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synced 2024-11-11 08:56:41 +03:00
398 lines
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398 lines
11 KiB
readline = require './node_readline'
{id, map, each, last, all, unique, zip, Obj, elem-index} = require 'prelude-ls'
{read_str} = require './reader'
{pr_str} = require './printer'
{Env} = require './env'
{runtime-error, ns, unpack-tco} = require './core'
{list-to-pairs} = require './utils'
defer-tco = (env, ast) ->
type: \tco
env: env
ast: ast
eval: -> eval_ast env, ast
is-thruthy = ({type, value}) ->
type != \const or value not in [\nil \false]
fmap-ast = (fn, {type, value}: ast) -->
{type: type, value: fn value}
make-symbol = (name) -> {type: \symbol, value: name}
make-list = (value) -> {type: \list, value: value}
make-call = (name, params) -> make-list [make-symbol name] ++ params
is-symbol = (ast, name) -> ast.type == \symbol and ast.value == name
eval_simple = (env, {type, value}: ast) ->
switch type
| \symbol => env.get value
| \list, \vector => ast |> fmap-ast map eval_ast env
| \map => ast |> fmap-ast Obj.map eval_ast env
| otherwise => ast
eval_ast = (env, ast) -->
if ast.type != \list
return eval_simple env, ast
ast = macroexpand env, ast
if ast.type != \list
return eval_simple env, ast
else if ast.value.length == 0
return ast
result = if ast.value[0].type == \symbol
params = ast.value[1 to]
switch ast.value[0].value
| 'def!' => eval_def env, params
| 'let*' => eval_let env, params
| 'do' => eval_do env, params
| 'if' => eval_if env, params
| 'fn*' => eval_fn env, params
| 'quote' => eval_quote env, params
| 'quasiquote' => eval_quasiquote env, params
| 'defmacro!' => eval_defmacro env, params
| 'macroexpand' => eval_macroexpand env, params
| 'try*' => eval_try env, params
| otherwise => eval_apply env, ast.value
eval_apply env, ast.value
if result.type == \tco
{env, ast} = result
return result
check_params = (name, params, expected) ->
if params.length != expected
runtime-error "'#{name}' expected #{expected} parameters,
got #{params.length}"
eval_def = (env, params) ->
check_params 'def!', params, 2
# Name is in the first parameter, and is not evaluated.
name = params[0]
if name.type != \symbol
runtime-error "expected a symbol for the first parameter
of def!, got a #{name.type}"
# Evaluate the second parameter and store
# it under name in the env.
env.set name.value, (eval_ast env, params[1])
eval_let = (env, params) ->
check_params 'let*', params, 2
binding_list = params[0]
if binding_list.type not in [\list \vector]
runtime-error "expected 1st parameter of 'let*' to
be a binding list (or vector),
got a #{binding_list.type}"
else if binding_list.value.length % 2 != 0
runtime-error "binding list of 'let*' must have an even
number of parameters"
# Make a new environment with the
# current environment as outer.
let_env = new Env env
# Evaluate all binding values in the
# new environment.
|> list-to-pairs
|> each ([binding_name, binding_value]) ->
if binding_name.type != \symbol
runtime-error "expected a symbol as binding name,
got a #{binding_name.type}"
let_env.set binding_name.value, (eval_ast let_env, binding_value)
# Defer evaluation of let* body with TCO.
defer-tco let_env, params[1]
eval_do = (env, params) ->
if params.length == 0
runtime-error "'do' expected at least one parameter"
[...rest, last-param] = params
rest |> each eval_ast env
defer-tco env, last-param
eval_if = (env, params) ->
if params.length < 2
runtime-error "'if' expected at least 2 parameters"
else if params.length > 3
runtime-error "'if' expected at most 3 parameters"
cond = eval_ast env, params[0]
if is-thruthy cond
defer-tco env, params[1]
else if params.length > 2
defer-tco env, params[2]
{type: \const, value: \nil}
eval_fn = (env, params) ->
check_params 'fn*', params, 2
if params[0].type not in [\list \vector]
runtime-error "'fn*' expected first parameter to be a list or vector."
if not all (.type == \symbol), params[0].value
runtime-error "'fn*' expected only symbols in the parameters list."
binds = params[0].value |> map (.value)
vargs = null
# Parse variadic bind.
if binds.length >= 2
[...rest, amper, name] = binds
if amper == '&' and name != '&'
binds = rest
vargs = name
if elem-index '&', binds
runtime-error "'fn*' invalid usage of variadic parameters."
if (unique binds).length != binds.length
runtime-error "'fn*' duplicate symbols in parameters list."
