mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 14:22:25 +03:00
mmcgill 8d875b00b0 [java-truffle] don't exclude graal-sdk dependency
I added the exclusion as a hack to work around classpath
issues after importing the project into Eclipse, but this
isn't the right thing to do.

It prevents compilation on JDKs other than Graal, which was
not my intent.
2021-07-11 17:52:32 -06:00
src/main/java/truffle/mal [java-truffle] tweaks for native image compilation 2021-07-11 17:52:32 -06:00
.gitignore [java-truffle] step 0 2021-05-31 10:28:04 -05:00
build.gradle [java-truffle] don't exclude graal-sdk dependency 2021-07-11 17:52:32 -06:00
Dockerfile [java-truffle] step 0 2021-05-31 10:28:04 -05:00
make-native.sh [java-truffle] mention native images in README 2021-07-11 17:52:32 -06:00
Makefile [java-truffle] step 0 2021-05-31 10:28:04 -05:00
README.md [java-truffle] mention native images in README 2021-07-11 17:52:32 -06:00
run [java-truffle] step E: inlining macros 2021-05-31 10:28:04 -05:00
settings.gradle [java-truffle] step 0 2021-05-31 10:28:04 -05:00

Truffle Mal

This Mal is implemented in Java using the Truffle Framework. Truffle is a library for implementing interpreters. When these interpreters are run on GraalVM, the GraalVM compiler is able to JIT compile interpreted programs using a technique called partial evaluation.

Partially evaluating an interpreter plus a program to produce compiled code requires a careful balance. If every last bit of interpreter code (including supporting libraries, etc.) is subject to partial evaluation, the result will explode to unreasonable size. Boundaries must be drawn. Exclude too much, though, and the speed up resulting from compilation may not be worth the effort of the compilation.

Truffle's "thesis" is that a small set of primitives are sufficient to make JIT compilation via partial evaluation practical. These primitives feed runtime data collected by the executing interpreter to the compiler, allowing it to specialize, or optimistically simplify, the interpreter code at compilation time. The compiler inserts lightweight runtime checks of the assumptions that justify its simplifications. If the checks fail, the compiled code is de-optimized, and control is returned to the interpreter. See Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes, from PLDI 2017, for a deeper treatment of the ideas behind Truffle.

The Truffle Mal implementation is my attempt at putting the Truffle thesis to the test.

Can I, an engineer without a background in compiler design, use Truffle to implement an interpreter for a dynamic language (Mal) that substantially outperforms the existing Java interpreter for Mal?

The Short Answer: Yup.

   # Recursive Fibonacci on OpenJDK 11 with java mal
   $ ./run ../tests/fib.mal 30 10
   Times (in ms) for (fib 30) on java: [2062 1809 1814 1777 1772 1791 1725 1723 1786 1745]
   # Recursive Fibonacci on GraalVM with java-truffle mal
   $ ./run ../tests/fib.mal 30 10
   Times (in ms) for (fib 30) on java-truffle: [280 142 21 26 22 75 21 26 21 24]
   # That's an 82x speed-up! Just out of curiosity...
   # How does Clojure on OpenJDK 11? We'll even throw in a type hint.
   $ lein repl
   Clojure 1.10.0
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04
   user=> (defn fib [^long n] (if (= n 0) 1 (if (= n 1) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
   user=> (dotimes [i 5] (time (fib 30)))
   "Elapsed time: 32.0791 msecs"
   "Elapsed time: 31.7552 msecs"
   "Elapsed time: 31.5361 msecs"
   "Elapsed time: 31.4796 msecs"
   "Elapsed time: 31.4541 msecs"

A recursive Fibonacci computation is obviously not sufficient to characterize the performance of our implementation (and as we'll see, it turns out to be something of a best-case scenario), but it sure looks impressive!

Do more complicated Mal programs show similar speed-ups?

How much simplicity did we have to sacrifice in the name of performance?

Was it worth it?

How much of the speed-up is really attributable to the Truffle/GraalVM combo, and how much came from putting more time into the code itself?

