mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 22:58:00 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

255 lines
6.5 KiB

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "recursion";
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use feature qw(switch);
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname (__FILE__);
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(pairs pairmap);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use readline qw(mal_readline set_rl_mode);
use types qw($nil $true $false);
use reader;
use printer;
use env;
use core;
use interop qw(pl_to_mal);
# read
sub READ {
my $str = shift;
return reader::read_str($str);
# eval
sub starts_with {
my ($ast, $sym) = @_;
return @$ast && $ast->[0]->isa('Mal::Symbol') && ${$ast->[0]} eq $sym;
sub quasiquote_loop {
my ($ast) = @_;
my $res = Mal::List->new([]);
foreach my $elt (reverse @$ast) {
if ($elt->isa('Mal::List') and starts_with($elt, 'splice-unquote')) {
$res = Mal::List->new([Mal::Symbol->new('concat'), $elt->[1], $res]);
} else {
$res = Mal::List->new([Mal::Symbol->new('cons'), quasiquote($elt), $res]);
return $res;
sub quasiquote {
my ($ast) = @_;
if ($ast->isa('Mal::Vector')) {
return Mal::List->new([Mal::Symbol->new('vec'), quasiquote_loop($ast)]);
} elsif ($ast->isa('Mal::HashMap') or $ast->isa('Mal::Symbol')) {
return Mal::List->new([Mal::Symbol->new("quote"), $ast]);
} elsif (!$ast->isa('Mal::List')) {
return $ast;
} elsif (starts_with($ast, 'unquote')) {
return $ast->[1];
} else {
return quasiquote_loop($ast);
sub is_macro_call {
my ($ast, $env) = @_;
if ($ast->isa('Mal::List') &&
$ast->[0]->isa('Mal::Symbol') &&
$env->find($ast->[0])) {
my ($f) = $env->get($ast->[0]);
return $f->isa('Mal::Macro');
return 0;
sub macroexpand {
my ($ast, $env) = @_;
while (is_macro_call($ast, $env)) {
my @args = @$ast;
my $mac = $env->get(shift @args);
$ast = &$mac(@args);
return $ast;
sub eval_ast {
my($ast, $env) = @_;
if ($ast->isa('Mal::Symbol')) {
return $env->get($ast);
} elsif ($ast->isa('Mal::Sequence')) {
return ref($ast)->new([ map { EVAL($_, $env) } @$ast ]);
} elsif ($ast->isa('Mal::HashMap')) {
return Mal::HashMap->new({ pairmap { $a => EVAL($b, $env) } %$ast });
} else {
return $ast;
sub EVAL {
my($ast, $env) = @_;
#print "EVAL: " . printer::_pr_str($ast) . "\n";
if (! $ast->isa('Mal::List')) {
goto &eval_ast;
@$ast or return $ast;
# apply list
$ast = macroexpand($ast, $env);
if (! $ast->isa('Mal::List')) {
@_ = ($ast, $env);
goto &eval_ast;
unless (@$ast) { return $ast; }
my ($a0) = @$ast;
given ($a0->isa('Mal::Symbol') ? $$a0 : $a0) {
when ('def!') {
my (undef, $sym, $val) = @$ast;
return $env->set($sym, EVAL($val, $env));
when ('let*') {
my (undef, $bindings, $body) = @$ast;
my $let_env = Mal::Env->new($env);
foreach my $pair (pairs @$bindings) {
my ($k, $v) = @$pair;
$let_env->set($k, EVAL($v, $let_env));
@_ = ($body, $let_env);
goto &EVAL;
when ('quote') {
return $ast->[1];
when ('quasiquoteexpand') {
return quasiquote($ast->[1]);
when ('quasiquote') {
@_ = (quasiquote($ast->[1]), $env);
goto &EVAL;
when ('defmacro!') {
my (undef, $sym, $val) = @$ast;
return $env->set($sym, Mal::Macro->new(EVAL($val, $env)->clone));
when ('macroexpand') {
@_ = ($ast->[1], $env);
goto &macroexpand;
when ('try*') {
my (undef, $try, $catch) = @$ast;
local $@;
my $ret = eval { EVAL($try, $env) };
return $ret unless $@;
if ($catch && ${$catch->[0]} eq 'catch*') {
my (undef, $binding, $body) = @$catch;
my $exc;
if (defined(blessed $@) && $@->isa('Mal::Type')) {
$exc = $@;
} else {
chomp(my $msg = $@);
$exc = Mal::String->new($msg);
my $catch_env = Mal::Env->new($env, [$binding], [$exc]);
@_ = ($body, $catch_env);
goto &EVAL;
} else {
die $@;
when ('do') {
my (undef, @todo) = @$ast;
my $last = pop @todo;
eval_ast(Mal::List->new(\@todo), $env);
@_ = ($last, $env);
goto &EVAL;
when ('if') {
my (undef, $if, $then, $else) = @$ast;
my $cond = EVAL($if, $env);
if ($cond eq $nil || $cond eq $false) {
@_ = ($else // $nil, $env);
} else {
@_ = ($then, $env);
goto &EVAL;
when ('fn*') {
my (undef, $params, $body) = @$ast;
return Mal::Function->new(sub {
#print "running fn*\n";
@_ = ($body, Mal::Env->new($env, $params, \@_));
goto &EVAL;
default {
@_ = @{eval_ast($ast, $env)};
my $f = shift;
goto &$f;
# print
sub PRINT {
my $exp = shift;
return printer::_pr_str($exp);
# repl
my $repl_env = Mal::Env->new();
sub REP {
my $str = shift;
return PRINT(EVAL(READ($str), $repl_env));
# core.pl: defined using perl
foreach my $n (keys %core::ns) {
$repl_env->set(Mal::Symbol->new($n), $core::ns{$n});
Mal::Function->new(sub { EVAL($_[0], $repl_env) }));
my @_argv = map {Mal::String->new($_)} @ARGV[1..$#ARGV];
$repl_env->set(Mal::Symbol->new('*ARGV*'), Mal::List->new(\@_argv));
# core.mal: defined using the language itself
REP(q[(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))]);
REP(q[(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))]);
REP(q[(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))]);
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq "--raw") {
shift @ARGV;
if (@ARGV) {
REP(qq[(load-file "$ARGV[0]")]);
exit 0;
while (1) {
my $line = mal_readline("user> ");
if (! defined $line) { last; }
do {
local $@;
my $ret;
eval {
print(REP($line), "\n");
} or do {
my $err = $@;
if (defined(blessed $err) && $err->isa('Mal::BlankException')) {
# ignore and continue
} elsif (defined(blessed $err) && $err->isa('Mal::Type')) {
print "Error: ".printer::_pr_str($err)."\n";
} else {
chomp $err;
print "Error: $err\n";