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// MAL - step A - mal
// This file is automatically generated from templates/step.swift. Rather than
// editing it directly, it's probably better to edit templates/step.swift and
// regenerate this file. Otherwise, your change might be lost if/when someone
// else performs that process.
import Foundation
// The number of times EVAL has been entered recursively. We keep track of this
// so that we can protect against overrunning the stack.
var EVAL_level = 0
// The maximum number of times we let EVAL recurse before throwing an exception.
// Testing puts this at some place between 1800 and 1900. Let's keep it at 500
// for safety's sake.
let EVAL_leval_max = 500
// Control whether or not tail-call optimization (TCO) is enabled. We want it
// `true` most of the time, but may disable it for debugging purposes (it's
// easier to get a meaningful backtrace that way).
let TCO = true
// Control whether or not we emit debugging statements in EVAL.
let DEBUG_EVAL = false
let INDENT_TEMPLATE = "|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
"----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|" +
var indent = String()
let kSymbolArgv = MalSymbol(symbol: "*ARGV*")
let kSymbolCatch = MalSymbol(symbol: "catch*")
let kSymbolConcat = MalSymbol(symbol: "concat")
let kSymbolCons = MalSymbol(symbol: "cons")
let kSymbolDef = MalSymbol(symbol: "def!")
let kSymbolDefMacro = MalSymbol(symbol: "defmacro!")
let kSymbolDo = MalSymbol(symbol: "do")
let kSymbolEval = MalSymbol(symbol: "eval")
let kSymbolFunction = MalSymbol(symbol: "fn*")
let kSymbolIf = MalSymbol(symbol: "if")
let kSymbolLet = MalSymbol(symbol: "let*")
let kSymbolMacroExpand = MalSymbol(symbol: "macroexpand")
let kSymbolQuasiquote = MalSymbol(symbol: "quasiquote")
let kSymbolQuote = MalSymbol(symbol: "quote")
let kSymbolSpliceUnquote = MalSymbol(symbol: "splice-unquote")
let kSymbolUnquote = MalSymbol(symbol: "unquote")
let kSymbolTry = MalSymbol(symbol: "try*")
// Class to help control the incrementing and decrementing of EVAL_level. We
// create one of these on entry to EVAL, incrementing the level. When the
// variable goes out of scope, the object is destroyed, decrementing the level.
class EVAL_Counter {
init() {
deinit {
// Parse the string into an AST.
func READ(str: String) -> MalVal {
return read_str(str)
// Return whether or not `val` is a non-empty list.
func is_pair(val:MalVal) -> Bool {
if !is_sequence(val) { return false }
let list = val as MalSequence
return !list.isEmpty
// Expand macros for as long as the expression looks like a macro invocation.
func macroexpand(var ast:MalVal, env:Environment) -> MalVal {
while true {
if !is_list(ast) { break }
let ast_as_list = ast as MalList
if ast_as_list.isEmpty { break }
let first = ast_as_list.first()
if !is_symbol(first) { break }
let macro_name = first as MalSymbol
let obj = env.get(macro_name)
if obj == nil { break }
if !is_closure(obj!) { break }
let macro = obj! as MalClosure
if !macro.is_macro { break }
var new_env = Environment(outer: macro.env)
let rest = ast_as_list.rest()
let res = new_env.set_bindings(macro.args, with_exprs:rest)
if is_error(res) { return res }
ast = EVAL(macro.body, new_env)
return ast
// Evaluate `quasiquote`, possibly recursing in the process.
// As with quote, unquote, and splice-unquote, quasiquote takes a single
// parameter, typically a list. In the general case, this list is processed
// recursively as:
// (quasiquote (first rest...)) -> (cons (quasiquote first) (quasiquote rest))
// In the processing of the parameter passed to it, quasiquote handles three
// special cases:
// * If the parameter is an atom or an empty list, the following expression
// is formed and returned for evaluation:
// (quasiquote atom-or-empty-list) -> (quote atom-or-empty-list)
// * If the first element of the non-empty list is the symbol "unquote"
// followed by a second item, the second item is returned as-is:
// (quasiquote (unquote fred)) -> fred
// * If the first element of the non-empty list is another list containing
// the symbol "splice-unquote" followed by a list, that list is catenated
// with the quasiquoted result of the remaining items in the non-empty
// parent list:
// (quasiquote (splice-unquote list) rest...) -> (items-from-list items-from-quasiquote(rest...))