We'll explore the answers to these questions together in the remainder!


First and foremost: To the extend that this experiment succeeds in its goal of producing an efficient Mal implementation, the credit is due to the teams behind Truffle and GraalVM. To the extend that this experiment fails, the blame falls on me! The reader should assume, by default, that any deficiencies in this Mal implementation are due to my own failure to understand or properly apply the tools at my disposal, and not due to any fundamental limitations of Truffle or GraalVM.

Second: This Mal implementation is not idiomatic Java, and it's not an idiomatic application of Truffle. The project's unusual organization (large numbers of package-private classes bundled into single files like Types.java, substantial duplication between step files) represent my attempt to adhere both to the spirit of Mal's pedagogical approach and the organization of the existing Java implementation. Consequently I have abused Truffle in several ways (that I am aware of, and perhaps others that I am not?). Each Mal step registers a distinct Truffle implementation whose language id has the form "mal_step${n}". The languages for each step have distinct AST node sub-classes, but they share the built-in AST nodes in Core.java and the runtime types in Types.java. This sharing creates some awkwardness in Core.java.


GraalVM Community Edition (version 20.1.0 or higher) should be on your PATH and pointed to by JAVA_HOME.

You'll also need to install Gradle if you're going to build without using the provided Docker image.

Outline of Approach

For step 0 through step A, I've purposefully avoided Truffle-specific optimizations. Step A is intended to be a fully naive application of Truffle, where a 'pure' interpreter is developed using Truffle AST nodes, but without any attempt to leverage Truffle primitives to specialize compiled code.

By comparing Truffle step A on OpenJDK to the existing Java step A, we can get a sense of the overhead imposed by the Truffle framework on interpreter performance.

By comparing Truffle step A on OpenJDK to Truffle step A on GraalVM, we can get a sense of how much performance the GraalVM compiler can give the language implementor "for free".

Each step after A employs Truffle primitives to enable specialization of code during compilation.

  • Step B specializes function calls by assuming that the same function will always be called (i.e. that call sites are monomorphic), until proven otherwise. At call sites where the same function actually is always called, the compiler can eliminate some code and perform inlining.

  • Step C optimizes and specializes environment lookups, allowing us to avoid HashMap-related overhead for lookups of symbols that are statically in scope (i.e. function arguments and let bindings) under the assumption that some def! doesn't dynamically bind the looked-up symbols at runtime in scopes where they aren't declared.

  • Step D enables further specialization of environment lookups for closed-over environments, allowing us to skip the lookups entirely under the assumption that the symbols have not been rebound.

  • Step E specializes macro expansion, allowing the results of a macro expansion to replace the apply form entirely. We have to 'cheat' in this step, and extend Mal's macro semantics (in a backward-compatible way!). The results are worth it!

Performance Evaluation Method

Truffle Mal performance is evaluated relative to Java Mal on several benchmarks. For each benchmark, we run Java Mal and Truffle Mal on both OpenJDK and GraalVM.

   # OpenJDK
   $ java -version
   openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
   OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04)
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04, mixed mode, sharing)
   # GraalVM
   $ java -version
   openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
   OpenJDK Runtime Environment GraalVM CE 20.1.0 (build 11.0.7+10-jvmci-20.1-b02)
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM GraalVM CE 20.1.0 (build 11.0.7+10-jvmci-20.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

It must be said that Truffle Mal leverage Clojure's implementations of persistent vectors and maps. This likely has little to no impact on the perf4 and fib benchmarks, which don't operate on vectors or maps. Self-hosted Mal, however, depends on the host Mal's map implementation for its environments. Since Java Mal's maps are built on java.util.HashMap and don't take advantage of structural sharing, we expect the complexity of Java Mal's assoc and dissoc functions to be strictly worse than Truffle Mal's ( O(n) versus O(lg(n)) ). Whether or not this actually tips things in favor of Truffle Mal isn't clear; the sizes of the environments in question are quite small. I have not made any attempt to account for this in the results.


