mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00
2015-12-02 15:53:02 -05:00

183 lines
4.4 KiB

import std.array;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;
import types;
MalSymbol sym_quote;
MalSymbol sym_quasiquote;
MalSymbol sym_unquote;
MalSymbol sym_splice_unquote;
MalSymbol sym_deref;
MalSymbol sym_with_meta;
static this()
sym_quote = new MalSymbol("quote");
sym_quasiquote = new MalSymbol("quasiquote");
sym_unquote = new MalSymbol("unquote");
sym_splice_unquote = new MalSymbol("splice-unquote");
sym_deref = new MalSymbol("deref");
sym_with_meta = new MalSymbol("with-meta");
class Reader
int pos = 0;
const string[] tokens;
this(string[] the_tokens)
tokens = the_tokens.dup;
string peek()
if (pos >= tokens.length) return null;
return tokens[pos];
string next()
auto token = peek();
return token;
auto tokenize_ctr = ctRegex!(r"[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|" `"` `(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"` r"`,;)]*)");
string[] tokenize(string str)
string[] tokens;
foreach(c; matchAll(str, tokenize_ctr))
auto token = c[1];
if (token.length == 0) continue;
if (token[0] == ';') continue;
tokens ~= token;
return tokens;
MalString parse_string(string token)
string unescaped =
token[1..$-1] // Remove surrounding quotes
.replace("\\n", "\n")
.replace("\\\"", "\"")
.replace("\\\\", "\\");
return new MalString(unescaped);
auto integer_ctr = ctRegex!(r"^-?[0-9]+$");
MalType read_atom(Reader reader)
auto token = reader.next();
switch (token)
case "nil": return mal_nil;
case "false": return mal_false;
case "true": return mal_true;
switch (token[0]) {
case ':':
return new MalString("\u029e" ~ token[1..$]);
case '"':
return parse_string(token);
auto captures = matchFirst(token, integer_ctr);
if (!captures.empty())
return new MalInteger(token);
return new MalSymbol(token);
MalType[] read_items(Reader reader, string start, string end)
auto open_paren = reader.next();
if (open_paren != start) throw new Exception("expected '" ~ start ~ "'");
string token;
MalType[] res;
while ((token = reader.peek()) != end)
if (token is null)
throw new Exception("expected '" ~ end ~ "'");
res ~= read_form(reader);
reader.next(); // consume the ')'
return res;
MalList read_list(Reader reader)
return new MalList(read_items(reader, "(", ")"));
MalVector read_vector(Reader reader)
return new MalVector(read_items(reader, "[", "]"));
MalHashmap read_hashmap(Reader reader)
return new MalHashmap(read_items(reader, "{", "}"));
MalList read_quote_shortcut(Reader reader, MalSymbol sym)
reader.next(); // consume the special quote char
return new MalList([sym, read_form(reader)]);
MalType read_form(Reader reader)
auto token = reader.peek();
if (token is null) return new MalNil();
case "'":
return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_quote);
case "`":
return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_quasiquote);
case "~":
return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_unquote);
case "~@":
return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_splice_unquote);
case "@":
return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_deref);
case "^":
reader.next(); // consume the caret char
auto meta = read_form(reader);
return new MalList([sym_with_meta, read_form(reader), meta]);
case "(":
return read_list(reader);
case ")":
throw new Exception("unexpected ')'");
case "[":
return read_vector(reader);
case "]":
throw new Exception("unexpected ']'");
case "{":
return read_hashmap(reader);
case "}":
throw new Exception("unexpected '}'");
return read_atom(reader);
MalType read_str(string str)
auto tokens = tokenize(str);
auto reader = new Reader(tokens);
return read_form(reader);