// Note the inconsistent handling between "quote" and "splice-quote". The former
// is handled when this function is handed a list that starts with "quote",
// whereas the latter is handled when this function is handled a list whose
// first element is a list that starts with "splice-quote". The handling of the
// latter is forced by the need to incorporate the results of (splice-quote
// list) with the remaining items of the list containing that splice-quote
// expression. However, it's not clear to me why the handling of "unquote" is
// not handled similarly, for consistency's sake.
func quasiquote(qq_arg:MalVal) -> MalVal {
// If the argument is an atom or empty list:
// Return: (quote <argument>)
if !is_pair(qq_arg) {
return MalList(objects: kSymbolQuote, qq_arg)
// The argument is a non-empty list -- that is (item rest...)
// If the first item from the list is a symbol and it's "unquote" -- that
// is, (unquote item ignored...):
// Return: item
let qq_list = qq_arg as MalSequence
if is_symbol(qq_list.first()) {
let sym = qq_list.first() as MalSymbol
if sym == kSymbolUnquote {
return qq_list.count >= 2 ? qq_list[1] : MalNil()
// If the first item from the list is itself a non-empty list starting with
// "splice-unquote"-- that is, ((splice-unquote item ignored...) rest...):
// Return: (concat item quasiquote(rest...))
if is_pair(qq_list.first()) {
let qq_list_item0 = qq_list.first() as MalSequence
if is_symbol(qq_list_item0.first()) {
let sym = qq_list_item0.first() as MalSymbol
if sym == kSymbolSpliceUnquote {
let result = quasiquote(qq_list.rest())
if is_error(result) { return result }
return MalList(array: [kSymbolConcat, qq_list_item0[1], result])
// General case: (item rest...):
// Return: (cons (quasiquote item) (quasiquote (rest...))
let first = quasiquote(qq_list.first())
if is_error(first) { return first }
let rest = quasiquote(qq_list.rest())
if is_error(rest) { return rest }
return MalList(objects: kSymbolCons, first, rest)
// Perform a simple evaluation of the `ast` object. If it's a symbol,
// dereference it and return its value. If it's a collection, call EVAL on all
// elements (or just the values, in the case of the hashmap). Otherwise, return
// the object unchanged.
func eval_ast(ast: MalVal, env: Environment) -> MalVal {
if is_symbol(ast) {
let symbol = ast as MalSymbol
if let val = env.get(symbol) {
return val
return MalError(message: "'\(symbol)' not found") // Specific text needed to match MAL unit tests
if is_list(ast) {
let list = ast as MalList
var result = [MalVal]()
for item in list {
let eval = EVAL(item, env)
if is_error(eval) { return eval }
return MalList(array: result)
if is_vector(ast) {
let vec = ast as MalVector
var result = [MalVal]()
for item in vec {
let eval = EVAL(item, env)
if is_error(eval) { return eval }
return MalVector(array: result)
if is_hashmap(ast) {
let hash = ast as MalHashMap
var result = [MalVal]()
result.reserveCapacity(hash.count * 2)
for (k, v) in hash {
let new_v = EVAL(v, env)
if is_error(new_v) { return new_v }
return MalHashMap(array: result)
return ast
// Walk the AST and completely evaluate it, handling macro expansions, special
// forms and function calls.
func EVAL(var ast: MalVal, var env: Environment) -> MalVal {
let x = EVAL_Counter()
if EVAL_level > EVAL_leval_max {
return MalError(message: "Recursing too many levels (> \(EVAL_leval_max))")
indent = prefix(INDENT_TEMPLATE, EVAL_level)
while true {
if is_error(ast) { return ast }
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)> \(ast)") }
// Special handling if it's a list.