This simple benchmark focuses on symbol lookups, arithmetic, and function application. We use the naive recursive approach to computing the 30th Fibonacci number. We run the computation 10 times, and select the fastest result.


The busywork.mal benchmark is a refactoring of the perf3.mal benchmark, which primarily tests macro and atom performance.

We measure how long it takes to execute 10,000 iterations of a 'busywork' function. As with fib.mal, this is done 10 times and we use the fastest result.

Fib on Mal

For a more interesting test, we run the fib.mal benchmark using self-hosted Mal. This gives each implementation a more comprehensive workout. We compute the 15th Fibonacci number 10 times, and take the fastest execution time.

Note that self-hosted Mal does not support tail call optimization, and so consumes more stack the longer it runs. For Truffle Mal, we need to increase the stack size from the default of 1MB to 8MB to avoid stack overflow.


Truffle performance is given in absolute terms, and relative to the faster of the Java implementation's OpenJDK and GraalVM runs for the same benchmark.

Step A: No Optimizations

Step A represents a naive Mal interpreter written using Truffle AST nodes, but with no special effort made to leverage Truffle primitives to assist the GraalVM compiler.

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Fib 1700 ms 1293 ms (1.3x) 675 ms (2.5x)
Busywork 781 ms 914 ms 888 ms
Fib on Mal 686 ms 2101 ms 1664 ms

On the Fib benchmark, the Java and Truffle implementations of Mal are in the same ball park on OpenJDK, with Truffle being 1.3x faster. However, when we run the Truffle implementation on GraalVM, we see nearly a 2x speed-up over OpenJDK effectively for free, putting it at 2.5x faster than plain old Java.

The Busywork benchmark is a different story, with the Truffle implementation slightly slower on both OpenJDK and GraalVM, and with GraalVM providing very little extra performance.

Fib on Mal is stranger yet: the Truffle implementation is 3x slower on OpenJDK, and GraalVM doesn't offer much help. What's going on?!

A bit of profiling quickly yields the answer: Macros.

From truffle.mal.stepA_mal$ApplyNode:

            if (fn.isMacro) {
                // Mal's macro semantics are... interesting. To preserve them in the
                // general case, we must re-expand a macro each time it's applied.
                // Executing the result means turning it into a Truffle AST, creating
                // a CallTarget, calling it, and then throwing it away.
                // This is TERRIBLE for performance! Truffle should not be used like this!
                var result = applyMacro(env, fn);
                var newRoot = new MalRootNode(language, result, env, invokeNode.tailPosition);
                var target = Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(newRoot);
                return invokeNode.invoke(target, new Object[] {}, false);
            } else {

A Truffle CallTarget represents an AST that can be called from other code. Call Target construction is a heavy-weight operation that traverses the entire AST to do various initialization things. The cost of this is supposed to be amortized over the many calls to the code, and offset by the gains we see for code that is called often enough to be JIT compiled. Truffle ASTs support self-modification. Ideally, we'd expand a macro once, and then replace the macro application node with the result.

Mal's macro semantics, alas, prevent us from doing so. A Mal macro can choose to expand code one way or another based on the current value of any in-scope environment, or even user input. Even worse, Mal's incremental macro expansion behavior is such that it is allowable to write 'tail-recursive' macros that would, if eagerly expanded, take up space exponential in their inputs. Consider a sumdown macro:

   (defmacro! sumdown-via-macro* (fn* [acc n]
     `(if (<= ~n 0)
       (sumdown-via-macro* ~(+ acc n) ~(- n 1)))))

   (defmacro! sumdown-via-macro2 (fn* [n]
     `(sumdown-via-macro* 0 ~(eval n))))

This executes without issue in any conforming Mal implementation!

We'll return to macros in Step E, but before we do, we'll see what we can specialize within the confines of Mal's semantics.

Step B: Specializing Function Calls

In Step A, all function call sites are represented in the AST using Truffle's IndirectCallNode. Truffle also provides a DirectCallNode for use at call sites where the same function is always called. Direct function calls may be inlined by the GraalVM compiler.

