mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 14:22:25 +03:00
2016-03-31 21:42:23 -04:00

178 lines
5.1 KiB

import reader
import printer
import types
import types.MalException
import types.MalSymbol
import types.MalFunc
import env.Env
import core
READ = { str ->
reader.read_str str
macro_Q = { ast, env ->
if (types.list_Q(ast) &&
ast.size() > 0 &&
ast[0].class == MalSymbol &&
env.find(ast[0])) {
def obj = env.get(ast[0])
if (obj instanceof MalFunc && obj.ismacro) {
return true
return false
macroexpand = { ast, env ->
while (macro_Q(ast, env)) {
def mac = env.get(ast[0])
ast = mac(ast.drop(1))
return ast
pair_Q = { ast -> types.sequential_Q(ast) && ast.size() > 0}
quasiquote = { ast ->
if (! pair_Q(ast)) {
[new MalSymbol("quote"), ast]
} else if (ast[0] != null &&
ast[0].class == MalSymbol &&
ast[0].value == "unquote") {
} else if (pair_Q(ast[0]) && ast[0][0].class == MalSymbol &&
ast[0][0].value == "splice-unquote") {
[new MalSymbol("concat"), ast[0][1], quasiquote(ast.drop(1))]
} else {
[new MalSymbol("cons"), quasiquote(ast[0]), quasiquote(ast.drop(1))]
eval_ast = { ast, env ->
switch (ast) {
case MalSymbol: return env.get(ast);
case List: return types.vector_Q(ast) ?
types.vector(ast.collect { EVAL(it,env) }) :
ast.collect { EVAL(it,env) }
case Map: def new_hm = [:]
ast.each { k,v ->
new_hm[EVAL(k, env)] = EVAL(v, env)
return new_hm
default: return ast
EVAL = { ast, env ->
while (true) {
//println("EVAL: ${printer.pr_str(ast,true)}")
if (! types.list_Q(ast)) return eval_ast(ast, env)
ast = macroexpand(ast, env)
if (! types.list_Q(ast)) return eval_ast(ast, env)
if (ast.size() == 0) return ast
switch (ast[0]) {
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "def!" }:
return env.set(ast[1], EVAL(ast[2], env))
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "let*" }:
def let_env = new Env(env)
for (int i=0; i < ast[1].size(); i += 2) {
let_env.set(ast[1][i], EVAL(ast[1][i+1], let_env))
env = let_env
ast = ast[2]
break // TCO
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "quote" }:
return ast[1]
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "quasiquote" }:
ast = quasiquote(ast[1])
break // TCO
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "defmacro!" }:
def f = EVAL(ast[2], env)
f.ismacro = true
return env.set(ast[1], f)
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "macroexpand" }:
return macroexpand(ast[1], env)
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "do" }:
ast.size() > 2 ? eval_ast(ast[1..-2], env) : null
ast = ast[-1]
break // TCO
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "if" }:
def cond = EVAL(ast[1], env)
if (cond == false || cond == null) {
if (ast.size > 3) {
ast = ast[3]
break // TCO
} else {
return null
} else {
ast = ast[2]
break // TCO
case { it instanceof MalSymbol && it.value == "fn*" }:
return new MalFunc(EVAL, ast[2], env, ast[1])
def el = eval_ast(ast, env)
def (f, args) = [el[0], el.drop(1)]
if (f instanceof MalFunc) {
env = new Env(f.env, f.params, args)
ast = f.ast
break // TCO
} else {
return f(args)
PRINT = { exp ->
printer.pr_str exp, true
repl_env = new Env();
REP = { str ->
PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env))
// core.EXT: defined using Groovy
core.ns.each { k,v ->
repl_env.set(new MalSymbol(k), v)
repl_env.set(new MalSymbol("eval"), { a -> EVAL(a[0], repl_env)})
repl_env.set(new MalSymbol("*ARGV*"), this.args as List)
// core.mal: defined using mal itself
REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
REP("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
REP("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))");
REP("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))");
if (this.args.size() > 0) {
repl_env.set(new MalSymbol("*ARGV*"), this.args.drop(1) as List)
REP("(load-file \"${this.args[0]}\")")
while (true) {
line = System.console().readLine 'user> '
if (line == null) {
try {
println REP(line)
} catch(MalException ex) {
println "Error: ${ex.message}"
} catch(StackOverflowError ex) {
println "Error: ${ex}"
} catch(ex) {
println "Error: $ex"