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synced 2024-11-11 00:52:44 +03:00
Add a step1 test to make sure that implementations are properly throwing an error on unclosed strings. Fix 47 implementations and update the guide to note the correct behavior.
97 lines
3.1 KiB
97 lines
3.1 KiB
(import [hy.models [HyInteger :as Int HyKeyword :as Keyword
HyString :as Str HySymbol :as Sym]]
(defclass Blank [Exception])
(defclass Reader []
(defn --init-- [self tokens &optional [position 0]]
(setv self.tokens tokens self.position position))
(defn next [self]
(setv self.position (+ 1 self.position))
(get self.tokens (- self.position 1)))
(defn peek [self]
(if (> (len self.tokens) self.position)
(get self.tokens self.position)
(def tok-re (.compile re "[\\s,]*(~@|[\\[\\]{}()'`~^@]|\"(?:[\\\\].|[^\\\\\"])*\"?|;.*|[^\\s\\[\\]{}()'\"`@,;]+)"))
(def int-re (.compile re "-?[0-9]+$"))
(def str-re (.compile re "^\".*\"$"))
(def str-bad-re (.compile re "^\".*$"))
(defn tokenize [str]
(t (.findall re tok-re str))
(!= (get t 0) ";")))
(defn unescape [s]
(-> s (.replace "\\\\" "\u029e")
(.replace "\\\"" "\"")
(.replace "\\n" "\n")
(.replace "\u029e" "\\")))
(defn read-atom [rdr]
(setv token (.next rdr))
(.match re int-re token) (int token)
(.match re str-re token) (Str (unescape (cut token 1 -1)))
(.match re str-bad-re token) (raise (Exception (+ "expected '\"', got EOF")))
(= ":" (get token 0)) (Keyword token)
(= "nil" token) None
(= "true" token) True
(= "false" token) False
True (Sym token)))
(defn read-seq [rdr &optional [start "("] [end ")"]]
(setv ast (list)
token (.next rdr))
(if (!= token start)
(raise (Exception (+ "expected '" start "'")))
(setv token (.peek rdr))
(while (!= token end)
(if (not token) (raise (Exception (+ "expected '" end
", got EOF"))))
(.append ast (read-form rdr))
(setv token (.peek rdr)))
(.next rdr)
(defn read-form [rdr]
(setv token (.peek rdr))
(= ";" (get token 0)) (.next rdr)
(= "'" token) (do (.next rdr)
(tuple [(Sym "quote") (read-form rdr)]))
(= "`" token) (do (.next rdr)
(tuple [(Sym "quasiquote") (read-form rdr)]))
(= "~" token) (do (.next rdr)
(tuple [(Sym "unquote") (read-form rdr)]))
(= "~@" token) (do (.next rdr)
(tuple [(Sym "splice-unquote")
(read-form rdr)]))
(= "^" token) (do (.next rdr)
(setv meta (read-form rdr))
(tuple [(Sym "with-meta") (read-form rdr) meta]))
(= "@" token) (do (.next rdr)
(tuple [(Sym "deref") (read-form rdr)]))
(= ")" token) (raise (Exception "unexpected ')'"))
(= "(" token) (tuple (read-seq rdr "(" ")"))
(= "]" token) (raise (Exception "unexpected ')'"))
(= "[" token) (read-seq rdr "[" "]")
(= "}" token) (raise (Exception "unexpected '}'"))
(= "{" token) (dict (partition (read-seq rdr "{" "}") 2))
True (read-atom rdr)))
(defn read-str [str]
(setv tokens (tokenize str))
(if (= 0 (len tokens)) (raise (Blank "blank line")))
(read-form (Reader tokens)))