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Ben Dudson 860f35aae5 Moved macro-related functions to start of core Env
Changes the performance test 3 from ~ 3500/s to ~4300/s

Probably indicates that Env lookups are a big part of the
2017-12-27 23:34:30 +00:00

3302 lines
83 KiB

;; Core functions
%include "macros.mac"
section .data
;; Symbols for comparison
static core_add_symbol, db "+"
static core_sub_symbol, db "-"
static core_mul_symbol, db "*"
static core_div_symbol, db "/"
static core_listp_symbol, db "list?"
static core_emptyp_symbol, db "empty?"
static core_equal_symbol, db "="
static core_gt_symbol, db ">"
static core_lt_symbol, db "<"
static core_ge_symbol, db ">="
static core_le_symbol, db "<="
static core_count_symbol, db "count"
static core_keys_symbol, db "keys"
static core_vals_symbol, db "vals"
static core_list_symbol, db "list"
static core_pr_str_symbol, db "pr-str"
static core_prn_symbol, db "prn"
static core_str_symbol, db "str"
static core_println_symbol, db "println"
static core_read_string_symbol, db "read-string"
static core_slurp_symbol, db "slurp"
static core_eval_symbol, db "eval"
static core_atom_symbol, db "atom"
static core_deref_symbol, db "deref"
static core_atomp_symbol, db "atom?"
static core_reset_symbol, db "reset!"
static core_swap_symbol, db "swap!"
static core_cons_symbol, db "cons"
static core_concat_symbol, db "concat"
static core_first_symbol, db "first"
static core_rest_symbol, db "rest"
static core_nth_symbol, db "nth"
static core_nilp_symbol, db "nil?"
static core_truep_symbol, db "true?"
static core_falsep_symbol, db "false?"
static core_numberp_symbol, db "number?"
static core_symbolp_symbol, db "symbol?"
static core_stringp_symbol, db "string?"
static core_fnp_symbol, db "fn?"
static core_macrop_symbol, db "macro?"
static core_keywordp_symbol, db "keyword?"
static core_containsp_symbol, db "contains?"
static core_get_symbol, db "get"
static core_vectorp_symbol, db "vector?"
static core_mapp_symbol, db "map?"
static core_sequentialp_symbol, db "sequential?"
static core_throw_symbol, db "throw"
static core_map_symbol, db "map"
static core_apply_symbol, db "apply"
static core_symbol_symbol, db "symbol"
static core_vector_symbol, db "vector"
static core_hashmap_symbol, db "hash-map"
static core_keyword_symbol, db "keyword"
static core_assoc_symbol, db "assoc"
static core_dissoc_symbol, db "dissoc"
static core_readline_symbol, db "readline"
static core_meta_symbol, db "meta"
static core_with_meta_symbol, db "with-meta"
static core_time_ms_symbol, db "time-ms"
static core_seq_symbol, db "seq"
;; Strings
static core_arith_missing_args, db "integer arithmetic missing arguments"
static core_arith_not_int, db "non-integer argument to integer arithmetic"
static core_emptyp_error_string, db "empty? expects a list, vector or map",10
static core_count_error_string, db "count expects a list or vector",10
static core_keys_not_map, db "keys expects a map as first argument"
static core_vals_not_map, db "vals expects a map as first argument"
static core_numeric_expect_ints, db "comparison operator expected two numbers",10
static core_deref_not_atom, db "Error: argument to deref is not an atom"
static core_reset_not_atom, db "Error: argument to reset is not an atom"
static core_reset_no_value, db "Error: missing value argument to reset"
static core_swap_not_atom, db "Error: swap! expects atom as first argument"
static core_swap_no_function, db "Error: swap! expects function as second argument"
static core_cons_missing_arg, db "Error: missing argument to cons"
static core_cons_not_vector, db "Error: cons expects a list or vector"
static core_concat_not_list, db "Error: concat expects lists or vectors"
static core_first_missing_arg, db "Error: missing argument to first"
static core_first_not_list, db "Error: first expects a list or vector"
static core_rest_missing_arg, db "Error: missing argument to rest"
static core_rest_not_list, db "Error: rest expects a list or vector"
static core_nth_missing_arg, db "Error: missing argument to nth"
static core_nth_not_list, db "Error: nth expects a list or vector as first argument"
static core_nth_not_int, db "Error: nth expects an integer as second argument"
static core_nth_out_of_range, db "Error: nth index out of range"
static core_value_p_missing_args, db "Error: value predicate (nil/true/false) missing args"
static core_containsp_not_map, db "Error: contains? expects map as first argument"
static core_containsp_no_key, db "Error: contains? missing key argument"
static core_get_not_map, db "Error: get expects map as first argument"
static core_get_no_key, db "Error: get missing key argument"
static core_map_missing_args, db "Error: map expects two arguments (function, list/vector)"
static core_map_not_function, db "Error: map expects a ufunction for first argument"
static core_map_not_seq, db "Error: map expects a list or vector as second argument"
static core_apply_not_function, db "Error: apply expects function as first argument"
static core_apply_missing_args, db "Error: apply missing arguments"
static core_apply_not_seq, db "Error: apply last argument must be list or vector"
static core_symbol_not_string, db "Error: symbol expects a string argument"
static core_keyword_not_string, db "Error: keyword expects a string argument"
static core_list_not_seq, db "Error: list expects a list or vector"
static core_assoc_not_map, db "Error: assoc expects a map as first argument"
static core_assoc_missing_value, db "Error: assoc missing value"
static core_dissoc_not_map, db "dissoc expects a map as first argument"
static core_dissoc_missing_value, db "Missing value in map passed to dissoc"
static core_with_meta_no_function, db "with-meta expects a function as first argument"
static core_with_meta_no_value, db "with-meta expects a value as second argument"
static core_seq_missing_arg, db "seq missing argument"
static core_seq_wrong_type, db "seq expects a list, vector, string or nil"
section .text
;; Add a native function to the core environment
;; This is used in core_environment
%macro core_env_native 2
push rsi ; environment
mov rsi, %1
mov edx, %1.len
call raw_to_symbol ; Symbol in RAX
push rax
mov rsi, %2
call native_function ; Function in RAX
mov rcx, rax ; value (function)
pop rdi ; key (symbol)
pop rsi ; environment
call env_set
;; Create an Environment with core functions
;; Returns Environment in RAX
; Create the top-level environment
xor rsi, rsi ; Set outer to nil
call env_new
mov rsi, rax ; Environment in RSI
core_env_native core_cons_symbol, core_cons
core_env_native core_concat_symbol, core_concat
core_env_native core_first_symbol, core_first
core_env_native core_rest_symbol, core_rest
core_env_native core_nth_symbol, core_nth