Mal's semantics make it difficult (and sometimes impossible?) to prove statically that the same function will always be called at a given call site. However, it's trivial for our interpreter to assume that a call site is direct up until we learn that it isn't. If we use Truffle properly, we can express this assumption in a way that the GraalVM compiler understands.

Here's what the Steb B version of InvokeNode looks like:

    static class InvokeNode extends AbstractInvokeNode {
        final boolean tailPosition;
        @CompilationFinal private boolean initialized = false;
        @CompilationFinal private boolean usingCachedTarget;
        @CompilationFinal private CallTarget cachedTarget;
        @CompilationFinal @Child private DirectCallNode directCallNode;
        @CompilationFinal @Child private IndirectCallNode indirectCallNode;

        /* SNIP */

        Object invoke(CallTarget target, Object[] args, boolean allowTailCall) {
            if (tailPosition && allowTailCall) {
                throw new TailCallException(target, args);
            } else {
                if (!initialized) {
                    initialized = true;
                    usingCachedTarget = true;
                    cachedTarget = target;
                    directCallNode = Truffle.getRuntime().createDirectCallNode(target);
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        if (usingCachedTarget) {
                            if (cachedTarget == target) {
                                return directCallNode.call(args);
                            usingCachedTarget = false;
                            indirectCallNode = Truffle.getRuntime().createIndirectCallNode();
                        return indirectCallNode.call(target, args);
                    } catch (TailCallException ex) {
                        target = ex.callTarget;
                        args = ex.args;

It looks like it should be slower now, with all the branching. What have we done?

Notice that all the new member variables have been annotated with @CompilationFinal. This tells the compiler to treat these variables as if they were final, because their values will not change in compiled code.

We ensure that they do not change in compiled code by inserting the CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() intrinsic. In interpreted code, this is a no-op. In compiled code, it is replaced with an instruction that causes the compiler to de-optimize the compiled code and return to the interpreter to continue execution.

Suppose a function containing a call site that is not in tail position has been executed enough times to trigger compilation, and each time the invoked function has been the same. When compilation kicks in, the variables initialized and usingCachedTarget would be true, and tailPosition would be false. Accordingly, the invoke code simplifies to:

        Object invoke(CallTarget target, Object[] args, boolean allowTailCall) {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    if (cachedTarget == target) {
                        return directCallNode.call(args);
                } catch (TailCallException ex) {
                    target = ex.callTarget;
                    args = ex.args;

Much better!

Because we're using a DirectCallNode, the compiler might decide to inline the called function as well. Function inlining allows the partial evaluation algorithm to extend across function boundaries.

Let's see if there's an improvement in practice...

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Fib 1700 ms 991 ms (1.7x) 430 ms (3.9x)
Busywork 781 ms 671 ms (1.2x) 409 ms (1.9x)
Fib on Mal 686 ms 1912 ms (0.35x) 1407 ms (0.48x)

We see modest improvements over Step A in all cases, with the Busywork benchmark having a 2x improvement over Step A on GraalVM.

Step C: Static Symbol Lookup

A little profiling shows that quite a lot of the 'work' that goes into executing a Mal program is just environment maintenance: constructing HashMaps, putting symbol/value pairs into them, and looking them back up again. For code that does a lot of function calling (like our Fib benchmark), this adds up to a lot of overhead.

Why do we need the HashMaps at all? Why can't we build environments around Object arrays? During construction of an AST from a Mal form, we can keep track of the variables in each lexical scope, and assign each one a slot (an index in the Object array for the environment associated with that scope). During execution, we can construct environments out of Object arrays, and get/set values using these slots. No more HashMaps! Right?

The trouble, of course, is that def! can mutate environments at runtime, adding bindings for symbols that were never 'declared' via let* or fn*. Consider this function:

   (def! f (fn* [x b] (do (who-knows? b) y)))

The symbol y isn't lexically in scope, so we wouldn't assign it a slot; we'd have to try to look it up in the global environment at execution time. But what if, at execution time, who-knows? turns out to resolve to a macro like:

   (fn* [b] (if b `(def! y 42)))

If b is truthy, the y symbol ends up bound in the function body's environment after all, but there's no slot for it in the environment's object array. Drat!

