mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
2016-05-05 14:50:12 -04:00

662 lines
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library STD;
use STD.textio.all;
library WORK;
use WORK.types.all;
use WORK.env.all;
use WORK.reader.all;
use WORK.printer.all;
use WORK.pkg_readline.all;
package core is
procedure eval_native_func(func_sym: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr);
procedure define_core_functions(e: inout env_ptr);
end package core;
package body core is
procedure fn_equal(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable is_equal: boolean;
equal_q(args.seq_val(0), args.seq_val(1), is_equal);
new_boolean(is_equal, result);
end procedure fn_equal;
procedure fn_throw(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
err := args.seq_val(0);
end procedure fn_throw;
procedure fn_nil_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_nil, result);
end procedure fn_nil_q;
procedure fn_true_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_true, result);
end procedure fn_true_q;
procedure fn_false_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_false, result);
end procedure fn_false_q;
procedure fn_string_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_string, result);
end procedure fn_string_q;
procedure fn_symbol(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_symbol(args.seq_val(0).string_val, result);
end procedure fn_symbol;
procedure fn_symbol_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_symbol, result);
end procedure fn_symbol_q;
procedure fn_keyword(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_keyword(args.seq_val(0).string_val, result);
end procedure fn_keyword;
procedure fn_keyword_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_keyword, result);
end procedure fn_keyword_q;
procedure fn_pr_str(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable s: line;
pr_seq("", "", " ", args.seq_val, true, s);
new_string(s, result);
end procedure fn_pr_str;
procedure fn_str(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable s: line;
pr_seq("", "", "", args.seq_val, false, s);
new_string(s, result);
end procedure fn_str;
procedure fn_prn(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable s: line;
pr_seq("", "", " ", args.seq_val, true, s);
end procedure fn_prn;
procedure fn_println(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable s: line;
pr_seq("", "", " ", args.seq_val, false, s);
end procedure fn_println;
procedure fn_read_string(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable ast: mal_val_ptr;
read_str(args.seq_val(0).string_val.all, ast, err);
if ast = null then
result := ast;
end if;
end procedure fn_read_string;
procedure fn_readline(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable input_line: line;
variable is_eof: boolean;
mal_readline(args.seq_val(0).string_val.all, is_eof, input_line);
if is_eof then
new_string(input_line, result);
end if;
end procedure fn_readline;
procedure fn_slurp(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
file f: text;
variable status: file_open_status;
variable save_content, content, one_line: line;
file_open(status, f, external_name => args.seq_val(0).string_val.all, open_kind => read_mode);
if status = open_ok then
content := new string'("");
while not endfile(f) loop
readline(f, one_line);
save_content := content;
content := new string'(save_content.all & one_line.all & LF);
end loop;
new_string(content, result);
new_string("Error opening file", err);
end if;
end procedure fn_slurp;
procedure fn_lt(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).number_val < args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_lt;
procedure fn_lte(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).number_val <= args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_lte;
procedure fn_gt(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).number_val > args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_gt;
procedure fn_gte(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).number_val >= args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_gte;
procedure fn_add(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_number(args.seq_val(0).number_val + args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_add;
procedure fn_sub(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_number(args.seq_val(0).number_val - args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_sub;
procedure fn_mul(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_number(args.seq_val(0).number_val * args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_mul;
procedure fn_div(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_number(args.seq_val(0).number_val / args.seq_val(1).number_val, result);
end procedure fn_div;
-- Define physical types (c_seconds64, c_microseconds64) because these are
-- represented as 64-bit words when passed to C functions
type c_seconds64 is range 0 to 1E16
end units c_seconds64;
type c_microseconds64 is range 0 to 1E6
end units c_microseconds64;
type c_timeval is record
tv_sec: c_seconds64;
tv_usec: c_microseconds64;
end record c_timeval;
-- Leave enough room for two 64-bit words
type c_timezone is record
dummy_1: c_seconds64;
dummy_2: c_seconds64;
end record c_timezone;
function gettimeofday(tv: c_timeval; tz: c_timezone) return integer;
attribute foreign of gettimeofday: function is "VHPIDIRECT gettimeofday";
function gettimeofday(tv: c_timeval; tz: c_timezone) return integer is
assert false severity failure;
end function gettimeofday;
-- Returns the number of milliseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC because
-- a standard VHDL integer is 32-bit and therefore cannot hold the number of
-- milliseconds since 1970-01-01.