core_env_native core_add_symbol, core_add
core_env_native core_sub_symbol, core_sub
core_env_native core_mul_symbol, core_mul
core_env_native core_div_symbol, core_div
core_env_native core_listp_symbol, core_listp
core_env_native core_emptyp_symbol, core_emptyp
core_env_native core_count_symbol, core_count
core_env_native core_equal_symbol, core_equalp
core_env_native core_gt_symbol, core_gt
core_env_native core_lt_symbol, core_lt
core_env_native core_ge_symbol, core_ge
core_env_native core_le_symbol, core_le
core_env_native core_keys_symbol, core_keys
core_env_native core_vals_symbol, core_vals
core_env_native core_list_symbol, core_list
core_env_native core_pr_str_symbol, core_pr_str
core_env_native core_prn_symbol, core_prn
core_env_native core_str_symbol, core_str
core_env_native core_println_symbol, core_println
core_env_native core_read_string_symbol, core_read_string
core_env_native core_slurp_symbol, core_slurp
core_env_native core_eval_symbol, core_eval
core_env_native core_atom_symbol, core_atom
core_env_native core_deref_symbol, core_deref
core_env_native core_atomp_symbol, core_atomp
core_env_native core_reset_symbol, core_reset
core_env_native core_swap_symbol, core_swap
core_env_native core_nilp_symbol, core_nilp
core_env_native core_truep_symbol, core_truep
core_env_native core_falsep_symbol, core_falsep
core_env_native core_numberp_symbol, core_numberp
core_env_native core_symbolp_symbol, core_symbolp
core_env_native core_stringp_symbol, core_stringp
core_env_native core_fnp_symbol, core_fnp
core_env_native core_macrop_symbol, core_macrop
core_env_native core_keywordp_symbol, core_keywordp
core_env_native core_containsp_symbol, core_containsp
core_env_native core_get_symbol, core_get
core_env_native core_vectorp_symbol, core_vectorp
core_env_native core_mapp_symbol, core_mapp
core_env_native core_sequentialp_symbol, core_sequentialp
core_env_native core_throw_symbol, core_throw
core_env_native core_map_symbol, core_map
core_env_native core_apply_symbol, core_apply
core_env_native core_symbol_symbol, core_symbol
core_env_native core_vector_symbol, core_vector
core_env_native core_hashmap_symbol, core_hashmap
core_env_native core_keyword_symbol, core_keyword
core_env_native core_assoc_symbol, core_assoc
core_env_native core_dissoc_symbol, core_dissoc
core_env_native core_readline_symbol, core_readline
core_env_native core_meta_symbol, core_meta
core_env_native core_with_meta_symbol, core_with_meta
core_env_native core_time_ms_symbol, core_time_ms
core_env_native core_seq_symbol, core_seq
; -----------------
; Put the environment in RAX
mov rax, rsi
;; ----------------------------------------------------
;; Jumped to from many core functions, with
;; string address in RSI and length in EDX
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; ----------------------------------------------------
;; Integer arithmetic operations
;; Adds a list of numbers, address in RSI
;; Returns the sum as a number object with address in RAX
;; Since most of the code is common to all operators,
;; RBX is used to jump to the required instruction
mov rbx, core_arithmetic.do_addition
jmp core_arithmetic
mov rbx, core_arithmetic.do_subtraction
jmp core_arithmetic
mov rbx, core_arithmetic.do_multiply
jmp core_arithmetic
mov rbx, core_arithmetic.do_division
; Fall through to core_arithmetic
; Check that the first object is a number
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
mov ch, cl
and ch, block_mask
cmp ch, block_cons
jne .missing_args
mov ch, cl
and ch, content_mask
cmp ch, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp ch, content_int
jne .not_int
; Put the starting value in rax
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
; Fetch the next value
mov cl, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_pointer
jne .finished ; Nothing let
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Get next cons
; Check that it is an integer
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_int
jne .not_int
; Jump to the required operation, address in RBX
jmp rbx
add rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp .add_loop
sub rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp .add_loop
imul rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp .add_loop
cqo ; Sign extend RAX into RDX
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
idiv rcx
jmp .add_loop
; Value in rbx
push rax
; Get a Cons object to put the result into
call alloc_cons
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_integer
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
load_static core_arith_missing_args
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_arith_not_int
jmp core_throw_str
;; compare objects for equality
; Check that rsi contains a list
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
cmp cl, maltype_empty_list
je .error
and cl, block_mask + container_mask
cmp cl, block_cons + container_list
jne .error
; Check that the list has a second pointer
mov cl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_pointer
jne .error
; move second pointer into rdi
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Remove next pointers
mov cl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rsi + Cons.typecdr], BYTE 0
mov bl, BYTE [rdi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rdi + Cons.typecdr], BYTE 0
push rbx
push rcx
; Compare the objects recursively
call compare_objects_rec
; Restore next pointers
pop rcx
pop rbx
mov [rsi + Cons.typecdr], BYTE cl
mov [rdi + Cons.typecdr], BYTE bl
je .true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
push rsi
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
;; Numerical comparisons
mov rcx, core_compare_num.gt
jmp core_compare_num
mov rcx, core_compare_num.lt
jmp core_compare_num
mov rcx, core_compare_num.ge
jmp core_compare_num
mov rcx, core_compare_num.le
;jmp core_compare_num
; The first argument should be an int
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, maltype_integer
jne .error
; Check that there's a second argument
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .error
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; The second arg should also be an int
mov bl, BYTE [rdi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, maltype_integer
jne .error
mov rbx, [rdi + Cons.car]
cmp rax, rbx
jmp rcx ; Address set above
jg .true
jmp .false
jl .true
jmp .false
jge .true
jmp .false
jle .true
;jmp .false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
push rsi
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac core_numeric_expect_ints
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; Test if a given object is a list
;; Input list in RSI