But the power of Truffle is that we don't need to statically prove that our slot assignments and usage are valid. We're not writing a compiler! Instead, we can just assume that the slot assignments we make are valid, right up until we find that they aren't. Then we can fall back on a less efficient but more general approach.

I won't elaborate much on the details of the code too much in step, it involves the most significant changes. At a high level, here's what we do:

  • Introduce a LexicalScope class that assigns symbols to array indices, and thread LexicalScope objects through our AST construction methods.
  • Extend MalEnv with a staticBindings Object array in addition to the normal bindings HashMap. The Object array is constructed based on the number of symbols in the associated LexicalScope. The bindings HashMap is only constructed lazily, if a symbol that isn't in a LexicalScope is bound via a def!.
  • Further extend MalEnv with slot-based get and set methods, in addition to the existing symbol-based get and set methods.
  • Extend the AST nodes for let* and fn* to introduce new LexicalScope objects with the right symbols, assign slots to those symbols, and use the slot-based get and set methods on MalEnv to bind symbols.
  • Modify the AST node for symbol lookups to speculatively use slot-based lookups when the symbol in question is in a lexical scope _under the assumption that it has not been re-defined via def!.

That last bit is the key to the whole thing: We use Truffle's Assumption abstraction to tell the compiler about the assumption that our slot-based symbol look-ups depend on. When a LexicalScope assigns a slot, it creates an Assumption that the symbol has not been bound by def! in that or any outer LexicalScope. The slot-based symbol lookup code is guarded by that assumption. The 'dynamic' set method of MalEnv (the one used by def!) is modified to invalidate that assumption, triggering de-optimization of any symbol lookups that might have been rendered incorrect.

After slot assignment, where do we stand?

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Fib 1700 ms 829 ms (2.1x) 219 ms (7.8x)
Busywork 781 ms 686 ms (1.1x) 394 ms (2.0x)
Fib on Mal 686 ms 1932 ms (0.35x) 1507 ms (0.46x)

This optimization starts to show off the real power of the Truffle framework on GraalVM, at least for the Fib benchmark. On the JDK, we see a modest improvement (1.2x) over Step B that comes from eliminating some of the HashMap overhead. Given the complexity that we had to introduce, this isn't very satisfying, On GraalVM, though, we see a better than 2x speed-up, taking us to almost 8x faster than the Java interpreter.

However, the other two benchmarks show no meaningful improvement at all. Fib on Mal even seems to have become slower! Once again, we're bit by macros here. Recall that since we currently create a new AST each and every time we encounter a macro, the compiler never has a chance to compile it. We pay all the overhead of our extra book-keeping, and get absolutely no benefit.

Step D: Caching Symbol Lookups

We can take the symbol lookup improvements much further, now that we've laid the groundwork!

Symbol lookups for symbols that are declared in some lexical scope will now use the fast-path Object array lookups instead of the HashMap lookups, and Truffle should even be able to unroll the loops that walk up the chain of environments for us. For local symbol lookups, we probably won't do much better.

But what about symbols in a function body that aren't lexically in scope? In a well-behaved Mal program that isn't doing anything fancy with def!, these symbols will either produce runtime environments, or resolve to the global environment. In practice, they're almost always looking up core functions, whose values are unlikely (but not impossible!) to change over the lifetime of the program.

We can further specialize symbol lookups by simply caching looked-up values for symbols that are not lexically in scope, and skipping subsequent lookups entirely unless the looked-up symbol gets rebound. Once again, we create an Assumption for each cached lookup to represent that we assume it has not been redefined, update def! to invalidate that assumption.

