mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
2016-02-14 20:51:38 -05:00

279 lines
7.8 KiB

package core;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($core_ns);
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use readline;
use types qw(_sequential_Q _equal_Q _clone $nil $true $false
_nil_Q _true_Q _false_Q
_symbol _symbol_Q _string_Q _keyword _keyword_Q _list_Q _vector_Q
_hash_map _hash_map_Q _assoc_BANG _dissoc_BANG _atom_Q);
use reader qw(read_str);
use printer qw(_pr_str);
use Data::Dumper;
# String functions
sub pr_str {
return String->new(join(" ", map {_pr_str($_, 1)} @{$_[0]->{val}}));
sub str {
return String->new(join("", map {_pr_str($_, 0)} @{$_[0]->{val}}));
sub prn {
print join(" ", map {_pr_str($_, 1)} @{$_[0]->{val}}) . "\n";
return $nil
sub println {
print join(" ", map {_pr_str($_, 0)} @{$_[0]->{val}}) . "\n";
return $nil
sub mal_readline {
my $line = readline::mal_readline(${$_[0]});
return defined $line ? String->new($line) : $nil;
sub slurp {
my $fname = ${$_[0]};
open(my $fh, '<', $fname) or die "error opening '$fname'";
my $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
# Hash Map functions
sub assoc {
my $src_hsh = shift;
my $new_hsh = { %{$src_hsh->{val}} };
return _assoc_BANG($new_hsh, @_);
sub dissoc {
my $src_hsh = shift;
my $new_hsh = { %{$src_hsh->{val}} };
return _dissoc_BANG($new_hsh, @_);
sub get {
my ($hsh, $key) = @_;
return $nil if $hsh eq $nil;
return exists $hsh->{val}->{$$key} ? $hsh->{val}->{$$key} : $nil;
sub contains_Q {
my ($hsh, $key) = @_;
return $nil if $hsh eq $false;
return (exists $hsh->{val}->{$$key}) ? $true : $false;
sub mal_keys {
my @ks = map { String->new($_) } keys %{$_[0]->{val}};
return List->new(\@ks);
sub mal_vals {
my @vs = values %{$_[0]->{val}};
return List->new(\@vs);
# Sequence functions
sub cons {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my @new_arr = @{[$a]};
push @new_arr, @{$b->{val}};
sub concat {
if (scalar(@_) == 0) { return List->new([]); }
my ($a) = shift;
my @new_arr = @{$a->{val}};
map { push @new_arr, @{$_->{val}} } @_;
sub nth {
my ($seq,$i) = @_;
if (@{$seq->{val}} > $i) {
return scalar($seq->nth($i));
} else {
die "nth: index out of bounds";
sub first {
my ($seq) = @_;
return $nil if (_nil_Q($seq));
return scalar(@{$seq->{val}}) > 0 ? $seq->nth(0) : $nil;
sub rest { return _nil_Q($_[0]) ? List->new([]) : $_[0]->rest(); }
sub count {
if (_nil_Q($_[0])) {
return Integer->new(0);
} else {
return Integer->new(scalar(@{$_[0]->{val}}))
sub apply {
my @all_args = @{$_[0]->{val}};
my $f = $all_args[0];
my @apply_args = @all_args[1..$#all_args];
my @args = @apply_args[0..$#apply_args-1];
push @args, @{$apply_args[$#apply_args]->{val}};
if ((ref $f) =~ /^Function/) {
return $f->apply(List->new(\@args));
} else {
return &{ $f }(List->new(\@args));
sub mal_map {
my $f = shift;
my @arr;
if ((ref $f) =~ /^Function/) {
@arr = map { $f->apply(List->new([$_])) } @{$_[0]->{val}};
} else {
@arr = map { &{ $f}(List->new([$_])) } @{$_[0]->{val}};
return List->new(\@arr);
sub conj {
my ($lst, @args) = @{$_[0]->{val}};
my $new_lst = _clone($lst);
if (_list_Q($new_lst)) {
unshift @{$new_lst->{val}}, reverse @args;
} else {
push @{$new_lst->{val}}, @args;
return $new_lst;
sub seq {
my ($arg) = @_;
if (_nil_Q($arg)) {
return $nil;
} elsif (_list_Q($arg)) {
return $nil if scalar(@{$arg->{val}}) == 0;
return $arg;
# return scalar(@{$arg->{val}}) > 0 ? $arg : $nil;
} elsif (_vector_Q($arg)) {
return $nil if scalar(@{$arg->{val}}) == 0;
return List->new($arg->{val});
} elsif (_string_Q($arg)) {
return $nil if length($$arg) == 0;
my @chars = map { String->new($_) } split(//, $$arg);
return List->new(\@chars);
} else {
die "seq requires list or vector or string or nil";
# Metadata functions
sub with_meta {
my $new_obj = _clone($_[0]);
$new_obj->{meta} = $_[1];
return $new_obj;
sub meta {
if ((ref $_[0]) && !((ref $_[0]) =~ /^CODE/)) {