;; Returns true or false in RAX
mov bl, (block_cons + container_list)
jmp core_container_p
mov bl, (block_cons + container_vector)
jmp core_container_p
mov bl, (block_cons + container_map)
;jmp core_container_p
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .false ; Should be a pointer to a list
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rax]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, bl
jne .false
; Is a list, return true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
;; Return true if vector or list
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .false ; Should be a pointer
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rax]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, container_list
je .true
cmp al, container_vector
jne .false
; Is a list or vector, return true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
;; Test if the given list, vector or map is empty
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .error ; Expected a container
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rax]
cmp al, maltype_empty_list
je .true
cmp al, maltype_empty_vector
je .true
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
je .true
; false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
push rsi
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac core_emptyp_error_string
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; Count the number of elements in given list or vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_nil
je .zero
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .error ; Expected a container
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp ah, (block_cons + container_list)
je .start_count
cmp ah, (block_cons + container_vector)
je .start_count
jmp .error ; Not a list or vector
xor rbx,rbx
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_empty
je .done ; Empty list or vector
inc rbx
; Check if there's another
mov al, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
.zero: ; Return zero count
mov rbx, 0
.done: ; Count is in RBX
push rbx
call alloc_cons
pop rbx
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_integer
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
push rsi
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac core_count_error_string
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; Given a map, returns a list of keys
;; Input: List in RSI with one Map element
;; Returns: List in RAX
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call map_keys
load_static core_keys_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
;; Get a list of values from a map
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call map_vals
load_static core_vals_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
;; Given a map and a key, return true if the key is in the map
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Map in RCX
mov bl, BYTE [rcx]
and bl, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bl, container_map
jne .not_map
; Check second argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .no_key
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov dl, BYTE [rsi]
and dl, content_mask
cmp dl, content_pointer
jne .key_value
; Pointer, so put into RDI
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp .find
; A value
mov [rsi], BYTE dl
mov rdi, rsi ; Value in RDI
mov rsi, rcx ; Map
call map_find
je .true
; false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
load_static core_containsp_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_containsp_no_key
jmp core_throw_str
;; Given a map and a key, return the value in the map
;; or nil if not found
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_nil
je .not_found
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Map in RCX
mov bl, BYTE [rcx]
and bl, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bl, container_map
jne .not_map
; Check second argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .no_key
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov dl, BYTE [rsi]
and dl, content_mask
cmp dl, content_pointer
jne .key_value
; Pointer, so put into RDI
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp .find
; A value
mov [rsi], BYTE dl
mov rdi, rsi ; Value in RDI
mov rsi, rcx ; Map
call map_get ; Value in RAX
je .found
; Not found
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
load_static core_get_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_get_no_key
jmp core_throw_str
;; Return arguments as a list
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
;; Convert arguments into a vector
; Copy first element and mark as vector
call alloc_cons ; in RAX
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
mov bh, bl ; store content for comparison
or bl, container_vector
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Set type
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; Set content
; Check if the first element is a pointer
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .done_car
; A pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Copy the CDR type and content
mov bl, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], bl
mov rdx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rdx
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done
; A pointer
mov bx, WORD [rdx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rdx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
;; Convert arguments into a map
; Copy first element and mark as map
call alloc_cons ; in RAX
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
mov bh, bl ; store content for comparison
or bl, container_map
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Set type
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; Set content
; Check if the first element is a pointer
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .done_car
; A pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Copy the CDR type and content
mov bl, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], bl
mov rdx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rdx
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done
; A pointer
mov bx, WORD [rdx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rdx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; String functions
;; Convert arguments to a readable string, separated by a space
mov rdi, 3 ; print_readably & separator
jmp core_str_functions
xor rdi, rdi
jmp core_str_functions
mov rdi, 2 ; separator
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_empty
je .empty ; Nothing to print
xor r8, r8 ; Return string in r8
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .got_pointer
