mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Joel Martin 8a19f60386 Move implementations into impls/ dir
- Reorder README to have implementation list after "learning tool"

- This also moves tests/ and libs/ into impls. It would be preferrable
  to have these directories at the top level.  However, this causes
  difficulties with the wasm implementations which need pre-open
  directories and have trouble with paths starting with "../../". So
  in lieu of that, symlink those directories to the top-level.

- Move the run_argv_test.sh script into the tests directory for
  general hygiene.
2020-02-10 23:50:16 -06:00

156 lines
5.6 KiB

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Mal
Imports MalVal = Mal.types.MalVal
Imports MalInt = Mal.types.MalInt
Imports MalSymbol = Mal.types.MalSymbol
Imports MalList = Mal.types.MalList
Imports MalVector = Mal.types.MalVector
Imports MalHashMap = Mal.types.MalHashMap
Imports MalFunc = Mal.types.MalFunc
Imports MalEnv = Mal.env.Env
Namespace Mal
Class step3_env
' read
Shared Function READ(str As String) As MalVal
Return reader.read_str(str)
End Function
' eval
Shared Function eval_ast(ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal
If TypeOf ast Is MalSymbol Then
return env.do_get(DirectCast(ast, MalSymbol))
Else If TypeOf ast Is MalList Then
Dim old_lst As MalList = DirectCast(ast, MalList)
Dim new_lst As MalList
If ast.list_Q() Then
new_lst = New MalList
new_lst = DirectCast(New MalVector, MalList)
End If
Dim mv As MalVal
For Each mv in old_lst.getValue()
new_lst.conj_BANG(EVAL(mv, env))
return new_lst
Else If TypeOf ast Is MalHashMap Then
Dim new_dict As New Dictionary(Of String, MalVal)
Dim entry As KeyValuePair(Of String, MalVal)
For Each entry in DirectCast(ast,MalHashMap).getValue()
new_dict.Add(entry.Key, EVAL(DirectCast(entry.Value,MalVal), env))
return New MalHashMap(new_dict)
return ast
End If
return ast
End Function
Shared Function EVAL(orig_ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal
'Console.WriteLine("EVAL: {0}", printer._pr_str(orig_ast, true))
If not orig_ast.list_Q() Then
return eval_ast(orig_ast, env)
End If
' apply list
Dim ast As MalList = DirectCast(orig_ast, MalList)
If ast.size() = 0 Then
return ast
End If
Dim a0 As MalVal = ast(0)
Select DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol).getName()
Case "def!"
Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1)
Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2)
Dim res As MalVal = EVAL(a2, env)
env.do_set(DirectCast(a1,MalSymbol), res)
return res
Case "let*"
Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1)
Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2)
Dim key As MalSymbol
Dim val as MalVal
Dim let_env As new MalEnv(env)
For i As Integer = 0 To (DirectCast(a1,MalList)).size()-1 Step 2
key = DirectCast(DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i),MalSymbol)
val = DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i+1)
let_env.do_set(key, EVAL(val, let_env))
return EVAL(a2, let_env)
Case Else
Dim el As MalList = DirectCast(eval_ast(ast, env), MalList)
Dim f As MalFunc = DirectCast(el(0), MalFunc)
Return f.apply(el.rest())
End Select
End Function
' print
Shared Function PRINT(exp As MalVal) As String
return printer._pr_str(exp, TRUE)
End Function
' repl
Shared repl_env As MalEnv
Shared Function REP(str As String) As String
Return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env))
End Function
Shared Function add(a As MalList) As MalVal
Return DirectCast(a.Item(0),MalInt) + DirectCast(a.Item(1),MalInt)
End Function
Shared Function minus(a As MalList) As MalVal
Return DirectCast(a.Item(0),MalInt) - DirectCast(a.Item(1),MalInt)
End Function
Shared Function mult(a As MalList) As MalVal
Return DirectCast(a.Item(0),MalInt) * DirectCast(a.Item(1),MalInt)
End Function
Shared Function div(a As MalList) As MalVal
Return DirectCast(a.Item(0),MalInt) / DirectCast(a.Item(1),MalInt)
End Function
Shared Function Main As Integer
Dim args As String() = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
repl_env = New MalEnv(Nothing)
repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("+"), New MalFunc(AddressOf add))
repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("-"), New MalFunc(AddressOf minus))
repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("*"), New MalFunc(AddressOf mult))
repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("/"), New MalFunc(AddressOf div))
If args.Length > 1 AndAlso args(1) = "--raw" Then
End If
' repl loop
Dim line As String
line = Mal.readline.Readline("user> ")
If line is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
If line = "" Then
Continue Do
End If
Catch e As IOException
Console.WriteLine("IOException: " & e.Message)
End Try
Catch e as Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & e.Message)
Continue Do
End Try
Loop While True
End function
End Class
End Namespace