mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00
2016-02-11 09:18:46 -06:00

105 lines
3.1 KiB

readline = require "./node_readline"
types = require "./types.coffee"
reader = require "./reader.coffee"
printer = require "./printer.coffee"
[_pr_str, println] = [printer._pr_str, printer.println]
# Sequence functions
conj = (seq, args...) ->
switch types._obj_type(seq)
when 'list'
lst = types._clone(seq)
lst.unshift(x) for x in args
when 'vector'
lst = types._clone(seq)
else throw new Error "conj called on " + types._obj_type(seq)
seq = (obj) ->
switch types._obj_type(obj)
when 'list'
if obj.length == 0 then null else obj
when 'vector'
if obj.length == 0 then null else obj[0..-1]
when 'string'
if obj.length == 0 then null else obj.split('')
when 'nil'
else throw new Error "seq: called on non-sequential " + types._obj_type(seq)
# Metadata functions
with_meta = (obj,m) ->
new_obj = types._clone(obj)
new_obj.__meta__ = m
exports.ns = {
'=': (a,b) -> types._equal_Q(a,b),
'throw': (a) -> throw a,
'nil?': types._nil_Q,
'true?': types._true_Q,
'false?': types._false_Q,
'string?': types._string_Q,
'symbol': types._symbol,
'symbol?': types._symbol_Q,
'keyword': types._keyword,
'keyword?': types._keyword_Q,
'pr-str': (a...) -> a.map((exp) -> _pr_str(exp,true)).join(" "),
'str': (a...) -> a.map((exp) -> _pr_str(exp,false)).join(""),
'prn': (a...) -> println(a.map((exp) -> _pr_str(exp,true))...),
'println': (a...) -> println(a.map((exp) -> _pr_str(exp,false))...),
'readline': readline.readline,
'read-string': reader.read_str,
'slurp': (a) -> require('fs').readFileSync(a, 'utf-8'),
'<': (a,b) -> a<b,
'<=': (a,b) -> a<=b,
'>': (a,b) -> a>b,
'>=': (a,b) -> a>=b,
'+': (a,b) -> a+b,
'-': (a,b) -> a-b,
'*': (a,b) -> a*b,
'/': (a,b) -> a/b,
'time-ms': () -> new Date().getTime(),
'list': (a...) -> a,
'list?': types._list_Q,
'vector': (a...) -> types._vector(a...),
'vector?': types._vector_Q,
'hash-map': (a...) -> types._hash_map(a...),
'map?': types._hash_map_Q,
'assoc': (a,b...) -> types._assoc_BANG(types._clone(a), b...),
'dissoc': (a,b...) -> types._dissoc_BANG(types._clone(a), b...),
'get': (a,b) -> if a != null and b of a then a[b] else null,
'contains?': (a,b) -> b of a,
'keys': (a) -> k for k of a,
'vals': (a) -> v for k,v of a,
'sequential?': types._sequential_Q,
'cons': (a,b) -> [a].concat(b),
'concat': (a=[],b...) -> a.concat(b...),
'nth': (a,b) -> if a.length > b then a[b] else
throw new Error "nth: index out of bounds",
'first': (a) -> if a != null and a.length > 0 then a[0] else null,
'rest': (a) -> if a == null then [] else a[1..],
'empty?': (a) -> a.length == 0,
'count': (a) -> if a == null then 0 else a.length,
'apply': (a,b...) -> a(b[0..-2].concat(b[b.length-1])...),
'map': (a,b) -> b.map((x) -> a(x)),
'conj': conj,
'seq': seq,
'with-meta': with_meta,
'meta': (a) -> a.__meta__ or null,
'atom': types._atom,
'atom?': types._atom_Q,
'deref': (a) -> a.val,
'reset!': (a,b) -> a.val = b,
'swap!': (a,b,c...) -> a.val = b([a.val].concat(c)...), }
# vim: ts=2:sw=2