; A value. Remove list container
xchg ah, al
mov [rsi], BYTE al
xchg ah, al
push rsi
push rax
push r8
call pr_str
pop r8
pop rbx
pop rsi
mov [rsi], BYTE bl ; restore type
jmp .got_string
push rsi
push r8
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Address pointed to
call pr_str
pop r8
pop rsi
; String now in rax
cmp r8, 0
jne .append
; first string. Since this string will be
; appended to, it needs to be a copy
push rsi ; input
push rax ; string to copy
mov rsi, rax
call string_copy ; New string in RAX
pop rsi ; copied string
push rax ; the copy
call release_object ; release the copied string
pop r8 ; the copy
pop rsi ; input
jmp .next
push r8
push rsi
push rax
mov rsi, r8 ; Output string
mov rdx, rax ; String to be copied
call string_append_string
pop rsi ; Was in rax, temporary string
call release_array ; Release the string
pop rsi ; Restore input
pop r8 ; Output string
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
; More inputs
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; pointer
test rdi, 2 ; print_readably
jz .end_append_char ; No separator
; Add separator
push r8
push rsi
mov rsi, r8
mov cl, ' '
call string_append_char
pop rsi
pop r8
; Get the type in ah for comparison at start of loop
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
jmp .loop
; No more input, so return
mov rax, r8
call string_new ; An empty string
;; Print arguments readably, return nil
call core_pr_str
jmp core_prn_functions
call core_str_sep
mov rsi, rax
; Put newline at the end
push rsi
mov cl, 10 ; newline
call string_append_char
pop rsi
; print the string
push rsi ; Save the string address
call print_string
pop rsi
call release_array ; Release the string
; Return nil
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
;; Given a string, calls read_str to get an AST
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
jne .no_string
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .no_string
call read_str
; Didn't get a string input
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
;; Reads a file into a string
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
jne .no_string
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .no_string
call read_file
; Didn't get a string input
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
;; Evaluate an expression in the REPL environment
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .pointer
; Just a value, so return it
call incref_object
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
mov [rsi], BYTE al ; Removes list
mov rax, rsi
; A pointer, so need to eval
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov rsi, [repl_env] ; Environment
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; Env in RDI, AST in RSI
call incref_object ; AST increment refs
call eval
;; Create an atom
push rsi
call alloc_cons ; To hold the pointer
pop rsi
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_atom
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
je .pointer
; A value
; make a copy
push rax
push rsi
push rbx
call alloc_cons
pop rbx
mov bl, bh
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Set type
mov rbx, rax
pop rsi
pop rax
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rbx + Cons.car], rcx ; Set value
; Set the atom to point to it
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
push rax
mov rsi, rbx
call incref_object ; Storing in atom
pop rax
;; Get the value from the atom
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .not_atom
; Get the atom
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
cmp bl, maltype_atom
jne .not_atom
; Return what it points to
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
; Not an atom, so throw an error
mov rsi, core_deref_not_atom
mov edx, core_deref_not_atom.len
call raw_to_symbol
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Test if given object is an atom
mov al, maltype_atom
jmp core_pointer_type_p
mov al, maltype_symbol
jmp core_pointer_type_p
mov al, maltype_string
jmp core_pointer_type_p
mov al, maltype_function
jmp core_pointer_type_p
mov al, maltype_macro
jmp core_pointer_type_p
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .false
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
cmp bl, al
jne .false
; Check for keyword (not symbol)
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .true
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Array.data]
cmp al, ':'
je .false ; a keyword
; Return true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
;; Tests if argument is a keyword
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .false
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
cmp bl, maltype_symbol
jne .false
; Check if first character is ':'
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Array.data]
cmp bl, ':'
jne .false
; Return true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
;; Change the value of an atom
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .not_atom
; Get the atom
mov rax, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Atom in RAX
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
cmp bl, maltype_atom
jne .not_atom
; Get the next argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .no_value
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Got something in RSI
; release the current value of the atom
push rax
push rsi
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; The value the atom points to
call release_object
pop rsi
pop rax
; Check the type of the first argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
je .pointer
; A value
; make a copy
push rax
push rsi
push rbx
call alloc_cons
pop rbx
mov bl, bh
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Set type
mov rbx, rax
pop rsi
pop rax
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rbx + Cons.car], rcx ; Set value
; Set the atom to point to it
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Increment refcount since return value will be released
mov rsi, rbx
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rsi, rbx
call incref_object ; Storing in atom
call incref_object ; Returning
mov rax, rsi
; Not an atom, so throw an error
mov rsi, core_reset_not_atom
mov edx, core_reset_not_atom.len
call raw_to_symbol
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
; No value given
mov rsi, core_reset_no_value
mov edx, core_reset_no_value.len
call raw_to_symbol
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Applies a function to an atom, along with optional arguments
;; In RSI should be a list consisting of
;; [ atom, pointer->Function , args...]
;; The atom is dereferenced, and inserted into the list:
;; [ pointer->Function , atom value , args...]