procedure fn_time_ms(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable tv: c_timeval;
variable dummy: c_timezone;
variable rc: integer;
constant utc_2000_01_01: c_seconds64 := 946684800 c_sec; -- UNIX time at 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
rc := gettimeofday(tv, dummy);
new_number(((tv.tv_sec - utc_2000_01_01) / 1 c_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000 c_usec), result);
end procedure fn_time_ms;
procedure fn_list(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
result := args;
end procedure fn_list;
procedure fn_list_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_list, result);
end procedure fn_list_q;
procedure fn_vector(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
args.val_type := mal_vector;
result := args;
end procedure fn_vector;
procedure fn_vector_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_vector, result);
end procedure fn_vector_q;
procedure fn_hash_map(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
args.val_type := mal_hashmap;
result := args;
end procedure fn_hash_map;
procedure fn_map_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_hashmap, result);
end procedure fn_map_q;
procedure fn_assoc(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable new_hashmap: mal_val_ptr;
variable i: integer;
hashmap_copy(args.seq_val(0), new_hashmap);
i := 1;
while i < args.seq_val'length loop
hashmap_put(new_hashmap, args.seq_val(i), args.seq_val(i + 1));
i := i + 2;
end loop;
result := new_hashmap;
end procedure fn_assoc;
procedure fn_dissoc(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable new_hashmap: mal_val_ptr;
variable i: integer;
hashmap_copy(args.seq_val(0), new_hashmap);
for i in 1 to args.seq_val'high loop
hashmap_delete(new_hashmap, args.seq_val(i));
end loop;
result := new_hashmap;
end procedure fn_dissoc;
procedure fn_get(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable a1: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
variable val: mal_val_ptr;
if a0.val_type = mal_nil then
hashmap_get(a0, a1, val);
if val = null then
result := val;
end if;
end if;
end procedure fn_get;
procedure fn_contains_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable a1: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
variable found: boolean;
hashmap_contains(a0, a1, found);
new_boolean(found, result);
end procedure fn_contains_q;
procedure fn_keys(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
seq := new mal_seq(0 to a0.seq_val'length / 2 - 1);
for i in seq'range loop
seq(i) := a0.seq_val(i * 2);
end loop;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end procedure fn_keys;
procedure fn_vals(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
seq := new mal_seq(0 to a0.seq_val'length / 2 - 1);
for i in seq'range loop
seq(i) := a0.seq_val(i * 2 + 1);
end loop;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end procedure fn_vals;
procedure cons_helper(a0: inout mal_val_ptr; a1: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
seq := new mal_seq(0 to a1.seq_val'length);
seq(0) := a0;
seq(1 to seq'length - 1) := a1.seq_val(0 to a1.seq_val'length - 1);
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end procedure cons_helper;
procedure fn_cons(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable a1: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
cons_helper(a0, a1, result);
end procedure fn_cons;
procedure fn_sequential_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_boolean(is_sequential_type(args.seq_val(0).val_type), result);
end procedure fn_sequential_q;
procedure fn_concat(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable i: integer;
seq := new mal_seq(0 to -1);
for i in args.seq_val'range loop
seq := new mal_seq'(seq.all & args.seq_val(i).seq_val.all);
end loop;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end procedure fn_concat;
procedure fn_nth(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable lst_seq: mal_seq_ptr := args.seq_val(0).seq_val;
variable index: integer := args.seq_val(1).number_val;
if index >= lst_seq'length then
new_string("nth: index out of range", err);
result := lst_seq(index);
end if;
end procedure fn_nth;
procedure fn_first(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
if a0.val_type = mal_nil or a0.seq_val'length = 0 then
result := a0.seq_val(0);
end if;
end procedure fn_first;
procedure fn_rest(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable new_list: mal_val_ptr;
if a0.val_type = mal_nil or a0.seq_val'length = 0 then
seq := new mal_seq(0 to -1);
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
seq_drop_prefix(a0, 1, new_list);
new_list.val_type := mal_list;
result := new_list;
end if;
end procedure fn_rest;
procedure fn_empty_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable is_empty: boolean;
case args.seq_val(0).val_type is
when mal_nil => new_boolean(true, result);
