mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
Joel Martin 35bc081fe7 Merge pull request #194 from dubek/literal-empty-list
Fix handling of literal empty list in several impls
2016-04-05 09:38:19 -05:00

169 lines
5.2 KiB

import { readline } from './node_readline'
import { _symbol, _symbol_Q, _list_Q, _vector, _vector_Q,
_hash_map_Q, _sequential_Q, _malfunc, _malfunc_Q } from './types'
import { BlankException, read_str } from './reader'
import { pr_str } from './printer'
import { new_env, env_set, env_get } from './env'
import { core_ns } from './core'
// read
const READ = (str) => read_str(str)
// eval
const is_pair = x => _sequential_Q(x) && x.length > 0
const quasiquote = ast => {
if (!is_pair(ast)) {
return [_symbol('quote'), ast]
} else if (ast[0] === _symbol('unquote')) {
return ast[1]
} else if (is_pair(ast[0]) && ast[0][0] === _symbol('splice-unquote')) {
return [_symbol('concat'), ast[0][1], quasiquote(ast.slice(1))]
} else {
return [_symbol('cons'), quasiquote(ast[0]), quasiquote(ast.slice(1))]
function is_macro_call(ast, env) {
return _list_Q(ast) &&
_symbol_Q(ast[0]) &&
ast[0] in env &&
env_get(env, ast[0]).ismacro
function macroexpand(ast, env) {
while (is_macro_call(ast, env)) {
let mac = env_get(env, ast[0])
ast = mac(...ast.slice(1))
return ast
const eval_ast = (ast, env) => {
if (_symbol_Q(ast)) {
return env_get(env, ast)
} else if (_list_Q(ast)) {
return ast.map((x) => EVAL(x, env))
} else if (_vector_Q(ast)) {
return _vector(...ast.map((x) => EVAL(x, env)))
} else if (_hash_map_Q(ast)) {
let new_hm = new Map()
for (let [k, v] of ast) {
new_hm.set(EVAL(k, env), EVAL(v, env))
return new_hm
} else {
return ast
const EVAL = (ast, env) => {
while (true) {
//console.log('EVAL:', pr_str(ast, true))
if (!_list_Q(ast)) { return eval_ast(ast, env) }
ast = macroexpand(ast, env)
if (!_list_Q(ast)) { return eval_ast(ast, env) }
if (ast.length === 0) { return ast }
const [a0, a1, a2, a3] = ast
const a0sym = _symbol_Q(a0) ? Symbol.keyFor(a0) : Symbol(':default')
switch (a0sym) {
case 'def!':
return env_set(env, a1, EVAL(a2, env))
case 'let*':
let let_env = new_env(env)
for (let i=0; i < a1.length; i+=2) {
env_set(let_env, a1[i], EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env))
env = let_env
ast = a2
break; // continue TCO loop
case 'quote':
return a1
case 'quasiquote':
ast = quasiquote(a1)
break; // continue TCO loop
case 'defmacro!':
let func = EVAL(a2, env)
func.ismacro = true
return env_set(env, a1, func)
case 'macroexpand':
return macroexpand(a1, env)
case 'try*':
try {
return EVAL(a1, env)
} catch (exc) {
if (a2 && a2[0] === _symbol('catch*')) {
if (exc instanceof Error) { exc = exc.message; }
return EVAL(a2[2], new_env(env, [a2[1]], [exc]))
} else {
throw exc
case 'do':
eval_ast(ast.slice(1,-1), env)
ast = ast[ast.length-1]
break; // continue TCO loop
case 'if':
let cond = EVAL(a1, env)
if (cond === null || cond === false) {
ast = (typeof a3 !== 'undefined') ? a3 : null
} else {
ast = a2
break; // continue TCO loop
case 'fn*':
return _malfunc((...args) => EVAL(a2, new_env(env, a1, args)),
a2, env, a1)
let [f, ...args] = eval_ast(ast, env)
if (_malfunc_Q(f)) {
env = new_env(f.env, f.params, args)
ast = f.ast
break; // continue TCO loop
} else {
return f(...args)
// print
const PRINT = (exp) => pr_str(exp, true)
// repl
let repl_env = new_env()
const REP = (str) => PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env))
// core.EXT: defined using ES6
for (let [k, v] of core_ns) { env_set(repl_env, _symbol(k), v) }
env_set(repl_env, _symbol('eval'), a => EVAL(a, repl_env))
env_set(repl_env, _symbol('*ARGV*'), [])
// core.mal: defined using language itself
REP('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))')
REP('(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) ")")))))')
REP('(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list \'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons \'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))')
REP('(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))')
if (process.argv.length > 2) {
env_set(repl_env, _symbol('*ARGV*'), process.argv.slice(3))
REP(`(load-file "${process.argv[2]}")`)
while (true) {
let line = readline('user> ')
if (line == null) break
try {
if (line) { console.log(REP(line)); }
} catch (exc) {
if (exc instanceof BlankException) { continue; }
if (exc.stack) { console.log(exc.stack); }
else { console.log(`Error: ${exc}`); }