;; This is then passed to eval.list_exec
;; which executes the function
; Check the type of the first argument (an atom)
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
jne .not_atom
; Get the atom
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Atom in R9
mov bl, BYTE [r9]
cmp bl, maltype_atom
jne .not_atom
; Get the second argument (a function)
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .no_function
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; List with function first
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .no_function
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Function in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_function
jne .no_function
; Get a new Cons
; containing the value in the atom
call alloc_cons ; In RAX
; Prepend to the list
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], bl
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done_prepend
; A pointer to more args,
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rcx
; increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Now get the value in the atom
mov rdx, [r9 + Cons.car] ; The object pointed to
; Check what it is
mov bl, BYTE [rdx]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
jz .atom_value ; Just a value
; Not a simple value, so point to it
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdx
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
; Since the list will be released after eval
; we need to increment the reference count
mov bx, WORD [rdx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rdx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
jmp .run
; Copy the value
mov rcx, [rdx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
and bl, content_mask ; keep just the content
or bl, container_list ; mark as part of a list
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rsi, rax
; Here have function in R8, args in RSI
; Check whether the function is built-in or user
mov rax, [r8 + Cons.car]
cmp rax, apply_fn
je .user_function
; A built-in function
push r9 ; atom
push rsi ; Args
call rax
; Result in RAX
pop rsi
pop r9
push rax
call release_object ; Release arguments
pop rax
jmp .got_return
; a user-defined function, so need to evaluate
; RSI - Args
mov rdi, r8 ; Function in RDI
mov rdx, rsi ; Release args after binding
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment
call incref_object ; Released by eval
call incref_object ; also released from R13
mov r13, r15
mov rsi, rdx
push r9
call apply_fn ; Result in RAX
pop r9
; Have a return result in RAX
; release the current value of the atom
push rax ; The result
mov rsi, [r9 + Cons.car]
call release_object
pop rax
; Put into atom
mov [r9 + Cons.car], rax
; Increase reference of new object
; because when it is returned it will be released
mov bx, WORD [rax + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rax + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
load_static core_swap_not_atom
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_swap_no_function
jmp core_throw_str
;; Takes two arguments, and prepends the first argument onto the second
;; The second argument can be a list or a vector, but the return is always
;; a list
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_args
mov r8, rsi ; The object to prepend
; Check if there's a second argument
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_args
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check that the second argument is a list or vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_vector
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Should be a list or vector
mov al, BYTE [r9]
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
je .got_args
cmp al, container_vector
je .got_args
jmp .not_vector
; Got an object in R8 and list/vector in R9
call alloc_cons ; new Cons in RAX
; Mark as the same content in a list container
mov bl, BYTE [r8]
and bl, content_mask
mov bh, bl ; Save content in BH for checking if pointer later
or bl, block_cons + container_list
mov [rax], BYTE bl
; Copy the content
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car] ; Content in RCX
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check if R9 is empty
mov dl, BYTE [r9]
and dl, content_mask
cmp dl, content_empty
je .end_append ; Don't append the list
; Put the list into CDR
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], r9
; mark CDR as a pointer
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Increment reference count
push rax
mov rsi, r9
call incref_object
pop rax
; Check if the new Cons contains a pointer
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done
; A pointer, so increment number of references
push rax
mov rsi, rcx
call incref_object
pop rax
load_static core_cons_missing_arg
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_cons_not_vector
jmp core_throw_str
;; Concatenate lists, returning a new list
;; Notes:
;; * The last list does not need to be copied, but all others do
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_list
; Check if there is only one argument
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
je .start_loop ; Start copy loop
; Only one input.
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
; Check if it's a list or vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov cl, al
and al, container_mask
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list)
je .single_list
cmp al, (block_cons + container_vector)
jne .not_list ; not a list or vector
; A vector. Need to create a new Cons
; for the first element, to mark it as a list
call alloc_cons
and cl, content_mask
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Set content
; Check if CAR is a pointer
cmp cl, (container_list + content_pointer)
jne .single_done_car
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov cx, WORD [rbx + Cons.refcount]
inc cx
mov [rbx + Cons.refcount], WORD cx
mov dl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE dl ; CDR type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rbx ; Set CDR content
; Check if CDR is a pointer
cmp dl, content_pointer
je .single_vector_incref
; not a pointer, just return
; increment the reference count of object pointed to
mov r12, rax ; The return Cons
mov rsi, rbx ; The object address
call incref_object
mov rax, r12
; Just increment reference count and return
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
.start_loop: ; Have at least two inputs
xor r11, r11 ; Head of list. Start in R12
; Check the type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_list
; Check if this is the last
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .last
; Check if the list is empty
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car] ; The list
mov al, BYTE [rbx]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty ; If empty list or vector
je .next ; Skip to next
; not the last list, so need to copy
push rsi
mov rsi, rbx ; The list
call cons_seq_copy ; Copy in RAX, last Cons in RBX
pop rsi
; Check if this is the first
test r11, r11
jnz .append
; First list
mov r11, rbx ; Last Cons in list
mov r12, rax ; Output list
jmp .next
; End of previous list points to start of new list
mov [r11 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r11 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Put end of new list into R11
mov r11, rbx
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
; last list, so can just append
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
; Check if the list is empty
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty ; If empty list or vector
je .done ; Omit the empty list
call incref_object
mov [r11 + Cons.cdr], rsi
mov [r11 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
; Check there is anything to return
test r11, r11
jz .empty_list
; Make sure that return is a list
mov bl, BYTE [r12]
and bl, content_mask
or bl, container_list
mov [r12], BYTE bl
mov rax, r12 ; output list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
; Return empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
; Got an argument which is not a list
mov rsi, core_concat_not_list
mov edx, core_concat_not_list.len
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Returns the first element of a list
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp al, content_nil
je .return_nil
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_list
; Get the list
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
; Check for nil
cmp al, maltype_nil
je .return_nil
mov ah, al
