mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 06:40:14 +03:00
2024-09-19 14:48:19 -04:00

507 lines
16 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const reader = @import("reader.zig");
const printer = @import("printer.zig");
const getline = @import("readline.zig").getline;
const string_eql = std.hash_map.eqlString;
const hash_map = @import("hmap.zig");
const core = @import("core.zig");
const Allocator = @import("std").heap.c_allocator;
const MalType = @import("types.zig").MalType;
const MalError = @import("error.zig").MalError;
const MalLinkedList = @import("linked_list.zig").MalLinkedList;
const Env = @import("env.zig").Env;
const get_error_data = @import("error.zig").get_error_data;
const throw = @import("error.zig").throw;
const stdout_file = std.io.getStdOut();
var repl_environment = Env.new_root();
fn READ(a: []const u8) !*MalType {
var read = try reader.read_str(a);
return reader.read_form(&read);
// Do not allocate this one on each EVAL run.
// The string is static, but will never be deallocated.
var DEBUG_EVAL = MalType { .Symbol = .{ .data = "DEBUG-EVAL" } };
fn EVAL(mal_arg: *MalType, env_arg: *Env, finally_destroy_env: bool) MalError!*MalType {
var mal = mal_arg;
var env = env_arg;
var fde = finally_destroy_env;
defer if(fde) env.decref();
while(true) {
if(try env.get(&DEBUG_EVAL)) |dbgeval| {
switch (dbgeval.*) {
.Nil, .False => {},
else => {
try stdout_file.writeAll("EVAL: ");
try PRINT(mal.*);
switch(mal.*) {
.List => |ll| {
const items = ll.data.items;
if(items.len == 0) {
return mal;
const first_mal = items[0];
const symbol = switch(first_mal.*) {
.Symbol => |symbol| symbol.data,
else => "",
if(string_eql(symbol, "def!")) {
return EVAL_def(items[1..], env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "defmacro!")) {
return EVAL_defmacro(items[1..], env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "let*")) {
try EVAL_let(items[1..], &mal, &env, &fde);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "do")) {
try EVAL_do(items[1..], &mal, env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "if")) {
try EVAL_if(items[1..], &mal, env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "fn*")) {
return EVAL_fn(items[1..], env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "quote")) {
return EVAL_quote(items[1..]);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "quasiquote")) {
if(items.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const second = items[1];
mal = try quasiquote(second);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "try*")) {
return EVAL_try(items[1..], env);
else {
const evaluated_first = try EVAL(first_mal, env, false);
defer evaluated_first.decref();
switch (evaluated_first.*) {
.Func => |func_data| {
if(func_data.is_macro) {
mal = try apply_function(evaluated_first.*, items[1..]);
else => {}
// A slice would be sufficient, but a List is convenient
// for partial deallocation in case of error.
const args = try MalType.new_list();
defer args.decref();
for(items[1..]) |x| {
const new_item = try EVAL(x, env, false);
try args.List.data.append(Allocator, new_item);
switch(evaluated_first.*) {
.Func => |func_data| {
if(fde) {
else {
fde = true;
env = try func_data.gen_env(args.List.data.items);
mal = func_data.body;
else => {},
return apply_function(evaluated_first.*, args.List.data.items);
.Symbol => {
return EVAL_symbol(mal, env);
.Vector => |ll| {
return EVAL_vector(ll.data.items, env);
.HashMap => |hmap| {
return EVAL_map(hmap.data, env);
else => {
return mal;
fn eval(args: []*MalType) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 1) return MalError.ArgError;
const a1 = args[0];
return EVAL(a1, &repl_environment, false);
fn starts_with(mal: MalType, sym: []const u8) ?*MalType {
const ll = switch(mal) {
.List => |l| l,
else => return null,
const items = ll.data.items;
if(items.len != 2) {
return null;
const ss = switch(items[0].*) {
.Symbol => |s| s,
else => return null,
if(string_eql(ss.data, sym)) {
return items[1];
return null;
fn EVAL_def(args: []*MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const symbol_name = args[0];
const second_arg = args[1];
const new_value = try EVAL(second_arg, env, false);
try env.set(symbol_name, new_value);
return new_value;
fn EVAL_defmacro(args: []*MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const symbol_name = args[0];
const second_arg = args[1];
const new_value = try EVAL(second_arg, env, false);
errdefer new_value.decref();
const f = switch (new_value.*) {
.Func => |func_data| func_data,
else => return MalError.TypeError,
const macro = try MalType.newFunc(f.arg_list, f.body, f.environment);
macro.Func.is_macro = true;
try env.set(symbol_name, macro);
return macro;
fn EVAL_let(args: []*MalType, mal_ptr: **MalType, env_ptr: **Env, fde: *bool) !void {
if(args.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const env = env_ptr.*;
const binding_arg = args[0];
const eval_arg = args[1];
const binds = try binding_arg.as_slice();
if(binds.len % 2 != 0) return MalError.ArgError;
const new_env = try Env.new(env);
// Change env and fde in case an error occurs later in this procedure
// and fde triggers an env.decref() at the exit of EVAL.