body = params[1]
fn_instance = (...values) ->
if not vargs and values.length != binds.length
runtime-error "function expected #{binds.length} parameters,
got #{values.length}"
else if vargs and values.length < binds.length
runtime-error "function expected at least
#{binds.length} parameters,
got #{values.length}"
# Set binds to values in the new env.
fn_env = new Env env
for [name, value] in (zip binds, values)
fn_env.set name, value
if vargs
fn_env.set vargs,
make-list values.slice binds.length
# Defer evaluation of the function body to TCO.
defer-tco fn_env, body
{type: \function, value: fn_instance, is_macro: false}
eval_apply = (env, list) ->
[fn, ...args] = list |> map eval_ast env
if fn.type != \function
runtime-error "#{fn.value} is not a function, got a #{fn.type}"
fn.value.apply env, args
eval_quote = (env, params) ->
if params.length != 1
runtime-error "quote expected 1 parameter, got #{params.length}"
is-pair = (ast) -> ast.type in [\list \vector] and ast.value.length != 0
eval_quasiquote = (env, params) ->
if params.length != 1
runtime-error "quasiquote expected 1 parameter, got #{params.length}"
ast = params[0]
new-ast = if not is-pair ast
make-call 'quote', [ast]
else if is-symbol ast.value[0], 'unquote'
else if is-pair ast.value[0] and \
is-symbol ast.value[0].value[0], 'splice-unquote'
make-call 'concat', [
make-call 'quasiquote', [make-list ast.value[1 to]]
make-call 'cons', [
make-call 'quasiquote', [ast.value[0]]
make-call 'quasiquote', [make-list ast.value[1 to]]
defer-tco env, new-ast
eval_defmacro = (env, params) ->
check_params 'def!', params, 2
# Name is in the first parameter, and is not evaluated.
name = params[0]
if name.type != \symbol
runtime-error "expected a symbol for the first parameter
of defmacro!, got a #{name.type}"
# Evaluate the second parameter.
fn = eval_ast env, params[1]
if fn.type != \function
runtime-error "expected a function for the second parameter
of defmacro!, got a #{fn.type}"
# Copy fn and mark the function as a macro.
macro_fn = fn with is_macro: true
env.set name.value, macro_fn
get-macro-fn = (env, ast) ->
if ast.type == \list and
ast.value.length != 0 and
ast.value[0].type == \symbol
fn = env.try-get ast.value[0].value
if fn and fn.type == \function and fn.is_macro
then fn
macroexpand = (env, ast) ->
loop # until ast is not a macro function call.
macro_fn = get-macro-fn env, ast
if not macro_fn then return ast
ast = unpack-tco <| macro_fn.value.apply env, ast.value[1 to]
eval_macroexpand = (env, params) ->
if params.length != 1
runtime-error "'macroexpand' expected 1 parameter,
got #{params.length}"
macroexpand env, params[0]
eval_try = (env, params) ->
if params.length != 2
runtime-error "'try*' expected 2 parameters,
got #{params.length}"
try-form = params[0]
catch-clause = params[1]
if catch-clause.type != \list or
catch-clause.value.length != 3 or
not (is-symbol catch-clause.value[0], 'catch*') or
catch-clause.value[1].type != \symbol
runtime-error "'try*' expected the second parameter to be
of the form (catch* A B)"
eval_ast env, try-form
catch error
error-symbol = catch-clause.value[1].value
error-value = \
if error.message
then {type: \string, value: error.message}
else error
catch-env = new Env env
catch-env.set error-symbol, error-value
eval_ast catch-env, catch-clause.value[2]
repl_env = new Env
for symbol, value of ns
repl_env.set symbol, value
# Evil eval.
repl_env.set 'eval', do
type: \function
value: (ast) -> eval_ast repl_env, ast # or use current env? (@ = this).
# Read, Evaluate, Print
rep = (line) ->
|> read_str
|> eval_ast repl_env
|> (ast) -> pr_str ast, print_readably=true
# Define load-file.
rep '
(def! load-file
(fn* (f)
(str "(do " (slurp f) ")")))))'
# Define cond.
rep '
(defmacro! cond
(fn* (& xs)
(if (> (count xs) 0)
(list \'if (first xs)
(if (> (count xs) 1)
(nth xs 1)
(throw "odd number of forms to cond"))
(cons \'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))'
rep '(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))'
rep '
(def! gensym
(fn* []
(str "G__"
(swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))'
rep '
(defmacro! or
(fn* (& xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(if (= 1 (count xs))
(first xs)
(let* (condvar (gensym))
`(let* (~condvar ~(first xs))
(if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))'
# Parse program arguments.
# The first two (exe and core-file) are, respectively,
# the interpreter executable (nodejs or lsc) and the
# source file being executed (stepX_*.(ls|js)).
[exe, core-file, mal-file, ...argv] = process.argv
repl_env.set '*ARGV*', do
type: \list
value: argv |> map (arg) ->
type: \string
value: arg
repl_env.set '*host-language*',
{type: \string, value: 'livescript'}
if mal-file
rep "(load-file \"#{mal-file}\")"
rep '(println (str "Mal [" *host-language* "]"))'
line = readline.readline 'user> '
break if not line? or line == ''
console.log rep line
catch {message}
console.error message