and ah, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp ah, container_list
je .got_list
cmp ah, container_vector
jne .not_list ; Not a list or vector
; Check if list is empty
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .return_nil
cmp al, content_pointer
je .return_pointer
; Returning a value, so need to copy
mov cl, al
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
; Copy value
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov rsi, core_first_missing_arg
mov edx, core_first_missing_arg.len
jmp .throw
mov rsi, core_first_not_list
mov edx, core_first_not_list.len
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Return a list with the first element removed
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp al, content_nil
je .empty_list
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_list
; Get the list
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
; Check for nil
cmp al, maltype_nil
je .return_nil
mov ah, al
and ah, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp ah, container_list
je .got_list
cmp ah, container_vector
jne .not_list ; Not a list or vector
; Check if list or vector is empty
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .empty_list
; Check if there is more in the list
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
je .return_rest
; No more list, so return empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a list or a vector
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
mov ch, cl
and ch, container_mask
cmp ch, container_list
je .return_list
; Need to allocate a new Cons to replace this first element
call alloc_cons
and cl, content_mask
mov ch, cl ; Save CAR content type in ch
or cl, container_list ; Keep content type, set container type to list
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov dl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr] ; CDR type in DL
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE dl
; Copy content of CAR
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Check if car contains a pointer
cmp ch, content_pointer
jne .check_cdr
; CAR contains a pointer, so increment reference count
mov r8, rax ; Save return Cons
mov r9, rsi ; Save input list
mov rsi, rbx ; Content of CAR
call incref_object
mov rax, r8 ; Restore return Cons
mov rsi, r9 ; Restore input list
; Copy content of CDR
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rcx ; Note: Might be pointer
; Check if cdr contains a pointer
cmp dl, content_pointer
jne .return ; Not a pointer, so just return
; A pointer, so increment its reference count
mov rbx, rax ; Save the return Cons
mov rsi, rcx ; The pointer in CDR
call incref_object
mov rax, rbx ; Restore the return Cons
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov rsi, core_rest_missing_arg
mov edx, core_rest_missing_arg.len
jmp .throw
mov rsi, core_rest_not_list
mov edx, core_rest_not_list.len
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Return the nth element of a list or vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp al, content_nil
je .return_nil
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_list
; Get the list into R8
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car]
; Check if we have a second argument
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_args
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check that it is a number
mov al, BYTE [r9]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_int
jne .not_int
; Get the number in RBX
mov rbx, [r9 + Cons.car]
; Now loop through the list, moving along n elements
test rbx, rbx ; Test if zero
jz .done
; Move along next element
mov al, BYTE [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .out_of_range ; No element
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr]
dec rbx
jmp .loop
; Take the head of the list in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .return_pointer
; Copy a value
mov cl, al
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
mov rsi, [r8 + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov rsi, core_nth_missing_arg
mov edx, core_nth_missing_arg.len
jmp .throw
mov rsi, core_nth_not_list
mov edx, core_nth_not_list.len
jmp .throw
mov rsi, core_nth_not_int
mov edx, core_nth_not_int.len
jmp .throw
mov rsi, core_nth_out_of_range
mov edx, core_nth_out_of_range.len
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Check if the argument is a given value type
mov al, BYTE content_nil
jmp core_value_type_p
mov al, BYTE content_true
jmp core_value_type_p
mov al, BYTE content_false
jmp core_value_type_p
mov al, BYTE content_int
;; predicates for nil, true, false and number jump here
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_empty
je .missing_args
cmp al, bl
je .true
; false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_false
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_true
mov rsi, core_value_p_missing_args
mov edx, core_value_p_missing_args.len
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Throws an exception
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_empty
je .throw_nil ; No arguments
cmp al, content_pointer
je .throw_pointer
; A value. Remove list content type
mov [rsi], BYTE al
jmp error_throw
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
jmp error_throw
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
;; Applies a function to a list or vector
;; Uses registers
;; R8 - function
;; R9 - Input list/vector
;; R10 - Current end of return list (for appending)
xor r10,r10 ; Zero, signal no list
; First argument should be a function
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_empty
je .missing_args
; Check the first argument is a pointer
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .not_function
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Function in R8
mov bl, BYTE [r8]
cmp bl, maltype_function
jne .not_function
; Check for second argument
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .missing_args
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Should be a pointer to a list or vector
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .not_seq
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.car] ; List or vector in R9
mov bl, BYTE [r9]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_empty
je .empty_list
and bl, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bl, container_list
je .start
cmp bl, container_vector
je .start
; not list or vector
jmp .not_seq
; Got function in R8, list or vector in R9
mov cl, BYTE [r9]
and cl, content_mask
mov ch, cl
or cl, container_list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; set content type
mov rbx, [r9 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Copy content
mov rsi, rax
cmp ch, content_pointer
jne .run
; A pointer, so increment ref count
mov rcx, rsi
mov rsi, rbx
call incref_object
mov rsi, rcx
; Here have function in R8, args in RSI
; Check whether the function is built-in or user
mov rax, [r8 + Cons.car]
cmp rax, apply_fn
je .user_function
; A built-in function
push r8 ; function
push r9 ; input list/vector
push r10 ; End of return list
push rsi
call rax
; Result in RAX
pop rsi
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
push rax
call release_object ; Release arguments
pop rax
jmp .got_return
; a user-defined function, so need to evaluate
; RSI - Args
mov rdi, r8 ; Function in RDI
mov rdx, rsi ; Release args after binding
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment
call incref_object ; Released by eval
call incref_object ; also released from R13
mov r13, r15
mov rsi, rdx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r15
call apply_fn ; Result in RAX
pop r15
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
; Have a return result in RAX
; Check if it's a value type
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bl, (block_mask + container_mask)
jz .return_value
; A more complicated type, point to it
mov rcx, rax
call alloc_cons ; Create a Cons for address
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
jmp .update_return
; Check if this value is shared (e.g. in an atom)
mov cx, WORD [rax + Cons.refcount]
dec cx
jz .return_value_modify ; If reference count is 1
; Need to copy to avoid modifying
push rsi
mov rsi, rax ; Original in RSI
mov cl, bh ; Type
call alloc_cons
and cl, content_mask
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; mark as a list
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy content
; Release original
push rax
call release_object
pop rax
pop rsi
jmp .update_return
; Only one reference,
; so can change the container type to list.