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Fib 1700 ms 733 ms (2.3x) 18 ms (94x !!)
Busywork 781 ms 657 ms (1.2x) 311 ms (2.5x)
Fib on Mal 686 ms 1971 ms (0.35x) 1474 ms (0.47x)

On our Fib benchmark, caching symbol lookups makes a huge difference. Look at the code for fib:

(def! fib (fn* [n]
  (if (= n 0)
    (if (= n 1)
      (+ (fib (- n 1))
         (fib (- n 2)))))))

There are 7 look-ups of symbols not in lexical scope (=, =, +, fib, -, fib, and -), and we've effectively eliminated all of them. All that's left are fast slot-based lookups for n, two comparisons, and three arithmetic operations. All of those end up getting inlined by the compiler. Moreover, the compiler actually 'unrolls' the recorsion several levels for us by inlining fib into itself. The result is quite fast, even out-performing type-hinted Clojure (Mal's inspiration)... on OpenJDK, anyway.

Alas, the macros still defeat us on the other benchmarks, for the same reasons. The time has come to do something about that.

Step E: Macro Inlining

If we stay within the confines of Mal's semantics, macros are a show-stopper performance killer for us. Mal's macro semantics are just too dynamic for their own good. Sure, you can write tail recursive macros... but why would you?

In practice, macros are often just introducing 'syntactic sugar' to improve expressiveness. Consider the macros cond, or, and, ->, and ->>. Their expansion behavior does not depend on runtime values (so they expand the same way on each application), and they produce code that is linear in the size of their inputs.

Why do all the work to re-expand them on every application? Why not expand them once, and then just substitute the result? Clojure macros, for example, work this way.

To make further progress, we're going to have to "cheat" our way into fast macros. We extend Mal's semantics such that a macro with a map for metadata containing the entry :inline? true is expanded once, and the result is inlined in place of the macro application forever after. We then mark all of the above macros as inlined macros.

This isn't a Truffle-specific optimization by any means. Any Mal interpreter that supports these semantics will see substantial performance gains. However, the immutable nature of Mal data structures might make the refactoring of these interpreters a bit trickier than we'd like.

Using Truffle, though, it's a trivial change. Truffle ASTs are explicitly self-modifying. It boils down to this:

            if (fn.isMacro) {
                var expanded = applyMacro(env, fn);
                if (isInlinableMacro(fn)) {
                    var newNode = expanded.body;
                    return newNode.executeGeneric(frame, env);
                } else {
                    return invokeMacro(expanded);
            else {

A few extra lines is all it takes. Look what happens now...

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Fib 1700 ms 718 ms (2.3x) 21 ms (81x)
Busywork 781 ms 19 ms (41x) 12 ms (65x)
Fib on Mal 686 ms 104 ms (6.6x) 25 ms (27x)

No substantial difference on Fib, which makes sense: that benchmark doesn't use macros.

Huge gains on Busywork and Fib on Mal, because both are so dependent on macros. It's a bit suspicious, though, that there isn't more of a performance difference between the OpenJDK and GraalVM runs. Maybe the test runs so fast we're not sufficiently warmed up? Let's crank up the number of iterations from 10k to 100k and see what happens.

Benchmark Java (OpenJDK) Truffle (OpenJDK) Truffle (GraalVM)
Busywork 10x 7264 ms 223 ms (32x) 37 ms (196x)

That's more like it. Recall that before this macro optimization, Java and Java Truffle were close in performance. If we implemented macro inlining in Java Mal, to make for a fair comparison, it's still likely that Truffle Mal wins by around 6-7x, which is pretty decent!

What about the Fib on Mal benchmark? Why don't we see a bigger difference between the OpenJDK and GraalVM runs? It's not insufficient warm-up this time. Doing some profiling shows that we're spending quite a bit of time in code that isn't partially evaluated. For example, self-hosted Mal's environment implementation turns symbols into strings, and uses the strings as keys in environment maps, instead of just using the symbols themselves. The code for turning objects into strings in Printer depends heavily on JDK-provided classes that were not designed with partial evaluation in mind, so we must exclude them from partial evaluation to avoid an explosion in code size.