return $_[0]->{meta};
} else {
return $nil;
# Atom functions
sub swap_BANG {
my ($atm,$f,@args) = @_;
unshift @args, $atm->{val};
if ((ref $f) =~ /^Function/) {
return $atm->{val} = $f->apply(List->new(\@args));
} else {
return $atm->{val} = &{ $f }(List->new(\@args));
our $core_ns = {
'=' => sub { _equal_Q($_[0]->nth(0), $_[0]->nth(1)) ? $true : $false },
'throw' => sub { die $_[0]->nth(0) },
'nil?' => sub { _nil_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'true?' => sub { _true_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'false?' => sub { _false_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'symbol' => sub { Symbol->new(${$_[0]->nth(0)}) },
'symbol?' => sub { _symbol_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'string?' => sub { _string_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'keyword' => sub { _keyword(${$_[0]->nth(0)}) },
'keyword?' => sub { _keyword_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'pr-str' => sub { pr_str($_[0]) },
'str' => sub { str($_[0]) },
'prn' => sub { prn($_[0]) },
'println' => sub { println($_[0]) },
'readline' => sub { mal_readline($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'read-string' => sub { read_str(${$_[0]->nth(0)}) },
'slurp' => sub { slurp($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'<' => sub { ${$_[0]->nth(0)} < ${$_[0]->nth(1)} ? $true : $false },
'<=' => sub { ${$_[0]->nth(0)} <= ${$_[0]->nth(1)} ? $true : $false },
'>' => sub { ${$_[0]->nth(0)} > ${$_[0]->nth(1)} ? $true : $false },
'>=' => sub { ${$_[0]->nth(0)} >= ${$_[0]->nth(1)} ? $true : $false },
'+' => sub { Integer->new(${$_[0]->nth(0)} + ${$_[0]->nth(1)}) },
'-' => sub { Integer->new(${$_[0]->nth(0)} - ${$_[0]->nth(1)}) },
'*' => sub { Integer->new(${$_[0]->nth(0)} * ${$_[0]->nth(1)}) },
'/' => sub { Integer->new(${$_[0]->nth(0)} / ${$_[0]->nth(1)}) },
'time-ms' => sub { Integer->new(int(time()*1000)) },
'list' => sub { List->new($_[0]->{val}) },
'list?' => sub { _list_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'vector' => sub { Vector->new($_[0]->{val}) },
'vector?' => sub { _vector_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'hash-map' => sub { _hash_map(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'map?' => sub { _hash_map_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'assoc' => sub { assoc(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'dissoc' => sub { dissoc(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'get' => sub { get($_[0]->nth(0),$_[0]->nth(1)) },
'contains?' => sub { contains_Q($_[0]->nth(0),$_[0]->nth(1)) },
'keys' => sub { mal_keys(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'vals' => sub { mal_vals(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'sequential?' => sub { _sequential_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'nth' => sub { nth($_[0]->nth(0), ${$_[0]->nth(1)}) },
'first' => sub { first($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'rest' => sub { rest($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'cons' => sub { cons($_[0]->nth(0), $_[0]->nth(1)) },
'concat' => sub { concat(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },
'empty?' => sub { scalar(@{$_[0]->nth(0)->{val}}) == 0 ? $true : $false },
'count' => sub { count($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'apply' => sub { apply($_[0]) },
'map' => sub { mal_map($_[0]->nth(0), $_[0]->nth(1)) },
'conj' => \&conj,
'seq' => sub { seq($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'with-meta' => sub { with_meta($_[0]->nth(0), $_[0]->nth(1)) },
'meta' => sub { meta($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'atom' => sub { Atom->new($_[0]->nth(0)) },
'atom?' => sub { _atom_Q($_[0]->nth(0)) ? $true : $false },
'deref' => sub { $_[0]->nth(0)->{val} },
'reset!' => sub { $_[0]->nth(0)->{val} = $_[0]->nth(1) },
'swap!' => sub { swap_BANG(@{$_[0]->{val}}) },