; Original type in bh
mov bl, bh
and bl, content_mask
or bl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE bl
; Now append to result list
test r10,r10
jnz .append
; First value
mov r10, rax ; End of list
push r10 ; popped before return
jmp .next
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Point to new Cons
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r10, rax
; Check if there is another value
mov al, [r9 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done ; no more
mov r9, [r9 + Cons.cdr] ; next
jmp .start
pop rax ; Pushed in .update_return
; Got an empty list, so return an empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
; Either zero or one args, expect two
load_static core_map_missing_args
jmp core_throw_str
; First argument not a function
load_static core_map_not_function
jmp core_throw_str
; Second argument not list or vector
load_static core_map_not_seq
jmp core_throw_str
;; Applies a function to a list of arguments, concatenated with
;; a final list of args
;; (function, ..., [])
; First argument should be a function
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_function
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; function in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_function
jne .not_function
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_args
xor r9,r9
; Optional args, followed by final list/vector
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is the last
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .last
; Not the last, so copy
call alloc_cons ; New Cons in RAX
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .got_value
; A pointer, so increment reference
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Now append this Cons to the list
test r9,r9
jnz .append
; First
mov r9, rax ; Start of the list
mov r10, rax ; End of the list
jmp .loop
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r10, rax
jmp .loop
; Check that it's a list or vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_seq
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Vector/list in RSI
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
je .last_seq
cmp al, container_vector
jne .not_seq
; Check if there were any previous args
test r9, r9
jnz .last_append
; R9 is zero, so no previous args
; check that this is a list
; and convert vector to list
mov r9, rsi
; Check if R9 is a list
mov al, BYTE [r9]
mov cl, al
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
jne .last_convert_to_list
; Already a list, just increment reference count
mov rsi, r9
call incref_object
jmp .run
; Convert vector to list by copying first element
call alloc_cons
and cl, content_mask
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov rdx, [r9 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdx
; check if contains a pointer
cmp cl, (container_list + content_pointer)
jne .copy_cdr
; A pointer, so increment reference
mov bx, WORD [rdx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rdx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
mov bl, BYTE [r9 + Cons.typecdr]
mov rcx, [r9 + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE bl
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rcx
; Replace R9 with this new element
mov r9, rax
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .run
; A pointer, so increment reference
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
jmp .run
; Append RSI to the end of the list [R9]...[R10]
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rsi
call incref_object
; Have arguments list in R9
mov rsi, r9
; Here have function in R8, args in RSI
; Check whether the function is built-in or user
mov rax, [r8 + Cons.car]
cmp rax, apply_fn
je .user_function
; A built-in function
push r8 ; function
push r9 ; input list/vector
push r10 ; End of return list
push rsi
call rax
; Result in RAX
pop rsi
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
push rax
call release_object ; Release arguments
pop rax
; a user-defined function, so need to evaluate
; RSI - Args
mov rdi, r8 ; Function in RDI
mov rdx, rsi ; Release args after binding
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment
call incref_object ; Released by eval
call incref_object ; also released from R13
mov r13, r15
mov rsi, rdx
push r8
push r9
push r10
call apply_fn ; Result in RAX
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
load_static core_apply_not_function
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_apply_missing_args
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_apply_not_seq
jmp core_throw_str
;; Converts a string to a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_string
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .not_string
; Copy the string
call string_copy ; result in RAX
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_symbol
load_static core_symbol_not_string
jmp core_throw_str
;; Converts a string to a keyword
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_string
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; String in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .not_string
call string_new ; String in RAX
mov rsi, rax
mov cl, ':'
call string_append_char ; Puts ':' first
mov rdx, r8
call string_append_string ; append
; Mark as keyword
mov [rsi], BYTE maltype_symbol
mov rax, rsi
load_static core_keyword_not_string
jmp core_throw_str
;; Sets values in a map
; check first arg
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; map in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_map
jne .not_map
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
je .start
; No keys to set, so just increment and return
mov rsi, r8
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
mov r11, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; List of keys/values in R11
; Copy the original list
mov rsi, r8
call map_copy
mov rsi, rax ; new map in RSI
; Get key then value from R11 list
mov cl, BYTE [r11]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .key_pointer
; Key is a value, so copy into a Cons
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rdi, rax ; Key in RDI
jmp .get_value
mov rdi, [r11 + Cons.car]
; increment reference count because the key will be
; released after setting (to allow value Cons to be
; freed)
mov bx, WORD [rdi + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rdi + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_value
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check if value is a pointer
mov cl, BYTE [r11]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .value_pointer
; Value is a value, so copy into a Cons
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rcx, rax ; Key in RCX
jmp .set_pair
mov rcx, [r11 + Cons.car]
; increment reference count because the value will be
; released after setting (to allow value Cons to be
; freed)
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Here have:
; map in RSI
; key in RDI
; value in RCX
call map_set
mov r8, rsi ; map
mov rsi, rdi ; key
call release_object
mov rsi, rcx ; value
call release_object
mov rsi, r8 ; map
; Check if there's another pair
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
; got another pair
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
mov rax, rsi ; new map
load_static core_assoc_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_assoc_missing_value
jmp core_throw_str
;; Removes keys from a map by making
;; a copy of a map without the given keys
; Check that the first argument is a map
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_map
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Map in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
mov ah, al
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_map
jne .not_map
; Check if the map is empty
cmp ah, maltype_empty_map
je .inc_and_return
; Now check if there are other arguments
mov al, [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
je .start
; No keys to remove
; just increment the map reference count and return
mov rsi, r8
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
; Some keys to remove
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; R9 now contains a list of keys