if(!fde.*) {
fde.* = true;
env_ptr.* = new_env;
for(0..binds.len / 2) |i| {
const key = binds[2*i];
const val_mal = binds[2*i + 1];
const evaled_mal = try EVAL(val_mal, new_env, false);
errdefer evaled_mal.decref();
try new_env.set(key, evaled_mal);
// Do not increment the refcount for the value.
mal_ptr.* = eval_arg;
fn EVAL_do(args: []*MalType, mal_ptr: **MalType, env: *Env) !void {
if(args.len == 0) return MalError.ArgError;
const last_mal = args[args.len - 1];
for (args[0..args.len - 1]) |form| {
const item = try EVAL(form, env, false);
mal_ptr.* = last_mal;
fn EVAL_if(args: []*MalType, mal_ptr: **MalType, env: *Env) !void {
if(args.len != 2 and args.len != 3) return MalError.ArgError;
const first_arg = args[0];
const evaled = try EVAL(first_arg, env, false);
const is_true = switch(evaled.*) {
.False => false,
.Nil => false,
else => true,
if(is_true) {
const second_arg = args[1];
mal_ptr.* = second_arg;
if(args.len == 2) {
mal_ptr.* = &MalType.NIL;
const third_arg = args[2];
mal_ptr.* = third_arg;
fn EVAL_fn(args: []*MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const arg_mal = args[0];
const body_mal = args[1];
for (try arg_mal.as_slice()) |x| {
switch (x.*) {
.Symbol => {},
else => return MalError.TypeError,
const new_func = try MalType.newFunc(arg_mal, body_mal, env);
return new_func;
fn EVAL_quote(args: []*MalType) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 1) return MalError.ArgError;
const quoted = args[0];
return quoted;
fn EVAL_try(args: []*MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
if(args.len != 1 and args.len != 2) return MalError.ArgError;
const mal_to_try = args[0];
if(args.len == 1) {
return EVAL(mal_to_try, env, false);
const catch_mal = args[1];
const catch_list = switch (catch_mal.*) {
.List => |l| l.data.items,
else => return MalError.TypeError,
if(catch_list.len != 3) return MalError.ArgError;
switch (catch_list[0].*) {
.Symbol => |s| {
if(!string_eql(s.data, "catch*")) return MalError.ArgError;
else => return MalError.ArgError,
const evaled_mal = EVAL(mal_to_try, env, false) catch |err| {
const err_symbol = catch_list[1];
const err_body = catch_list[2];
const err_val = get_error_data()
orelse try MalType.new_string(@errorName(err), true);
const new_env = try Env.new(env);
defer new_env.decref();
try new_env.set(err_symbol, err_val); // no incref for err_val.
