mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00
2017-07-20 11:36:36 +00:00

354 lines
5.7 KiB

;; Testing try*/catch*
(try* 123 (catch* e 456))
(try* (abc 1 2) (catch* exc (prn "exc is:" exc)))
; "exc is:" "'abc' not found"
(try* (throw "my exception") (catch* exc (do (prn "exc:" exc) 7)))
; "exc:" "my exception"
;;; Test that throw is a function:
(try* (map throw (list "my err")) (catch* exc exc))
;=>"my err"
;; Testing builtin functions
(symbol? 'abc)
(symbol? "abc")
(nil? nil)
(nil? true)
(true? true)
(true? false)
(true? true?)
(false? false)
(false? true)
;; Testing apply function with core functions
(apply + (list 2 3))
(apply + 4 (list 5))
(apply prn (list 1 2 "3" (list)))
; 1 2 "3" ()
(apply prn 1 2 (list "3" (list)))
; 1 2 "3" ()
(apply list (list))
(apply symbol? (list (quote two)))
;; Testing apply function with user functions
(apply (fn* (a b) (+ a b)) (list 2 3))
(apply (fn* (a b) (+ a b)) 4 (list 5))
;; Testing map function
(def! nums (list 1 2 3))
(def! double (fn* (a) (* 2 a)))
(double 3)
(map double nums)
;=>(2 4 6)
(map (fn* (x) (symbol? x)) (list 1 (quote two) "three"))
;=>(false true false)
;>>> deferrable=True
;; ------- Deferrable Functionality ----------
;; ------- (Needed for self-hosting) -------
;; Testing symbol and keyword functions
(symbol? :abc)
(symbol? 'abc)
(symbol? "abc")
(symbol? (symbol "abc"))
(keyword? :abc)
(keyword? 'abc)
(keyword? "abc")
(keyword? "")
(keyword? (keyword "abc"))
(symbol "abc")
;;;TODO: all implementations should suppport this too
;;;(keyword :abc)
(keyword "abc")
;; Testing sequential? function
(sequential? (list 1 2 3))
(sequential? [15])
(sequential? sequential?)
(sequential? nil)
(sequential? "abc")
;; Testing apply function with core functions and arguments in vector
(apply + 4 [5])
(apply prn 1 2 ["3" 4])
; 1 2 "3" 4
(apply list [])
;; Testing apply function with user functions and arguments in vector
(apply (fn* (a b) (+ a b)) [2 3])
(apply (fn* (a b) (+ a b)) 4 [5])
;; Testing map function with vectors
(map (fn* (a) (* 2 a)) [1 2 3])
;=>(2 4 6)
;; Testing vector functions
(vector? [10 11])
(vector? '(12 13))
(vector 3 4 5)
;=>[3 4 5]
(map? {})
(map? '())
(map? [])
(map? 'abc)
(map? :abc)
;; Testing hash-maps
(hash-map "a" 1)
;=>{"a" 1}
{"a" 1}
;=>{"a" 1}
(assoc {} "a" 1)
;=>{"a" 1}
(get (assoc (assoc {"a" 1 } "b" 2) "c" 3) "a")
(def! hm1 (hash-map))
(map? hm1)
(map? 1)
(map? "abc")
(get nil "a")
(get hm1 "a")
(contains? hm1 "a")
(def! hm2 (assoc hm1 "a" 1))
;=>{"a" 1}
(get hm1 "a")
(contains? hm1 "a")
(get hm2 "a")
(contains? hm2 "a")
;;; TODO: fix. Clojure returns nil but this breaks mal impl
(keys hm1)
(keys hm2)
;;; TODO: fix. Clojure returns nil but this breaks mal impl
(vals hm1)
(vals hm2)
(count (keys (assoc hm2 "b" 2 "c" 3)))
;; Testing keywords as hash-map keys
(get {:abc 123} :abc)
(contains? {:abc 123} :abc)
(contains? {:abcd 123} :abc)
(assoc {} :bcd 234)
;=>{:bcd 234}
(keyword? (nth (keys {:abc 123 :def 456}) 0))
;;; TODO: support : in strings in make impl
;;;(keyword? (nth (keys {":abc" 123 ":def" 456}) 0))
(keyword? (nth (vals {"a" :abc "b" :def}) 0))
;; Testing whether assoc updates properly
(def! hm4 (assoc {:a 1 :b 2} :a 3 :c 1))
(get hm4 :a)
(get hm4 :b)
(get hm4 :c)
;; Testing nil as hash-map values
(contains? {:abc nil} :abc)
(assoc {} :bcd nil)
;=>{:bcd nil}
;; Additional str and pr-str tests
(str "A" {:abc "val"} "Z")
;=>"A{:abc val}Z"
(str true "." false "." nil "." :keyw "." 'symb)
(pr-str "A" {:abc "val"} "Z")
;=>"\"A\" {:abc \"val\"} \"Z\""
(pr-str true "." false "." nil "." :keyw "." 'symb)
;=>"true \".\" false \".\" nil \".\" :keyw \".\" symb"
(def! s (str {:abc "val1" :def "val2"}))
(or (= s "{:abc val1 :def val2}") (= s "{:def val2 :abc val1}"))
(def! p (pr-str {:abc "val1" :def "val2"}))
(or (= p "{:abc \"val1\" :def \"val2\"}") (= p "{:def \"val2\" :abc \"val1\"}"))
;; Test extra function arguments as Mal List (bypassing TCO with apply)
(apply (fn* (& more) (list? more)) [1 2 3])
(apply (fn* (& more) (list? more)) [])
(apply (fn* (a & more) (list? more)) [1])
;>>> soft=True
;>>> optional=True
;; ------- Optional Functionality --------------
;; ------- (Not needed for self-hosting) -------
;;;TODO: fix so long lines don't trigger ANSI escape codes ;;;(try*
;;;(try* (throw ["data" "foo"]) (catch* exc (do (prn "exc is:" exc) 7))) ;;;;
;;;; "exc is:" ["data" "foo"] ;;;;=>7
;; Testing throwing non-strings
(try* (throw (list 1 2 3)) (catch* exc (do (prn "err:" exc) 7)))
; "err:" (1 2 3)
;; Testing dissoc
(def! hm3 (assoc hm2 "b" 2))
(count (keys hm3))
(count (vals hm3))
(dissoc hm3 "a")
;=>{"b" 2}
(dissoc hm3 "a" "b")
(dissoc hm3 "a" "b" "c")
(count (keys hm3))
(dissoc {:cde 345 :fgh 456} :cde)
;=>{:fgh 456}
(dissoc {:cde nil :fgh 456} :cde)
;=>{:fgh 456}
;; Testing equality of hash-maps
(= {} {})
(= {:a 11 :b 22} (hash-map :b 22 :a 11))
(= {:a 11 :b [22 33]} (hash-map :b [22 33] :a 11))
(= {:a 11 :b {:c 33}} (hash-map :b {:c 33} :a 11))
(= {:a 11 :b 22} (hash-map :b 23 :a 11))
(= {:a 11 :b 22} (hash-map :a 11))
(= {:a [11 22]} {:a (list 11 22)})
(= {:a 11 :b 22} (list :a 11 :b 22))
(= {} [])
(= [] {})