; R8 contains the map to copy
xor r11, r11 ; Head of list to return
; R12 contains tail
; Check the key in R8 against the list in R9
mov r10, r9 ; point in list being searched
; loop through the list in R10
; comparing each element against R8
mov rsi, r8
mov rdi, r10
call compare_objects
test rax, rax
jz .found ; objects are equal
; Not found so check next in list
mov al, BYTE [r10 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_found ; End of list
mov r10, [r10 + Cons.cdr] ; next
jmp .search_loop
; Removing this key, so skip
mov al, BYTE [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_value
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr] ; now a value
jmp .next
; Key not in list, so keeping
; Create a Cons to copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r8]
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check if a pointer or value
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done_key ; A value
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; append to list
test r11, r11
jnz .key_append
; First one
mov r11, rax
mov r12, rax
jmp .copy_value
mov [r12 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r12 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r12, rax
; Check there is a value
mov al, BYTE [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .missing_value
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr] ; Value
; Same as for key; create a Cons and copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r8]
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check if a pointer or value
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done_value ; A value
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; append to list
mov [r12 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r12 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r12, rax
; Here R8 contains a value
; Check if there's another key
mov al, [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
; Still more
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr]
jmp .loop
; Check if the map is empty
test r11, r11
jz .return_empty
; not empty, so return
mov rax, r11
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_map
load_static core_dissoc_not_map
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_dissoc_missing_value
jmp core_throw_str
;; Takes a string prompt for the user, and returns
;; a string or nil
; Check the input
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .no_prompt
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_string
jne .no_prompt
; Got a string in RSI
call print_string
; Get string from user
call read_line
; Check if we have a zero-length string
cmp DWORD [rax+Array.length], 0
je .return_nil
; return the string in RAX
; release string in RAX
mov rsi, rax
call release_array
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
;; Return the meta data associated with a given function
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
jne .return_nil
; Here got a function
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; RSI should now contain the meta data
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .pointer
; A value, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; A pointer, so increment reference count and return
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
;; Associates a value with a function (native or user)
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .no_function
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Function in R8
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
jne .no_function
mov bl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .no_value
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Function in R8, new value in RSI
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_function) ; Type
mov rbx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Function address
mov r10, rax ; Return address
; Copy the meta data
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr] ; R8 now old meta data (not used)
call alloc_cons
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
mov ch, cl
or cl, container_function
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Copy value
; append to function
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r11, rax
; Check if meta is a value or pointer
cmp ch, content_pointer
jne .copy_rest
; increment reference count of meta
mov cx, WORD [rbx + Cons.refcount]
inc cx
mov [rbx + Cons.refcount], WORD cx
; Copy remainder of function (if any)
; If a user function, has (env binds body)
mov al, [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .done
; Still more to copy
mov r8, [r8 + Cons.cdr]
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r8]
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Copy type
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; Copy value
; append
mov [r11 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r11 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r11, rax
; Check if it's a pointer
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .copy_rest
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
jmp .copy_rest
mov rax, r10
load_static core_with_meta_no_function
jmp core_throw_str
load_static core_with_meta_no_value
jmp core_throw_str
;; Returns the current time in ms
call clock_time_ms
mov rsi, rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_integer
mov [rax + Cons.car], rsi
;; Convert sequences, including strings, into lists
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .pointer
cmp al, content_empty
je .missing_arg
cmp al, content_nil
jne .wrong_type
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_string
je .string
mov ah, al
and ah, (block_mask + content_mask)
cmp ah, (block_cons + content_empty)
je .return_nil
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list)
je .list
cmp al, (block_cons + container_vector)
jne .wrong_type
; Convert vector to list by replacing the first Cons
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r8]
and bl, content_mask
or bl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; Set type
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check if it's a pointer
cmp bl, (container_list + content_pointer)
jne .copy_cdr
; Increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount] ; Same for Array
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
mov rcx, [r8 + Cons.cdr]
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rcx
mov bl, [r8 + Cons.typecdr]
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], bl
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .return
; Increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount] ; Same for Array
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
; Return list unchanged
mov rsi, r8
call incref_object
mov rax, r8
; Split a string into characters
; Input string in R8
mov ebx, DWORD [r8 + Array.length]
test ebx,ebx
jz .return_nil ; empty string
; Not empty, so allocate first Cons
call alloc_cons
mov r9, rax ; Return Cons in R9
mov r10, rax ; End of list in R10
mov ebx, DWORD [r8 + Array.length]
mov r11, r8
add r11, Array.data ; Start of string data in R11
mov r12, r11
add r12, rbx ; End of string data in R12
; Get a new string
call string_new ; in RAX
mov bl, BYTE [r11] ; Get the next character
mov [rax + Array.data], BYTE bl
mov [rax + Array.length], DWORD 1
; Put string into Cons at end of list
mov [r10 + Cons.car], rax
; Set type
mov [r10], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
inc r11
cmp r11, r12
je .inner_done
; more characters, so allocate another Cons
call alloc_cons
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r10, rax
jmp .inner_loop
; No more characters in this Array
; check if there are more
mov r8, QWORD [r8 + Array.next] ; Get the next Array address
test r8, r8 ; Test if it's null
jz .string_finished
; Another chunk in the string
call alloc_cons
mov [r10 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r10 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r10, rax
jmp .loop
mov rax, r9
; No arguments
load_static core_seq_missing_arg
jmp core_throw_str
; Not a list, vector, string or nil
load_static core_seq_wrong_type
jmp core_throw_str