const result = EVAL(err_body, new_env, false);
return result;
return evaled_mal;
fn quasiquote(ast: *MalType) MalError!*MalType {
switch (ast.*) {
.Symbol, .HashMap => {
const new_list = try MalType.new_list();
errdefer new_list.decref();
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try MalType.new_symbol("quote", true));
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, ast);
return new_list;
.List => |l| {
if(starts_with(ast.*, "unquote")) |unquoted| {
return unquoted;
return try qq_loop(l.data.items);
.Vector => |l| {
const new_list = try MalType.new_list();
errdefer new_list.decref();
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try MalType.new_symbol("vec", true));
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try qq_loop(l.data.items));
return new_list;
else => {
return ast;
fn qq_loop(items: []*MalType) !*MalType {
var result = try MalType.new_list();
errdefer result.decref();
for (0..items.len) |i| {
const elt = items[items.len - 1 - i];
const new_list = try MalType.new_list();
errdefer new_list.decref();
if(starts_with(elt.*, "splice-unquote")) |unquoted| {
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try MalType.new_symbol("concat", true));
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, unquoted);
else {
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try MalType.new_symbol("cons", true));
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, try quasiquote(elt));
try new_list.List.data.append(Allocator, result);
result = new_list;
return result;
fn PRINT(mal: MalType) !void {
try printer.one_stdout(mal);
try stdout_file.writeAll("\n");
fn rep(print: bool, input: []const u8) !void {
const read_input = try READ(input);
defer read_input.decref();
const eval_input = try EVAL(read_input, &repl_environment, false);
defer eval_input.decref();
if(print) {
try PRINT(eval_input.*);
fn EVAL_symbol(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
if(try env.get(mal)) |value| {
return value;
const err = try std.fmt.allocPrint(Allocator, "'{s}' not found",
return throw(try MalType.new_string(err, false));
fn EVAL_vector(ll: []*MalType, env: *Env) !*MalType {
const ret_mal = try MalType.new_vector();
errdefer ret_mal.decref();
for(ll) |x| {
const new_mal = try EVAL(x, env, false);
try ret_mal.Vector.data.append(Allocator, new_mal);
return ret_mal;
fn EVAL_map(hmap: hash_map.MalHashMap, env: *Env) !*MalType {
const new_hashmap = try MalType.new_hashmap();
errdefer new_hashmap.decref();
var iterator = hmap.iterator();
while(iterator.next()) |pair| {
const key = pair.key_ptr.*;
const value = pair.value_ptr.*;
const evaled_value = try EVAL(value, env, false);
try hash_map.map_insert_incref_key(&new_hashmap.HashMap.data, key, evaled_value);
return new_hashmap;
fn make_environment() !void {
for(core.core_namespace) |pair| {
const name = try MalType.new_symbol(pair.name, true);
const func_mal = try MalType.newFnCore(pair.func);
try repl_environment.set(name, func_mal);
const eval_sym = try MalType.new_symbol("eval", true);
const eval_mal = try MalType.newFnCore(eval);
try repl_environment.set(eval_sym, eval_mal);
const def_not_string: [] const u8 =
\\(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))
try rep(false, def_not_string);
const load_file_string: [] const u8 =
\\(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))
try rep(false, load_file_string);
const def_cond_macro_string: [] const u8 =
\\(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))
try rep(false, def_cond_macro_string);
pub fn apply_function(f: MalType, args: []*MalType) MalError!*MalType {
switch(f) {
.FnCore => |fncoredata| {
return fncoredata.data(args);
.Func => |funcdata| {
const apply_env = try funcdata.gen_env(args);
defer apply_env.decref();
return EVAL(funcdata.body, apply_env, false);
else => {
return MalError.ApplyError;
pub fn main() !void {
// Break a circular dependency between modules.
core.apply_function = &apply_function;
try make_environment();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(Allocator);
const arg_list = try MalType.new_list();
if(1 < args.len) {
for (args[2..]) |arg| {
const new_mal = try MalType.new_string(arg, false);
try arg_list.List.data.append(Allocator, new_mal);
const argv_sym = try MalType.new_symbol("*ARGV*", true);
try repl_environment.set(argv_sym, arg_list);
if(args.len > 1) {
const run_cmd = try std.fmt.allocPrint(Allocator, "(load-file \"{s}\")", .{args[1]});
try rep(false, run_cmd);
while(try getline("user> ")) |line| {
defer Allocator.free(line);
rep(true, line) catch |err| {
try stdout_file.writeAll("Error: ");
try stdout_file.writeAll(@errorName(err));
try stdout_file.writeAll("\n");
if(get_error_data()) |mal| {
defer mal.decref();
try stdout_file.writeAll("MAL error object is: ");
try PRINT(mal.*);