mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 10:37:58 +03:00
Joel Martin db4c329aff All: perf test, Makefile refactor, add *host-language*
- bash,make,postscript: quasiquote of vectors
- Fix Java slurp
- add time function to core.mal
    - switches on *host-language* for make time-secs vs time-ms
- Ignore */experiments directories
2014-04-17 21:49:07 -05:00

168 lines
3.9 KiB

import copy, time
from itertools import chain
import mal_types as types
from mal_types import List, Vector
import mal_readline
import reader
import printer
# Errors/Exceptions
def throw(exc): raise Exception(exc)
# String functions
def pr_str(*args):
return " ".join(map(lambda exp: printer._pr_str(exp, True), args))
def do_str(*args):
return "".join(map(lambda exp: printer._pr_str(exp, False), args))
def prn(*args):
print(" ".join(map(lambda exp: printer._pr_str(exp, True), args)))
return None
def println(*args):
line = " ".join(map(lambda exp: printer._pr_str(exp, False), args))
print(line.replace('\\n', '\n'))
return None
# Hash map functions
def assoc(src_hm, *key_vals):
hm = copy.copy(src_hm)
for i in range(0,len(key_vals),2): hm[key_vals[i]] = key_vals[i+1]
return hm
def dissoc(src_hm, *keys):
hm = copy.copy(src_hm)
for key in keys:
if key in hm: del hm[key]
return hm
def get(hm, key):
if hm and key in hm:
return hm[key]
return None
def contains_Q(hm, key): return key in hm
def keys(hm): return types._list(*hm.keys())
def vals(hm): return types._list(*hm.values())
# Sequence functions
def coll_Q(coll): return sequential_Q(coll) or hash_map_Q(coll)
def cons(x, seq): return List([x]) + List(seq)
def concat(*lsts): return List(chain(*lsts))
def nth(lst, idx): return lst[idx]
def first(lst): return lst[0]
def rest(lst): return List(lst[1:])
def empty_Q(lst): return len(lst) == 0
def count(lst): return len(lst)
# retains metadata
def conj(lst, *args):
if types._list_Q(lst):
new_lst = List(list(reversed(list(args))) + lst)
new_lst = Vector(lst + list(args))
if hasattr(lst, "__meta__"):
new_lst.__meta__ = lst.__meta__
return new_lst
def apply(f, *args): return f(*(list(args[0:-1])+args[-1]))
def mapf(f, lst): return List(map(f, lst))
# Metadata functions
def with_meta(obj, meta):
new_obj = types._clone(obj)
new_obj.__meta__ = meta
return new_obj
def meta(obj):
if hasattr(obj, "__meta__"): return obj.__meta__
else: return None
# Atoms functions
def deref(atm): return atm.val
def reset_BANG(atm,val):
atm.val = val
return atm.val
def swap_BANG(atm,f,*args):
atm.val = f(atm.val,*args)
return atm.val
ns = {
'=': types._equal_Q,
'throw': throw,
'nil?': types._nil_Q,
'true?': types._true_Q,
'false?': types._false_Q,
'symbol': types._symbol,
'symbol?': types._symbol_Q,
'pr-str': pr_str,
'str': do_str,
'prn': prn,
'println': println,
'readline': lambda prompt: mal_readline.readline(prompt),
'read-string': reader.read_str,
'slurp': lambda file: open(file).read(),
'<': lambda a,b: a<b,
'<=': lambda a,b: a<=b,
'>': lambda a,b: a>b,
'>=': lambda a,b: a>=b,
'+': lambda a,b: a+b,
'-': lambda a,b: a-b,
'*': lambda a,b: a*b,
'/': lambda a,b: int(a/b),
'time-ms': lambda : int(time.time() * 1000),
'list': types._list,
'list?': types._list_Q,
'vector': types._vector,
'vector?': types._vector_Q,
'hash-map': types._hash_map,
'map?': types._hash_map_Q,
'assoc': assoc,
'dissoc': dissoc,
'get': get,
'contains?': contains_Q,
'keys': keys,
'vals': vals,
'sequential?': types._sequential_Q,
'cons': cons,
'concat': concat,
'nth': nth,
'first': first,
'rest': rest,
'empty?': empty_Q,
'count': count,
'conj': conj,
'apply': apply,
'map': mapf,
'with-meta': with_meta,
'meta': meta,
'atom': types._atom,
'atom?': types._atom_Q,
'deref': deref,
'reset!': reset_BANG,
'swap!': swap_BANG}