mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 10:37:58 +03:00
2016-06-12 21:40:08 -04:00

143 lines
5.1 KiB

MalCore := Object clone do(
slurp := block(a,
f := File with(a at(0))
res := f contents
f close
dissoc := block(a,
res := MalMap withMap(a at(0))
a rest foreach(k, res removeKey(k))
nth := block(a,
if(a at(1) < a at(0) size,
a at(0) at(a at(1)),
Exception raise("nth: index out of range")
conj := block(a,
coll := a at(0)
coll type switch(
MalList with(a rest reverse appendSeq(coll)),
MalVector with(coll appendSeq(a rest))
seq := block(a,
obj := a at(0)
(obj isNil) ifTrue(return(nil))
(obj type == "MalList") ifTrue(return(if(obj isEmpty, nil, obj)))
(obj type == "MalVector") ifTrue(return(if(obj isEmpty, nil, MalList with(obj))))
(obj type == "Sequence") ifTrue(
if(obj isEmpty, return(nil))
lst := list()
obj foreach(i, c, lst append(obj inclusiveSlice(i, i)))
return(MalList with(lst))
swapBang := block(a,
atom := a at(0)
newVal := a at(1) call(MalList with(list(atom val)) appendSeq(a slice(2)))
atom setVal(newVal) val
ioToMal := method(v,
(v isNil) ifTrue(return(v))
(v == true) ifTrue(return(v))
(v == false) ifTrue(return(v))
(v type == "Number") ifTrue(return(v))
(v type == "Sequence") ifTrue(return(v))
(v type == "List") ifTrue(return(MalList with(v map(e, ioToMal(e)))))
(v type == "Map") ifTrue(
lst := list()
v foreach(key, val,
lst push(key asString)
lst push(ioToMal(val))
return(MalMap withList(lst))
v asString
ioEval := block(a,
MalCore ioToMal(doString(a at(0)))
NS := Map with(
"=", block(a, a at(0) == a at(1)),
"throw", block(a, MalException with(a at(0)) raise),
"nil?", block(a, a at(0) isNil),
"true?", block(a, a at(0) == true),
"false?", block(a, a at(0) == false),
"string?", block(a, a at(0) type == "Sequence"),
"symbol", block(a, MalSymbol with(a at(0))),
"symbol?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalSymbol"),
"keyword", block(a, MalKeyword with(a at(0))),
"keyword?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalKeyword"),
"pr-str", block(a, a map(s, s malPrint(true)) join(" ")),
"str", block(a, a map(s, s malPrint(false)) join("")),
"prn", block(a, a map(s, s malPrint(true)) join(" ") println ; nil),
"println", block(a, a map(s, s malPrint(false)) join(" ") println ; nil),
"read-string", block(a, MalReader read_str(a at(0))),
"readline", block(a, MalReadline readLine(a at(0))),
"slurp", slurp,
"<", block(a, a at(0) < a at(1)),
"<=", block(a, a at(0) <= a at(1)),
">", block(a, a at(0) > a at(1)),
">=", block(a, a at(0) >= a at(1)),
"+", block(a, a at(0) + a at(1)),
"-", block(a, a at(0) - a at(1)),
"*", block(a, a at(0) * a at(1)),
"/", block(a, a at(0) / a at(1)),
"time-ms", block(a, (Date now asNumber * 1000.0) round),
"list", block(a, a),
"list?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalList"),
"vector", block(a, MalVector with(a)),
"vector?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalVector"),
"hash-map", block(a, MalMap withList(a)),
"map?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalMap"),
"assoc", block(a, MalMap withMap(a at(0) merge(MalMap withList(a rest)))),
"dissoc", dissoc,
"get", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(return nil) get(a at(1))),
"contains?", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(return nil) contains(a at(1))),
"keys", block(a, a at(0) malKeys),
"vals", block(a, a at(0) malVals),
"sequential?", block(a, if(a at(0) ?isSequential, true, false)),
"cons", block(a, MalList with(list(a at(0)) appendSeq(a at(1)))),
"concat", block(a, MalList with(a reduce(appendSeq, list()))),
"nth", nth,
"first", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(return nil) first),
"rest", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(return MalList with(list())) rest),
"empty?", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(true) isEmpty),
"count", block(a, a at(0) ifNil(return(0)) size),
"apply", block(a, a at(0) call(MalList with(a slice(1, -1) appendSeq(a last)))),
"map", block(a, MalList with(a at(1) map(e, a at(0) call(MalList with(list(e)))))),
"conj", conj,
"seq", seq,
"meta", block(a, a at(0) ?meta),
"with-meta", block(a, a at(0) clone setMeta(a at(1))),
"atom", block(a, MalAtom with(a at(0))),
"atom?", block(a, a at(0) type == "MalAtom"),
"deref", block(a, a at(0) val),
"reset!", block(a, a at(0) setVal(a at(1)) ; a at(1)),
"swap!", swapBang,
"io-eval", ioEval