if is_list(ast) {
var list = ast as MalList
ast = macroexpand(ast, env)
if !is_list(ast) { return ast }
list = ast as MalList
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)>. \(list)") }
if list.isEmpty {
return ast
let arg1 = list.first()
if is_symbol(arg1) {
let fn_symbol = arg1 as MalSymbol
// Check for special forms, where we want to check the operation
// before evaluating all of the parameters.
if fn_symbol == kSymbolDef || fn_symbol == kSymbolDefMacro {
if list.count != 3 {
return MalError(message: "expected 2 arguments to def!, got \(list.count - 1)")
let arg1 = list[1]
let arg2 = list[2]
if !is_symbol(arg1) {
return MalError(message: "expected symbol for first argument to def!")
let sym = arg1 as MalSymbol
let value = EVAL(arg2, env)
if is_error(value) { return value }
if fn_symbol == kSymbolDefMacro {
if is_closure(value) {
let as_closure = value as MalClosure
as_closure.is_macro = true
} else {
return MalError(message: "expected closure, got \(value)")
return env.set(sym, value)
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolLet {
if list.count != 3 {
return MalError(message: "expected 2 arguments to let*, got \(list.count - 1)")
let arg1 = list[1]
let arg2 = list[2]
if !is_sequence(arg1) {
return MalError(message: "expected list for first argument to let*")
let bindings = arg1 as MalSequence
if bindings.count % 2 == 1 {
return MalError(message: "expected even number of elements in bindings to let*, got \(bindings.count)")
var new_env = Environment(outer: env)
for var index = 0; index < bindings.count; index += 2 {
let binding_name = bindings[index]
let binding_value = bindings[index + 1]
if !is_symbol(binding_name) {
return MalError(message: "expected symbol for first element in binding pair")
let binding_symbol = binding_name as MalSymbol
let evaluated_value = EVAL(binding_value, new_env)
if is_error(evaluated_value) { return evaluated_value }
new_env.set(binding_symbol, evaluated_value)
if TCO {
env = new_env
ast = arg2
return EVAL(arg2, new_env)
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolDo {
if TCO {
let eval = eval_ast(MalList(slice: list[1..<list.count-1]), env)
if is_error(eval) { return eval }
ast = list.last()
let evaluated_ast = eval_ast(list.rest(), env)
if is_error(evaluated_ast) { return evaluated_ast }
let evaluated_seq = evaluated_ast as MalSequence
return evaluated_seq.last()
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolIf {
if list.count < 3 {
return MalError(message: "expected at least 2 arguments to if, got \(list.count - 1)")
let cond_result = EVAL(list[1], env)
var new_ast = MalVal()
if is_truthy(cond_result) {
new_ast = list[2]
} else if list.count == 4 {
new_ast = list[3]
} else {
return MalNil()
if TCO {
ast = new_ast
return EVAL(new_ast, env)
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolFunction {
if list.count != 3 {
return MalError(message: "expected 2 arguments to fn*, got \(list.count - 1)")
if !is_sequence(list[1]) {
return MalError(message: "expected list or vector for first argument to fn*")
return MalClosure(eval: EVAL, args:list[1] as MalSequence, body:list[2], env:env)
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolQuote {
if list.count >= 2 {
return list[1]
return MalNil()
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolQuasiquote {
if list.count >= 2 {
if TCO {
ast = quasiquote(list[1])
return EVAL(quasiquote(list[1]), env)
return MalError(message: "Expected non-nil parameter to 'quasiquote'")
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolMacroExpand {
if list.count >= 2 {
return macroexpand(list[1], env)
return MalError(message: "Expected parameter to 'macroexpand'")
} else if fn_symbol == kSymbolTry {
// This is a subset of the Clojure try/catch:
// (try* expr (catch exception-name expr))
if list.count < 2 {
println("try*: no body parameter")
return MalNil() // No body parameter
let res = EVAL(list[1], env)
if !is_error(res) { return res }
if list.count < 3 {
println("try*: no catch parameter")
return MalNil() // No catch parameter
if !is_sequence(list[2]) {
println("try*: second parameter to 'try' is not a sequence")
return MalNil() // Second parameter to 'try' is not a sequence
let catch_list = list[2] as MalSequence
if catch_list.count < 3 {
println("try*: not enough catch parameters")
return MalNil() // Not enough catch parameters
if !is_symbol(catch_list[0]) {
println("try*: first parameter in catch list is not a symbol")
return MalNil() // First parameter in catch list is not a symbol
let catch_symbol = catch_list[0] as MalSymbol
if catch_symbol != kSymbolCatch {
println("try*: first parameter in catch list is not 'catch'")
return MalNil() // First parameter in catch list is not 'catch'
if !is_symbol(catch_list[1]) {
println("try*: first parameter to 'catch' is not a symbol")
return MalNil() // First parameter to 'catch' is not a symbol
let catch_name = catch_list[1] as MalSymbol
let catch_expr = catch_list[2]
let catch_env = Environment(outer: env)
let error = res as MalError
catch_env.set_bindings(MalList(objects: catch_name), with_exprs: MalList(objects: error.value))
return EVAL(catch_expr, catch_env)
// Standard list to be applied. Evaluate all the elements first.
