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;; Testing non-macro function
(not (= 1 1))
;;; This should fail if it is a macro
(not (= 1 2))
;; Testing trivial macros
(defmacro! one (fn* () 1))
(defmacro! two (fn* () 2))
;; Testing unless macros
(defmacro! unless (fn* (pred a b) `(if ~pred ~b ~a)))
(unless false 7 8)
(unless true 7 8)
(defmacro! unless2 (fn* (pred a b) `(if (not ~pred) ~a ~b)))
(unless2 false 7 8)
(unless2 true 7 8)
;; Testing macroexpand
(macroexpand (unless2 2 3 4))
;=>(if (not 2) 3 4)
;; Testing evaluation of macro result
(defmacro! identity (fn* (x) x))
(let* (a 123) (identity a))
;; Testing nth, first and rest functions
(nth '(1) 0)
(nth '(1 2) 1)
(def! x "x")
(def! x (nth '(1 2) 2))
(first '())
(first '(6))
(first '(7 8 9))
(rest '())
(rest '(6))
(rest '(7 8 9))
;=>(8 9)
;; Testing or macro
(or 1)
(or 1 2 3 4)
(or false 2)
(or false nil 3)
(or false nil false false nil 4)
(or false nil 3 false nil 4)
(or (or false 4))
;; Testing cond macro
(cond true 7)
(cond true 7 true 8)
(cond false 7 true 8)
(cond false 7 false 8 "else" 9)
(cond false 7 (= 2 2) 8 "else" 9)
(cond false 7 false 8 false 9)
;; Testing EVAL in let*
(let* (x (or nil "yes")) x)
;; -------- Optional Functionality --------
;; Testing nth, first, rest with vectors
(nth [1] 0)
(nth [1 2] 1)
(def! x "x")
(def! x (nth [1 2] 2))
(first [])
(first nil)
(first [10])
(first [10 11 12])
(rest [])
(rest nil)
(rest [10])
(rest [10 11 12])
;=>(11 12)
;; Testing EVAL in vector let*
(let* [x (or nil "yes")] x)
;; Loading core.mal
(load-file "../core.mal")
;; Testing -> macro
(-> 7)
(-> (list 7 8 9) first)
(-> (list 7 8 9) (first))
(-> (list 7 8 9) first (+ 7))
(-> (list 7 8 9) rest (rest) first (+ 7))
;; Testing ->> macro
(->> "L")
(->> "L" (str "A") (str "M"))
(->> [4] (concat [3]) (concat [2]) rest (concat [1]))
;=>(1 3 4)