when mal_list | mal_vector => new_boolean(args.seq_val(0).seq_val'length = 0, result);
when others => new_string("empty?: invalid argument type", err);
end case;
end procedure fn_empty_q;
procedure fn_count(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable count: integer;
case args.seq_val(0).val_type is
when mal_nil => new_number(0, result);
when mal_list | mal_vector => new_number(args.seq_val(0).seq_val'length, result);
when others => new_string("count: invalid argument type", err);
end case;
end procedure fn_count;
procedure fn_conj(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable r: mal_val_ptr;
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
case a0.val_type is
when mal_list =>
r := a0;
for i in 1 to args.seq_val'high loop
cons_helper(args.seq_val(i), r, r);
end loop;
result := r;
when mal_vector =>
seq := new mal_seq(0 to a0.seq_val'length + args.seq_val'length - 2);
seq(0 to a0.seq_val'high) := a0.seq_val(a0.seq_val'range);
seq(a0.seq_val'high + 1 to seq'high) := args.seq_val(1 to args.seq_val'high);
new_seq_obj(mal_vector, seq, result);
when others =>
new_string("conj requires list or vector", err);
end case;
end procedure fn_conj;
procedure fn_seq(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable new_seq: mal_seq_ptr;
case a0.val_type is
when mal_string =>
if a0.string_val'length = 0 then
new_seq := new mal_seq(0 to a0.string_val'length - 1);
for i in new_seq'range loop
new_string("" & a0.string_val(i + 1), new_seq(i));
end loop;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, new_seq, result);
end if;
when mal_list =>
if a0.seq_val'length = 0 then
result := a0;
end if;
when mal_vector =>
if a0.seq_val'length = 0 then
new_seq_obj(mal_list, a0.seq_val, result);
end if;
when mal_nil =>
when others =>
new_string("seq requires string or list or vector or nil", err);
end case;
end procedure fn_seq;
procedure fn_meta(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable meta_val: mal_val_ptr;
meta_val := args.seq_val(0).meta_val;
if meta_val = null then
result := meta_val;
end if;
end procedure fn_meta;
procedure fn_with_meta(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
result := new mal_val'(val_type => a0.val_type, number_val => a0.number_val, string_val => a0.string_val, seq_val => a0.seq_val, func_val => a0.func_val, meta_val => args.seq_val(1));
end procedure fn_with_meta;
procedure fn_atom(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
new_atom(args.seq_val(0), result);
end procedure fn_atom;
procedure fn_atom_q(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
new_boolean(a0.val_type = mal_atom, result);
end procedure fn_atom_q;
procedure fn_deref(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
result := a0.seq_val(0);
end procedure fn_deref;
procedure fn_reset(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable a0: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable a1: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
a0.seq_val(0) := a1;
result := a1;
end procedure fn_reset;
procedure eval_native_func(func_sym: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable f: line;
if func_sym.val_type /= mal_nativefn then
new_string("not a native function!", err);
end if;
f := func_sym.string_val;
if f.all = "=" then fn_equal(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "throw" then fn_throw(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "nil?" then fn_nil_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "true?" then fn_true_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "false?" then fn_false_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "string?" then fn_string_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "symbol" then fn_symbol(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "symbol?" then fn_symbol_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "keyword" then fn_keyword(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "keyword?" then fn_keyword_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "pr-str" then fn_pr_str(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "str" then fn_str(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "prn" then fn_prn(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "println" then fn_println(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "read-string" then fn_read_string(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "readline" then fn_readline(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "slurp" then fn_slurp(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "<" then fn_lt(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "<=" then fn_lte(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = ">" then fn_gt(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = ">=" then fn_gte(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "+" then fn_add(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "-" then fn_sub(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "*" then