mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

147 lines
6.5 KiB

module T = Types.Types
let repl_env = Env.make (Some Core.ns)
let rec quasiquote ast =
match ast with
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "unquote"}; ast] } -> ast
| T.List {T.value = xs} -> List.fold_right qq_folder xs (Types.list [])
| T.Vector {T.value = xs} -> Types.list [Types.symbol "vec";
List.fold_right qq_folder xs (Types.list [])]
| T.Map _ -> Types.list [Types.symbol "quote"; ast]
| T.Symbol _ -> Types.list [Types.symbol "quote"; ast]
| _ -> ast
and qq_folder elt acc =
match elt with
| T.List {T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "splice-unquote"}; x]} -> Types.list [Types.symbol "concat"; x; acc]
| _ -> Types.list [Types.symbol "cons"; quasiquote elt; acc]
let is_macro_call ast env =
match ast with
| T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
(match (try Env.get env s with _ -> T.Nil) with
| T.Fn { T.meta = T.Map { T.value = meta } }
-> Types.MalMap.mem Core.kw_macro meta && Types.to_bool (Types.MalMap.find Core.kw_macro meta)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let rec macroexpand ast env =
if is_macro_call ast env
then match ast with
| T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
(match (try Env.get env s with _ -> T.Nil) with
| T.Fn { T.value = f } -> macroexpand (f args) env
| _ -> ast)
| _ -> ast
else ast
let rec eval_ast ast env =
match ast with
| T.Symbol s -> Env.get env ast
| T.List { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
-> T.List { T.value = (List.map (fun x -> eval x env) xs);
T.meta = meta }
| T.Vector { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
-> T.Vector { T.value = (List.map (fun x -> eval x env) xs);
T.meta = meta }
| T.Map { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
-> T.Map {T.meta = meta;
T.value = (Types.MalMap.fold
(fun k v m
-> Types.MalMap.add (eval k env) (eval v env) m)
| _ -> ast
and eval ast env =
match macroexpand ast env with
| T.List { T.value = [] } -> ast
| T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "def!" }); key; expr] } ->
let value = (eval expr env) in
Env.set env key value; value
| T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "defmacro!" }); key; expr] } ->
(match (eval expr env) with
| T.Fn { T.value = f; T.meta = meta } ->
let fn = T.Fn { T.value = f; meta = Core.assoc [meta; Core.kw_macro; (T.Bool true)]}
in Env.set env key fn; fn
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "defmacro! value must be a fn"))
| T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "let*" }); (T.Vector { T.value = bindings }); body] }
| T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "let*" }); (T.List { T.value = bindings }); body] } ->
(let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in
let rec bind_pairs = (function
| sym :: expr :: more ->
Env.set sub_env sym (eval expr sub_env);
bind_pairs more
| _::[] -> raise (Invalid_argument "let* bindings must be an even number of forms")
| [] -> ())
in bind_pairs bindings;
eval body sub_env)
| T.List { T.value = ((T.Symbol { T.value = "do" }) :: body) } ->
List.fold_left (fun x expr -> eval expr env) T.Nil body
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; test; then_expr; else_expr] } ->
if Types.to_bool (eval test env) then (eval then_expr env) else (eval else_expr env)
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; test; then_expr] } ->
if Types.to_bool (eval test env) then (eval then_expr env) else T.Nil
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "fn*" }; T.Vector { T.value = arg_names }; expr] }
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "fn*" }; T.List { T.value = arg_names }; expr] } ->
(function args ->
let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in
let rec bind_args a b =
(match a, b with
| [T.Symbol { T.value = "&" }; name], args -> Env.set sub_env name (Types.list args);
| (name :: names), (arg :: args) ->
Env.set sub_env name arg;
bind_args names args;
| [], [] -> ()
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Bad param count in fn call"))
in bind_args arg_names args;
eval expr sub_env)
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "quote" }; ast] } -> ast
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "quasiquoteexpand" }; ast] } ->
quasiquote ast
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "quasiquote" }; ast] } ->
eval (quasiquote ast) env
| T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "macroexpand" }; ast] } ->
macroexpand ast env
| T.List _ as ast ->
(match eval_ast ast env with
| T.List { T.value = ((T.Fn { T.value = f }) :: args) } -> f args
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cannot invoke non-function"))
| ast -> eval_ast ast env
let read str = Reader.read_str str
let print exp = Printer.pr_str exp true
let rep str env = print (eval (read str) env)
let rec main =
Core.init Core.ns;
Env.set repl_env (Types.symbol "*ARGV*")
(Types.list (if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
then (List.map (fun x -> T.String x) (List.tl (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv))))
else []));
Env.set repl_env (Types.symbol "eval")
(Types.fn (function [ast] -> eval ast repl_env | _ -> T.Nil));
ignore (rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))" repl_env);
ignore (rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" repl_env);
ignore (rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" repl_env);
if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then
ignore (rep ("(load-file \"" ^ Sys.argv.(1) ^ "\")") repl_env)
while true do
print_string "user> ";
let line = read_line () in
print_endline (rep line repl_env);
with End_of_file -> ()
| Invalid_argument x ->
output_string stderr ("Invalid_argument exception: " ^ x ^ "\n");
flush stderr
| _ ->
output_string stderr ("Erroringness!\n");
flush stderr
with End_of_file -> ()