mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 02:27:10 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 00c3a3c33d ada.2: spring cleaning before final pull request.
Two changes require approval.

* The 'do' special becomes a built-in function similar to first. This
  small change reduces the complexity of eval.  The last evaluation
  cannot benefit from TCO, but the performance change seems invisible.

* read/eval/print acts on each item found in the input string, as if
  they were enclosed with (do ..). The guide does not specify what
  should happen to text following the first AST, and this change actually
  simplifies some things (like dealing with zero AST).
  The read-string built-in function only returns the first AST,
  as changing this would be much more intrusive.

Other changes seem straightforward.

* Ada 2020 target assignments (like +=, but more general).
* Use Constant_Indexing aspect for sequences, so that they can be
  indexed in source code like native arrays.
* consistency renamings.
  'fn' does not include built-in functions, 'function' does.
  'list' does not include vectors, 'sequence' does.

Move error handling to a separate package.
* This simplifies code everywhere else.
* Uncaught expressions now report a stack trace.

* Count allocations and deallocations, check that counts match.
* Share more code between functions and macros.

* Replace the Core.Ns function returning an array with a procedure
  (The intermediate object was preventing the reference counting code
  from deallocating some unused objects).
* Implement Prn with Pr_Str.

* Change the profile so that the caller spares some allocations.

* Share a single buffer of mal values between all recursions.
  This significantly reduces the stack footprint.

* Fix implementation name (ada.2) in the startup script.
* Let environment variables trigger debugging information.
2019-03-17 14:03:38 +01:00