fn_mul(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "/" then fn_div(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "time-ms" then fn_time_ms(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "list" then fn_list(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "list?" then fn_list_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "vector" then fn_vector(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "vector?" then fn_vector_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "hash-map" then fn_hash_map(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "map?" then fn_map_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "assoc" then fn_assoc(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "dissoc" then fn_dissoc(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "get" then fn_get(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "contains?" then fn_contains_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "keys" then fn_keys(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "vals" then fn_vals(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "sequential?" then fn_sequential_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "cons" then fn_cons(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "concat" then fn_concat(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "nth" then fn_nth(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "first" then fn_first(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "rest" then fn_rest(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "empty?" then fn_empty_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "count" then fn_count(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "conj" then fn_conj(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "seq" then fn_seq(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "meta" then fn_meta(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "with-meta" then fn_with_meta(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "atom" then fn_atom(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "atom?" then fn_atom_q(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "deref" then fn_deref(args, result, err);
elsif f.all = "reset!" then fn_reset(args, result, err);
result := null;
end if;
end procedure eval_native_func;
procedure define_core_function(e: inout env_ptr; func_name: in string) is
variable sym: mal_val_ptr;
variable fn: mal_val_ptr;
new_symbol(func_name, sym);
new_nativefn(func_name, fn);
env_set(e, sym, fn);
end procedure define_core_function;
procedure define_core_functions(e: inout env_ptr) is
variable is_eof: boolean;
variable input_line, result, err: line;
variable sym: mal_val_ptr;
variable fn: mal_val_ptr;
variable outer: env_ptr;
variable repl_env: env_ptr;
define_core_function(e, "=");
define_core_function(e, "throw");
define_core_function(e, "nil?");
define_core_function(e, "true?");
define_core_function(e, "false?");
define_core_function(e, "string?");
define_core_function(e, "symbol");
define_core_function(e, "symbol?");
define_core_function(e, "keyword");
define_core_function(e, "keyword?");
define_core_function(e, "pr-str");
define_core_function(e, "str");
define_core_function(e, "prn");
define_core_function(e, "println");
define_core_function(e, "read-string");
define_core_function(e, "readline");
define_core_function(e, "slurp");
define_core_function(e, "<");
define_core_function(e, "<=");
define_core_function(e, ">");
define_core_function(e, ">=");
define_core_function(e, "+");
define_core_function(e, "-");
define_core_function(e, "*");
define_core_function(e, "/");
define_core_function(e, "time-ms");
define_core_function(e, "list");
define_core_function(e, "list?");
define_core_function(e, "vector");
define_core_function(e, "vector?");
define_core_function(e, "hash-map");
define_core_function(e, "map?");
define_core_function(e, "assoc");
define_core_function(e, "dissoc");
define_core_function(e, "get");
define_core_function(e, "contains?");
define_core_function(e, "keys");
define_core_function(e, "vals");
define_core_function(e, "sequential?");
define_core_function(e, "cons");
define_core_function(e, "concat");
define_core_function(e, "nth");
define_core_function(e, "first");
define_core_function(e, "rest");
define_core_function(e, "empty?");
define_core_function(e, "count");
define_core_function(e, "apply"); -- implemented in the stepN_XXX files
define_core_function(e, "map"); -- implemented in the stepN_XXX files
define_core_function(e, "conj");
define_core_function(e, "seq");
define_core_function(e, "meta");
define_core_function(e, "with-meta");
define_core_function(e, "atom");
define_core_function(e, "atom?");
define_core_function(e, "deref");
define_core_function(e, "reset!");
define_core_function(e, "swap!"); -- implemented in the stepN_XXX files
end procedure define_core_functions;
end package body core;