mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 22:28:26 +03:00
2021-05-02 17:35:40 -05:00

78 lines
2.6 KiB
Standard ML

exception NotDefined of string
exception NotApplicable of string
fun read s =
readStr s
fun eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "def!"::args)) = evalDef e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "let*"::args)) = evalLet e args
| eval e (LIST (a::args)) = evalApply e (eval e a) args
| eval e (SYMBOL s) = evalSymbol e s
| eval e ast = ast
and evalDef e [SYMBOL s, ast] = let val v = eval e ast in (def s v e; v) end
| evalDef _ _ = raise NotApplicable "def! needs a symbol and a form to evaluate"
and evalLet e [LIST bs, ast] = eval (bind bs (inside e)) ast
| evalLet _ _ = raise NotApplicable "let* needs a list of bindings and a form to evaluate"
and evalApply e (FN f) args = f (map (eval e) args)
| evalApply _ a args = raise NotApplicable (prStr a ^ " is not applicable on " ^ prStr (LIST args))
and evalSymbol e s = valOrElse (lookup e s)
(fn _ => raise NotDefined ("symbol '" ^ s ^ "' not found"))
and bind (SYMBOL s::v::rest) e = (def s (eval e v) e; bind rest e)
| bind [] e = e
| bind _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs"
fun print f =
prStr f
fun rep e s =
s |> read |> eval e |> print
handle Nothing => ""
| SyntaxError msg => "SYNTAX ERROR: " ^ msg
| NotApplicable msg => "CANNOT APPLY: " ^ msg
| NotDefined msg => "NOT DEFINED: " ^ msg
fun malPlus (INT a, INT b) = INT (a + b)
| malPlus _ = raise NotApplicable "can only add integers"
fun malTimes (INT a, INT b) = INT (a * b)
| malTimes _ = raise NotApplicable "can only multiply integers"
fun malMinus (INT b, INT a) = INT (a - b)
| malMinus _ = raise NotApplicable "can only subtract integers"
fun malDiv (INT b, INT a) = INT (a div b)
| malDiv _ = raise NotApplicable "can only divide integers"
val initEnv = ENV (NS (ref [])) |> bind [
FN (foldl malPlus (INT 0)),
FN (foldl malTimes (INT 1)),
FN (fn [x] => malMinus (x, INT 0)
| x::xs => foldr malMinus x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'-' requires arguments"),
FN (fn [x] => malDiv (x, INT 1)
| x::xs => foldr malDiv x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'/' requires arguments")
fun repl e =
let open TextIO
in (
print("user> ");
case inputLine(stdIn) of
SOME(line) =>
let val s = rep e line
val _ = print(s ^ "\n")
repl e
| NONE => ()
) end
fun main () = repl initEnv