Does Truffle deliver on the promise of high-performance JIT-ed code via partial evaluation of interpreter code? Based on my experience, it certainly does. It's not exactly magic pixie dust that gives you 100x for free, but it doesn't claim to be. It does enable order-of-magnitude speed improvements over plain old interpreters with much less than an order-of-magnitude increase in effort.

Let's revisit the questions we started with:

Do more complicated Mal programs show similar speed-ups?

No, GraalVM JIT compilation does not provide arbitrary Mal programs with the massive performance gains we see on the Fib benchmark. This should be totally unsurprising.

How much of the speed-up is really attributable to the Truffle/GraalVM combo, and how much came from optimizations that could be applied to any Mal interpreter?

Our benchmarks show that the answer depends heavily on the nature of the program. Let's look at the performance of Truffle Mal on GraalVM relative to its performance on OpenJDK (where we don't have the benefit of Truffle- enabled partial evaluation):

Benchmark TruffleMal (GraalVM relative to OpenJDK)
Fib 34x
Busywork 10x 6x
Fib On Mal 4x

In extreme cases, for programs that are heavy on arithmetic and function calls, our use of Truffle/GraalVM buys us 30x after accounting for our optimizations.

That's pretty amazing.

Realistically, though, we're likely to see more 3-6x speed-ups directly attributable to Truffle/GraalVM. Still impressive!

How much simplicity did we have to sacrifice in the name of performance?

Let's look at the size, in lines of code, of each implementation.

File LOC (Java) LOC (Truffle Step A) LOC (Truffle Step E)
stepA_mal.java 310 757 886
env.java 58 145 370
printer.java 53 100 100
reader.java 151 166 166
types.java 381 532 545
core.java 633 1506 1511
Total 1586 3206 (2x) 3578 (2.25x)

The Truffle-based implementation, before optimizations, weighs in at about 2x the size of the Java implementation. Much of this can be attributed to 'boilerplate' associated with use of the Truffle framework. In my opinion, this boilerplate adds effectively nothing to the conceptual complexity of the implementation. In fact, much of the extra weight comes from the core functions. The LOC count is longer because we make use of the Truffle DSL, a feature not covered in this write-up, to trivially allow specialization of core functions based on argument type. I would argue that while this increases code size, it may actually reduce code complexity via a form of pattern matching.

Our specializations to the interpreter nodes themselves added about 15%, or 120 lines. More significantly, we increased the size of the environment implementation by 2.5x, adding substantial complexity in the process.

Was it worth it?

This is both totally subjective and a gross over-simplification, but let's just guess that we've increased the complexity of the baseline Java interpreter overall by roughly 1.5 x, and environments in particular by 3x. In exchange for this increase in complexity, we've managed to obtain between from 25x to 80x better performance over the baseline Java interpreter, depending on the Mal program.

We could perform most of our optimizations on that Java interpreter without using Truffle. However, we'd end up at a similar level of complexity, and would see substantially smaller performance gains.

Based on these results, if I were to attempt a 'production quality' Mal implementation, I'd probably do it with Truffle and GraalVM. The performance gains alone seem to justify it.

It's also worth observing that the Truffle/GraalVM provide other interesting benefits that are not performance-related. I won't cover them here. I think the most interesting non-performance benefit is the promise of interoperability with other Truffle languages.

Bonus: AOT-compiled Mal

GraalVM can ahead-of-time compile Java into a stand-alone executable (with some caveats) called a native image. This works even for Truffle interpreters! With AOT-compiled Mal, we get all the JIT compilation goodness of Truffle, and we ditch the need for a Java runtime, and we skip the long JVM start-up time! A GraalVM native image of our Mal interpreter is well suited for scripts and command line applications.

The make-native.sh script can be used to compile a native image of any Mal step. To run it, though, you'll need some additional prerequisites.

The make-native.sh script

  • assumes you've already run gradle build to compile all Java classes
  • takes as its only argument a step name, e.g. step3_env ** when no argument is supplied, stepE_macros is selected by default
  • produces a build/${STEP} native image