let eval = eval_ast(ast, env)
if is_error(eval) { return eval }
// The result had better be a list and better be non-empty.
let eval_list = eval as MalList
if eval_list.isEmpty {
return eval_list
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)>> \(eval)") }
// Get the first element of the list and execute it.
let first = eval_list.first()
let rest = eval_list.rest()
if is_builtin(first) {
let fn = first as MalBuiltin
let answer = fn.apply(rest)
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)>>> \(answer)") }
return answer
} else if is_closure(first) {
let fn = first as MalClosure
var new_env = Environment(outer: fn.env)
let result = new_env.set_bindings(fn.args, with_exprs:rest)
if is_error(result) { return result }
if TCO {
env = new_env
ast = fn.body
let answer = EVAL(fn.body, new_env)
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)>>> \(answer)") }
return answer
// The first element wasn't a function to be executed. Return an
// error saying so.
return MalError(message: "first list item does not evaluate to a function: \(first)")
// Not a list -- just evaluate and return.
let answer = eval_ast(ast, env)
if DEBUG_EVAL { println("\(indent)>>> \(answer)") }
return answer
// Convert the value into a human-readable string for printing.
func PRINT(exp: MalVal) -> String? {
if is_error(exp) { return nil }
return pr_str(exp, true)
// Perform the READ and EVAL steps. Useful for when you don't care about the
// printable result.
func RE(text: String, env: Environment) -> MalVal? {
if text.isEmpty { return nil }
let ast = READ(text)
if is_error(ast) {
println("Error parsing input: \(ast)")
return nil
let exp = EVAL(ast, env)
if is_error(exp) {
println("Error evaluating input: \(exp)")
return nil
return exp
// Perform the full READ/EVAL/PRINT, returning a printable string.
func REP(text: String, env: Environment) -> String? {
let exp = RE(text, env)
if exp == nil { return nil }
return PRINT(exp!)
// Perform the full REPL.
func REPL(env: Environment) {
while true {
if let text = _readline("user> ") {
if let output = REP(text, env) {
} else {
// Process any command line arguments. Any trailing arguments are incorporated
// into the environment. Any argument immediately after the process name is
// taken as a script to execute. If one exists, it is executed in lieu of
// running the REPL.
func process_command_line(args:[String], env:Environment) -> Bool {
var argv = MalList()
if args.count > 2 {
let args1 = args[2..<args.count]
let args2 = args1.map { MalString(unescaped: $0) as MalVal }
let args3 = [MalVal](args2)
argv = MalList(array: args3)
env.set(kSymbolArgv, argv)
if args.count > 1 {
RE("(load-file \"\(args[1])\")", env)
return false
return true
func main() {
var env = Environment(outer: nil)
RE("(def! *host-language* \"swift\")", env);
RE("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", env)
RE("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))", env)
RE("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) " +
"(throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))", env)
RE("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) " +
"`(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))", env)
env.set(kSymbolEval, MalBuiltin(function: {
unwrap($0) {
(ast:MalVal) -> MalVal in
EVAL(ast, env)
if process_command_line(Process.arguments, env) {
RE("(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language*\"]\"))", env);