsi, rax
jmp .list_function_call
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.cdr] ; Rest of list
; Call the function with the rest of the list in RSI
mov rdx, rax ; List to release
mov rdi, rbx ; Function object in RDI
mov rbx, [rbx + Cons.car] ; Call function
cmp rbx, apply_fn
je apply_fn_jmp ; Jump to user function apply
; A built-in function, so call (no recursion)
push rax
push r15
call rbx
; Result in rax
pop r15
pop rsi ; eval'ed list
push rax
call release_cons
pop rax
jmp .return ; Releases Env
; Not a function. Probably an error
push rsi
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac eval_list_not_function
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; Applies a user-defined function
;; Input: RSI - Arguments to bind
;; RDI - Function object
;; RDX - list to release after binding
;; R15 - Env (will be released)
;; R13 - AST released before return
;; Output: Result in RAX
;; This is jumped to from eval, so if it returns
;; then it will return to the caller of eval, not to eval
; This is jumped to from eval with AST on the stack
pop r13
push rsi
; Extract values from the list in RDI
mov rax, [rdi + Cons.cdr]
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Env
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rdi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Binds
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rax, [rax + Cons.car] ; Body
pop rcx ; Exprs
; Check the type of the body
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, block_mask + container_mask
jnz .bind
; Just a value (in RAX). No eval needed
mov r14, rax ; Save return value in R14
mov rsi, rax
call incref_object
; Release the list passed in RDX
mov rsi, rdx
call release_object
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Release the AST
mov rsi, r13
call release_object
mov rax, r14
; Create a new environment, binding arguments
push rax ; Body
mov r14, r13 ; Old AST. R13 used by env_new_bind
push rdx
call env_new_bind
pop rdx
mov rdi, rax ; New environment in RDI
; Note: Need to increment the reference count
; of the function body before releasing anything,
; since if the function was defined in-place (lambda)
; then the body may be released early
pop rsi ; Body
call incref_object ; Will be released by eval
mov r8, rsi ; Body in R8
; Release the list passed in RDX
mov rsi, rdx
call release_cons
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Release the old AST
mov rsi, r14
call release_object
mov rsi, r8 ; Body
jmp eval ; Tail call
; The new environment (in RDI) will be released by eval
;; Read-Eval-Print in sequence
;; Input string in RSI
; -------------
; Read
call read_str
; -------------
; Eval
mov rsi, rax ; Form to evaluate
mov rdi, [repl_env] ; Environment
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; since it will be decremented by eval
call eval ; This releases Env and Form/AST
push rax ; Save result of eval
; -------------
; Print
; Put into pr_str
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, 1 ; print_readably
call pr_str
push rax ; Save output string
mov rsi, rax ; Put into input of print_string
call print_string
; Release string from pr_str
pop rsi
call release_array
; Release result of eval
pop rsi
call release_object
; The AST from read_str is released by eval
; Create and print the core environment
call core_environment ; Environment in RAX
mov [repl_env], rax ; store in memory
; Set the error handler
mov rsi, rsp ; Stack pointer
mov rdi, .catch ; Address to jump to
xor rcx, rcx ; No data
call error_handler_push
; Evaluate the startup string
mov rsi, mal_startup_string
mov edx, mal_startup_string.len
call raw_to_string ; String in RAX
push rax
mov rsi, rax
call read_str ; AST in RAX
pop rsi ; string
push rax ; AST
call release_array ; string
pop rdi ; AST in RDI
mov rsi, [repl_env] ; Environment in RSI
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; Env in RDI, AST in RSI
call eval
mov rsi, rax
call release_object ; Return from eval
; -----------------------------
; Main loop
; print the prompt
print_str_mac prompt_string
call read_line
; Check if we have a zero-length string
cmp DWORD [rax+Array.length], 0
je .mainLoopEnd
push rax ; Save address of the input string
; Put into read_str
mov rsi, rax
call rep_seq
; Release the input string
pop rsi
call release_array
jmp .mainLoop
jmp quit
; Jumps here on error
; Check if an object was thrown
cmp rsi, 0
je .catch_done_print ; nothing to print
mov rdi, 1
call pr_str
mov rsi, rax
call print_string
jmp .mainLoop ; Go back to the prompt