mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
2016-08-28 21:46:37 +05:30

105 lines
4.0 KiB
Common Lisp

(defpackage :env
(:use :common-lisp :types)
(:export :undefined-symbol
(in-package :env)
(define-condition undefined-symbol (types:mal-runtime-exception)
((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader symbol))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream
"'~a' not found"
(symbol condition)))))
(define-condition arity-mismatch (types:mal-runtime-exception)
((required :initarg :required :reader required)
(provided :initarg :provided :reader provided))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream
"Unexpected number of arguments provided, expected ~a, got ~a"
(required condition)
(provided condition)))))
(defclass mal-environment ()
((bindings :initarg :bindings
:accessor mal-env-bindings
:initform (make-hash-table :test 'types:mal-value=))
(parent :initarg :parent
:accessor mal-env-parent
:initform nil)))
(defgeneric find-env (mal-environment symbol)
(:documentation "Find value of a symbol in given environment, return nil if not binding is found"))
(defgeneric get-env (mal-environment symbol)
(:documentation "Get value of a symbol in given environment, raises undefined-symbol error if lookup fails"))
(defgeneric set-env (mal-environment symbol value)
(:documentation "Set the value for a symbol in given environment"))
(defmethod find-env ((env mal-environment) symbol)
(let ((value (gethash symbol (mal-env-bindings env)))
(parent (mal-env-parent env)))
(value value)
(parent (find-env parent symbol))
(t nil))))
(defmethod get-env ((env mal-environment) symbol)
(let ((value (find-env env symbol)))
(if value
(error 'undefined-symbol
:symbol (format nil "~a" (types:mal-data-value symbol))))))
(defmethod set-env ((env mal-environment) symbol value)
(setf (gethash symbol (mal-env-bindings env)) value))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((env mal-environment)
&key (bindings nil)
(parent nil)
(binds nil)
(exprs nil))
(let ((varidiac-position (position (types:make-mal-symbol "&")
:test #'mal-value=)))
(when varidiac-position
(setf (subseq binds varidiac-position (length binds))
(list (nth (1+ varidiac-position) binds)))
(setf binds (subseq binds 0 (1+ varidiac-position)))
(let* ((no-of-args (length exprs))
;; There are enough arguments for variadic operator
;; to consume
(rest-args (cond ((>= no-of-args (1+ varidiac-position))
(make-mal-list (subseq exprs
(length exprs))))
;; There are enough parameters to satisfy the
;; normal arguments, set rest-args to a nil value
((= no-of-args varidiac-position)
(setf exprs (concatenate 'list
(subseq exprs 0 varidiac-position)
(list rest-args)))
(simple-type-error (condition)
(error 'arity-mismatch
:required (length binds)
:provided (length exprs))))))
(when (not (= (length binds) (length exprs)))
(error 'arity-mismatch
:required (length binds)
:provided (length exprs)))
(let ((arg-params (map 'list #'cons binds exprs)))
(dolist (arg-param arg-params)
(set-env env
(car arg-param)
(cdr arg-param))))))