268 lines
9.3 KiB

with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Ada.Environment_Variables;
with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Err;
with Printer;
with Types.Maps;
with Types.Sequences;
with Types.Symbols.Names;
package body Reader is
Debug : constant Boolean := Ada.Environment_Variables.Exists ("dbg_reader");
use Types;
use type Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set;
Ignored_Set : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set
:= Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants.Control_Set
or Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (" ,;");
Symbol_Set : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set
:= not (Ignored_Set or Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("""'()@[]^`{}~"));
function Read_Str (Source : in String) return Types.Mal.T_Array is
I : Positive := Source'First;
-- Index in Source of the currently read character.
-- Big arrays on the stack are faster than repeated dynamic
-- reallocations. This single buffer is used by all Read_List
-- recursive invocations, and by Read_Str.
Buffer : Mal.T_Array (1 .. Source'Length);
B_Last : Natural := Buffer'First - 1;
-- Index in Buffer of the currently written MAL expression.
procedure Read_Form;
-- The recursive part of Read_Str.
-- Helpers for Read_Form:
procedure Skip_Ignored with Inline;
-- Check if the current character is ignorable or a comment.
-- Increment I until it exceeds Source'Last or designates
-- an interesting character.
procedure Skip_Digits with Inline;
-- Increment I at least once, until I exceeds Source'Last or
-- designates something else than a decimal digit.
procedure Skip_Symbol with Inline;
-- Check if the current character is allowed in a symbol name.
-- Increment I until it exceeds Source'Last or stops
-- designating an allowed character.
-- Read_Atom has been merged into the same case/switch
-- statement, for clarity and efficiency.
procedure Read_List (Ending : in Character;
Constructor : in not null Mal.Builtin_Ptr)
with Inline;
procedure Read_Quote (Symbol : in Symbols.Ptr) with Inline;
procedure Read_String with Inline;
procedure Read_With_Meta with Inline;
procedure Read_List (Ending : in Character;
Constructor : in not null Mal.Builtin_Ptr) is
Opening : constant Character := Source (I);
B_First : constant Positive := B_Last;
I := I + 1; -- Skip (, [ or {.
Err.Check (I <= Source'Last, "unbalanced '" & Opening & "'");
exit when Source (I) = Ending;
B_Last := B_Last + 1;
end loop;
I := I + 1; -- Skip ), ] or }.
Buffer (B_First) := Constructor.all (Buffer (B_First .. B_Last - 1));
B_Last := B_First;
end Read_List;
procedure Read_Quote (Symbol : in Symbols.Ptr) is
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Symbol, Symbol);
I := I + 1; -- Skip the initial ' or similar.
Err.Check (I <= Source'Last, "Incomplete '" & Symbol.To_String & "'");
B_Last := B_Last + 1;
B_Last := B_Last - 1;
Buffer (B_Last) := Sequences.List (Buffer (B_Last .. B_Last + 1));
end Read_Quote;
procedure Read_Form is
-- After I has been increased, current token is be
-- Source (F .. I - 1).
F : Positive;
case Source (I) is
when ')' | ']' | '}' =>
Err.Raise_With ("unbalanced '" & Source (I) & "'");
when '"' =>
when ':' =>
I := I + 1;
F := I;
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Keyword,
(Source (F .. I - 1)));
when '-' =>
F := I;
if F + 1 < I then
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Number,
Integer'Value (Source (F .. I - 1)));
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Symbol,
Symbols.Constructor (Source (F .. I - 1)));
end if;
when '~' =>
if I < Source'Last and then Source (I + 1) = '@' then
I := I + 1;
Read_Quote (Symbols.Names.Splice_Unquote);
Read_Quote (Symbols.Names.Unquote);
end if;
when '0' .. '9' =>
F := I;
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Number,
Integer'Value (Source (F .. I - 1)));
when ''' =>
Read_Quote (Symbols.Names.Quote);
when '`' =>
Read_Quote (Symbols.Names.Quasiquote);
when '@' =>
Read_Quote (Symbols.Names.Deref);
when '^' =>
when '(' =>
Read_List (')', Sequences.List'Access);
when '[' =>
Read_List (']', Sequences.Vector'Access);
when '{' =>
Read_List ('}', Maps.Hash_Map'Access);
when others =>
F := I;
if Source (F .. I - 1) = "false" then
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Boolean, False);
elsif Source (F .. I - 1) = "nil" then
Buffer (B_Last) := Mal.Nil;
elsif Source (F .. I - 1) = "true" then
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Boolean, True);
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Symbol,
Symbols.Constructor (Source (F .. I - 1)));
end if;
end case;
if Debug then
Ada.Text_IO.Put ("reader: ");
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put_Line (Printer.Pr_Str (Buffer
end if;
end Read_Form;
procedure Read_String is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_String, Null_Unbounded_String);
I := I + 1;
Err.Check (I <= Source'Last, "unbalanced '""'");
case Source (I) is
when '"' =>
when '\' =>
I := I + 1;
Err.Check (I <= Source'Last, "unbalanced '""'");
case Source (I) is
when '\' | '"' =>
Append (Buffer (B_Last).S, Source (I));
when 'n' =>
Append (Buffer (B_Last).S, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF);
when others =>
Append (Buffer (B_Last).S, Source (I - 1 .. I));
end case;
when others =>
Append (Buffer (B_Last).S, Source (I));
end case;
end loop;
I := I + 1; -- Skip closing double quote.
end Read_String;
procedure Read_With_Meta is
I := I + 1; -- Skip the initial ^.
for Argument in 1 .. 2 loop
Err.Check (I <= Source'Last, "Incomplete 'with-meta'");
B_Last := B_Last + 1;
end loop;
-- Replace (metadata data) with (with-meta data metadata).
B_Last := B_Last - 2;
Buffer (B_Last + 2) := Buffer (B_Last);
Buffer (B_Last) := (Kind_Symbol, Symbols.Names.With_Meta);
Buffer (B_Last) := Sequences.List (Buffer (B_Last .. B_Last + 2));
end Read_With_Meta;
procedure Skip_Digits is
use Ada.Characters.Handling;
I := I + 1;
exit when Source'Last < I;
exit when not Is_Digit (Source (I));
end loop;
end Skip_Digits;
procedure Skip_Ignored is
use Ada.Characters.Handling;
use Ada.Strings.Maps;
Ignored : while I <= Source'Last
and then Is_In (Source (I), Ignored_Set)
if Source (I) = ';' then
Comment : loop
I := I + 1;
exit Ignored when Source'Last < I;
exit Comment when Is_Line_Terminator (Source (I));
end loop Comment;
end if;
I := I + 1;
end loop Ignored;
end Skip_Ignored;
procedure Skip_Symbol is
use Ada.Strings.Maps;
while I <= Source'Last and then Is_In (Source (I), Symbol_Set) loop
I := I + 1;
end loop;
end Skip_Symbol;
begin -- Read_Str
exit when Source'Last < I;
B_Last := B_Last + 1;
end loop;
return Buffer (Buffer'First .. B_Last);
end Read_Str;
end Reader;